Most everyone is getting involved in the run, Dia and Felix are sitting on the roof trying not to admit they find the other kissable, Zafi is asleep and Zelosse is trying in vain to make Zeke join in. That help, @Aiyanna?
Most everyone is getting involved in the run, Dia and Silas are sitting on the roof trying not to admit they find the other kissable, Zafi is asleep and Zelosse is trying in vain to make Zeke join in. That help, @Aiyanna?
You know, I'm not even going to finish that sentence. There are way too many humiliating objects I could fill that gap with, many lewd and all designed to make our overblown gym teacher even more of comic relief character.
You know what, just one. Manilow has a: Love Pillow shaped like Catherine.