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"Keep dreaming big, don’t let anyone tell you what you are capable of. We’re all stardust."
║ Camper Name ║Evangeline S. Claire
║ Birthday, Age, Gender ║» 07/06
» 17
» Female
║ Address ║7203 Sugarbrush Ct, Reno, NV 89523
║ Allergies ║Bees. She will run on sight.
║ Medications at Camp? ║Epipen, just in case.
║ Activity Restrictions? ║Nope!
║ Emergency Contact ║Annette Claire, Mother, 775-719-4673
Peter Claire, Father, 775-719-3127
║ Nicknames ║Eva (pronounced like Emma, but with a v, you know, Eh-va)
║ Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status ║Mostly hetero & completely single
║ Appearance ║Naturally pale and blonde, Eva has taken a liking to the pastel aesthetic that seems to be oh-so popular these days. She keeps her straight, shoulder-length locks their pristine silvery blonde color via bimonthly chemical treatments. In contrast to this soft and feminine pale aesthetic, Evangelina has a harsh punk rock taste in style. This contrast is both fitting and ironic, because Eva believes that nothing is ever black and white, there is so much in between if you choose to open your eyes to it. No stranger to the color black, and experimenting with bold, dark makeup looks, Eva struts her stuff with fierce confidence. The 5’10 girl gives off the aura of someone that you don’t want to mess with, even if she is rather thin. Her closet hosts an eclectic mix of punk-inspired dresses, skirts, jean shorts, bright tights, studded leather jackets, fishnets, many colors of skinny jeans, and a variety of pairs of edgy black boots and Chuck Taylors. She doesn’t have any tattoos yet, but she does have a navel piercing that she convinced her mother to let her get for her 16th birthday.
║ Personality ║ The Positive:
➕ Upbeat
➕ Freethinker
➕ Young at heart
The Negative:
➖ Defensively Aggressive
➖ Romantically noncommittal
➖ Wild Child
More in depth:
Born the middle of three children, Evangeline expresses a lot of the common middle child tendencies. In an effort to get more attention from her parents - not that they were inattentive - she got herself into a lot of trouble growing up. This problematic behavior started early on, right after her younger sister was born, and she jealously started acting out both in school and at home. Elementary school pranks morphed into teenage shenanigans, and here we are today.
Eva is a feminist, liberal, anti-establishment punk with a firm set of thoughts and opinions, which she will defend until the dead horse of the day is mercilessly and completely beaten. That is not to say that Eva is unwilling to hear people out, she is very open minded and empathetic to the perspective and plights of others, but if she feels that she is right you are wrong, you are damn-well going to know about it. Evangeline knows what she wants out of life, and she plans on taking it and keeping it before anything gets the chance to pass her by. Her childhood issues with jealousy and attention-seeking behavior have mellowed out over the years but, given the right trigger, they occasional flare up in explosive ways - this is likely the reason she has had such trouble keeping stable relationships. There’s that, and she gets bored easily.
Once you get passed her figurative - and sometimes literal - prickly exterior, you will find a very sweet girl. While unabashedly flashing her beliefs and opinions, Eva also wears her heart on her sleeve. She is an open book, and never one to keep secrets, especially from those closest to her. Eva values kindness, understanding, and humanitarian efforts, as do most punks at their core. Look past the black leather and spikes, and see the mature young woman that would put her life on the line to save another man, woman, child, or animal, without so much as a passing thought. Innocence is to be protected, authority is to be challenged, and lives are meant to be equal. Eva stands at the frontline of all of the changes that she wishes to see in this world, and she plans to start by guiding the young minds of the world to true freedom.
If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permision - Eddie Colla
Nately: You’re a shameful opportunist! What you don’t understand is that it’s better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
Old Man: You have it backwards. It’s better to live on your feet than to die on your knees. I know. - Catch 22
║ My Dreams ║☀️ Attend a Banksy exhibition, or at least see some of his work in real life.
