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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan Chideta
23/7/15, Seto: The First Step- Fields Trails

Ryan moved beside Sato, watching Samuru rush the Shadows as they were... picnicking? Also these Shadows looked super weird. There were two Unicorns and a giant starfish with a Cyclops eye. They claimed they were having a picnic and Ryan was beginning to tune them out when a Unicorn shot off a Zionga at them.

Samuru attempted to negotiate with them, which really said a lot about both him and Ryan considering he was about to just let loose with a Garudyne and eviscerate them. Negotiation failed and Samuru let loose with Deathbound, shredding the Decarabia. Samuru was really trying to let them go, but the time for talk was over.

"Come on out, Geraint!" As Ryan crushed his Persona card and pointed at one of the Unicorns, a regal figure dressed entirely in white and gold wielding a massive blade of energy appeared above him, his wings splayed out in full glory. Geraint flapped it's wings hard and a small tornado formed around one of the Unicorns, tearing it apart within seconds. Dyne spells are very strong apparently.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 11 days ago

Mako Moritomi//Seto, Hyuga, The First Step - Fields Trail, Hut

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Mako clenched his fists tightly as they began to move in on their targets. It would be good to get some exercise, no matter what the subject of his ire would end up being. He did raise an eyebrow, however, as they approached, and the Shadows took on forms that he hadn't seen before. Odd. How many varieties of Shadow were there? These ones could even talk! Not that that meant much- his own Shadow could speak, too, and... well... that was a nightmare.

He stepped forward, weapons at the ready, when New Guy decided to try and reason with the Shadows. While a novel concept, it was ultimately pointless- the Shadows began mobbing the rookie, trying the damnedest to rip him apart. Thank the gods his Persona seemed designed to tank hits. New Guy eventually got the hint, calling forth his Persona to slash at the enemies, killing one instantly. Ryan summoned his own Persona, looking far more glorious than before (he'd mentioned it had changed, but damn- that was impressive) and annihilated one of the remaining two with a wind spell. Mako grinned. My turn. An ethereal Tarot card appeared before him briefly, before being slashed into shards by his hatchet, calling forth Israfil in a roar of energy.

"Let's go, Israfil! Freeze 'em!" Israfil stabbed forth with its trumpet-lance, calling forth a Bufudyne, causing crystalline branches of ice to erupt forth underneath the third and final Shadow, impaling it and killing it nigh-instantly. Satisfied, Mako turned toward the new kid as Israfil faded away.

"Look, guy. I realize you may have thought what you did was a good idea, but these things? They don't negotiate. They can talk sometimes, sure, but either they're trying to kill you, or beat an epiphany out of you. There's no middle ground. So if you try to make nice with the solidified dark urges again, I'm gonna slap you upside the head. Understand?" With that, he turned to his other two companions, shrugging his shoulders.

"Well... that was painfully easy. Shall we check and see what's in the hut?"

@Sen@Letter Bee@floodtalon
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Takaru
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Takaru Witting Instigator of Doom

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kotori Shirohane - Abandoned Warehouse | Thursday

If one had watched Kotori's facial expressions, one could have easily followed along with the book she was reading - the small shifts gave away what parts she reached. The smile widened ever so slightly when the the story's main character met with her destined one, a small frown revealed the exact moment that the inevitable rival appeared whilst a slight arcing of the eyebrow indicated a slight plot hole - though one she was willing to overlook if it meant that the story could come together in a happy ending.

However, before she could confirm her overwhelmingly likely suspicion a voice managed to break her intent focus on the book in her hands. Though it took her more than a second to tear herself away from the pages after the unfamiliar sound occurred, Kotori did finally look up and peered through her glasses at the source of it. Her eyes widened in surprise when she traced it back to a certain blue-haired girl who had just entered the warehouse - though as it seemed, she wasn't the only one. Her words hadn't been addressed at Kotori but rather at Rui, who turned to greet her in turn - and whose appearance had somehow completely slipped her attention.

