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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BangoSkank
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BangoSkank Halfway Intriguing Halfling

Member Seen 4 days ago


He'll be sure to do that when he gets back, sounds like we're about to go scouting.

Maybe Numzom can come along? Keep us safe from any critters. Rhen, Zeke, and Shel aren't exactly barbarian warlords. You've got a writer changeling , a map-maker/cook halfling , and a astronomer/researcher human. Not particularly hard hitting.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Esailia
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Well....to be fair, Esailia didn't say 'head off on your own", it was more like 'make a map while the group moves as one towards the mountain' XD
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nagariin
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Nagariin Pro Brewmaster

Member Seen 1 yr ago


OK then, ill come with shel to protect the group, after all my role is a fighter.. xD
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sntabe


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*collapses in agony*

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BangoSkank
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BangoSkank Halfway Intriguing Halfling

Member Seen 4 days ago

We can do "Shel misinterpreted Esailia and headed off to scout" if you want. Or we can just forget about it and continue on with the group.

I'm good with leaving any scouting party stuff for the next day. Shel would be ecstatic to have a stew cooking while going over map stuff with anyone interested, making apple cider with Numzom, giving Treekle some boiled wolf jerky.

Maybe when it gets dark Numzom can teach some sword moves and Zeke can make some new constellations.

I love campfires and so does Shel. No smores though. They're terrible.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


would you quite possibly have room for one more in your adventure?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Yuuta
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Yuuta Not Even My Final Form

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@ReusableSword Unfortunately, we've got a full party. Sorry.

Also, I'll be having my post up tomorrow.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sntabe


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Yuuta I'd like to know how advanced science and mathematics are exactly in the world everyone came from. I gave Zeke lenses and knowledge in optics, which is more of a 1600s concept. His profession would also require the awareness of heliocentrism, as he's an astronomer. At this time period would be calculus, gravity, cell theory, all-important oscillatory motion, and of course we can't forget Newton's Laws. Are these too far ahead of your world? How much is allowed?

May have missed it since it's on a different page, sorry about that.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Alright sorry im new and didn't catch the little icon next to the link that said full... my bad.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It looks like we have a couple who didn't show or who've quit early. Might we manage to squeeze one more in as a replacement? It's early enough in the game that it likely wouldn't impact things in a big way.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nagariin
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Yuuta
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Yuuta Not Even My Final Form

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@sntabe Ah, sorry, I must've missed that. I'm going to say no calculus, thereby no Newtonian mechanics yet. Though, if you want, you could have your character working such problems out, as he's a pretty smart dude. The earliest lenses were a 12th century invention according to google, so Zeke is cutting edge, but not in the realm of implausible. Microscopes, however, were a 17th century thing, so no cell theory. Heliocentrism is fine. It's really the church's fault it took so long to catch on. Hope that answers your questions.

@ReusableSword@Force and Fury Well, if you guys don't mind, he can jump in. Just make a profile, Sword, and I'll take a look.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Yuuta
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Yuuta Not Even My Final Form

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@NagariinJust a quick correction. The party has not arrived at the mountains yet. They're still a half-day walk away.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Regitnui
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Regitnui Lorespinner

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@sntabe, I'll have a reply up for Zeke shortly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by sntabe


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@Regitnui I ship it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Name: Victor Warnock AKA Vicky, Vic, or V

Age: 26

Race: Cursed Human

Appearance: Victor stands at 6’0’’ and weighs just over 230Lbs. with an average muscular build. He has orange hair and yellow eyes, ceremonial tattoos are scrawled across his body giving off a slight orange glow at all times, like the light from a single candle. He wears a long headscarf and baggy clothing to hide the glow and his rather infamous face.

Role: Carpenter and lumberjack.

Bio: Victor had a rather normal and simple life growing up. Being raised in a small village far from the hustle and bustle of the city, this village was surrounded by thick forests and the occasional old ruin. His father was a carpenter and his mother a cook, they raised him to know how to read and write. The father teaching the boy how to find and cut trees into lumber and usable pieces, his mother always making sure he was fed and knew how to cook for himself. It wasn’t long before he took a liking to one of the local girls, Sara Frostfire a Kitsune whose family were the local healers.

For a time he was happy, a young strong boy with a very lovely kitsune he was on the verge of marrying who wouldn’t be happy. Alas, things were not to last, one special night he took his soon to be bride deep into the forest to a special place. A small hot spring, light from the full moon shown down into the light blue pool. This was to be their first time alone, to just be enveloped in each other’s company yet someone had other plans. They were followed by others wearing red hoods and black masks, in an instant they were surrounded and subdued before being knocked unconscious, The last thing he remembers is Sara’s screams.

