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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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@Jangel13First thing is first. You said you made changes. I don't know if you edited and it didn't save. I don't know if you reposted something. But I'm not seeing the changes you made. So, can you repost, maybe bold the changes? Sorry if I'm being difficult. But for the life of me I'm not noticing any change that stands out.

@SukuYou can move Rin/Elizabeth to the Character tab if you're done with her. Not gonna lie, you might end up a Co-GM. Hmmm Don't have a queen yet, but I'm not sure that would be your character. Regardless, no saying I NEED a queen. Not yet anyway.

@Polaris NorthAlright, a couple of things.
First, his skill set. I believe even as a fast learner, that would likely only apply to basics, and even then, knowing various elements might be a bit much for him right now. I like the dark light, because obviously, its a Fallen Angel thing. I like the ice. It's a bit of a stark contrast in some ways.
Secondly, he is described by unmotivated. Based on his history and his actively seeking revenge, this is a bit of a contradiction.
Overall, just based on his past and his seeking vengeance, he doesn't seem like the type who'd be unmotivated. At least not in the way you described. Regardless, that's more about wording. My point is more so on the elemental magic. Just sticking to ice and the dark light, with his mastery and the weakness he has for using up magic combining them, he probably doesn't need the other elements just for now.

@Rune_AlchemistAlright, on to the fox. So, I like the character, understand just about everything completely. I would accept no problem, however, you did raise the thought of changing her. So, I would probably need to wait for that. However, I can answer some of your questions so you can move forward. I'm going to assume the tails for DxD are power related. Even so, for the RP, It think it's more symbolic. You can gain more tails throughout, whether through training or a character developing moment or whatever. If you want we can plan a few instances that could potentially lead to her being able to utilize another tail. So, get back to me on any changes or whatever, add her tails/how many to the CS and let me know.

@SpannerSo, again, I like the character. It is somewhat interesting to see how he would interact and grow. Would he come to respect the king? But even so, my interest needs to be stomped out and I need to be objective. I think, he's so freaking powerful. Like he could merc an entire rival family. His raw strength without magical aid is up there. I know he's a dragon but there is no way he matured enough to be on such a level. Additionally, he's such a cocky jerk, I don't think he would learn the magic or use anything apart from his inherited dragon power. And even if he did, why would he? He had potential to be a tank with out it. I know this is him nerfed, but he's hardly much worse for wear when he can reach High Class Devil feats w/o his other abilities.

I think you may need to down play his strength a bit. Mid class is even fine. High Class when you're using the upgrade ability of a pawn to enhance the strength. Above High Class, but not quite Ultimate Class devil in outrage mode. I'm all for having a dragon merc, but come on. As he is, save for fighting a god, or a super devil, nothing could stop him. I don't wanna just jump into the huge shit. Sorry if I seem like a douche... Really am. Finally, evil pieces. Even though you are the offspring of a dragon king... I think 4 pawn pieces. One is a Mutation piece, with the potential of the others mutating as well. Thoughts? Do we need to hash things out? Is anything I'm saying outrageous? I'm sorry if it is, but again, he's so freakin powerful. I'm honestly not 100% sure he wouldn't betray us. Dammit Gilgamesh... A dick everywhere.

@TheHangedManPlease don't take this the wrong way.
I'm calling bullshit on the Senjutsu. Yes he can have talent, yes he can probably pick some basic things up. To be as good as you describe, without EVER receiving any formal training... It's too easy. He's already a battle maniac, developing his own style, lived through more shit than a typical 17 year old would. But we gotta be clear. He is still human. I'm sure when he did come into the peerage, and the events leading up to that, he'd probably already be cooler and more willing to listen than the dragon, but still. He's a human. Also, does the sacred gear need to be dragon origin? It that for possible scale mail armor? It's honestly not bad, just a double in power. But the biggest is the senjutsu. Especially when an amateur, someone unskilled or untaught, would begin to be corrupted by the malice and ill will of his/her surroundings. I'm not saying the senjutsu is bad. Not even saying get rid of it. Just saying tone it down. You can learn to use it properly in the story from a teacher if you want. Can be good character development and training. But as it is, it's kind of like Sieg. He's too powerful and too skilled. Gotta be downsized a bit.

Alright, now hopefully I wasn't too much of a dick. I wanted to give each character the time and thought it deserved. I'm going to make a Discord so you can all message me and we don't necessarily need to wait for me to get online and check the guild. Also, app on phone. Sometimes easier. You know.

Additionally... I'm rethinking Tsumiki. Partially because by comparison now he seems pretty weak, not just in some points, but all around. So I might add/edit your king later, of course within reason because my plan is for his primary growth to occur in game. Now questions, statements, proclamations, incantations? Anything you wanna say? Complain about? Discuss? Lemme know.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Please don't take this the wrong way. I'm calling bullshit on the Senjutsu. Yes he can have talent, yes he can probably pick some basic things up. To be as good as you describe, without EVER receiving any formal training... It's too easy. He's already a battle maniac, developing his own style, lived through more shit than a typical 17 year old would. But we gotta be clear. He is still human. I'm sure when he did come into the peerage, and the events leading up to that, he'd probably already be cooler and more willing to listen than the dragon, but still. He's a human. Also, does the sacred gear need to be dragon origin? It that for possible scale mail armor? It's honestly not bad, just a double in power. But the biggest is the senjutsu. Especially when an amateur, someone unskilled or untaught, would begin to be corrupted by the malice and ill will of his/her surroundings. I'm not saying the senjutsu is bad. Not even saying get rid of it. Just saying tone it down. You can learn to use it properly in the story from a teacher if you want. Can be good character development and training. But as it is, it's kind of like Sieg. He's too powerful and too skilled. Gotta be downsized a bit.

I'm not sure what you're comparing him with that makes him seem powerful - at this point he's only around the level of say, Yuuto post-Excalibur arc; he can use Senjutsu, but that doesn't make him competent - he's talented in that he learned without formal training, but that doesn't mean he's actually good at it. It's comparable to someone who's naturally good at boxing, despite never having been taught. This is evident by the fact that he doesn't have any ranged methods of attack yet - actual Senjutsu practitioners should be able to launch their ki from a distance, whereas Ryuunosuke has no such means of compensating against an enemy from a distance.

TL;DR what he's doing is simply grasping at the roots of Senjutsu, he's by no means a master or even close to it.

As for Twice Critical, it's a very common reoccurring Sacred Gear, and judging from how Raynare acted, not a very impressive one. I chose that based on that assumption, since it wouldn't make sense for an exorcist to just pick up a kid for no reason, but at the same time I didn't want an OP Sacred gear.

Does that explanation make sense?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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@TheHangedManI think it's primarily the wording. It makes it seem as though he is good at it with no form of training. So we're basically on the same page. Maybe just add a bit of the explanation you just gave to the CS to clear that up and we'll be all well and good. Again, sorry if I seemed jerky. I really do like all the characters as I'm looking them over.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@Demon Shinobi In hindsight, the I probably shouldn't have copy-pasted the explanation of Senjutsu from the wiki ; and don't worry, you don't seem like a jerk at all (just an ass I'm kidding!) it's the GM's prerogative to make sure that everyone is on the same page, so you just keep doing what you do.

After I make the edits, do I post him in the CS?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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@TheHangedManMake the edits and I'll give him another look over in the morning with fresh-er eyes. Just to be sure on my part.

I say that, cause well... Gonna go to sleep.
^^^But I'm leaving this link.
If I ever can't be reached through the guild, or you want relatively quicker answers, you can use the Discord. I have the App so I'll just about always have access to it unlike the guild which I may not always be able to check.
Anyway, Night.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@Demon Shinobi Edits are done. Separated the explanation of Senjutsu and what he can actually do to make it less confusing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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@Demon Shinobi

I didn't make any major changes you would need to read through it. Like I said his new class is bishop. I added to skills that he can do the basic magic of his kind like create fog. Then in weaknesses I changed one to frail
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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@Demon Shinobi

Got it, I'll just stick with ice and dark light. Was kind of seeing how far I can push it so it's fine with me. As for the unmotivated part, I'll change it up a bit so it doesn't seem too contradicting. What I meant to point out there was, outside those he likes to do and his revenge, he's just generally lazy. I shall get back to you once I have made the edits.