☀️ Meet Laura Jane Grace
☀️ Become an elementary school teacher
║ Fears ║☁️ Being voiceless
☁️ Drowning
☁️ Bees
║ Likes ║☑ Rock Concerts / Music Festivals
☑ Street Art
☑ Helping Kids
☑ Arts and Crafts
☑ Motorcycles
☑ Coloring
☑ Animated Movies and Shows
☑ Documentaries
☑ Camping
☑ Road Trips
║ Dislikes ║☒ Unjust Authority
☒ Ignorance // Sheeple
☒ The US Prison System
☒ Being Cornered
☒ War
☒ Pessimism
☒ Violent Protest
☒ Stubbornness (ironic)
☒ Lima Beans
☒ Most Berries
║ Brief History ║Evangeline’s parents,
Annette Barnes and
Peter Claire, met at a Red Hot Chilli Peppers concert in 1999. Between the booze, the atmosphere,
the kush, and the undeniable chemistry between the two, this pair of strangers found themselves in the backseat of Peter’s hand-me down station wagon by the end of the night. Now enter
Salvador, Evangeline’s older brother, who was in fact conceived on that very fateful night. The couple hit it off, falling in love rather quickly before the realization that the reckless night of their meeting came with consequences. The fear of the future became exciting, and only served to bring them closer together. Peter and Annette were married by the time Sal was born, and there may or may not have been a shotgun involved on the part of Annie’s mother, Serena. In the efforts of maintaining peace and family values, the Claire’s named their first born after Annie’s father - who had passed from cancer years before.
Four years later, Evangeline Serena Claire was born, the second child to bear the name of a maternal grandparent. Though the Claire family had a challenging start, the young parents had better established themselves by the time that they brought their first baby girl into the world. Annette worked in a college admissions office and Peter worked for a company that helped provide sustainable energy to the northern part of Nevada, where they live to this day. Annette was pleased as punch to have a little girl running around the house and, as such, the first 5 years of Eva’s life were spent being spoiled in every sense of the word.
Everything changed when
Madeleine was born. Little Eva stopped being the center of attention, and she didn’t like that very much. Eva began acting out in pre-school and into kindergarten and beyond. It wasn’t that she didn’t like school, it was simply that she was being a brat about having to share her parents with a new baby. Salvador handled everything better, he was the eldest, and the only boy. He had it easy! In time, as Maddy got a little bit older, balance was restored, and Evangeline matured enough that she wasn’t such a nuisance. In fact, once Evangeline got over herself, she grew very close to her younger sister, and discovered her love of helping little kids learn.
Given her parents rather comical way of meeting, and falling in love, it’s no mystery as to where Eva got her taste in music - or her rebellious nature. Whether or not any of them admit it, Evangeline is the most like her parents of the three Claire children. Coming into her teenage years, Eva started dressing herself in new age punk fashion, and was finally allowed to attend the concerts for all of the bands that she had been listening to for years. The Claire parents feared the worst for their daughter and, truth be told, Eva’s give-no-fucks attitude gave them a lot of reason to worry. The spritely teen lost her virginity at an early age, cycled through boyfriends, got caught tagging a local WalMart (though she had tagged many other places without being caught prior to and after this incident), hung out with the roughest looking crowds, and almost got arrested at a protest in her senior year. Eva was protesting peacefully, so she got out of it.
Despite Eva’s wild child ways, she is shaping up to be a very thoughtful, driven young lady. She has just graduated high school with above average marks and has been accepted into her first choice college. Evangeline will be attending UCLA this coming fall to study in an early childhood education program. Growing up, Eva attended many summer camps, and always enjoyed them; her decision to come to Aces High is both as a last hurrah before college, and because she hopes to meet some Californians before moving there. She read that the camp director and many of the counselors are actually from LA!

║ Suit Assignment ║♣
║ Do you want to be here? ║Yes, I’ve always loved summer camp. Travelling to new places, and meeting new faces, that’s what gives life it’s spice!
║ Extra information ║Theresa Jeane, F2E6D9