Not only that, but so too did Kaminari and even Tadao and Kazuki as well. A surprised-sounding "Ah" was quick to escape Kotori's lips as she hastily closed her book and scrambled to her feet; more than a little flustered at somehow having gotten so engrossed into a silly story that she hadn't even noticed other people arriving. As Rui was asking the newly-arrived girl - who was the same that they'd rescued from Seto just yesterday and who'd been present at the Velvet Room along with all the others - if she was willing to join their by now no longer small group, Kotori slowed her pace so as to not just barge into the conversation; giving a small bow in greeting to the others as she passed by them with a wryly apologetic look for not having done so sooner.

Standing slightly aside and still clutching the book in her hands, Kotori waited for the girl to first answer Rui's question before she would step forward and greet the two with another bow. "Uhm, good day," she said, glancing between the two - and only belatedly realising that it would be rather rude to speak to someone without introducing herself first. "Ah, I-I'm Kotori Shirohane," she quickly said with another small bow before remembering that there was the matter of the warehouse's interior decoration to bring up - though that topic certainly could wait until the blue-haired girl was brought up to speed on the exact nature of this undertaking.

Even whilst Kotori idly wondered about the particular shade that the other girl's hair held, she had yet to actually notice that the unspoken matter had, in fact, already been mostly resolved all the while she'd been focused on her reading.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Seto - Hyuga, The First Step - Fields Trail, Hut

@floodtalon@EnterTheHero@Sen@Letter Bee

With the triumphant victory over those shadows, whatever was in the hut was theirs to take. Upon entering the inside looked like it hadn't been touched in years, even in this metaphysical universe the party coughed as they opened it up, revealing an old and decrepit chest. As soon as they open it there were a set of identical cards, they seemed insignificant, some treasure this was, just a bunch of cards, but as soon as they picked it up they could feel a strange power emanating from them, despite it merely being an illustration, they were able to understand it's meaning, "Rakunda". A rather standard skill it seems.

Well, with that picked up, all that was left was the bridge. The big shadow was blocking the way, as the party exit the hut they could spot Zeke circling above, awaiting orders to give support. Regardless, their next goal was clear.

Card Collection
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sato watched as Mako and Ryan decimated the two Unicorns with their magic, a torrent of winds and a grave of ice tearing the shadows into nothing but a mist of glass and darkness. Though, Sato had to admit that Ryan's new persona was the star of the show, brilliant wings radiating an indignant holiness as it summoned a windstorm. He'd never even considered the idea that their personas could evolve like that... But if they're reflections of your psyche or something, wouldn't that require a drastic shift in paradigm? What had evoked such a change in Ryan? That was probably too personal to ask, so Sato opted to ignore it for now and he walked over to the others. Mako seemed to be berating Samuru for trying to foolishly negotiate with the shadows.

"Don't be too harsh on him, these shadows are unusually sentient contrary to what we've seen before." Sato said to Mako, though he gave a scolding look to Samuru as well. "You're fortunate that these shadows weren't very strong. I understand what you were trying to do, but from here on out, you can't hesitate in this world. No matter how strong you are, we have to be careful at all turns." Sato rolled his neck, turning back towards the hut they've found. "Either way, I agree-- let's go check out what they seemed to be defending."

Sato walked over to the front door of the shack and tried the handle. The metal on the lock seemed to be so unkempt that the whole door didn't seem to work, so he gave it a hard push with his shoulder and it basically collapsed in on itself. The force of blow sent a hurricane of dust at the party, making it impossible to breath or see for a few moments. Once the dust clear, the group stepped into the hut and looked around. It seemed to be pretty much empty besides a sole chest resting in the middle of it. They had no incentive to not open it, so he cracked it open and looked at the only thing inside: a small stack of cards.

