Owen Sparks
"I'm the spark of light in the darkness. The AWE title is as good as mine!"

5'9" - 198lbs | 1 Year of Experience
|Birth Name|» Ian Owen Hamilton
|Hails From| » Cincinnati, Ohio
» September 14th, 1998 (19)
|Fighting Style|» Since he really has only just begun, Owen hasn't developed a broad moveset, but is leaning towards a risk-taking grappler/high flier, with little time for technical/brawling styles. Owen isn't what one would call a polished or magnificent wrestler, but he shows promise in the moves he can do well. Before entering his angle with Zachary Wake, Owen was very much a "Five Moves of Doom" type wrestler, and since the story has started, Wake has been helping Owen to expand his moves.
|Signature Moves|» Flying Cross Body
» Step-Up Enziguri (Usually as the opponent is standing on a turnbuckle)
» Bridging German Suplex (To pin)
» Still growing, so a fourth move will come eventually.
|Finisher|» Shock Sparker (Monkey Flip into Crossface)
» Sparkling Brilliance (Swinging Backbreaker into Standing Backsault)
Mmm, Electric Guitars|Gimmick|» Owen is the happy-go-lucky new babyface, both in-character and out, really. He is excited to be wrestling in any promotion, and shows great promise. He adds a new move to his arsenal every match, and is meant to portray a growing and changing wrestler-in-training. However, though he is a face, Sparks has recently become the apprentice to Zachary Wake, a heel who doesn't mind cheating to win. And it seems like Owen may soon adopt his teacher's philosophy in an attempt to stop his shaky win:loss ratio.
He's still developing his skills on the mic, but like all young wrestlers, he has some semblance of a natural charisma that is being pushed to be honed through promos either just before or after his matches.
|Face or Heel|» Babyface
|Backstage Rep|» Since he is relatively new to AWE Ian hasn't build himself a reputation quite yet. As such, only a few wrestlers really know Ian, and can put up with his slightly cocky attitude. He knows he isn't the best as that is just ignorant, but knows that he was picked up by AWE after only 1 year in the business meaning that the scouters either overestimated his talents, or they know that he has a lot of room to grow. Ian likes to believe it's the latter.
Regardless of wrestling talent, Ian is loyal to his close buddies, and is constantly trying to improve himself - both physically and mentally - through the help of those friends. He recognizes that there is a lot to be improved about himself, but can't pinpoint those problems by himself. As such, he often finds himself being arrogant to others, and potentially racist at times if he isn't careful.
Despite these flaws, there's a reason Ian nails the happy-go-lucky gimmick: It still comes to him naturally.
|Other|» Owen Sparks is currently participating in an angle/feud with Zachary Wake in an attempt to help get Owen over with the crowd, by having Owen have a moral conflict between doing what's right, and doing what needs to be done for him to win. Zachary is trying to persuade Owen to cheat so he can get his wins up.
» Nickname(s): The Spark of Brilliance
» Face Claim: George Blagden