Full Name】
Hiyoko Uchiha, ひよこうちは【
The Lone Uchiha 【
Agent in the employ of Kyuuseishu.【
Birth Country】
Hiyoko was born in Kyokujitsugakure.【
Current Village】
Currently residing in Kirigakure.【
Hiyoko is an agent of Kyuuseishu.【
Shinobi Rank】
Jonin Level Ninja (A) 
Hiyoko has done much growing throughout her life. At first she was a brash young girl who sought to end conflict as soon as she found it. However, as she grew with her trainings and teachings she became much more mature. Now, she is a refined young woman who at her core is a people person. It can be difficult to grasp her ‘true’ personality as she is often working as a spy or at the very least guarding her identity. As such, she is very rarely herself as it were. In the few moments she is able to be, however, she truly enjoys the little things.
Now that her life is full of conflict and strife, she enjoys the few moments in which she can relax by herself and simply fish in Kirigakure.
As far as her disposition towards combat goes, she was taught to view it as a learning experience. Even in a life or death situation. As such she has no issue whatsoever with combat and doesn’t often find herself worried about it.
Hiyoko doesn’t have too many friends, and she doesn’t commonly like to make lasting relationships. However she has been known to bed the odd woman every now and again, or perhaps find a good drinking buddy. She’s not opposed to camaraderie. 
Hiyoko was born in Kyokujitsugakure. It is peaceful there, as peaceful as it gets during war times. But for whatever reason Hiyoko no matter what she did, could not take to it. She trained alongside other members of her clan and her peers. But she had a problem with how far she would take training. How much she put in to every day training. She wouldn't stop until she had to. She would punch until her target was incapacitated. There were many things she lacked, control, subtlety, precision, and an activated Sharingan. Hiyoko attempted to make up for these lackings in physical strength and dominance.
For some time, it worked. She could out-punch her competitors during the early stages of training, but it was whn her stubbornness saw a stunted growth, that was when she became truly flawed. It wasn't until she met a woman by the name of Kyoko. Kyoko was not immediately struck with Hiyoko, in fact it was quite the opposite. She saw Hiyoko as rather one sided, full of ambition but with almost no talent to achieve that ambition. She was polite in her declination and afterwards, she left Kyokujitsugakure.
Hiyoko took this feedback about as well as could be expected of her. Which was to say she didn't take it well at all. She beat her hands bloody against a tree and when she was done with that she was ready to begin training, should Kyoko ever return. The next year and a half would be spent in vigorous training. She managed to improve her abilities with Fuinjutsu to a functioning capacity in which she could seal and unseal items aobut the size of a kunai with her Jutsu. She also learned some basic Genjutsu. But the most important think Hiyoko did in that year and a half was awaken her Sharingan.
It was simply a single Tomoe, but it possessed her entire potential within it.
By the time Kyoko returned, she could see visible proof of Hiyoko's drive and her will to learn. So, Kyoko took her own as one of her apprentices. She trained with Kyoko for a number of years and in that time learned a great many things. Most importantly the things she lacked when all she wished for was conflict. She learned subtlety, seduction, coercion, precision. She learned everything that would create the woman she was today. And she learned loyalty above all of that.
Kyoko saw something in Hitomi that could truly by honed, like a fine blade. But to activate the latter stages of the Sharingan were no small task. Kyoko's approach to Hitomi's was unique in that it was mostly Genjutsu based. She utilized her Genjutsu to create an entire world for Hiyoko. But, it was almost identical to the world she lived in now. In fact, the only difference was a woman whom she met a the market that morning.
Her training continued in fact, for many months - or so that's what it felt like. As the days and weeks passed Hiyoko grew to love this woman that her teacher had created for her. They had their first kiss, their first night sharing a bed. And then there was Kyoko standing atop that bed holding the head of Hiyoko's lover. Her Sharingan evolved and she awoke, only two hours past when the Genjutsu was first cast. It was cruel, harsh, and incredibly affective. Hiyoko forgave her after a short amount of time grieving a thing that never happened. She felt as though Kyoko knew her better than anyone else from that point. She had seen her inner-most desires.
She would come to swear her fealty to Kyoko and from that day would serve her.
She now found herself in Kirigakure - as a spy. Day by day she was a simple fisherwoman. But at night she gained intel and reported with a fair level of frequency and incredible amount of accuracy. Her occupation was not easy nor safe, but it was perfect for a woman with her own talents.
Chakra Nature(s)】
Fire, Yin.
Abilities and Special Traits】
Hiyoko has a natural talent in Genjutsu only bolstered by her Sharingan. While her Sharingan has only reached it's two tomoe-stage it is still incredibly proficient in casting Genjutsu on those who look upon her. She has also been personally trained by one of the most proficient tacticians and Genjutsu masters. Kyoko. This has bolstered her non-Sharingan based Genjutsu and general knowledge of the techniques to a far greater height than it would be without her aid.
While Hiyoko hasn't studied text for very long at all. She has studied people. She is an excellent judge of character and is easily able to discern changes in mood, attitude, and intent.
Hiyoko has been taught interrogation by the best manipulator in the world. While force is an option, it is one of many that Hiyoko may use to exert. Kyoko taught her of seduction, coercion and many other ways of hearing the right thing at the time.
Hiyoko has also become moderately adept with Fuinjutsu. While she can't typically use it to seal people or tailed beasts -
she does uses it for dissipation of elemental techniques or relocation of certain abilities, techniques, herself, or items. Typically in a supplementary fashion. Anything from a Katon: Goukyaku no Jutsu to a single shuriken could come from a seal she utilizes. It is this versatility that Kyoko harnessed within Hiyoko.【
Weapons, Tools and Equipment】
Name of Weapon or Item: Omoide 思い出 [Memories]
Location: Carried on Hiyoko's back. Can be used to shield her for rain among other things.
Owner: Hitomi Uchiha
Rank: C
Description: Omoide has two very specific seals on it. The first, located on the inner portion of the umbrella is a protective seal. By channeling a small amount of chakra into the handle of the umbrella Hiyoko can activate it and encase herself in a ball of water that can protect her from fire techniques and weaker Ninjutsu. She can deactivate this technique by stopping the flow of chakra from her hand to the handle.
The second technique and final technique Omoide possesses is in the form of a seal on the outwards facing side of the umbrella. It is activated in a similar fashion to the first technique however instead of one hand being placed on the umbrella, two are required. When the seal is activated it releases a Genjutsu is released that causes the victim to immediately have their senses reversed. It will fell as though attempting to move their right hand will move their left and so on. This technique, unless reversed will only last for two minutes.
Hiyoko carries with her, at all times:
- 25 Kunai
- A pouch on her right hip that contains many seals storing weapons. These include:
- 3 Seals with 3 Fuma Shuriken within each.
- 1 Seal with two Flash Bombs.
- 1 Seal with 25 more Kunai and ten explosive tags.
- 2 Seals with 100ft of wire each.
- Finally, on her person she also carries 100ft of fire disguised to look like fishing wire.

【Kekkei Genkai】
Two-Tomoe SharinganName of the Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan [Copy Wheel Eye]
Type of Kekkei Genkai: Dojutsu
Clan: Uchiha
Rank: A
Description: The Uchiha ClanThe Eye of InsightThe user can see chakra, giving it colour in order to distinguish it by its composition and source. Though not as capable in this regard as the Byakugan, it can see chakra through some (but not all) obstructions and detect irregularities in a person's chakra flow, such as those caused by genjutsu influence.
The user is granted incredible clarity of perception, enabling them to read lips[20] or mimic something like pencil movements. In combat, this allows them to see fast-moving objects and, once fully developed, offers some amount of predictive capabilities: they can anticipate an opponent's next move based on the slightest muscle tension in their body and act accordingly to dodge or intercept. They can also read the enemy's hand seals to give them an insight of the performed technique's nature, regardless of the speed of performance, so long as the hands are not physically hidden from view. Although a Sharingan user can see these things, they also need the physical ability to actually act on the visual information. While there are further abilities, at Hiyoko's current level she can only utilize these as far as the Eye of Insight. She only possesses two Tomoe and as such is unable to copy Ninjutsu, rather she is only able to recieve further insight based on the handseals used to create them. This obviously does not include Taijutsu or Jutsu that do not require handseals.
The Eye of HypnotismThe user can perform what is generically called Genjutsu: Sharingan. While there are various manifestations and purposes of the ability, the better known one is to, through eye contact, suggest thoughts and actions to a target, coercing them to divulge information or act in a particular way, potentially without the target's awareness. Multiple targets can be taken control of in this way, though the more divided the user's attention is, the easier it is for targets to escape this control. While not an ability per se, the Sharingan user can appear as if they are able to "see the future". First, the user must perfectly mimic every move their opponent makes and possibly their thoughts and words through careful observation. Then, they suggest an action to the opponent such as hand seals for a technique that the opponent and Sharingan user already know and copy that. With these things done, the user can complete the action even before the opponent does, possibly using the Sharingan's genjutsu to confuse or delay them. This is by far Hiyoko's expertise, especially when it comes to the Sharingan and its uses.
Weakness: To use her eyes to their fullest extent requires constant chakra flow. This also can cause sensory overload, as seeing too much to react upon can create too much information to adequately disseminate, in combat this is especially troublesome. Many Uchiha also rely too much on their Sharingan. As with any Dojutsu it also cannot see or interact with Natural Energy or any sort of Senjutsu.
Canon Jutsu】
Fūnyū no JutsuKaifū no JutsuKuchiyose: Raiko Kenka(Summoning: Lightning Flash Blade Creation)Gofū Kekkai Magen: Narakumi no JutsuMagen: Kokoni Arazu no JutsuSōshuriken no JutsuSōfūshasan no TachiKage Shuriken no JutsuGenjutsu: SharinganIatsu Sharingan(Coercion Sharingan)Katon: Gōkakyū no JutsuKaton: Hōsenka no JutsuMagen: Narakumi no JutsuMagen: Kyō Tenchi-tenKuchiyose no JutsuMagen: Kasegui no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes Technique)Shikoku Fūin(Finger Carving Seal)Fūka Hōin(Fire Sealing Method)Nunoshibari no Jutsu(Cloth Binding Technique)Karasu Bunshin no Jutsu【
Custom Jutsu】
Name of Technique: Miruhito no Me [Eye of the Beholder]
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Personal
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: This technique was taught to Hiyoko by Kyoko. Hiyoko compresses her aura into that of a cloak surrounding her, reducing her range. For a small but constant expenditure of chakra, Hiyoko continually projects a Genjutsu that acts as a perception filter – anyone who looks at her inherently knows that a person is there, but wishes to keep them in the periphery of their mind and ignore them. While Hiyoko lacks the Ten aspect of Kiyoko's Tousei no Eien, and any inconsistencies caused by her presence are not smoothed over and she is essentially completely invisible for as long as she does not do anything to unduly draw attention towards herself. She can, essentially create a similar effect with her Sharingan: Genjutsu, subtly influencing the thought process.
If necessary, provided that she has an image in mind, Hiyoko can also cause the Genjutsu to make her appear like someone else for the duration. This is very mentally taxing to use on multiple individuals simultaneously, and prevents Hiyoko from using other techniques for the duration.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Chigoku Inkan: Kami no Sakura [Verbatim Sealing: Divine Blossom]
Type of Jutsu: Fūinjutsu
Rank: C
Range: N/A
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A simple seal that stores another completed jutsu inside it. When activated at the user’s will, the technique is immediately released from the seal. There is a delay of approximately two seconds before the technique is released, during which the seal glows brightly.
Weakness: N/A
Name: Magen: Nise Doku 偽毒 (Demonic Illusion: False Poisoning)
Type: Offensive, Genjutsu/Bukijutsu
Rank: D
Range: Personal
Hand Signs: N/A
Description: This technique creates the illusion of someone being poisoned upon contact with Hiyoko’s blade. This technique is essentially used to create anxiety and force the victim to think about a solution when one shouldn’t be necessary. It takes their mind off the fight. This is especially useful against those who have the means to cure poison as it may draw that out. This is however, simply an illusion and they are not poisoned. Though panic is never good for the body or mind and further harm by drastically increasing fear and blood pressure can be possible.
Name: Kaifū no Rengoku 地獄廊下 (Unsealing Purgatory)
Type: Defensive, Fuinjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Close
Hand Signs: None
Description: Utilizing the seal on Hiyoko's umbrella she is able to defend herself from some projectile based Jutsu. There are however, a couple of defining traits to what she is able to stop. She is able to stop only attacks that are purely chakra - like a
Fireball Jutsu for example. However, this technique takes a great deal of concentration and perhaps more importantly shield Hiyoko's view. Should the technique fit the criteria, however, the technique will be completely negated and blocked with no harm to Hiyoko or those behind her.
Name: Hagane Rōsoku (鋼蝋燭 ‘Steel Candle’).
Type: Offensive, Shurikenjutsu/Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Medium
Hand Signs: 6
Description: After performing
Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu Hiyoko throws shuriken into the fire in order to conceal them. If the opponent attempts to counter the technique that would typically only counter the fire Ninjutsu aspect of this technique it would result poorly for them.
*Name of Technique: Kyūsokuna kon'yaku(急速な婚約 'Rapid Engagement').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei Ninjutsu.
Rank: A
Range: N/A.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: A tricky technique, Kyūsokuna kon'yaku is essentially utilized to make it seem as if an Uchiha has not activated their sharingan. This is done by flowing chakra towards the eyes and allowing it to build up in small bunches along the way so it enters the eye in increments, rather than as a steady stream. This, as well as the intention to activate their eyes, causes the eyes to flicker or, if observed closely, activate and deactivate at such high sped that the doujutsu is never actually seen unless viewed by a specialized technique or another doujutsu. If utilized with yin affinity chakra, the user is capable of initiating powerful, or subtle, genjutsu upon anyone looking at their eyes even in a moment where the sharingan is not activated.
Doujutsu can discern that this technique is being utilized. Additionally, simply not looking at the Uchiha's eyes will allow someone to avoid getting caught in a genjutsu. This technique is not at all chakra taxing, but requires intense focus to maintain for long periods of time.
This technique specifically was taught to Hiyoko by another Uchiha woman she once met. They trained together, for nearly a month before parting ways. Hoping to see one another again sometime soon.
Name of Technique: Shibō Garagara (シボガラガラ ‘Death Rattle’).
Type: Genjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Auditory range
Handsign: N/A
Description: By imbuing her voice with Chakra, Hiyoko whistles to cast a soothing Genjutsu that usually makes the target incredibly tired, however if the victim is already completely exhausted it will put them in a comatose state for up to ten minutes. This is untraceable with the aid of Dojutsu due to it being completely auditory. This requires very little chakra on Hiyoko’s behalf. However, an enemy actively angaged in combat against Hiyoko will not be very susceptible at all to this technique as they are aware of the noise.
Name of Technique: Seppun no Shi (死のキス ‘Kiss of Death’).
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu, Kekkei Genkai
Rank: B
Range: Very Close
Nature Type: Yin
Handseals: None
Description: By placing the smallest amount of chakra in her lips Hiyoko can effectively and without fail place the enemy in a Genjutsu in which for them it will feel like their heart has stopped and they will be unable to breathe. In reality they will be placed in a deep sleep until
true love’s kiss an hour passes.
Weakness: Don't kiss her ya fool.
