These Dark Stars
A Feudal Space Roleplay
Alliance | Betrayal | Treaty | Sabotage
It is the 12th Millennium since galactic pacification, the era of the Darkstar by the Imperial Calendar...
You are a feudal Lord in service to the Emperor Reva Xem III. Long has the sword of the Imperial Arm hovered over your neck, long have you scraped at his feet for Imperial favor-more planets to add to your dominion, more weapons and ships. The era of the Darkstar is upon us, and certain Seers & Mystics have prophesied that the end of the Empire is at hand...Lords have risen to oppose the might of the Imperial Forces. Many more have condemned these flagrant and foolhardy traitors, either reaffirming their allegiance to House Xem or surreptitiously awaiting a more proper time to strike...

The Divine Emperor Reva Xem III
The halls of the Imperial Palace glistened with the blood of those men still loyal to his brother. Prince Reva Xem stepped cautiously over the bodies, limbs blackened by pulse-beams and severed by vibro-blades. He paused, drew his pistol and leveled it at the head of a still breathing man.
"Oh, it's you," said Xem. His brother lay prone on the marble floor. A perfectly circular hole had been opened in the chest of his flak jacket, and his crown lay a few feet from the dying man's body.
"Gods, I thought you would have fled dear brother. Really, I would have exiled you-Pity." Shaking his head, Xem fired his pistol and became Emperor of the Galaxy.
"Oh, it's you," said Xem. His brother lay prone on the marble floor. A perfectly circular hole had been opened in the chest of his flak jacket, and his crown lay a few feet from the dying man's body.
"Gods, I thought you would have fled dear brother. Really, I would have exiled you-Pity." Shaking his head, Xem fired his pistol and became Emperor of the Galaxy.
Meta // Game Notes
Welcome to These Dark Stars. This is an open-galaxy free form sort of roleplay that will always be open to new players to create new lore, characters and canon. I am not seeking the role of 'GM' specifically as I want this to be more in the spirit of collaborative fiction writing. I only want to provide some background and setting information for players to use as they wish.
Having said that, I will be playing the role of Emperor Reva Xem III at the start of the game. If you are interested in taking over the role at some point, send me a PM.
I'm also asking quite a bit more of participants in this roleplay in that you can control an entire feudal kingdom. Your responsible for creating plot threads and keeping up with other players stories as well. If you want to drop in for just a few posts, that's fine too, but anything you create will be available to other players to use as they wish-short of killing off characters or other major plot manipulations. Here are some basic guidelines for keeping things nice and orderly: