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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Conch Shell VII
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Conch Shell VII

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ryuji Sakamoto
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Ryuji Sakamoto Professional Delinquent

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by deyinger
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Distial
Gender: Female
Age: 19

Personality: Distial is an extremely short tempered woman. Even though she is the 'Dark One', she is not 'evil' instead she is more on the neutral side of things. She will try and help others whenever she can, doing the right thing. She will be kind and generous at times but when she is provoked and angered, she can attack her allies and friends. She may even betray her allies if she is angered enough. She respects the dead greatly, and anyone who disrespects the dead in any way shape or form, she will not hesitate to torture and punish the person. She believes that Necromancy isn't disrespecting the dead, but instead, giving the dead a purpose or a chance to redeem themselves. She will never reanimate somebody who has severely angered her or annoyed her.

Bio: Distial has always been in the dark. She has never seen the light of day. Never felt the sun's rays on her face. She has never been to the outside world. Her mother gave birth to her in an old abandoned shadow temple, hidden deeply within an old graveyard. The sacred shadow temple was used to protect and reserve the dead. To give the dead a peaceful and safe resting place. As she grew up with her mother, she came to respect the dead. Her mother taught her the ways of necromancy and voodoo magic, the dark arts. This was so she could later protect herself in life. Her mother always knew that Distial was the Dark Elemental one from the prophecy, although she kept it hidden from her. She didn't want her to leave the shadow temple, she wanted her to stay to protect the dead. Her mother later died, and then was buried along with the secret of the prophecy. Even now, Distial doesn't know she is the Elemental Chosen Dark one, but instead thinks it is a part of her dark arts.

Element: Darkness
Power 1: Dark Arts: This is different to the Elemental Dark power. While she controls all things dark, she doesn't have dark magic itself, like voodoo magic and blood magic for example.
Location: Underground Graveyard.
Family: None
Sentimental Attachment: The Dead.

Pet Name: Shade
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Species: Demon
Species: Demon

Personality: Shade may be the living darkness Distial created, however he still possesses a mind and soul and he is his own person. Shade is very intelligent and will often give advice to Distial on what to do, although he doesn't care if she listens or not. He will always help her, and he sees himself as a loyal servant as hers. However, being a part of her darkness, he possesses her anger and a few of her emotions. He is also able to feel what she feels, being connected to her. This doesn't work the other way round however.

Bio: Shade was created from Distial's elemental powers. She created him so she wouldn't always have to be so alone. She would be able to talk to him. He served her as any loyal servant would, but he always had his free will. He always had the option of saying no, and he knew it, he just didn't like expressing it for he liked helping his creator. Shade can also control darkness and everything with it considering he is created from Distial's Dark Element.

Power: Darkness
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Unknown (The Elemental King!)
Gender: Male
Age: 35

Located: 100ft tall.

Personality: The Elemental King's actual name was never discovered. Nobody really knows who he is, in fact, nobody ever sees him much. He often works behind the scenes, getting his allies to do the work while he instructs them. He is always calm, never getting angry. It is quite rare for him to become angry. He is extremely smug and confident in himself. He knows of the prophecy, and he is determined to beat it. He believes that the prophecy is wrong. Although, his confidence does not blind him. He is extremely observant, watching everything from his castle.

Bio: Everyone who once knew the Elemental King as a boy is long dead. Now, he is just a mystery, a man who has always wanted to rule the world, uniting it as one. He is the tyrant king, who has slaughtered thousands of children to make sure the elemental chosen ones never come for him. Some would all it a cowards move, but he believes he is making sure he keeps his throne. He will do, and has already shown he will do whatever it takes to stop the chosen heroes. Either by killing them all, enslaving them all, or having them join him under his personal army.

Element: All of them!
Sentimental Attachment: Nothing
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Scarlet Overkill
Gender: Female
Age: 25

Personality: Scarlet Overkill, as indicated in her name, she does not hold back. Scarlet is always angry, she is never calm. Her anger fuels her rage and empowers her. She will do whatever it takes to complete her mission. She refuses to lose, she will never give up until the day she dies. Scarlet lets nothing get in her way. She cares only for her king. She respects nobody else, not even her allies. She is a loner, she does not work in a team. She is a one woman army, the one to send out when you want the job doing quickly and effectively. To sum it up, Scarlet Overkill is a sadistic evil monster who will do absolutely anything to complete her mission.

