Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
In the world of magical girls, strange rumors and sightings are a common occurrence, both among the oblivious common populace, as well as the hidden world of magic underneath. One often hears how they have seen a fairy dance on the surface of a pond, or heard a voice in the rumbling weather. But nothing could compare to the tragedy that had transpired in a northeastern city in the USA; Penrose. A lone magical girl, guided by a naive but well-meaning Puchuu, intended to unite the local magical girls in the city against a coming threat.

However, the girl was shockingly murdered in plain sight of numerous other magical girls, and the perpetrator was a member of the Beacon; while known for their extremist views on monsters and dark energy, this was the first time they had taken the life of an innocent. What's more, the Beacon member carried a bomb on her person, sparking terror among them, and causing many to flee from the city. Some rumored that the attack was a conspiracy made by a shadowy organization, but nobody would have any proof; there were only scant sightings of a dark magical girl wearing a black dress and an eyepatch disappearing into portals of shadow around the state, accompanied by creatures of the same umbral mold.

As word spread of the atrocities committed by the fanatical organisation and of the troubles in the city to other cities, tensions began to rise between Beacon and local monster girls. Then, the situation peaked to a critical point when an attack on the city's hospital was made by a monster girl known as Helga, who led a group of Beacon killers against the congregation of Beacon responding to the attack. But, a third party arrived to the scene; a pair of magical girl and boy, Lily Lightning, and Alexander Shields, intervened in the conflict.

In a turning point for the battle, Alexander was grievously wounded by Helga. At that moment, Lily, wracked with guilt over seemingly losing him, transformed into a monster-like form; an aura of crackling yellow energy emanated from Lily's slouched body as she was down on all fours, her eyes a blank yellow color. Her skin was covered in fur, and from her forehead jutted out a long, sharp horn in the shape of a thunderbolt. She bellowed with the voice of a thundering horse's neigh, her eyes constantly shifting between the two sides after Helga was struck with a resounding thunderbolt, leaving her as mere ash in her wake. Everything was still, and it seemed like at any moment, the tranquil peace could instantly break from the pressure, like a rubber-band that was stretched to it's breaking point. The question was, who would make the first move? Would it be one of the participants of the conflict, or a new arrival at the scene? Would this conflict, borne of horror, end in a truce, or escalate into a state-wide civil war?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

Alexander Shields

'Oh shit...what happened to Lilly!?' Seeing the girl who had been his only friend transformed into...whatever this was, sent a bolt of fear down Alexander's spine 'dammit! I stop paying attention for a few seconds, and this happens!' Alexander got to his feet. He hadn't finished healing himself so it still hurt to move. Limping over to his partner, he said "Lilly, can you hear me? If you can, than please tell me what just happened to you!? Did...did someone transform you into this, or do you have some kind of berserk mode? Because if it's the second, than dammit woman, you need to tell me these things! I shouldn't be finding out about this in the middle of a fight! Just...please tell me that this isn't permanent."

Alexander accidentally took too wide of a step and fell down "fuck! Gah...why couldn't this have waited until I finished healing? I think I might have re-broken a bone" Alexander quickly made sure that he had a force-field over his body before getting back up "no, wait. False alarm; nothing got more broken. Wait, is that even grammatically correct? Ah fuck it, I'm in too much pain to care about grammar." He resumed his trek over to Lilly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Janet - Penrose Hospital


The sudden burst of magical power coming from the roof of the hospital drew the blonde's attention for a moment. The display of power seemed to set everyone off balance at least for a split second. Already engaged in combat with Umeko and Ilia though she didn't have the luxury of waiting to see what would happen next. This was a potential opening and she had a job to do. Raising a hand out toward the grounds she balled her hand into a fist and pulled it back toward herself.

Below Umeko and Ilia the ground shook slightly before water began to seep up through the ground. The motion that Janet made began to draw the water closer as she attempted to pull the two closer in for an attack. Her weapon, currently in the form of a spear made of water, was thrust forward and she dove for one of them.

To some extent the Janet did not really feel that this was her. However her position under Beacon was to follow orders. And these two had killed others of her order. The circumstances under which were not revealed to her but was none the less the case. Whether she wanted it or not there was no way past what she must do.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Penrose Hospital

Shock was the only to describe how Penny was feeling at the moment. Shocked at the fact she was not only unharmed but seemingly supercharged. Shocked at the fact the person she was fighting was now dead. Shocked at the conflicting feeling of anger, relief and disappointment that came from the realization that her kill was stolen from her, a small bit of red leaked in to her eyes as well because of that, and shocked at what had happened to Lily.

”She’s redlined” Penny whispered to herself as she turned to more fully look at the distraught Maho, recognizing the partial transformation for what it was, mainly because she knew it could happen to her, only on a larger scale.

She felt herself slip in to an aggressive stance as instincts she hardly understood urged her to prove her superiority, but she remained where she was eyes focused on the potential new enemy. Large arcs of electricity sparking off her as she did. She felt hungry in a way that was so hard to explain.

Then Alex stood up, and Penny felt herself relax, if only slightly. ”Be careful, She’s not all there at the moment” She called out to him as he started moving towards Lily but made no move to stop him, assuming that if she did Lily would attack immediately.

She spared a glance at the others and noted the fight that Janet was having with the other two was still going on. Grimacing she hopped it either ended soon, or moved elsewhere as she couldn’t help out at the moment. She wouldn’t feel right leaving Alex alone to deal with Lily while he was injured and she was crazed.

’She moves to attack, I will take her down’ she resolved internally. Unknowingly she slowly began transitioning to assault mode, the thin glowing lines that marked her energy blade ports opening with quiet snaps.

@t2wave@Card Captor@Ariamis
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 1 day ago

She didn't like this, not one bit, thought Suwako as she surveyed the battlefield from a safe distance, standing atop a tree branch she had created with her power. She didn't take this job to fight other magical girls. But alas, her hand was forced as they were forming an anti-beacon squad, hunting any Beacon members they could find. And she just happened to be a member of said Beacon organization. So now, here she was, fighting against them with her Beacon comrades.

And then, to complicate matters even more, there just had to be a pair of magical girls (one a boy) who strolled into the scene, seemingly taking the approach of a third party. And now, the leader of the Beacon hunters, Helga, had wounded one of them, the boy to be exact, turning the girl into some sort of a monster girl. Transformation triggered by rage, she supposed. Her power sharply increased, and with one blast of lightning, she turned the leader of the Beacon hunters into ash.

Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. She had to be pacified at once.

And so, she summoned a horde of wooden tendrils around the crazed girl, with the intention of binding her with their wooden body. Wood had a somewhat decent resistance against electricity, at least before they caught on fire thanks to heat the electricity generated. But she only needed one of them to wrap around her body and knock her unconscious. And with her spacious mana pool, she could grow more tendrils as necessary without needing to worry about exhaustion.

She didn't want to use her arrows for this. She didn't wish to kill her after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Alicia Hayden

Though she had been participating in the fight, Alicia had not been expecting the explosive conclusion to the fight that had taken place. She had been thrown off her rooftop perch by the force of the blast as well as the earlier attack launched her way, and she only regained it to find that Helga was gone and Lily standing there with some kind of transformation in effect. Which was unnerving all on its own, if she were to be honest.

Quickly she strung Star Seraph again, but she made no move to attack. Suwako would do better with restraining her should that need to be an option. She instead trained her bow on the duo, if only to serve as a deterrent and nothing else. Things had rapidly developed, and she wasn't even sure if the two they had been fighting would stick around or not. But she knew that they had a lot to deal with.

"Beckoner," she called out, summoning her liaison from the Beacon to look at the situation. "Should we treat her as an ally? She doesn't seem to be a monster...." It seemed better to be safe than sorry, especially in a complicated situation like this.

@Hammerman@Shifter_Master@t2wave@Card Captor
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 1 mo ago

~ Chaos in Penrose ~

"I don't get why you aren't fighting... I thought you said you liked helping people?" the deity queried, feet dangling from the roof of a building some short distance from the hospital where all the action was occurring.

"Really? I already explained... Ive no issues with Beacon." Thalia signed, surveying the scene from beside her Patron, "I don't... condone, their actions at all... but others have died, Beacon members have died, and now the Hunters are dying too. This seems balanced to me."

Lothreen groaned, stretching her thin and feminine body.
"Gooooood, you're so boring! Go fight already!"
"Im not exactly suited, y'know. Huge battles just aren't my thing" somehow, that felt like a lie. She reached into her dress, and pulled a whistle from it, raising it to her lips to blow it. Before the got the chance, the God snatched it from her.

"Nu-uh, you aren't suppressing your hunger until you go fight!" Lothreen smiled, with her signature cheerful attitude blazing like a star.
"H-hey! Give that back!" she cried, grabbing for the whistle, "I need that! C'mon Lothreen!"

No matter how many times she went to grab for it, the Deity always evaded, keeping the artifact out of her grasp. The Monster Girl dropped onto the ledge, at the edge of the building, and sat cross legged.
"Meanie..." she sulked, eyes trained on the still ongoing battle ahead of them.

As Lothreen stepped up behind her, the sky lit up a bright white with energy. The magic around the area was palpable, building with every spell, but to Thalia she felt it something different. A smile creased her lips, betraying the steadily built up hunger inside her.
"Now that's something interesting..." she said aloud, standing back up from her perch. Lothreen already looked happy, seemingly aware that he Champion was going to head into battle.

"Hey, hey, Thalia! What was that?!" she exclaimed, more times than was necessary, with a glee only found in a child on Christmas morning.
"That, God... looked like someone changing into their monstrous form~" for a second, Lothreen seemed confused. Then an even bigger grin formed on her face as she realised what was meant.
"You mean like your wolfy form?! Yay! I can't wait to watch this!"

Thalia's tails swished back and forth, occasionally beating the concrete rooftop below her. Her ears twitched, and her eyes dilated - taking in every spell cast down below. She turned back, giving her Patron an eager smile, her deep eyes glinting in the light from the nearby fitting. Then, in one step, she fell backwards off the ledge. And from above, Lothreen gazed down, still grinning, and waved her off.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by skarsgard
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ilia & Umeko

The duo was shocked that the beastly girl had fallen to swift bolt of lightning, impressive as that attack may have been. In the end it did not matter much to either Ilia or Umeko as she Helga's methods where to reckless but as they where now even more vastly outnumbered. After getting over initial jolt of seeing Helga fall, Umeko and Ilia where both surrounded and begin moved by a small wave of water that was pushing them together and snapped their focus back to the battle. As Janet was charging Ilia was able to force himself and Umeko free from their watery prison, having them both float a couple meters off the ground. "Please such a pitifully attempt will get you no where." With that Ilia floated back the ground leaking poison gas from his weapon before spewing out a small wave of acid at Janet.

Umeko on the other hand glided closer to Alicia, shooting a few rounds at the Beckoner the other girl was talking to just to be petty. Fixing her cross hair at Alicia's skull, "How quick are you to turn on your supposed allies, Its only a matter of time as you are ordered to execute your other supposed mechanical ally. Such virtues and purity"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ShyDot


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


It is said that many magical girls hold the favor of Lady Luck; that their existences are a whimsical thing fraught with fortuitous events. Sometimes, Julia Durant mused, this became clearer than usual.

Because, truly, who could have predicted such a stroke of luck as this?

Julia's smile was uncanny upon her exhausted face, paired with bloodshot and tired eyes. Jillian's mind stirred with hints of excitement behind her, and she slowly brought Julia's wheelchair to a stop upon the sidewalk. She leaned over the top of it, and caught her dear other self's eye with a curious expression. It was a very familiar face that Julia saw; the similarities between them always put her at ease.

Jillian's tilted head was met with a fond smile and a nod, and the twinned soul needed no further encouragement to push her dear other self's wheelchair off of the sidewalk, into a nearby alley as the sound of the commotion echoed around them.

Clearly, it was good fortune that brought them towards the hospital for a routine checkup on the same day that so many magical girls chose to make a ruckus. The poking of needles and the prodding of hands, the scanning of a body that should not have been so wracked with weakness, the futile efforts of doctors who were made not to question why two girls would arrive alone and leave the same...

Julia's smile became a grin. This was a much better way to spend their time.

Those reassuring hands left the wheelchair's handlebars, and Julia closed her eyes and directed her focus inwards. The words left her lips as easily as her breath. "I am all, and I am none. Under my will, all become one." Something stirred behind her ribs and rushed up into her skull, through her nerves and her flesh. It quivered in her skin, and then exploded forth with boundless energy. She unraveled, from her cloth to her bones, and became her greater form.

This is power. When she drifted up out of the wheelchair, she was no longer her frail self, and she did not rise of her own physical power; the thrumming distortion sensation of her gravity lifted her ephemeral frame as if she were a feather, and freed her. Yes, free. This is freedom.

She's so pretty.
I am. Focus.

The other presence swam with eagerness and anticipation, and Julia knew they were both smiling when she spoke her solemn vow and incantation. "I am the part, and I am the sum. By my hand, her will be done."