"They're just cards...?" Sato muttered. Who would just put a couple cards in a chest and nothing else? A little confused, he drew a card from the top of the deck and looked at it. Upon seeing the illustration on the front of the card, though, Sato felt a sharp jolt in the back of his head. A new understand flooded into his mind: whatever it was, these cards granted them new abilities. As the others each drew a card, Sato slid the card into his pocket (which, similar to the Velvet Key, seemed to disappear into the ether once out of sight) and turned towards the others. "Did you guys feel that too? It feels like my Persona was granted a new power through these cards..."

> Chronos learned "Rakunda"!

With that done, the group exited the dusty hut and looked on at the second challenge they had to face. The large shadow guarding the bridge watched them back eerily, as if waiting for them. There didn't seem to be any other good way to go, so there was only one route of action... Zeke screeched above them, as if to let them know that it was ready to help at a moment's notice.

"Should we open with Zeke's carpet bombing, ability... thing, or should we save it for when we really need it?" Sato asked, watching the hawk circle them above. He drew his bow as they waited to initiate battle with the big shadow.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 11 days ago

Mako Moritomi//Seto, Hyuga, The First Step - Fields Trail, Hut

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Mako had to admit- he was expecting perhaps a little more of a reward from this endeavor. Sure, those Shadows were pretty easy to deal with, but that was probably only because all of them were so powerful in the first place- maybe. He actually wasn't certain how powerful they were in comparison to others, but he was certain it was at least substantial. Regardless, such thoughts were off-topic- they had rewards to dole out, such as they were. And they were...

"...Cards?" echoed Mako, incredulous. "Seriously?" Something of a downer, if he was being honest. Oh, well. This was some weird fantasy world; maybe they did something interesting here? He took the card proffered to him and turned it over, glancing at the illustration on the other side. He shivered as he felt something well up within him as he looked, some new power. He exhaled as he went over his newfound understanding of the cards. Rakunda... a defense-decreasing skill? But I already have something like that. Not to mention better... He was probably being too harsh. Debilitate was a hard skill to match, and they were only a short way into Seto at the moment. Perhaps there were better rewards deeper in.

"We should keep an eye out for more of these," he remarked to his allies, indicating the card. "We may not have gotten anything too impressive this time around, but I'd be willing to bet that there are cards with more oomph to them."

With that, they continued on their way, in the direction of the larger Shadow. Mako's attention was grabbed by movement from above- Zeke, probably, waiting to provide fire support.

"I think we should save it," said Mako, assessing the situation. "Depending on how powerful this Shadow is, I don't want to waste too many of our abilities on something that isn't worth it. I think we should make the first strike. On that topic..."

He turned toward Ryan and Samuru. "I'll take point on this one. I'll hit it with a Debilitate, then you two can follow up with your attacks. After that, Sato and I will hang back and bombard it with our spells. With any luck, we can destroy it without too much effort. Is that acceptable to all of you?"

@Sen@Letter Bee@floodtalon
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Samuru Amakusa

Samuru nodded at Mako, acknowledging the latter's points, and replying, "I understand, and I will not do it again."

They then entered the hut, where they found a set of cards; Samuru, having watched a lot of Anime, said, "So...are these magical or something, like Yu-Gi-Oh cards?" The answer was yes. Rakunda, a defense-decreasing skill; hmm, more useful to Samuru than the others, it seemed. Either way, it was time to go to the bridge and do strategy and tactics.

Samuru was mildly surprised to find that Mako, despite being a slight jerk, was also proficient in strategy and tactics, and so he did the sensible thing and write down the strategy and tactics on an extra notebook, before saying, "Yeah, that's fine with me."

Learn from your friends, Samuru thought to himself. You're not a genius like them, but that doesn't mean that you cannot learn and develop. Besides, learning is fun.

@EnterTheHero@floodtalon@Sen@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryan Chideta
23/7/15, Seto: The First Step- Fields Trails

Mako was scolding Samuru about the whole negotiating thing. Ryan felt like he should speak up about this issue. "Honestly, I think he was right to try and negotiate. Talking shadows tend to have a history of disappearing after being talked to. Though sometimes it doesn't work I guess." Sato voiced his opinion and Ryan shrugged. Time to go grab their reward.

