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Zeroth Post
Hidden 8 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Forrest Archer Johnson
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Dr. Noor Baobab
Age: 53
History: "Traveler, researcher, and lifelong PokeFan."

Generally, as she is a researcher and not a League Trainer, Dr. Baobab does not battle non-wild Pokemon. Even then, her battles with wild Pokemon either end with her fleeing or befriending them rather than knocking them out. Only in rare, desperate circumstances has she gone all-out with her team in a battle. Wild Aggron especially tend to be ornery, and it's more difficult to flee a battle in cramped caves underground. Because wild Pokemon battles don't have any rules, though, and because she usually dislikes holding her field team in their Pokeballs, any wild Pokemon she comes across are subjected to anywhere from three to all six of her partners.

Main Field Team
- "Hermes", Flygon (M, Family Egg / First Pokemon)

- "Delphi", Gardevoir (F, Met in the wild, as Ralts)

- "Orpheus", Ludicolo (M, Met in the wild, as Lotad)

- "Cassandra", Absol (F, Last Pokemon met during her childhood in Hoenn)

- "Alexander", Ampharos (M, Met in the wild as Flaafy during her journeys through Johto)

- "Lethe", Quagsire (F, Met in the wild as Wooper during her journeys through Johto)

Weird Pokemon / "Projects"
- Spinda (F, stumbled into Noor's camp one night and couldn't find her way back home)
- Shedinja (?, happened to appear while studying Nincada evolution)
- Castform (?, Noor was granted a research grant by the Weather Institute)
- "Charybdis", Mawile (F, sought out in Granite Cave)
- Male Kirlia (M, raised from a wild Ralts - Noor is preparing to use a Dawn Stone)


Name: Keeper 2nd Class Maxima "Max" Muroda
Age: 25
History: "Hiya, I'm Keeper Max! bzzztcrkkakakshhhhPING And that's, um, that's Staog! How can we... help?"

Ranger Partner:
"Staog (unstable)", PorygonZ (Genderless, Originally licensed as Porygon 1.0)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DepressedSoviet
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DepressedSoviet A Sad Communist

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Nicolas Storm, Current Alias: Johnny Ghastly
Age: 34


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Name: Diego Lagorio
Age: 24

- Joltik (M, Sister helped catch)

- Sawsbuck (F, Caught in wild as Deerling)

- Conkeldurr (M, Caught in wild as Timburr)

- Emolga (M, Caught in wild)

- Scyther (F, Caught in wild during Kanto journey)

- Poliwrath (M, caught in wild as Poliwhirl)

- Honchkrow (M, caught in wild as Murkrow after moving to Johto)

- Azumarill (F, traded from brother)

- Darmanitan (M, traded from sister)

- Sneasel (F, newest Pokemon, caught on most recent trip to Mt. Silver)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Haven Dao

Age: 22


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xan the G
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Xan the G

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Detective Jin Azuma
Age: 26


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kymera
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Kymera Genetic experiment gone wrong

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Raiziel Alexander Kurin

Age: 22




Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LegionPothIX
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vital Statistics:
  • Player Name: LegionPothIX
  • Character Name: Sarah Ro
  • Character Age: 10
  • Character Gender: F
  • Nationality: Hoenn
  • Team:
    • Ditto
    • Zigzagoon
    • Oddish
  • Reserve:
    • Unhatched Egg

Reference Description:

Raised in a single parrent household Sarah never knew her father, nor did her mother talk about him very often. She learned that he was once a well-respected pokeresearcher, and she was a trainer in a Psychic Gym, but that was a life-time ago, as the mother she knew had been a spiritualist for as long as she could remember. Though dad was never around, his pokemon was, and Sarah grew up with the ditto that remained from his research. It was, as her mother often told her, to be her first pokemon when she came of age. With her faitfhul ditto named Squishy in her possession, she set out to meet the local professor to recieve her pokedex, and begin her journey from her family home tucked away in the woods north of Oldale Town.

As it so often goes in every universe people surround themselves with things (or other people) with which or whom they share a special bond. Something in each reflects a part of the self, and the nature of the relationship Sarah has with her pokemon is no different.

Extended Background: Team Origins

Optional Background: Trainer Traits

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lerouge
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ian Arthur Rose


Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 194
Title: Legendary Hunter



Nature: Jolly
Gender: Male
Ability: Volt Absorb
Battle Movepool: Discharge, Thunder Wave, Bite, Quick Attack, Double Team, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Electro Ball, Zing Zap, Shock Wave, Nuzzle, Pin Missile, Extremespeed, Wild Charge, Volt Tackle, Charge
Field Utility: Rock Smash, Flash

Nature: Naughty
Gender: Male
Ability: Weak Armor
Battle Movepool: Aqua Jet, X-scissor, Rock Throw, Slash, Metal Claw, Night Slash, Aqua Charge, Crush Claw, Rock Slide, Fury Cutter, Stealth Rock, Accelerock, Shard Shot, Extremespeed
Field Utility: Cut, Rock Smash, Surf

Nature: Hasty
Gender: Female
Ability: Cursed Body
Battle Movepool: Hypnosis, Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Substitute, Dream Eater, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Force, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Claw, Pursuit, Double Team, Screech, Nasty Plot, Will-o-wisp, Poison Gas, Toxic, Sludge Wave, Acid Spray, Venom Drench, Venoshock, Astonish, Hex, Nightmare
Field Utility: N/A

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Theodore "Theo" Selvaggio


Theodore was born to a rich family during one of their many tours of the different regions of the world. Having been raised by these "affluent wanderers" and their party of butlers, maids, and cooks, Theodore calls no particular region his home and no particular person his "caretaker"-- he sends flowers, birthday cards, and gifts to all parties involved in raising him during any particular holiday.

He can vividly recall his first interest in music forming during a cruise around Hoenn. An orchestra playing aboard the S.S. Mariah captured Theo's, attention at the gentle age of six, and kept it all day-- so much so that he refused naps, food, and even asked the orchestra to continue playing while he slept. After making a landing at the Mossdeep City port, his parents immediately purchased him a violin and hired a tutor to accompany them on the rest of their journeys.

In the span of three years, Theo proved himself something of a musical prodigy. Skilled at playing the Violin, the tutor retired from service and suggested the Selvaggio family hire another tutor-- one for a different instrument. Years passed and Theo's natural talent with music branched out to multiple other instruments-- he became adept at playing the piano, cello, and guitar. Eventually, he began to take interest in starting his own journey, in order to bring joy to others with his music, much how the Orchestra brought joy to him. Upon expressing this interest to his parents, they purchased him the most expensive Pokemon they could afford, as a "guard" for him, then sent young Theo, aged fourteen at the time, on his very first solo adventure.

Since then, Theo has played in a variety of places and for a notable amount of bands and orchestras. He has currently come back to Hoenn, feeling as if this is where he should be, in order to explore and play music for all to enjoy.


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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Regitnui
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Regitnui Lorespinner

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Akacen
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

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