She felt it rather than saw it when her other self transform, the same expulsion of power as she became something more, a form ever more beautiful. The weight behind it was different, but it put her at ease all the same. It was the supportive hand on her shoulder, and the smile of a loved one, all diffused into energy.

When Julia -Tourner- finally opened her eyes, Jillian was once again Tuer. You're pretty too. she praised, one hand upon her cheek and the other upon her elbow as she tilted her head in fond examination. And goodness, the way Jillian seemed to glow and preen was visible despite the distortion of their ghostly forms.

With her hands upon her cheeks and her head tilted in a coy sort of bashfulness, the twinned soul's response came to the surface of the jumbled stream that was her conscious mind. It was infused with a touch of empathy to ring with emotion and easily caught by Julia's own psychic power. Oh stop it, you. Now who's not focused?

Raising an eyebrow, Julia snapped her fingers. The wheelchair folded up seemingly of its own accord, drifting weightlessly into the air along with Jillian and Julia herself. Up and over they went, drifting to a stop above the nearest roof. I'm very focused.

Jillian accepted the sudden application of Julia's power with the casual ease of experience, shrugging playfully. Seated primly on thin air, the dominant psychic of the pair directed her gaze towards the hospital nearly a block away. Her focus was in her power, rather than her vision; she reached across the distance to feel the minds there without probing.

Her eyes drifted shut as she felt her weightless twinned soul propel herself through the air with small pushes of gravity until she was behind her. Her longer arms wrapped around the psychic, the only embrace that her incorporeal form seemed to be able to accept. Perhaps it was a matter of their shared soul. Regardless, it was as soothing as every hug from her empathic other self.

Resting her weary eyes, the psychic turned her focus fully outwards. It was a faulty form of observation, but it would hopefully tell her what she required; their intent, and their allegiance. If they were servants of the Beacon, then even the inability to directly interfere would be enough, should she choose to probe further.

It was strange, though; what would compel magical girls to make such an open ruckus? Their patron was a being of little to no advice, so perhaps they were in the dark about some recent event or another... Her focus was only mildly disrupted when Jillian's head rested upon her shoulder, her thoughts surging forward once again. What now?

Smiling, the psychic spoke aloud for the first time in 4 hours. "Now we wait, my dear."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 19 min ago

Note: I'm going back and trying to figure out how much coinage Tonya has. So my posts will each get edited as I add it all up.

It felt like forever ago, and yet it was actually happening today.

Tonya was on the hospital roof. She was looking pretty good, if she did say so herself. The curves of her marble white skin were trying to escape her bikini top and leather harness. Her wry smile was on point, and with a tip of her police hat, she winked at the beacon girls. Of course it was all pointless. None of them could see her. She had quite the invisibility spell on, and even a third eye would not reveal her so easily.

It wasn't hard to imagine why a monster girl would hate Beacon, but Tonya in particular could care less about their monster hunting. They were just so big, so, bloated. So plump and ready to burst. The fact that her patron was tired of their crap didn't even factor into it. She just wanted to watch them fall.

But she couldn't get distracted. She had a mission to complete.

It would be an uphill battle. As strong as Beacon's presence in Penrose would be later on, they were still formidable, even now. But this little squabble here would end in her favor. One of the few times a monster managed a blow to Beacon without being an OP piece of shit. The joys of being able to look into the future. While it did kind of suck she lacked the power to make any real change, she could at least enjoy these little nuggets of pleasure when they showed up.

But yes, the roof was going to catch fire.

Tonya floated into the air before the ensuing blaze singed her legs.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 4 days ago

Lily neighed furiously, her posture turning more rigid and eyes squinting as she witnessed the continuing acts of hostility between Janet and the Beacon killers. There was nothing in her mind but revenge for the death of Alex, intending to kill them all. With a flick of her wrist she summoned her weapon, and took her staff out, braying. However, just as she was charging up electrical power at the horn-shaped tip of the weapon, she froze upon hearing Alex' voice. As Alicia called out for the Beckoner, it appeared with a radiant glow, a literal beacon in the creeping darkness, able to be seen from a far distance. "She is not like a common monster girl, yet she can still be dangerous. Be cautious around her, and see if she returns from that state. If not, you are to grant her Beacon's mercy, and put the beast down."