Bio: When Scarlet was young, she was abandoned by her parents, alone. Without help she was sure to die. Nobody cared for her however, nobody wanted her. She was a dark elf, but, there was one man who took her. The Elemental King, he raised her as if she were his own. She looked up to him as if he were his father. At a young age, of about 5 years old, she discovered she had control over energy. The King saw this and decided to have the Mord Siths train her, they helped her grow stronger, to become a fierce warrior. With his help, she was able to fully master her power to it's maximum potential, as well as become a dangerous mord sith, making her the deadliest warrior in the Elemental King's arsenal.

Element: None
Power 1: Energy Manipulation
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Golem
Gender: None
Age: None

Element: All
Power 1: Able to change element, shape, size, and entire body, adapting to their enemy.
Sentimental Attachment:


Name: Soliders
Gender: Both
Age: Varying

Element: None
Sentimental Attachment:
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Master Grey
Gender: Male
Age: 250

Personality: Master Grey isn't any normal old man. He is extremely wise on supernatural levels. He knows almost everything there is to know. He can foretell the future, see the past, and know the present. He is the creator of the prophecy that is known today. He is a walking corpse, not literally. He faked his own death many years ago and hid ever since. Master Grey is of course, not an evil person. He won't help the Elemental King, he would rather die. He hopes to wait long enough until the elemental chosen ones are revealed. He wishes to guide them to victory.

Bio: Master Grey wrote a prophecy long ago, fortelling of eight children with help, take down and stop the tyrant king. He then faked his own death when the Elemental King found him hiding. Ever since, he has been hiding and waiting. Waiting for the perfect chance to reveal himself. He can foretell the future, he can see the past and he knows the present.

Element: None
Power 1: Prophecy Manipulation
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Seth
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Personality: Seth is a born fighter. Although that doesn't mean she enjoys fighting. She is extremely stubborn, once she makes her mind up, she will never change it, no matter if she is actually wrong. Seth sees herself as a pawn. She will do absolutely anything to make sure her village is safe from harm, the only exception is joining his evil army. She is determined to find Elemental Chosen ones to help kill the tyrant king, but she knows that will not be easy.

Bio: Seth was born a fighter, she was raised to be a warrior. It worked perfectly. Her family raised her and she became a proud and honourable warrior. She trained with her farther when she was young then, at the age of eighteen she joined the military and took special training with them. She left the military when she turned nineteen of age and returned to her village. It was her time to shine, her time to protect her village, she was determined to do anything to make sure it was still standing. If she had to, she would gladly sacrifice herself.

Element: None
Power 1: Battle Magic
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Isabella
Gender: Female
Age: 19

Personality: Isabella is a kind person. She will do anything to make sure they succeed in their mission in defeating the tyrant king. She thinks about everything carefully before acting. She is extremely smart and strategic, coming up with brilliant plans both for battle and everyday things. She has studied the prophecy for years, and thus knows it inside and out. She now is searching for the Elemental Chosen Ones, as well as anyone who could be considered a Guardian, and plans on gathering everyone up for a meeting.

Bio: Isabella spent all her time reading and studying the prophecy. Making sure she knew it, making sure she memorized it all. After she did, she began to set out and begin searching for the Elemental Ones, as well as anyone who could be considered a Guardian. She had already decided, that she would do whatever it took to lead the team to victory.

Element: None
Power 1: Control Particles such as Dust and Sand.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Julia
Gender: Female
Age: 10

Personality: Julia is a kind soul. She is a sweet heart. However, she seems to be much smarter than she is. Having knowledge no ten year old should. She will do anything to protect her friends, no matter what it takes. She is extremely loyal, to the point she will sacrifice herself for others. She sees herself as useless, having no real powers as far as everyone can see.

