Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@Ammokkx Not my first shit show. ;D Thing about drama, is it never dies. ;D But mentioning something, about someone else not moving on for an event that happened "a year ago", but somehow also was mentioned days ago/recently. (then mean days ago/"recently" from a year past. Which is a oxymoron.) May also not exactly fit with the definition of that word either. ;)

I guess if you take anything away from it. Maybe send a pm with the next person you have a spat with, so that you and that yugioh person can resolve those issues as quickly as possible like adults should solve their problems. Since you don't wish to come off as petty. Personal advice from a fellow forum member both talking about unrelated incidents. :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Maybe send a pm with the next person you have a spat with.

I do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Drache
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Drache Certified Dragon Expert

Member Seen 7 mos ago

How about RPs that are supposedly OPEN and include a link to a Discord server where no one says hello to you when you join, no one actually talks about the RP, no one is available to answer your newbie questions, and then no one talks at all for like four days.

Like...do I have something stuck in my teeth...what?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 2 days ago

<Snipped quote by SleepingSilence>

I didn't realize you kept up-to-date with a year old drama from an obscure YGO RP -.o

Insert joke about card games and developmental disorders.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holr


Member Seen 1 day ago

I drove off my roleplaying friend of 3 years,at the very least for now, and I can't seem to stop focusing on them. I knew them semi-personally,I hurt them badly and only time will tell if we will ever get back together again,or if I'll get the chance to explain myself. They were the person I roleplayed the most with,the one I had the more serious roleplays with,and now everything feels raw...it feels....tasteless and numb. I want to continue roleplaying badly, especially with my friend,but I know I must give them plenty of space to live their life for the time being. But I don't know what to do to keep myself preoccupied,and every time my thoughts wander back I just want to cry and break down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Pointing out your own flaws does not make them go away.

There's a time and place to act aloof, and being a jerk does not equal aloof.

If you say you don't like what you had to do despite saying right before you didn't care for the result, don't freakin' do it in the first place.

Show. Don't tell. When you do tell, don't make a wall of text.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ScreenAcne
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ScreenAcne shit,Boo!

Member Seen 25 days ago

When you work on an RP and less people join it than a Satanic cult in the outback.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Argh, fuck, sometimes I feel like I'm incompetent. Other time I just want to shift the blame to someone else. Most of the time, though, I just don't know what the problems are.

GMing is too goddamn hard sometimes. Not because of the writing that needs to be done, that's the easy part. The hard part is keeping your players happy. Fuck, they tell me they are but I'm such a paranoid lil' bugger I don't believe them. I refuse to believe they're having fun while barely posting at all outside of when people prod them, or when they keep losing in the IC. But when I try to ask and engage, I either get no response or a response that everything's fine.

I guess I just want feedback I'm not getting. Because of that, I keep thinking my RP is in a slow decline and that makes me the most worried person on earth, considering the year and a half of work I put into it.

I'm just glad my players don't frequent this thread...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 10 days ago

sometimes i wish the rules on rpg were more lax in terms of being a cunt so that i could cuss certain individuals out without repercussions
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

There's this place that sells fruit.

Person A comes in and sells red apples. A little while later, person B comes in with green apples and oranges.

Person A notes there might be some overlap between green and red apples, because, ya know, apples.

Person B asks what oranges have to do with red apples. Wot.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

For those of you who play tabletop games, this might be better understood and more relevant.

When you roll initiative and the Dungeon Master says something to the effect of, "These guys look like they're ready to kill you if you get in their way." and you are in their way, while the new person attempting to join your party is fleeing them, it is pretty obvious this is a combat. This is not the time to go, "But my character has morals about killing or hurting people! I want to talk to them!" Are you being serious? These are the same people who blatantly ignored a non-lethal means of deterrent and then attempted to openly murder the person, that being the new player's character who is attempting to join the party, right in front of you... and you want to talk to them?

Are you sure you know how Dungeons and Dragons works? I am pretty sure you are not familiar with how this works.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holr


Member Seen 1 day ago

For those of you who play tabletop games, this might be better understood and more relevant.

When you roll initiative and the Dungeon Master says something to the effect of, "These guys look like they're ready to kill you if you get in their way." and you are in their way, while the new person attempting to join your party is fleeing them, it is pretty obvious this is a combat. This is not the time to go, "But my character has morals about killing or hurting people! I want to talk to them!" Are you being serious? These are the same people who blatantly ignored a non-lethal means of deterrent and then attempted to openly murder the person, that being the new player's character who is attempting to join the party, right in front of you... and you want to talk to them?

Are you sure you know how Dungeons and Dragons works? I am pretty sure you are not familiar with how this works.

some people sometimes make no sense at all. It's always fun to see people panic or be stubborn idiots in that game. case in point,my first ever game we were kidnapped and forced to attack a rebel hideout by a tyrannical thought-police esque organization. Well, everyone except two people decided to book it and they got slaughtered for deciding to attack BOTH sides.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I just remembered an amusing story that I'd like to share, and see if maybe someone else here was witness to it. It's not really a bitch, but it has to do with someone being a dickwad, so it seems appropriate to this thread.