Ryan followed the rest of the group into the hut and was a bit hesitant about the card thing. You never know what kind of weird magic was going on around Seto. Maybe these cards sucked in your soul when you touched them... Samuru mentioned Yu-Gi-Oh and Ryan had to hold back a chuckle. He was being paranoid, Ryan grabbed a card and felt the knowledge of Rakunda flow into him. Disappointing. But now he knows that these exist, he can imagine the possibilities. Perhaps there were cards that held strong skills, stronger than the ones he already has.

The group left the hut and Sato asked whether they should use Zeke immediately or not. "I say we hold off, besides I wanted to test something out on this Shadow. Mako should hit it with the Debilitate then I'll do my new thing. Is everyone cool with that?" Ryan could feel the new power within Geraint. It was begging to be released, the rallying cry of a king.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Seto - Hyuga, The First Step - Fields Trail, Bridge

@floodtalon@EnterTheHero@Sen@Letter Bee

Moving over to the bridge, the shadowy form they had spotted wavered, before swirling and becoming a more refined form, revealing Zouchouten. The form was smaller than the shadowy form earlier, but this demon was still no dwarf, it towered over everyone easily double in size.

"If you seeketh passage beyond this point, then I can only deny your wishes. The master has forbade all who seek him, for he is the one with the truth", the humanoid demon resembling a god in Japanese lore did not make the first move. It seems that if they wished to go beyond here, they must defeat it, but it's job was to deny passage, and therefore was reasonable it would not attack immediately.

"Turn back and I can ignore any transgressions or attempts to pass".
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Samuru Amakusa

Samuru's eyebrows twitched twice, before the young man looked at Mako, then Sato, before saying, "how badly do we want to know more about this place? I mean, sure, this guy is made up of dark emotions and repressed urges, but his request isn't actually unreasonable. After all, we don't really have any evidence that his 'master' is some sort of bad guy beyond speculation and hunches."

"Note that I'm willing to follow whatever orders are given to me; I'm not acting by myself," continued Samuru, although he was conflicted. Why is the opponent the one starting negotiations now? And why must I be so soft-hearted? "So, do we know what 'elemental weaknesses' this creature has?"

Another minor dislike Samuru had was the concept of 'Elemental Magic'; he didn't know why. Perhaps it was because a certain gameline had 'Dragon' and 'Fairy' as elements?

@EnterTheHero@floodtalon@Sen@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sen
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After they had quickly agreed on a good strategy for handling the upcoming fight, the group proceeded over to the bridge, where upon getting close, the amorphous shadow that they had seen had morphed into a tall, masculine-looking... humanoid. It was easily ten feet tall, guarding the bridge behind it stoicly. Suffice to say it was a bit intimidating, but they've taken on much stronger shadows before... Both surprisingly and unsurprisingly, the shadow before them began talking to them. Whatever it was talking about, though, sounded like some kind of nonsense. Who was 'the master'? Sato wished they could talk or something, but the shadow gave an ultimatum: leave immediately, or fight through it.

"It looks like our only way through is a fight." Sato decided for the group, seeing as there was no way they were just gonna ignore the rest of Seto. "We don't know its weaknesses, or if it even has any, so let's stick to the plan. Mako, Ryan, you know what to do."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 11 days ago

Mako Moritomi//Seto, Hyuga, The First Step - Fields Trail

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Mako nodded at Ryan's request, seeing nothing wrong with it. "If you think it'll do something against this thing, then I don't have a problem with it- you'll have to act quick after I hit it, though- he'll definitely be on the offensive after that." He then resisted the urge to roll his eyes as New Guy tried to bow out, for whatever reason. Composing himself, he turned toward the newbie.

"Be that as it may, it's a Shadow, and not even one of any of us in particular, or anyone else. We're not going to hurt anyone by doing this, and we're not gonna get any farther- or stronger, for that matter- if we chicken out now. Just watch what we do and follow up, just like we planned. Okay? Okay. Sato, we good to go?" he asked, turning toward his senpai. At the word of approval, he nodded, his grin turning slightly sadistic.