And done.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spanner
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Spanner Patron Saint of spitting on the poor

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@Demon Shinobi

Truth being said, the only thing he has at the level of a high class devil is his physical prowess (Thus "barely reaches"), as he would mostly be unable to effectively damage a high class devil with pretty much anything else, as his abilities are hardly useful against stronger devils at this level. Still, I suppose I can nerf him down a bit more. That being said, I can't really understand you complaint about magic, as most of his magic-like abilities (Golden Aura, curse and treasure shining)) are abilities directly inherited from Fafnir and the sole magical ability externally learned is Dragon Gate, that is kind of necessary for any Dragon but hardly useful when his capacity of using magic is restricted by a curse.

About his strength and outrage, I'm fine with making clear in the cs that his magic-like abilities are around the mid-class but his physical abilities are a no go. I can, instead, lower his physical abilities to the average of a high-class rook without the promotion and I'm fine with nerfing outrage to put him above high-class but under the supreme class, to make it a bit more fair, but anything under that is kind of too much. I mean, he's a fucking Dragon, supposed to be a cheat-like existence. About the pieces, that was quite the headache for me too, as I don't know if they would consider his original power level - requiring more pieces and mutated pieces - or would consider his curse. In the end I kind of imagined that it would be the first, as his power is still part of him even if he can't use all of it. That being said, deciding the number of pieces was still a bother as he was originally a Queen, so I'm fine with settling with four with a single mutated piece, as even if he does recover his power it would be fine just mutating the others.

P.s. He wouldn't betray you, you saved his precious life... No, wait, maybe if a nice treasure was involved he could betray you a little...
Still, he isn't dickish like the original Gilgamesh, just... Free-Will, bitches!

P.s. Part 2: If you're really thinking of changing Tsumiki, I'd recommend using Belial's clan. Their unique ability is so freaking OP that it even hurts, turning anything the other party uses worthless as long as they retain enough power to do so.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Alright guys, so far it seems the biggest problem over all has been the separation between what can be done with the abilities of the character and what the character can actually do. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but I do prefer the distinction cause it's pretty big. It's the difference between and op jerk and acharacter who will develop over time. Admittedly I have become a bit more critical after becoming a writing tutor at my school... so many papers XD

Still, individually:

@TheHangedManim sure it's fine but gimme some time to go over and I'll let you know when to move it to the Cs tab.

@Jangel13alright, so like suku you can move it over. Make sure everything is in order and then in just waiting for the roleplay to start.

@Polaris Northalright so you'll let me know once you're done for another look over or are you already done? Just making sure here.

@Spannersorry again it's just the distinction. It's like you have these potentially op skills and then just having the magic there. It's primarily the wording. And also because as I stated my knowledge is lacking a bit and I end up having to research.

Just make the distinctions between potential skill and actual. If he's only up there in terms of physical strength that's fine for me. And since he IS a dragon, although not on the red dragon emperor technically, I can bump it up to five and one mutated piece. Andthe others will likely mutate as he moves along. Depending on the remainder of the class though I MAY have to bump you to queen since he is for now potentially the strongest/most balanced.

But I like him as a pawn too. A real ringer.

Additionally, I think if you guys have time we can also use discord for collaboration on posts in some areas because there is a chance titan pad will be shutting down soon and I don't know many sites like it. There is also google docs but like... come on... and pm is fine but it takes a while you know?

I won't be on too much more until later today so if you have something to say or discuss hit me up their.