Confused, Lily turned, and saw the wounded magical boy slowly drag himself towards her.
"Alex!" she shouted in a loud voice, and dashed in his direction, mimicking a horse's gallop. However, as soon as she did that, she was caught by Suwako's vines that wrapped around her torso. Lily neighed in an agitated tone, kicking around like an equine animal. Sparks of electricity flew from her body, and while the vine conducted well due to being grounded, it quickly caught on fire due to prolonged exposure to the igniting sparks around her. Suwako prepared for the possibility, and continued summoning new vines, holding Lily in place despite her struggling, the Wood magical girl barely able to keep her incredible strength in check. "No! Noo!"

As the number of vines both summoned and burnt increased, a dangerous fire began to spread across the rooftop. Lily shouted Alex' name again, reaching a hand out before the newest vine got around her neck and began to strangle her. The monstrous magical girl struggled to breath, her teeth bared and yellow eyes glowing bright like the headlights of a car, her arms around the vine as she dropped to her knees, straining in pain, before she fell down unconscious. Her monstrous features then faded away as she laid on the rooftop, her skin back to normal and her horn dissipating into the air like a discharged electrical charge. The fire kept spreading, and soon she was surrounded by a ring of fire from the burned vines; unless rescued, she would meet her end.

The sun was setting in the distance, sending the dusk of Penrose into night. As darkness started to set in, a lone girl was observing the events at the hospital from far away, crouched next to a small water tower on top of a rooftop. She was in the shadows, her presence well hidden, so only magical girls outside of the battle could have a chance, if close to impossible, of detecting her unless they possess the Third Eye. On the chance they did, they would immediately regret doing so, as the girl's laughing expression and cold, red eyes could tell to any cursed soul unfortunate enough to meet her gaze. She soon noticed Julian and Jillian, and she licked her lips, her eyes not blinking even once as she began to stalk them like a predator, her tooth showing from her open mouth.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

Alexander Shields

"LILLY!!!" Alexander ran, ignoring the pain, to the trapped Lilly. He grabbed onto one of the vines holding Lilly and pulled at it, his force-field protecting him from the flame. Suddenly remembering, he placed a force-field on Lilly really quick, before he went back to pulling "...dammit...move!" Yet he wasn't strong enough, the vines wouldn't budge. "Dammit!
This magic of mine is fucking useless! I can't do anything! Even if my shields can keep her alive, they can't...
" and that's when an idea hit him "...or can they?" Alexander focused on the force-field he had placed on Lilly, and forced it to expand outward. A few cracks started to form on the roof beneath her 'Damn, forgot about that!' Adjusting a little bit, he it so that the expanding force-field would only grow in the shape of a dome. With that done, he pushed his magic as hard as he could. The lopsided force-field quickly swelled up so much, that the vines exploded off of Lilly. With it's fuel scattered, the fire started to die down.

"...It worked..." Alexander let out a sigh of relief. He picked up Lilly and began pouring his healing magic into her, as he walked home. 'I know that none of the people we were fighting here didn't have wood magic, which means that it had to be Beacon that almost killed Lilly, and just because she has beast mode. Sol was right about them' He avoided the other magical girls) and one boy, as he used his barriers to make a stairway down to ground level. Once their, he set Lilly down and reached into his pocket, pulling out a coin. Flipped in the air and said "Lilly's older sister." When it landed in his palm, he clenched it in his fist and was started to glow in a golden light. When the light faded, he looked like an older version of Lilly. Picking her back up in his arms, he carried her back this his..their house. 'Those guys might have been attacking a hospital...but they weren't wrong about Beacon.' he thought darkly 'Soul is definitely going to want to hear about this.'
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Alicia Hayden

Alicia nodded to the Beckoner as it informed her of the action that she should take, and she quickly called out to her companions. "Let her go," she said, specifically to Suwako. It didn't matter all that much now that Lily had been rendered unconscious, but this was going to be awkward to explain later, that was for sure.

Though she was a bit late on that, as Alex handled the problem anyway. She made a mental note to apologize once this was over.

She didn't have time to dwell on that though as bullets whizzed through the space where the Beckoner had occupied. Fortunately it had been unharmed, and she quickly spun on her heels and fired off a shot without hesitating. "That's rich, coming from you. Don't pretend like you have an inch of supposed morality here, not with your willingness to murder and put innocent lives at risk."