Name of Technique: Seppun no Jinsei (人生のキス 'Kiss of Life')
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Very Close
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Much like Seppun no Shi, Hiyoko will kiss her victim and when this kiss occurs they will immediately feel a rush of dopamine and powerful Genjutsu will overcome them. One that causes them to essentially fall in love with Hiyoko. It isn't permanent, but it is strong while it lasts. Enough to cause anyone to wish nothing but greatness upon her and immediately divulge any information she wishes to hear.
Weakness: Again, kissing a person is a dangerous position to put yourself in.
Name of Technique: Fuinjutsu: Nozoki Ano (Sealing Technique: Peephole)
Type of Jutsu: Fuinjutsu, Genjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Far
Nature Type: Yin
Handseals: Three, one palm on surface.
Description: Yuen places a seal on a surface and activates the technique afterwards by performing the third seal again. The surface becomes a peephole, her Sharingan eyes appearing through them, this technique can be used to capture someone in the Sharingan Genjutsu. The size of the seal is directly dependent on how long the user places their palm on the surface.
Weakness: A lot of this techniques usefulness is born through deceit, if the enemy doesn’t fall for it and doesn’t look at the seal it will not work.
Name of Technique: Kage Te Jutsu (Shadow Hand)
Type of Jutsu: Fuinjutsu, Shurikenjutsu
Rank: C
Nature Type: Yin
Handseals: Two
Description: This technique is more of a bluff than anything else. The user places a seal on a shuriken and their palm. After throwing the shuriken the user will perform the two handseals and the Shuriken will be transported back to the user’s palm. They can be returned to her hands at any point of the throw.
Weakness: No real offensive value other than to draw someone out.
Name of Technique: Magen: Yugen (ユゲン Demonic Illusion: Human Beauty)
Type of Jutsu: Barrier Fuinjutsu, Genjutsu
Rank: B
Range: 5-20 metre radius.
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: After placing three seals in a triangular formation around Hiyoko, she can create a barrier that hides the presence of anything within it that possesses Chakra. A person and their clothes, other seals, even a Jutsu shold it properly fit within the area. However, each of these seals take a fair amount of chakra to create.
Weakness: One would have to remain stationary as noise can still permeate throughout the barrier and as soon as another person enters the barrier they can see all that would be hidden within it.
Name of Technique: Sharingan: Boketto (ボケット Sharingan: Gaze Vacantly Into Space)
Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Personal
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Hiyoko gazes deeply into another's eyes and pushes their innermost thoughts up. Bringing back past tragedies, desires, and fully unleashing the ID. This can make someone fight, love, cry, even kill themselves and should be considered a great threat. This Jutsu may only work, however, if Hiyoko has enough information to directly pull these thoughts up. Thusly, she may only use this technique on someone whom she has gathered sufficient intel on.
Name of Technique: Sharingan: Kintsukuroi [Sharingan: Gold, Where Once Was Clay]
Type of Jutsu: Genfuuinjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Personal
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Firstly, this Jutsu must be prepared for and cannot be done in a spur of the moment fashion. Utilizing Genjutsu: Coercion, and Chigoku Inkan: Kami no Sakura she seals a Genjutsu that would completely remove the pain response of the mind. She seals this Jutsu on both of her forearms. By running chakra through either forearm seal she can activate the Jutsu and effectively cast her own Genjutsu on herself. With the pain response gone, she will be able to move faster, strike harder, and do more, faster. If, at the damage of her own body. These seals are only here in case she must make her escape, and quickly.
Weakness: If both seals are exhausted a new one must be made. This is not safely done in combat.
Name of Technique: Hai no Iki (灰の息, Breath of Ash)
Type of Jutsu: Gen-Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Range: 20 Metres of Ash spread by the Jutsu
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Exhaling a massive amount of ash that is entirely with chakra, Hiyoko spreads it around the area. If breathed in, the ash immediately attacks the nervous system. Causing the entire body to go into shock. It is essentially a type of poison, except that it causes the nerves to fire off false signals. Pain, adrenaline, fear, even tears will begin to stream down their cheeks. Making combat very difficult and following someone, even harder.
Weakness: Breathing in ash under any circumstance would be ill-advised. Of course. Free advice: don't.