Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Loguetown, a city on the Polestar Islands in East Blue, whom with the exception of a few steep hills, covered the entire island it rested on was always a busy place, thanks to the pirates who stopped at the city to fill up on supplies before heading out to the Grand Line, and the marines whose job it was to stop them, was busier than normal. All over the city marines, anxiously sweating, calling for things to get done, commanding the lower ranks to put various decorations here and there, and praying everything was set up before the higher up's ship's arrived in the evening.
Not everyone was happy with the ceremony. In the back alleys and cheaper pubs, pirates and civilians who'd been around long enough cursed the day, and winced at just how bitter cheap beer could taste with a bit of bad luck on the tongue. Not that they'd curse too loud with all the marines around. The damn world government had its ears and eyes all over the place. Some were it was still possible to take a shit without looking down into a seat and seeing an eyes staring back up at you.
"What's going on, mama?" A small boy asked, pointing at a group of marines, struggling to spread a giant banner from one end of the fabled execution platform.
"It's a festival, Nerdi." An elderly woman with eyes the color of robin eggs.
"A festival!" The boy's face brightened at the word. "For what mama! What're the marines celebrating."
The woman paused to look around. All the marines seemed busy with their duties, unaware of any civilians nearby. After a moment of making sure nobody was paying attention the woman continued. "There was a man, from a long time ago." She said as she squat down to talk with her child at eye level. "He was a strong man that caused the marines some trouble."
"Trouble?" Nerdi's eyes were wide with amazement at the thought of anyone able to do that. "What kind of trouble?"
Before the boy's mama could reply a large hand gently laid itself on her shoulder like a bird of prey perching on an old bent tree. "He was a pirate, and a strong one too." A large voice boomed above the woman's head. "He caused a lot of deaths and a great big heap of trouble for common folks like you and your nana." The voice belonged to a marine with a cigar in his mouth and a patch over his right eye. Grinning he patted the elderly woman on the back a little hard that was necessary, and turned his attention to the sea. "The world government got him though. With their marines and a bit of lucky we managed to capture the man some called the king of the pirates and put him to the gallows."
"Gallows?" Nerdi asked, head cocked to the side as if doing so would shuffle things around enough in his brain to get things moving.
"Gallows." The marine nodded and squat down to look the boy in the eye. "We caught'em, tied him up, and." The man made a cutting gesture across his throat. "No more pirate king, isn't that right, ma'am." The marine smiled at the elderly woman.
"Yes." The boy's nana nodded, doing her best for a neutral look.
"That was twenty years ago, today." The marine said, putting his hands in his pocket. "If that's not reason to celebrate I'm not sure what could be." Grinning he tussled the boy's hair. "It's going to be a good one too. We'll have food and drinks, an effigy, and even a few of the higher ups will stop by to say a word or two." He winked at the boy. "I'm sure you and you're nana we'll be here, right?"
With a frown the woman nodded. With amazement the boy did the same.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hailing from over the horizon, a ship pulled into port. It looked like a marine ship, though the sails were red instead of the usual white. For a figurehead, it had an eastern-style dragon, and the ship bore a pirate's flag. The flag itself had a relatively simple design, the classic Jolly Roger in pure red. Standing at the prow of the ship was a man in a long red coat, the pirate captain Blake 'Redcoat' Hunter. He turned round and addressed his crew.

"Avast, me hearties, and look yonder. We have reached the isle where the pirate king was born... and where he finally passed away at the hands of them bastard marines. Up to this point, our journey has been easy. From here on out, we be taking on the Grand Line. I be not an unfair man. If any of ye feel like ye cannae handle this, then take yer share o' our treasure and leave my ship. For those who stay, I cannae promise yer safety, nor can I promise riches, but I can promise adventure beyond compare. And isn't that what being a pirate is all about?"

After a pause to wait for the ensuring ruckus to die down, he continued his speech.

"For those who come with, and those who go without, this will be our last landfall as one crew. So as yer cap'n I have one order for ye. Eat, drink, and be merry, for we celebrate the beginning of our grand venture into the unknown!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

As the sun shone down on captain Blake D. Hunter as he gave his rousing speech, one man was missing from the gathering. Such a thing wasn't entirely unusual. The individual in question often had a habit of showing up in the most random of places at any given point in time, and he did not claim to be an actual member of the crew. Just a tag along, as he put it. Still, whenever they needed someone to stitch up their wounds or help defend their rights of freedom, he was always there, ready and willing.