She leapt back, stringing her bow and firing off a trio of arrows in mid motion. They were enchanted with magic to explode in Umeko's face. The fight was not yet over, and she had to give it her all.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Suwako watched as her vines did their work. Slowly but surely, the enraged monster girl lost her strength and eventually, one of her vines landed on her throat. And from that, it was an easy matter of choking her into unconsciousness.

"Hmm, that was easier than I thought it would be," she said to herself.

She noticed however the ring of flames surrounding the weakened magical girl, thanks to her burning her vines. She sighed. She had to save her now, or else she would die. She heard the Beacon's order, and Alicia's, meaning that she had to save her, now that she had transformed back to her human form. Thus, she created a bridge of wood from her vantage point towards the rooftop, intending to procure the unconscious former monster girl. However, before she could do so, the boy had already gotten to her first. He quickly retreated to the ground floor, putting barriers behind him to prevent, or at least delay, anyone who tried going after him.

Well, whatever. That's goal accomplished, though not with her own hands.

She returned her attention back to the other magical girls present. One of their opponents had just attacked Alicia. Luckily, she managed to dodge it before retaliating with her own arrows. She decided she would take the opportunity and join on the attack, firing off a series of her own arrows towards her. She should have difficulty dodging them all, as her attack came from a different angle from Alicia's. Her attacks didn't carry the intend to kill, or seriously damage however, as she didn't put her magical charge into them. She wanted to immobilize her first, before sending off her real attack. No sense in wasting her mana right away.

"Ah, I almost forgot."

She stomped her left feet to the tree stump she was standing on. It was more of a gesture than anything else, as she willed her magic to cut off the wooden bridge she had created, making her safe from any close range attacker once more.

@Flamelord@Card Captor@Ariamis@skarsgard
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


’I’m never going to get used to all of this am I?’ Penny mused as a miniature forest seemed to grow from nowhere and trap Lily before catching on fire from the amount of amps that the enraged girl was giving off. Her bemusement likewise had her standing about while Alex broke through the burning vines before running off with the injured Lily.

Shaking herself she refocused on the other battles that were still taking place around the hospital. She let out a sigh of relief as she saw that Alicia and Janet were still doing fine.

She snarled at Umeko when she began firing at Alicia and was about to go and introduce the witch to the ground when she noticed Suwako assisting with her own barrage of arrows.

”Sweet, reinforcements”

Figuring the two on one odds would be fine against Umeko, she turned to Janet and the Naga, or she was planning on doing such. A part of her railed against turning away from the fight in front of her, it was the same part that wanted her to prove her dominance to the transformed Lily. It demanded retaliation.

Thus Penny was torn; the tactical part of her mind told her to join the fight against the Naga, but her instincts didn’t want her to leave Alicia after witnessing her being attacked. She knew she wasn’t fast enough to help on both fronts of the battle but couldn’t bring herself to make a decision.

As she was struggling with this dilemma an electronic voice sounded from somewhere inside Penny “Auxiliary system now operational” The girl in question was momentarily confused before understanding assaulted her, explaining yet another change that Laat had done to her body.

”I swear that I'm going to hurt you one day” she spoke aloud before refocusing on the battles below her ”But thank you”

There was a loud electronic whine as Penny triggered her new internal system and she opened her mouth as wide as she could. Inside it was obvious she was no longer human as sleek metal and a neon blue glow were revealed rather than the normal fleshy interior.

A spike made its self-apparent in the neon glow as Penny locked her eyes on Umeko, telling her self it was because she didn’t want to risk hitting Janet. Moments later a thunderous roar was heard as the spike fired off like a bolt of steel lightning.

The electronic whine could be heard again immediately after the discharge as Penny was still supercharged from Lily’s earlier attack. Quickly she turned to find her next target: the Naga.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 1 mo ago

~ Cuddly Mechanised Infantry ~

Thalia didn't exactly hit the ground. Instead, she found herself running down the wall at the highest of speeds she could muster at the time. As the came close, she jumped off, and landed quite excellently, as was common of her. She had always liked to show off in her real form, much to Lothreen's amusement.

The girl looked back up, towards her Patron, and gave a small salute as she stepped backwards into the light of a street lamp. Then, she took off in a sprint, in the direction of the hospital. The smell of burning had already reached her nose as she began, only serving to add to her urge to hunt. A small creased her lips, and her eyes burned with a passion, as she quickly, and efficiently, covered the distance between herself and the hospital with her animalistic agility.