"Excellent. Israfil! Debilitate!" cried Mako, the Persona appearing and playing a low, mournful note on its trumpet, as the figure before them was enveloped in a sickly-looking aura. He turned to Ryan. "All right, Ryan, you're up! Hit 'im where it hurts!"

@Sen@Letter Bee@floodtalon
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryan Chideta
23/7/15, Seto: The First Step- Fields Trails

Ryan just kinda shook his head as the Shadow tried to get them to leave. Honestly he should feel bad about attacking something clearly sentient and willing to let them leave. But after facing his Shadow, he kinda just didn't like Shadows. Add the fact that he wanted to know what was going on in this bizarre mirror world and he really wanted to kill this jolly green giant.

Mako scolded Samuru for trying to get everyone to back out and Ryan sighed. "Do you want to stick around here? You seem like you really don't want to fight and to be quite honest you're gonna get hurt with that kind of attitude. I agree with Mako wholeheartedly, if we stop training and exploring then somebody else is gonna be kidnapped, and we won't be able to save them when they face their Shadow. I don't know about you, but I'm not letting anyone die because I was too weak." There was a determined fire in Ryan's eyes as he said this.

He turned to the Shadow and summoned Geraint, preparing his new move. "Let's do this. Israfil blew on his trumpet and weakened the Shadow severely, while Geraint lifted his sword, the laser blade growing larger as he swung at Zouchouten. "Geraint! Dumnonia's King's Rally!" Geraint struck Zouchouten with all his might, as he did so everyone in the party would feel themselves getting a major temporary boost in power as they all gained a Concentrate/Charge status. Their next blow would be twice as strong as normal, so they needed to use their strongest attack. Ryan was breathing hard as Geraint's sword shrank back to its normal size, that was way more tiring then he expected. Definitely not something he could spam over and over.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Samuru Amakusa

"I genuinely didn't see it that way," Samuru said to Ryan, before facing the Shadow. "Very well, let disagreements take a back seat to teamwork."

"Shiro!" Samuru said to his still-summoned Persona, "Deathbound, then defend as normal!" A nod, and the Persona was zooming towards Zouchouten, before striking it with a wide slash, one amplified by Ryan's King's Rally. Then, it would try and block the inevitable counterattack with its body; hopefully, Zouchouten didn't know much magic.

"I may be a person who prefers peace," Samuru would continue to say to the 'Heavenly King', "but I will not let it be an obstacle to my friends!" He would then turn to Mako and Ryan once more.

"When the time comes to fight, I will fight. And I will try to make sure that we win as soon as possible." Let it at least be painless for the enemy; he's a somewhat honorable person.

@EnterTheHero@floodtalon@Sen@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The group quickly decided to blatantly ignore any of the stuff the shadow had gone about, and Mako leapt into action first by summoning his persona and debilitating their enemy's battle capabilities with a toot of his persona's trumpet. Now that the enemy was torn down a notch, Ryan summoned his persona, and it immediately lifted its sword to the air. The laser blade exploded into a giant cleaver of sheer energy, before Geraint sent the flow of energy down onto the shadow. The brilliant explosion sent out a cloud of dust that almost blew away the party, but instead of feeling the grit in his eyes, Sato felt weirdly ready to fight as the aura coming from the attack enveloped the party.

Though Ryan seemed to need a moment to recover after that move, the attack he had used left Zouchouten already quite hurt and left it wide open for some hyper-charged attacks from everyone else. Sato didn't skip a beat and summon his persona, who he called to use a Garudyne on the shadow. While he did nothing special, the energy seemingly coursing through his veins flowed into the attack, amping up the wind storm into a variable tornado that hit the shadow with so much sheer force that it almost knocked over the towering figure.

