Name: Mark Veering
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Mark is a fun loving human being with a warped sense of humor. He loves pulling pranks and loves trying to make people laugh. However, should the need arise: he can turn on a dime and get serious. With how he was brought up, Mark wouldn’t bat an eyelash to put himself in danger to save someone.

Mark and his family own a small auto body shop called Gear Shift. There he and his father worked on restoring old cars while also repairing client cars as well. Most often than not, a client would roll in a frame for an old car and ask them to fix it up like new. These were Mark’s favorite jobs. He loved going to the junk yards and find the parts needed to fix the car while also spending time with his father. He loved working on cars and loved to see how each gear and each piston moved the car.
When his Quirk appeared, he was ecstatic a first. However, he didn’t understand how it worked. It seemed that this silver liquid was useless as it just seeped out of his skin and just splatted on the floor. It could slither and spin, but nothing too exciting. Not like his Father's Quirk which allowed him to change his body to metal. His father was once a superhero but gave it up when Mark was born. He decided family came first and didn’t want to leave them should something happen to him on the battlefield.
One day during their weekly outing to the scrapyard. Mark found a car door he knew they could use for their latest project. He pulled the door out from the large pile, but before he could call for his father. The pile suddenly collapsed. Mark didn’t have time to run and simply raised his arms to protect his head. His father turned the corner to see the pile slam into his son. His body quickly turned to the metal as he rushed to dig Mark out.
When he reached where Mark was, He was astonished to see he was wearing metal armor. Mark too was astonished and couldn’t fathom where the armor came from. The armor quickly changed to silver liquid and seeped back into his skin. Mark looked at his father in complete shock before he passed out.
Mark woke up in the hospital with an IV in his right arm. Mark hated needles and hated IVs even more, but as long as he didn’t see the IV go into his arm. He was fine. The IV was covered and he guessed his father told them his issue with it. Mark groaned and began to sit up. His father and mother were right there with him. Relieved he was ok. Once Mark was stable and awake, his father explained what had happened while he was out.
According to his father, a Quirk specialist had come in and asked to run some tests to see what kind of Quirk Mark had. According to the tests: Mark’s Quirk allows him to create Liquid Metal from his body and create armor around his body and harden like a suit of armor. However, this Quirk has some major Flaws. The test found that the Liquid Metal uses some of Mark’s blood to create it. The more he uses it the more exhausted he becomes and the weaker the metal gets. Using his Quirk for long periods of time could result in him dying from blood loss. The specialist warned Mark’s father to make sure he doesn’t overexert his Quirk.
Once Mark was medically clear he was sent home. His mother and father refused to let him work in the shop until he was fully healed. For a week, Mark couldn’t work on cars or help in the shop. In his mind, it was going to be the worst week of his life. However, while having down time allowed him to see just how his Quirk worked. He began letting the Liquid Metal seep out his body, harden and create armor. He then tried to create a weapon. He imagined a sword he had seen in a show once and tried to create it, but nothing happened. The Liquid Metal simply swirled and weaved in his hand. He sighed in defeat, but then came up with an idea. He had a wrench in his room and he let the Liquid Metal coat it to see if it could metal it like acid, but once again nothing happened. He let the Liquid Metal slither back into his hand and sighed again. He looked at the wrench one more time before turning back and jumping in surprise. The Liquid Metal in his hand had taken the shape of the wrench and hardened. He then let the liquid metal liquefy again and coat a hammer. He pictured the hammer and the Liquid Metal morphed into the Hammer and hardened. With his new found knowledge he began coating the other tools in his room with the Liquid Metal. Even though he couldn’t work on cars, he persuaded his parents to let him coat the tools in the shop with his Liquid Metal.
After his week was up, he went back to working at the shop. With his new found ability. He used the Liquid Metal to create the tools so he wouldn’t have to leave his workstation to get a tool he needed. His father called it lazy, but he called it efficient. Mark knew he could coat an object and create it with his Liquid Metal. so with the money, his father paid him, he began purchasing weapons online. When the first weapon appeared on their doorstep. His parents were a little taken aback by it, but Mark showed him what he could do. He let the Liquid Metal coat the sword and get its measurements f before it slithered back into Marks body. He then let more Liquid Metal seep from his body and he pictured the sword. the Liquid Metal morphed into the sword and hardened. His parent's jaws dropped when they saw what had happened, but Mark didn't take into account how heavy the sword was as it dropped to the floor and cracked the wood flooring. His father started laughing while his mother glared at him and at what he had just done.
One night when the shop closed for the day and they sat down at the table to have dinner. Mark’s father slid him a brochure for Kosei academy. Mark knew his father went to the academy and loved hearing about all the stories he told him as a child. He couldn’t wait to enroll.
Liquid Metal:
Marks Liquid Metal Quirk allows him to produce a liquefied Metal. However, that’s not the only thing that his Quirk can do. It can coat his body and harden into armor to protect his body. It can also take the shape of weapons and harden as well, but to do so. Mark’s Liquid Metal must coat around the weapon in question to get its many features like weight, length, width, and any mechanical workings that might be inside.
His Liquid Metal might look tough at first, but it can be broken with enough force and pressure. Also, since Mark uses some of his blood to create it. The more he uses it the more exhausted he becomes and the weaker the metal gets. Using his Quirk for long periods of time could result in him dying from blood loss.
Talents and Skills: Mechanics