Bio: Julia's parents were killed when she was only 9 years of age by The Elemental King. He told her it was because her parents were secretly working against him, and that was called treason. She never understood why everyone wanted to stop him until that moment of time. He took the only family she had. He made her an orphan, he offered her a place in his home, and she accepted for a time, maybe she would see that he wasn't sure a bad person. Maybe her parents were wrong for working against him, she couldn't be sure. However, when the Elemental King saw no potential in her, he threw her out like trash, and left her to die.

Element: None
Power 1: Unknown. Seemingly, none.
Family: Dead
Friends: None
Sentimental Attachment: Her stuffed cat.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Link
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Personality: Link is a kind person, who will do absolutely anything to protect the innocent. He often trains and himself within the academy. He has never seen the surface before, and has always wondered what it would be like down there, if anything. Rumours have it, that there is nothing below the clouds but honestly he doesn't believe in that.

Bio: Link has no knowledge of the surface below the clouds. He doesn't know about the prophecy at all. He has never heard of it. He lives in an ancient place called Skyloft. A place hidden thousands of feet above the clouds. If one falls, it would be instant death. During birth, as all members of Skyloft do, he got a Guardian Bird who chose him.

Element: Wind
Power 1: Ninjutsu
Location: Island In the Skies.
Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Name: Storm
Pet Age: 100
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Appearance:

Pet Personality: Storm is very loyal to Link and protective. He will do anything for him, no matter what it is. Storm is friendly to others who Link trusts however Storm always keeps one eye open for trouble.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Kai Hioska
Location: General Town
Gender: Male
Age: 14

Personality: Kai is cocky, he believes he is better than everyone else. He loves to prove that whenever possible. He will do absolutely anything to be above everyone as he hates somebody being better than he is. Although he can work in a team, he prefers being the leader as he thinks there is nobody better suited than him.

Bio: Kai has always been the way he is, cocky and arrogant. He has made sure he has won every battle, every race, either by being fair, or by cheating. He has made sure he has never lost. Kai never bothered to practice his powers as he believed he was good enough already which makes it hard for him to master his powers completely.

Element: None
Power 1: He is able to control Kinetic energy.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Slade
Gender: Male
Age: 16

Personality: Slade is extremely lazy and unmotivated. He doesn't like to get involve in conversations as he finds it too boring. Although, nobody should judge a book by it's cover. He isn't the brightest person in the world, but at the same time, he isn't stupid either. When he is fighting, he continues to be lazy and put little effort into it. The only time he is serious when is life is on the line.

Bio: Slade has always been lazy, even through school, he never bothered doing the work as he couldn't be bothered. He found the work far too easy, and even if it wasn't he still wouldn't do it as it wasn't important to him. He didn't care about knowledge, as everything he was going to learn, he wouldn't be using.

Element: None
Power 1: Paper Manipulation
Location: General Town
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Sanata
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Personality: Sanata is a kind woman, she is incredibly smart, and is always thinking one step ahead. She makes sure everything is perfect, and nothing can go wrong. She can be quite weary of danger as well as paranoid. She always considers the possibility of danger. Even if everything is going well, she can still find something to be paranoid at.

Bio: Sanata has always been paranoid, she has always been weary. All she has ever wanted was to protect her friends and family. She practised her power every day, trying to prefect it. Everyday, she learned more and more about her power, and just what she could do with it. She used her power to protect her friends and family, as well as the innocent.

Element: None
Power 1: Able to control and manipulate shards of any kind.
Location: Hidden Village
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Zuko
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Personality: Zuko always underestimates his enemies, and never fights at full strength as he finds it too boring. He tests his enemies to see if they can handle half of his power, and if they can hold their own against him, he will show them his true power. He is not cocky, nor arrogant. Although, he loves a good fight and won't run from a good battle.

Bio: Zuko has always been a warrior at heart. He has always enjoyed battle. It is all he has ever known. He joined a special group, a rebellion against the King. He figured that a fight against the king was a battle worth fighting. He has never disagreed against the king, but at the same time, he has never agreed with him either. He has not claimed the King to be bad, nor good.

Element: None
Power 1: Energy Manipulation
Location: The Tower.
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