Upon the captain's order to "eat, drink, and be merry," the missing party suddenly appeared. A single plank on deck cocked upward, as if on a lever, allowing Dr. Wutong Ken to poke his head out. His face was flushed, he was sweating, and he stank something awful, but his pleasant and affable smile could almost make one overlook that fact. Almost. "Beat ya to it, gluglugluglug!" His laugh was uniwue, but far from the strangest oddity to compose his personality. He punctuated his laughter by placing a gourd, which sloshed about with some unidentified liquid, to his mouth and drank deeply. With each gulp, he sank a little lower, the plank dropping with him, until the deck of the ship appeared unaltered. Where did he go? Was he living inside the woodwork somehow? That dude is seriously weird...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GloopertheWooper
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GloopertheWooper The Gloop

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

During the bouts of cheering spurred on by the captain’s promises of adventure, Ayril cheered her heart out.

Naturally, such speeches were never in shortage on her home island. At one point or another, everyone seemed to have need for motivation, and she often stored the inspiring words she heard deep within her mind. Most of the inspiring words, at least, for it wouldn’t exactly be a bother if a few words were left out…

However, in the end their speeches just weren’t able to beat the whimsical chattering of her actual captain; who may or may not have been putting his all into sounding like an actual pirate.

When the ruckus died down, and the words of relaxation filled the air, the tealette released a sigh. “The last stop before reaching the Grand Line, huh?” She shoved a hand into her pocket, fishing around for the small leather bag that served as her wallet. After a moment, she plucked it out, thumbing at the opening. “I wonder if this is enough…” She frowned at what little coinage she held, before turning towards Blake.

“Oi! Capt’, can I borrow some money?” She called, already turning back towards the port town. “I’d like to… respectfully plunder this town for what ingredients they have to offer.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Annabella stood at the back of the crew where she normally was. She still wasn't used to being a part of the crew despite being with them for several months now. She had spent to long in solitude as a mercenary. She listened intently to the speech and cracked a smile when they began cheering. She knew what today was better than any of the crew, having been raised by a Marine. She heard plenty of stories of the fall of the pirate king and how it only encouraged more people to become pirates. She was hesitant to leave the ship even though the town was so big, there was still a slim possibility of her running into her adoptive father. This was something she wanted to avoid at all costs.

Her attention was drawn to the drunk who seemed to appear out of the ship itself. He disturbed her, and she had yet to go to him for anything medical, intending to keep it that way. She didn't trust him. She knew enough to patch herself up most of the time and she hoped she never got injured or sick enough to require his drunken assistance.

As the crew began to do there own think she stood looking over the railing at the port. She scanned it carefully, it looked like the higher up marines had yet to make port here, which meant as of now she was free to wonder without running into old faces. She assumed they would arrive later tonight. After a quick last scan she walked toward the captain. ""With all due respect I don't believe docking the ship here is the best course of action, this place will be crawling with marines by nightfall. And this ship is a little bit on the obvious side." Her voice was as plain and emotionless as usual but her eyes betrayed her nervousness, shifting from the port to the captain and back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Turtle, ye know the rules. The loot be split equally betwixt the crew. Yer coffers be in the same boat the same as mine. If ye cannae afford the food , then grab some boys and steal it afore we leave." Hunter yelled over at Ayril. Turning to Anna, he gave a simple explanation in a hushed voice.
"Pond, this be the last town afore the grand line, and moreover the birthplace of me grandfather's greatest rival. It might be trouble but we have to land here, if only to pay our respects to the second greatest pirate in the world."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago

It was nice finally reaching landfall. The last town before the Grand Line, Loguetown, the execution place of the old pirate king. There was bound to be something interesting here. Considering the captain was really up to everyone exploring the town, Light jumped at the chance. Especially considering their chef needed to get supplies. "Hey Capt, I'll go with Ayril to make sure nothing bad happens. She'll probably need help carrying supplies back anyway." Light said, hopping up from where she was sleeping on the ship and waiting for Ayril to head out.