Once there, it was only a matter of climbing and jumping, two activities that came quite natural to her, before she had reached the roof. Thalia frowned. There was nothing that looked like it would have created that burst of light, which did nothing but disappoint her. Instead there was just some magical girls going about fighting. That was no fun... They were already distracted. Her eyes scanned the area. Nobody had spotted her yet, which was fortunate. It gave her the chance to surprise someo-

A gasp escaped Thalia's mouth as she slunk back into the shadows at the edge of the hospital roof. Then, another smile crossed her mouth and she began to make her way around the edge, taking extra care to be as quiet as possible. She was gonna get that girl so good, she thought, as she made her way into the centre of the roof somewhat, and behind her quarry.

"PENNYYYYYY!" she cried, leaping up onto the monster girls back. Then she cried out again, though it was only slight, as static electricity from her past attack crept into her.
"Hiya Penny! I got you~" she teased, resting her head on her shoulder to watch the fight, "So how's it going? Kill anyone interesting recently?!" Thalia chirruped, arms wrapped around her chest and legs around her torso, almost like a Koala.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ShyDot


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Things were getting hectic to say the least. Someone was going to get hurt, if not die in this madness. Her targets escaped the water and floated up above her. By now Janet was beginning to wish she was a more ranged fighter. Actually, she didn't really wish that until the naga boy dropped down and released acid down upon her. Having been already in motion trying to close the gap she didn't get much time to react. Avoiding the attack wasn't going to happen she instead she drew in the water from before and surrounded herself in it. The acid washing over the bubble of water the two substances mixed. Burning Janet's skin a bit she dispersed the acidic water and had to take a step back.

This monster boy was going to make things very difficult. From the display just there he could move things around and the weapon could release toxins. That pretty much meant getting anywhere near him was asking for it. Contemplating what to do it seemed that another of her allies on Beacon arrived to handle things on the roof. Sadly Janet had no time to address what was going on there. The monster boy was off limits to her, so she would probably have to focus on the girl. "Anyone care to trade partners here? He's libel to melt me if I get to close." She rubbed her raw skin that had felt just such effects. Good thing she had a healing artifact for later.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by skarsgard
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ilia & Umeko

Umeko thought quickly as the three-pronged was launched at her, bracing herself knowing what would happened next wouldn't be painless. In the mere second she had before all the attacks landed she let a weak wide arched blast of psychic energy at Alicia's arrows using the push back from their explosion to escape the other magical girls arrows and the metal spike. Umeko stood up from the now destroyed bench which she had been thrown into from the explosion, "You where the ones to first start throwing explosions. I mean really, everyone loved sitting on this bench before catching the bus home and look at it now. I don't know what the info but the beacon has given you but killing the innocent is not our m.o." As she spoke, with her third eye Umeko noticed that a far a psychic was spying on them along with another crazy-ed red-eyed girl but with the battle going she had much bigger fish to fry. Shaking off the tension from the impact and a chill from seeing the one in red, she shots of a thin concentrated beam of psychic energy at each of her assailants before picking up her gun again.

Ilia was enjoying toying with Janet and frowned with the idea someone intruding with their fun. "Come on now our fun has only begun, but if I'm to much my friends can help." With a clap of his hands created 6 duplicates of himself around himself. "Well your has what 4, 5 combatants? only seems fair." The snake boy then hid himself and his clones in a dense fog of poison mist. The mist was spreading and was now about to reach Janet if the the girl did not move.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Alicia Hayden

"It's a bench, it can be fixed," Alicia pointed out matter of factly even if she grunted at the fact that her arrows didn't work to really injure her opponent, aside from throwing her into a bench. That wasn't exactly a debilitating injury for a magical girl, shocking though it might be to hear. But this was clearly something that she would have to adjust her strategy to account for. Well, that was just how these things went.

However she had little time to worry about that, as it seemed Janet was having problems of her own. Alicia decided to lend a hand, figuring Suwako could deal with Umeko for the moment until she had helped her companion. "Somehow I don't believe you," she shot at Umeko before looking to her companion. "I've got you." Beacon was about working together, and if they let themselves get divided then they would be finished.

She jumped high at that point, rising upwards as she readied her bow once again. Magic flared with a barrage, and she cut loose a moment later. Explosive arrows penned the outside of the mist before a more conventional barrage flew into it directly, surely an amount that would make avoiding it too difficult. At the same time she moved to get away from Umeko, so she could focus on the other opponent without getting immediately attacked.

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