"Less prose, more fighting!" Sato called out to Samuru, who seemed more interested in giving some exposition about his justice than he did actually hitting the shadow. As if to give an example, Sato pulled back his bowstring and let loose an arrow enveloped in an aura from Chronos. The shot blew into the sky at an astounding speed, floating high in the air for a few moments before crashing down as spears of light in a powerful display of a charged Rainy Death. Using two amplified attacks like that, Sato felt pretty damn cool, but he immediately felt a familiar dull ache in the back of his head and used his free hand to clutch his forehead. It wasn't debilitating, but using them in quick succession like that was a maneuver Sato felt unaccustomed to. Dodging wasn't much not a possibility for the next little bit as he tried to let the pain fade.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Seto - Hyuga, The First Step - Fields Trail, Bridge

@floodtalon@EnterTheHero@Sen@Letter Bee

TRACK: Keeper of Lust

Zouchouten made no reply, staying and standing silent to Samuru's plight, it seemed he meant and stuck by what he said. They either fight and win passage, or turn back. There was no other option.

The spray of physical attacks, even as powerful as Geraint was, did little to cause Zouchouten's defensive stance to break, it seems the shadow had a natural resistance to physical attacks. Yet still, Geraint's move empowered the moves of everyone else, the boosted versions of the attacks proved enough to do some meaningful damage, plus the Debilitate severely limited Zouchouten's options, the physical resistance only meant that it was able to weather the attacks with little problem.

Now it was the shadow's turn, the giant warrior shadow spun it's spear around, letting it end up behind him, before flourishing and then doing a downward thrust. The impact of the attack struck at Ryan, dealing a bit of damage. The Debilitate served to prevent the attack from dealing too much damage, but Zouchouten seemed to be no idiot himself, using more accurate single-target skills in his current state.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Samuru Amakusa

Samuru directed Shiro to block Zouchouten's thrust; Shiro had the ability to absorb, and even be healed by, physical attacks. Seeing that the opponent was resistant to the party's own physical strikes, Samuru didn't alter his Persona's instructions to defend normally, and in doing so, Shiro would keep as close as he can to the 'Heavenly King' and try to attract his attention.

"Do not let up!" Samuru gave further orders to his Persona, "do not give him an opening to use any attacks or Magic!" And Shiro would press closer, evading any magic, absorbing any physical attack, and, if he took any damage at all, 'soaking' it. All the while, the Persona would try and give opportunities to the other members of the party to attack with their own magic...

@EnterTheHero@floodtalon@Sen@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryougu
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Ryougu He who rides the bandwagon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Fubuki Sayaka
Abandoned Warehouse
23/7/2015, Thursday

@Sho Minazuki

"Err, hold up, who's joining what now?" Fubuki instantly returned as she was assumed to join. "You've got yourself a nice hideout and all, though I personnely wouldn't place a huge mirror in the middle of the room, but what is it you want me to join, now?" Confusion was written plainly on her face, being asked to join some odd group after intruding wasn't exactly common, to her. She seemed to ponder things a moment before grabbing a chair and sitting down casually, with confidence as if she owned the place.

"Why don't we sit down, and then you tell me exactly what it is you do here, and what I'm supposed to be joining?" Fubuki once again paused a moment, clearly expecting Rui to sit down. As she waited, she sized him up thoroughly. "You know, for a guy from a dream you don't actually seem all that dreamy, though I guess you wouldn't know about someone else's fever dreams."

Fubuki quickly realized how odd that sounded, and suddenly remembered a good chunk of ethics. Though she wasn't planning to act all proper and ladylike, she figured some pieces were still fairly relevant. "Ah, right. I know I botched the order on this one, but my name's Sayaka Fubuki. My mum always told me introductions are important, so there you go. So, what's yours and what is it you're trying to trick me into buying?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Akane Hanazawa // Velvet Room

Wednesday, July 22th, 2015

Ignoring Mako, as if he said nothing, Akane just simply glared at Igor until he decided to get to the point. She wasn't exactly a fan of forced summons. In time though, he finally started explaining the reasoning for them being there. To sum it all up, it was about them being able to use the Velvet Room however they like and being able to get stronger through Trials via 'Meals'. Calling 'trials' 'meals'? Talk about having no taste whatsoever. Cringing at her own bad pun.