It probably didn't help there were marines around this place, after all, they were kinda everywhere. Even so, they were more numbers, not skill from what she had known.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GloopertheWooper
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GloopertheWooper The Gloop

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Upon receiving the confirmation from the captain, Ayril nodded, quickly making her way towards the storage. While it took her a bit, she eventually returned to the surface of the ship, a full wallet dangling from the hem of her pants. “Oh, you’re coming, Light? Ehh…” Tinges of a frown danced in her features. “I suppose that just means we can haul more food back.” With a firm bob of her head, the cutlass user began forward once more.

“I wonder if those pirates were still on their way over here…” With a hop, Ayril officially stepped on Logue Town foundation. Her hands found her sides, and she walked forward, fully expecting Light to be walking behind. “Food… food…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After finishing his talk with the boy and elderly woman, the Marine with the eye patch looked around, and smiled. Things were going as well as could be expected, by the way he saw it, the preparations were at least a few hours ahead of schedule. To celebrate the man took in a long pull of his cigar. The cherry at the end burned brightly as it made its way down to the nub. "Enough of that." The man said to nobody in particular before flicking the still smoldering remains of his cigar aside. "Time to get back to work."

The man took a moment to examine his surroundings, hoping to zero in on a marine slacking or not going as fast as he liked. There weren't any nearby. This was a shame as the marine wasn't one who enjoyed down time. "Damn." He muttered, rubbing some of the stubble on his chin. "Everything's going a bit too well." His frown deepened. Nothing ever moved so easily unless it was build up for something big.

"No." The marine shook his head. "Don't be ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with nothing wrong." The words made sense but he couldn't bring himself to believe them for a second. "A stroll will do something good. No doubt I'll find someone slacking it. There's always someone slacking it." Faking a smile he turned and headed down a street that led to the docks. If there really wasn't anyone not giving the work in front of them a hundred percent, at least some time looking out into the ocean would calm his nerves. Maybe he'd even be around to personally greet the hire ups on arrival. He was doubtful, but stranger things had happened.


"That bastard!" The elderly woman said, watching the marine with the eye patch walk away. "I say we kill him first."

"Now. Now. Magrat," the boy said, suddenly sounding much older than his tiny body would indicate. There was a gravel to his words that shouldn't exist in his voice for another sixty years. "Don't get your knickers in a knot. We'll get him, and even if we don't get him specifically, it'll be just as good."

The elderly woman shook her head. "He's just so smug! He looked at me as if I was an old crone!"

"There. There!" Nerdie said, putting his hand on the old woman's shoulder, before he started sliding it down her back.

"Not now." The woman hissed, slapping his hand away and forcing herself up as straight as her bent back would allow. "There's too many marines around and I don't like the look people give me in public."

The boy sighed. "Well I guess we've figured out all we need to anyways. It doesn't look like they're waiting for us at all. This really does seem like its just a big ego-stroke for the world government. Might as well head back."

The woman nodded. "Yeah. Come on." Chewing on her lip she started moving way.

"Wait. Maama!" The boy shouted, sounding suddenly ten years old again. "Don't leave me. We need to hold hands so we won't get lost, remember."

A glower was all the elderly woman could manage before she snatched the boy's hand and started pulling him along besides her. "Lousy. Rotten." There would've been more but the sounds were quickly replaced by a consistent grinding sound as upper teeth, and lower teeth, rubbed it out.

"I say it isn't!" A marine with a rifle on his back and goggles over his eyes mouthed, pointed at the new ship on the dock. "Look at it! There's no way that's not a marine ship."

"Man." A second marine with hair down to her lower back, and a sword sheath at her side, bit her lip to repress a laugh. "That's not a marine ship. Look at its colors! "

"No. It has to be. I swear I've seen that very ship at one of the bases. Come on. I'll prove it." Without waiting for the man's partner to respond he started walking down the dock towards the newly arrived ship.

"Hey wait." The woman snapped. "You're going to get in trouble again." Frowning, she looked around to see if any pair of eyes was paying particular attention to the two of them. When she didn't see any, she grit her teeth and hurried after the man. "God damn it, Pill. We're supposed to stay right over there. "
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 1 day ago

Handel smiled and clapped at the captain's speech with subdued enthusiasm. While he was grateful to Blake for saving him from inevitable execution, the captain's thrill-seeking nature made the Redcoat crew not the best place for Handel to be laying low. Still, it was a lot harder to be found on the Grand Line, so Handel just needed to wait a little bit longer until they've quietly (hopefully) slipped out of the Marine's bees' nest that was Loguetown. Of course, Handel had no intention of straying too far from the ship, but he did fish around in his pockets for a pair of baby den den mushi, handing one each to Ayril and Light. "Hold on to these and call if anything happens." Looking back ti Captain Hunter, Handel added with a smile, "I'll stay on the ship. You all have fun, and remember to take one of these little guys with you."

Just then, he noticed what looked like two rookie marines approaching the ship. Handel wasn't sure how much of his desertion the Marines had kept a secret since desertions hurt morale. He knew there were wanted posters of him up, but whether they had spread to Loguetown or not yet was still an unknown. And for the most part, lower ranked marines didn't pay that much attention to wanted posters; they usually just kept their heads down and took orders when it came to who to capture. Deciding to risk it, Handel got off the boat and approached the two in his marine jacket, hoping to pass off as a superior officer. "Hello, hello! Lovely day to be in Loguetown, isn't it? Good to see the commanding officers are keeping the docks well-patrolled with strapping recruits! Please don't mind the ship, got in a fight with a color-changing devil fruit user, of all things. Nothing a little dry-dock maintenance won't fix though." He smiled at them, rubbing his hands and waited for them to go away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ken didn't bother the rest of the crew as they went about on their way. He usually preferred to keep separate under normal conditions, so they could head on out, buy things, party on the town, whatever their little hearts desired. His own ambitions didn't reach out that far. At least not for the time being. Right now all he needed was to keep himself so stupid drunk that nothing in the world could ever possibly matt-OHCRAPGOTTAPEE!

Ken practically launched out from the floorboards of the ship, landing on the guard railings of the port bow. Without a second thought he yanked down his trousers, took hold of his, er, "firehose," and began relieving himself directly into the sea below. "Hmhm hmmm hm hmhm hmm," he hummed to himself, swaying side to side ever so slightly, his drunken stupor somehow keeping time with the waves of the water. Then something caught his eye. Three people, not too far off, were conversing. One of them looked vaguely familiar... Oh, he knew that guy! "Hey Mishter navigator! *hic* How'sh it going?!" As he turned to face Handel and the marines, he began to wave quite excitedly with one hand. Of course, this had the added benefit of giving them all a wave with... Something else.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Stern Algorithm
The young marine was named Geezer Retclaw, but everyone knew him as Gee on account of the rest of his name not being worth remembering. He was 16 and had only just recently joined up with the corpse on account of a group of pirates laying waste to his home village and then being rescued by the marines. So, as was the case with most new recruits he had hardly any idea of how to deal with a superior ranked member that wasn't yelling at him.

The stranger was a commander, and a very pleasant sounding one at that. Why, the man greeted him as if he was an actual human being as opposed to a grunt that needed directions shouted so loud into one of his ears that the sound came out louder through the one on the other side. The effect was dizzying and it took Gee a moment to understand what was going on and another three minutes to realize he had to reply. The total time it took before he managed to get something out of his mouth was five minutes, twenty two seconds.

"Oh?" Gee swallowed something that belonged in his chest back down his throat. "Color changing devil fruit." He nodded. "Oh okay then." Face pale he stood, wondering if there was something else he should do. Honest, he hoped to be dismissed and fast, but it wasn't happening quickly enough. "Uh. Just checking in." He said with a lisp. "No worries here, then?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" HIs female counter part shouted before realizing she shouldn't have spoken to a higher ranked officer so. "Apologies, sir!" The woman was older than Gee but not by much. "He's knew and dumber than a second coat of paint." She stood close enough to the rook so her arm disappeared behind his back so she could pinch him if he started talking. Which he did, and she in fact pinch him, hard enough to break skin. "We're keeping watch over the area and I guess he thought it would be a good idea to check the ships individually, even though I've told him before how marines don't look favorably on independent thought." She paused for a moment, realizing the liberties she just took a stiffened her attention stance. "Apologies sir. I didn't mean to speak out of line like that."

Gee wanted to tell off his fellow rookie, but didn't because her nails were sharp and she hand them burred into his back. Then he noticed something interesting, what appeared to be some kind of drunk on the ship. The man seemed to be urinating. Either that or he was pouring out a container of fluid that he kept in his trousers for some reason. Part of the young man wanted to question what was going on. The other part wanted to leave as soon as possible and since that part required less effort he decided to follow it. Then the drunk spoke, calling attention to himself.

"Uh." Gee asked.

"Sir?" He question was aimed at the commander, but The young lady's attention was aimed towards the stranger on the boat, which unfortunately included the golden stream he was polluting the water with..
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

While the marines were being distracted by the urinating doctor, the only medic crazy drunk enough to join the crew, Hunter jumped ashore with a nice backflip. Turning over to his navigator, it was revealed that he was wearing a glorious fake moustache. He gave a wave and yelled: "Good luck Hal'! I be off to see the gallows. Try ta stop Ken from drinking the good liqueur."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Oh?" Gee swallowed something that belonged in his chest back down his throat. "Color changing devil fruit." He nodded. "Oh okay then." Face pale he stood, wondering if there was something else he should do. Honest, he hoped to be dismissed and fast, but it wasn't happening quickly enough. "Uh. Just checking in." He said with a lisp. "No worries here, then?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" HIs female counter part shouted before realizing she shouldn't have spoken to a higher ranked officer so. "Apologies, sir!" The woman was older than Gee but not by much. "He's knew and dumber than a second coat of paint." She stood close enough to the rook so her arm disappeared behind his back so she could pinch him if he started talking. Which he did, and she in fact pinch him, hard enough to break skin. "We're keeping watch over the area and I guess he thought it would be a good idea to check the ships individually, even though I've told him before how marines don't look favorably on independent thought." She paused for a moment, realizing the liberties she just took a stiffened her attention stance. "Apologies sir. I didn't mean to speak out of line like that."

Gee wanted to tell off his fellow rookie, but didn't because her nails were sharp and she hand them burred into his back. Then he noticed something interesting, what appeared to be some kind of drunk on the ship. The man seemed to be urinating. Either that or he was pouring out a container of fluid that he kept in his trousers for some reason. Part of the young man wanted to question what was going on. The other part wanted to leave as soon as possible and since that part required less effort he decided to follow it. Then the drunk spoke, calling attention to himself.

"Uh." Gee asked.

"Sir?" He question was aimed at the commander, but The young lady's attention was aimed towards the stranger on the boat, which unfortunately included the golden stream he was polluting the water with..

Handel could see that the two rookie marines were clearly tense. "Marines don't look favorably on independent thought," he thought to himself, replaying what the young woman had said, and let out an inaudible sigh of defeat. "Relax, I'm not your direct superior, so you can drop the formality. I'm just here to take it easy and enjoy the festivities," Handel said, suddenly feeling his age, so much so that he decided to give them advice, "But although discipline is necessary, do not lose yourself to obedience. Look at the admirals, it is their ability to act independently, to make their own reasonable choices, that has proven their ability to lead and be responsible for the lives of so many. Let obedience carry you part of the way through your career, to be a truly great marine, you have to think for yourself, be yourself." He looked up, hoping to see the younger marines looking at him starry-eyed for his sage wisdom, but all he saw on their faces was confused disgust. Tracing their line of sight, he also witnessed the good doctor spreading 'cheer' into the ocean. Handel's eye twitched. "S-see what I mean? Completely off his rocker, but that man is the best damn ship's doctor you could hope to meet. Handel, of course, didn't mean a word of it, but he needed to find a way to justify Ken's behavior. Then Hunter passed by and addressed Handel. "A-a-And our captain doesn't even wear the uniform half the time," Handel stammered, his story becoming flimdier by the second, "So you see? It's ok to just be yourself. I know my crew does, and what upstanding marines they are." His eyes glanced around, wondering if any more members of the crew were going to pop out and ruin his ruse.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago

Walking with Ayril through the town so far hadn't been very eventful, even with the few marines dotting the streets. though the little fries tended to be harmless unless a more domineering officer was nearby to give them directions. "So, how much do we got for food? Or do we need to find a warehouse?" Light said as she walked with Ayril, who was obsessing over all the food she'd need. They hadn't known each other for that long, but Light's never ending appetite probably wasn't a good thing for Ayril to have to cook for.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GloopertheWooper
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GloopertheWooper The Gloop

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“Eh. For food, hopefully enough, though I suppose just ransacking a place would work.” The tealette shrugged, turning her head slightly to meet her companion’s gaze. Her attention then begin to rapidly shoot from building to building, never quite stabilizing. Light would be left in charge of fretting over whatever officers were about, and if the both of them ended up obsessing over food…

“Say, where even are we going?” Ayril frowned, pausing for a moment. “Honestly, we uh… probably passed several restaurants. Do they just shell out food from warehouses? Is that how you secure it?” Clearly, they had different rituals concerning the acquirement of food back on her home island. “You think we should ask one of these sailor-boys?” She leaned in, raising a hand in a whispering fashion. “You think they know we’re pirates?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ryteb Pymeroce
An elderly man, with a heavy sack slung over his back, smiled out at the ocean. It was a lovely day and despite his dislike of crowds, the perky enthusiasm of the marines was getting to him. With the sun in his face, he couldn't help but smile.

The sun's face on the clear blue water could only hold his attention for so long before movement caught his eye.
Someone by a boat, shouting something, sounding merry. The elderly man smiled and raised his arm to the approaching figure. "Morning there, good sir! You look like you're on a good mood. Bet, you're here for the celebration too, eh?"

@Stern Algorithm
Gee heard the commander speak, and got what the words meant, at least individually, but when the words were put together in the order the man was using them, it became a mess. It was like an artist taking all the colors of the rainbow and smearing them together till each was lost in a shit colored brown. "Uh." He said, unable to stop himself from that, and then failed at thinking of anything that wouldn't leave him looking like an idiot.

The female officer wasn't as dull as Gee. In fact, for a marine, she was downright average. The words of the commander sunk deep into her, and flooded her face with scarlet. She tried to keep the smile down, but it was way too buoyant and the corners of her lips raised. "Sir! We'll do our best." She snapped to attention again, despite the commander's words. Then, as if the impact from her hand against her forehead jumbled the facts in just the right way. "Uh sir? If you guys are all marines, how come nobody else has their uniforms on?"

@Archmage MC
"Pssst." A shallow voice called to the pirates. "You two must be new to the island, and pirating in general." The words were coming from a stranger with black hair, blacker eyes, and skin pale enough to reflect the sun and blind eyes that looked directly upon it. "Because experienced individuals don't go around here, saying things like that."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ken's pee continued to stream for several moments before sputtering to a stop. Swaying with the wind, he quickly pulled his pants back up and strapped them, then slowly leaned over the railing. Further and further he leaned, until... The drunken doctor fell right over the railing! He tumbled as he fell, but somehow hit the dock on his feet with bended knees, then sprang forward. His momentum carried him right to the two marines and Handel, where he stood on only his left foot to the navigator's right. With rosy cheeks and bloodshot eyes, Ken looked over both of the marine soldiers, his squinted opening as large as diner plates when his gaze turned to the woman.

Taking another swig of something foul smelling from his gourd, then letting it hang by his hip, Ken's fingers opened and closed in a grabby motion. "Hey *hic* mishy. You kno-o-ow, it's alwaysh good to get *hic* exshamined for breasht cansher. I don't even char-R-rge. Whatsh-ya shay?" Ken did his best to wink seductively, but could only blink with both eyes somewhat out of sync. First the right eye, then the left. It was kind of disturbing.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 1 day ago

Then, as if the impact from her hand against her forehead jumbled the facts in just the right way. "Uh sir? If you guys are all marines, how come nobody else has their uniforms on?"

"I-it's that thing, you know? Shore leave! That's right, we're on shore leave so we've been given permission to dress in civvies. I'm just a bit of a traditionalist, you know?" Handel stammered out, still trying to bluff his way through this, wondering if he should have played the part of a harsh Marine commander instead, and barked at these two until they left.

Ken looked over both of the marine soldiers, his squinted opening as large as diner plates when his gaze turned to the woman.

Taking another swig of something foul smelling from his gourd, then letting it hang by his hip, Ken's fingers opened and closed in a grabby motion. "Hey *hic* mishy. You kno-o-ow, it's alwaysh good to get *hic* exshamined for breasht cansher. I don't even char-R-rge. Whatsh-ya shay?" Ken did his best to wink seductively, but could only blink with both eyes somewhat out of sync. First the right eye, then the left. It was kind of disturbing.

Handel closed his eyes at the chemical stench wafting from Ken's mouth and silently prayed for strength and patience. Attempting to place both hands on the swaying drunk's shoulders, Handel turned back to woman with a look of apology on his face, "Please don't mind my doctor here. The execution of the greatest pirate in history is always a cause to celebrate, and my friend here sure does love to celebrate. But for HIS OWN SAFETY, I should lead him back to the brig, I mean, med bay." Handel then attempted to do just that.
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