He woke confused and frightened in a large old room, his hands were bound and he had a gag in his mouth. Candles and moon light filled the room with enough light to show strange and old runes spread across the ceiling, walls and floor. The runes that were engraved around him were filled with a red viscus liquid, this place was old, felt old, smelled old with only the sound of a slight dripping somewhere around him and his own breathing. He didn’t see them at first, the hooded figures that stood so quiet and still around the circular room not until one stepped out wearing an entirely black robe and red featureless mask. This Man spoke first then the others followed, they spoke a language he did not understand and somehow it hurt him to hear it. Victor writhed in pain his only thought was to desperately search for his love.

The chanting didn’t stop and some hooded figures soon began focusing their magic towards the center, not on him but towards the runes on the floor around him and then slowly they all began to do so. The pain… the pain… pain… pain… his thoughts were drowned out he could hear screaming he tried to see who was screaming but noticed he couldn’t see anything, only darkness. He woke in that chamber, he could see but he was taller and his field of view had changed he could see more now than before yet he was kneeling. When he tried to stand nothing happened, he couldn’t move or talk and what movements he did make were involuntary as if he was only watching and listening as something else controlled him.

The mage that began the chant stood before him and spoke, “Argor, The Blood Demon, your payment has been fulfilled with the blood of a virgin and the soul of another. I am your new master you will obey your master, you will obey me. Now go Argor and spread my terror and will across the country side.” For the next four years to come Victor had to bear witness to the crimes he was being hunted for, terrible things that left him broken. He was able to find Sara again her body had been ravaged and bled dry, he figured that her blood was the red liquid at the ritual and all he did was buried her and take the ring he gave her.

It took them 4 years, 4 long and bloody years to capture him and take him to court. The local lord a man driven by justice and superstition was his judge, then something unexpected happened someone got it into the lord’s head that if he were to kill victor it could release the demon bound to him into this world. Yet to please the public and their unrest he told them he was going to destroy this man and the beast within. Victor didn’t care no punishment was harsh enough, no jest, insult, or question broke his concentration on the two plain gold rings he held in his hands. And yet he was subdued and put to sleep by a mage’s spell. Now it seems the lord simply wanted to get rid of the man and banish him to the new world by locking him in a crate and placing it in with the food supply that was to go with the expedition team, thus brushing his problem under the rug.

Skills: Other than what is expected of his profession building and lumber gathering, Victor is rather skilled in cooking and foraging, as well as basic farming and medicine with a bit of singing and playing musical instruments put in. With living in the forest for so long his survival skills are quite good and if necessary he can defend himself from wild animals but does not like violence.

Magic: Aside from his curse Victor has no magical aptitude to the point that even enchanted or magic items are simply mundane in his hands, this may be a byproduct of the demon taking whatever magic he has.

The Curse: By means of old magic, Victor is soul bound to a demon named Argor. Lately he has been able to control his transitions and although he has no control over the demon yet it seems to know friend from foe. This binding has given Victor slightly improved stamina and strength compared to normal humans.

The Demon: Argor is a Sadistic cruel creature that has an aptitude for Combat, violence, And bloodshed. Two things change when he takes control of Victor, the first is his eyes turn completely black by unknown means and the second and more noticeable is the color of his tattoos change from yellowish orange to a dark red. This change can be sudden and happens randomly or when Victor is emotionally compromised. However, Being that he is in a separate realm from the mage that summoned him, Argor now has free will of his actions.

Equipment: Other than his carpentry equipment, shovel, pick, ax, saw, hand drill, hammer, nails, knife, Etc… he has nothing other than two golden rings he wears with a simple metal chain around his neck and his unusual baggy clothes. Argor prefers to use the lumber axe when in combat.

Other: If you get him to talk about his past which he is still reconciling, consider yourself lucky he doesn’t like talking about his past. Also the demon isn't a silent bystander and does talk to Victor, where Victor might just seem like hes having an argument or talking to himself to others. Also Victor is known to some as the "Crimson Marauder" for his murder spree and the destruction he has caused.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Esailia
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Sorry, I'm tired as hell. just got back from a three hour long shopping trip, and I helped bring in everything. My post should be up in a few hours.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nagariin
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Yuuta
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Yuuta Not Even My Final Form

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@ReusableSword Looks mostly good. I like the story. There's a couple things with the curse, though. Not needing to eat, drink, or sleep trivializes many of the survival elements of this RP. I'm going to have to say no to that. Being slightly stronger than a normal human is fine, just make sure he doesn't go punching any boulders around. You mention that there is a demon bound to him, but you're a bit vague about what that actually means. Does the demon come out? Does he transform into it? I think a full-on demonic transformation is a bit much for the RP, whether he's controllable or not. If it's just a voice in his head, that's fine.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


Alright i can change it around. Its a character concept from a different place, so i was expecting to change things up. I won't be home tomorrow so I have to change it on Sunday sorry about that. But Thank you for the opportunity.
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