Akane wasn't exactly against getting stronger, nothing wrong with leveling up in your favorite game, but she kind of figured the 'meeting' would've been more 'important'. 'Important' being some kind of dire or serious situation for them to solve. Now that would be worth her time. Well, for now, she'll keep these 'meals' in mind, just in case she has some free time.

Abandoned Warehouse

Thursday, July 23rd, 2015

The next day was truly a strange event to be hold, and which event would that be, you may as? Akane actually showing up to the warehouse without a 'summons' via Rui text messaging. We all know how easily things can turn into a habit when done in repetition and without giving it much thought, she arrived at her destination. Usually, with school in session, she'd always go to the manga clubroom, draw and then head to the warehouse via usual summons.

But with it being summer break, it seems the warehouse was becoming something akin to a 2nd club room of sorts. Well, given the fact that a good number of members were also in the manga club together, no real surprise there. Anyways, Slung over her back was a black pull string bag, once again showing how unfeminine Akane is, and in it were her sketch book and drawing supplies. Inside the warehouse were 3 people; Rui, Kotori and another girl. It took her a moment to remember, Ah, latest kidnappe'. Well, she didn't know the girl at all and her dungeon wasn't exactly thrilling, so it'll be understandable that she wouldn't recall her, yea?

Well, Akane's reasoning aside, it was clear that she wasn't exactly interested in getting to know people better. That kind of thing just happens on its own, ya know? Like how the majority of the people just happen to be in the manga club. Moving on, Apparently, Ryan, Mako, Saki Sato and the Fanatic (Sumaru), whether or not he truly is a 'fanatic' matters not to her, arrived before her but decided to take a little trip to the mirror world together. She was tempted to go in after them, but the thought of being on the same team as Sumaru shut that thought down. Her and 'those' types (religious) just don't mix, so she'll pass.

Besides, she had some drawing to catch up on (no thanks to Igor's 'summons' last night) and couldn't exactly relax at her place lately, not with her dad's goons swarming the area. Sheesh, after since that 'incident' she just can't seem to get some peace at her own place. Normally, one would say 'Well, than just go talk to your father?' but if they actually knew who her father was and what he did for a living, I wonder what they'd say then? The man is too over-protective, no matter how many times I tell him 'I'm fine, so leave me alone already!' it's just in one ear and out the other with him.

Making her way past the new girl, Akane made her towards one of the chairs that Rui had just set up. She had assumed Rui already has smooth talked his way into recruiting yet another person to the team but that thought was shut down with the girls next line. Waiting for the girl to finish, Akane finally decided to say something. "If you don't even know that much, then why are you here exactly? This isn't exactly a place for tourists you know?" A part of her was tempted to 'escort' her out of the warehouse, but she resisted the irritation, that was building from the girl's personality, and refrained.

It was best to let Rui deal with this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Shinichi Residence > Abandoned Warehouse


"I see. Well then, take a seat, and we'll talk", he gestured to the newly added table and chairs. As soon as they were seated in these cheap camp tables and chairs, with the odd old wooden chair, he began to speak.

"As you may know, we rescued you from... The other world. That wasn't a dream", shortly after rescuing Samuru they found yet another dungeon, though it had not developed and was merely a boss room much like Samuru. After that was over Fubuki accepted her shadow and became a member of the team. Rui went on to explain what they'd generally found out about these kidnappings and events, but based on how they found her, it seems she wandered into the world of her own accord.

There was one other person yet to be introduced, but it seems they were busy this beginning of summer break, but for now it was focused on Fubuki here.

"And so, since you've awoken to the power of Persona, we'd like you to help us, you don't have to do this, but I believe this power a responsibility", and that if any good can be done, they should, or rather, they're the only ones who can. Police or authorities would never believe the existence of another world.
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