Name: Akira Togami
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Arcana: Death
Equipment: N/A
Skills: Fast learner, talented musician and kendōka
Personality: Once filled with youthful vigor, Akira has been a shadow of his former self ever since he entered high school. These days, he can barely seem to look his classmates in the eyes or so much as hold up a conversation with them, coming off as perpetually timid. He’s an extraordinary talent regarding scholastics and is regarded highly for his intellect among the teachers. All the same, there is a very thick line between he and his classmates. He is almost universally known as “that one weird guy” who keeps to himself all the time, including during club meetings. His former friends abandoned him, knowing full well what had sparked this sudden change, but having no idea how they could help him cope. All they knew was one thing. The once extroverted and charismatic boy they once knew has long since been replaced with the spineless borderline hermit they see today. He can usually be seen by himself either reading or jogging by his lonesome after school.
Biography: A Hafu born of a white mother and Japanese father, Akira, for a long time, embraced both aspects of his parents’ heritage with open arms. He was often shipped from Japan to America and vice versa, giving him fluency with both languages. He would love showing his friends the souvenirs he would get from his father whenever he was allowed to tag along during the summers—which started when he was around 10. All this traveling around together would allow them to forge a nearly unbreakable bond with one another and is the primary reason Akira’s idolization of his father was formed in his mind. He worked hard to emulate his father and studied until his brain felt as if it would explode. He strived to make the man proud, a desire that would come right back to bite him in the ass.
The relationship between Akira’s parents was strained for quite some time. His mother had left her friends and family behind all for the sake of his father. Said father had the work ethic one would expect of such a high ranking Japanese businessman and was thus expected to work far beyond the already strenuous hours a typical worker was expected to dedicate to his job. For hours at time, Akira would hear them bicker and bicker until he wanted nothing more than to tear his own ears off. He loved them both dearly, but the constant, emotionally draining yelling sessions they had would take their toll on him. Eventually, he learned to tune them out as pure background noise.
When his father took him out to New York for a week long trip—mainly to celebrate his 14th birthday and get both of their minds out of the incessant squabbling back at home—he noticed something very strange while his father was showering in their hotel room. He was getting texts from a woman named “Maria”, promiscuous ones at that. Every fiber of his body wanted to burn away the fact that his father could be having an affair away from his mind. And he did. He rationalized to hell and back to justify all of his father’s actions. Surely he must have been misinterpreting the text messages. Surely his father’s claim that he would be out for a short walk around the city to clear his mind were completely true. He was just being paranoid; his father would never ever resort to being unfaithful.
Soon he would learn that life had a way of biting the people who ignored it right back in the ass.
One day, their bickering was at its boiling point. Accusations of cheating and demands that his mother shut the hell up filled the room, he could hear things being flung through the air. Kitchen appliances, chairs, knives—you name it. After several moments of stunned silence, Akira rushed to report the incident to the police in hopes of finding some form of resolution. Just then, the noise quieted down as it always did. His father was silent, while his mother was bawling her eyes out. Slowly but surely he went down to check out the cause of his father’s silence and his mother’s wailing. His heart stopped when he saw his father laying on the floor with a knife in his chest and bruises surrounding his body.
The police showed up right on time to apprehend her and just like that he was without parents.
His parents had left him a sizable amount of money and his uncle had taken him in, so neither home nor funds to continue his education were of any issue. But the scars he still has from the shame and guilt of his silence have stuck with him to this day.
Name: Vāyu
Traits: N/A
-Reflects: N/A
-Absorbs (is healed from): N/A
-Void : N/A
-Resist: N/A
-Weak: N/A
Abilities/Skills: -Allows for Fusion Spells
-Skill Mutation: Makes it possible for Persona users to change into skills of differing elements around the same general power level. I.E. Agi to Zio. Mutations last only for the battle they are used.