Years ago, it might've been in the Old Guild, a new user showed up in the arena section. Literally new: his account was made that day and he had zero posts to his name. He starts a thread in the arena section, asking who the best combat writers on the site are. He then talks about how, if the best writers come forward and prove themselves, he "might consider taking them under his wing". I'm pretty sure he said that word for word.

Let that sink in for a second. Not only did he deem himself so skilled that only the best writers on RPG are just barely qualified to become his apprentice, but he also assumed that we would take his word for this unquestioningly. Of a random nobody who made no attempt to introduce himself. If he'd started with something like "I've been roleplaying for 40 years and consider myself a master", then... he'd still be a tool, but at least he'd be giving us some reason to take him seriously.

Needless to say, the arena regulars chewed him up, in part by calling him out on the fact that someone's writing skill isn't easily ranked. After all, he didn't even make clear whether he was looking for the people who write the best scenes, or the ones who win most often. He never responded to any of them. The act of not being immediately accepted as the genius he claimed to be caused him to disappear into the void as quickly as he’d come.

Or well, he’d made one other post on some ongoing arena battle before the shitstorm shooed him away, saying something like “Interesting. I will be watching this thread.” I’m sure that in his head he sounded very mysterious and intimidating.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the story of perhaps the biggest tool that Roleplayerguild has ever witnessed. (I kinda hope someone can top it though.)
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oddsbod
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Lalliman If only you'd let him take you under his wing at the time, instead of driving off this hidden master of the Arts. Your writing powers surely would've grown exponentially.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Now one thing I hate is the fact that some people RP in first-person, as well as those who writes in present while EVERYONE else writes in past tense.

It's taking it to a whole new level of idiocy once you write in present, past and a whole lot of other times in the same post! I mean, make up your mind! Did your character do it, is he doing it now or is he simply contemplating taking that action. I can't fricking tell because you're writing all over the god damn space-time-continium!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sprokkelhout
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Sprokkelhout Grape afficionado

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Characters that constantly need to be the victim irk me. I'm not really talking about people effectively writing the type of person who tries to make everything about them, because I think it can be done hilariously, I'm talking the writer constantly trying to make sure their character needs to be consoled and supported, that if they fuck up, they are so sad about it, you can't be mad at them, and so on. Just got out of an RP that took this to bafflingly extreme heights and it got old real fucking quick.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Innue
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Innue Sheep God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Lalliman I'm pretty sure I know who you are referring to with that statement and I knew him from another site. He was problematic there too, but at least there I was a mod and could beat on him with the mod stick when he got out of line.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Legitimate bitch: People who plagiarize.

For years I RPed with the same guy, and at least 50% of the words he "wrote" came from somewhere else. Songs, dialog from movies, sometimes entire scenes were pulled and injected into the roleplay. He actually had the gall to rip the opening IC post from an RP on THIS FORUM and posted it in his own RP. Word. For. Word. He just changed a few names was all. Obviously the rp went in an entirely different direction, but still! And don't get me wrong, copying a single line phrase or a meme can be funny every once in a while, but using rips like that for dramatic effect is just... cheesy. He even had the nerve to ask me "how was that?" every time he did this. Did he think I didn't know how to google?

Some of you are horrible rollplayers. But at least your words are your own.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@BrokenPromise How nice. xD I prefer bread rolls myself. Jk. :P

Though, sometimes I use songs for inspiration in writing. Call it cheap, maybe it is. Argue that it's better prose than I see people make up on the spot. (and you can tell because it's awful.) haha.

Though when you say 50% of their stuff, I guess it's probably more egregious examples you're talking about. Was it like obvious even before needing to look it up? I almost want examples, because I'm not humble enough to not find unintentionally bad writing, funny. :3

(Though copying people's "funny" lines or jokes in role plays, or 'memeing' in role plays at all just sounds cancerous to me...like when would that ever not come off as forced? I guess roleplaying should be fun to write, but it should at least be tolerable to read. <.<)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@SleepingSilence I was perhaps being a bit dramatic when I said 50% of his writing. But 50% of his posts most certainly had dialog ripped from his favorite anime, edgy movie, tv drama, or song he was listening to at the time. The copied IC post was a real shocker for me, and a new low for him. He actually tried to get into said RP and they wouldn't let him because character didn't fit the setting.

He was not a bad writer by any means. Admittedly, I am sure I haven't caught every time he decided to plagiarize. So it is difficult for me to say with complete certainty. But English was not his first language, and he spoke and wrote it better than most native speakers. He is still in my top five, maybe even top three. I suppose this is what urks me so much about his behavior in particular. He didn't need to blatantly copy things to write good.

I am not surprised to hear he's not the only person who does this sort of thing. One thing about my dear friend is he never had a lot of confidence in himself. He would always accept my criticisms and deflect my praise. I suppose for him and others like him, plagiarizing was his way of meeting the writing level of everyone else. He didn't create it, so it was good. And so his writing looked better to him if he included things like that in there. That is the only thing that makes sense to me.

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