Finally, any suggestions on how I could make tsumiki and better more respectable and powerful king?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@Demon Shinobi
If you're really thinking of changing Tsumiki, I'd recommend using Belial's clan. Their unique ability is so freaking OP that it even hurts, turning anything the other party uses worthless as long as they retain enough power to do so.

On that note, I actually think that Tsukimi is just fine as he is. In terms of strength, the only one decisively stronger than he is Siegfried. Everyone else has their own strength and abilities, but they all have a caveat of some sort.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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@Demon Shinobi

Yep, I'm done.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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@Demon Shinobi Alright changed her up a bit! Just some skills in regards to her strengths, personality, and history a bit.

And if you like the other version better, just say so. I don't really care either way, I'll have fun with either of these versions xD

And if you need a Queen, I might as well say I wouldn't mind bumping this version of Kohana up from Knight, if you want. I think it'd suit this personality better than her more delinquent one, at least. Would have to re-work her strengths and weaknesses a bit again, but that's not a problem.

As well, I'd agree with Hanged. I think Tsumiki is fine as he is to be honest.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spanner
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Spanner Patron Saint of spitting on the poor

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@Demon Shinobi
<Snipped quote by Spanner>

On that note, I actually think that Tsukimi is just fine as he is. In terms of strength, the only one decisively stronger than he is Siegfried. Everyone else has their own strength and abilities, but they all have a caveat of some sort.

Truth being said, I actually think the same. Even Siegfried isn't necessarily stronger than him as long as he maintains some distance, as while he could endure quite the amount of beating against his offensive magic he would still be somehow defenseless against his illusions.

P.s. @Rune_Alchemist I'm totally wanting to make Sieg attempt to pet Kohana just for the lols now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Spanner
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Spanner Patron Saint of spitting on the poor

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@Spannersorry again it's just the distinction. It's like you have these potentially op skills and then just having the magic there. It's primarily the wording. And also because as I stated my knowledge is lacking a bit and I end up having to research.

Just make the distinctions between potential skill and actual. If he's only up there in terms of physical strength that's fine for me. And since he IS a dragon, although not on the red dragon emperor technically, I can bump it up to five and one mutated piece. Andthe others will likely mutate as he moves along. Depending on the remainder of the class though I MAY have to bump you to queen since he is for now potentially the strongest/most balanced.

But I like him as a pawn too. A real ringer.

Well, I'm pretty much done with editing the sheet for now and adapted his magic skills to be more mid-class-ish and nerf his physical skills a bit. As for changing him into a Queen, it would actually make him a bit more OP as he would have the bonus in power from the piece. That being said, if you find that he's fitting for the position, I'd hardly complain.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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So kind to your king... I'm still gonna develop his magic. Using begins as inspiration. I've got some arc ideas in mind, which I'm probably gonna put in the discord cause I can't do too much more from my phone on the site right now.

I'm thinking Kohana might be good for queen. And I like the dragon as a pawn. Partially because he gets the upgrade ability. And partially because the stigma that a pawn should be weak or expendable, even though none are expendable to tsumiki. If you have arc ideas I also believe sorting the discord would be best for quick and easy discussion.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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@Demon Shinobi

I'm getting excited, I can't wait for us to start and I can give my vampire a chance to show his fangs
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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@TheHangedMan@Polaris North@Spanner
Alright, so I'm glad you guys more followed my thoughts and bared with me. I think just dealing with me is good. So, go ahead and move your characters to the character Tab and I'll probably start thinking about moving forward and starting. I am still waiting for one more bud. Regardless.

Yeah, I like the idea of Kohana as a Queen. lol Drunken queen. XD So just make edits you might need to and let me know how that goes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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@Demon Shinobi

Drunken queen that will smack people that annoy her with the end of her glaive for giggles xD

But yeah, I think that's the best I can do. It's kind of hard to really balance something that basically has all the benefits of the other pieces, and none of the drawbacks. Well, any that couldn't be corrected in time and a little bit of encouragement at least xD

Petting Kohana is a terrible idea.

He should do it
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Haha that's all good.
You can go ahead and move her over.
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