Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by A Friend

A Friend In Need

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I've been at the RP game for a while. I am a male for those of you it matters to. I'm up for just about anything since one of the reasons I do this is to increase my flexibility as a writer but if you like I can slap a few basic plots down here. I won't use the ____x____ format because I don't necessarily want to imply that the characters are going to bone. Instead I will do a longer form synopsis.

Here we go.

Fantasy/Modern Fantasy

The Hunter(s):

A world where the elements of magic are naturally hostile to humanity. Hunters are the 'heroes' of this world. (Let's call it Terron) They are paid to protect people or towns from bubbles of dark magic that twist the world against the world of men. Hunters have taken this magic inside of them to turn it back. They are terribly bloodthirsty and only deemed semi-human by the common folk. Hated and feared; still they get paid. After all who would want such power turned against them.


Music is connected to reality in this universe. This can be done in a sword and sorcery setting or a modern one. One of us would be the Worldsinger, a person gifted with the ability to shape reality with their voice. Just about any talented musician can create illusion or even twist fate. But the Worldsinger will re-create the world in whatever image they choose. The other will be the sworn guardian. A non-magical but incredibly skilled fighter whose only goal is to allow the Worldsinger to create the new world. The ultimate goal would likely be something like singing the original Song at a certain mystically significant location.

Death After Life

Committing suicide causes your soul to be trapped by the entity known as Death. He is in tight with Fate and you've just jumped to the front of the line. As punishment you must clean up the residue left behind my strong emotion as it does severe psychic damage to the living. I will be playing the "jumper" (name for suicide spirits) that is teaching you the rules of this new world as there is too much to explain here.


Two students at a private school are thrown together by fate as the subconscious fears and desires of every man woman and child begin to manifest as horrible monsters. Eventually we will gain the ability to control the manifestations and fight the monsters. It feels like the end of the world, but answer will be there when we dig for them.


Has a modern option. A hero is lost in the woods. The interaction are between him (or her) and the spirit of the woods who wants the hero to stay forever.


Fool's Gold
Two (space) mercenaries are hired to help resolve a standoff involving gun-runners and the people of Heralds Court, a residential space station. The three main societies that spawned from earth are as follows.

Earthen: People who believe that technology and distance should not change who humans are. Fiercely nationalistic, they patrol the space around Earth. Many Earthen are somewhat bigoted against people who have enhanced themselves whether genetically or mechanically. Their weapons tend to be powerful but unstable.

Celestial: The Celestial's home planet is Eden IV. Their main concerns are the furthering of the human potential. There are no better modifiers of the human form. Nearly none of them retain the form they are born with. Their weapons have special effects (ex. bouncing lasers).

Taeran: Pale-haired and eyed, the Taeran are a calm people. They've the best ship technology of anyone. Mysterious and withdrawn most people know nothing of their government. Their home planet Yll is closed to non-citizens. Their weapons are the most accurate and least powerful.

The last man and woman are preserved in an inescapable fortress. Neither can remember what life was like outside the bunker. But escape is impossible with the Warden ( a gentle-mannered AI) watching their every move. The massive complex holds many secrets, but are there any answers to be found?

The Top

Two new-age gladiators fight on projected mental landscapes together in two-on-two matches. There may be hidden corruption in the story, who knows?


I don't have any plots in particular for real-world scenarios, but am totally open to everyday stories. (may update) In any case those are just a few ideas, if you have others or would like to work together to build one I am definitely open to it. PM or thread talk is fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by A Friend

A Friend In Need

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As a note I am a very active roleplayer, and will likely respond more than once per day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prophet
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Prophet Soothsayer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I really like the "Advent" idea. If your still looking to give it a try PM me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by A Friend

A Friend In Need

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Consider it done
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MurderVictim
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MurderVictim Aw jeez...

Member Seen 1 day ago

The "Safety" plot really caught my attention! Still looking for that one?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by A Friend

A Friend In Need

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yeah totally. PM me about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 7 mos ago

I like the Flowers story. PM me?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by A Friend

A Friend In Need

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sent. And for future reference/anyone reading this in the past, I will be bumping with additional stories rather than blank posts from this point forward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by A Friend

A Friend In Need

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bump Idea 1: Shadows
Genre: Slice of Life

A patient suffering from severe mental illness deals with the images that constantly intrude on his (or her) life. The other character could be anything from psychologist to doctor to loved one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by A Friend

A Friend In Need

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bump Idea 2: The Enemy
Genre: Fantasy/Modern Fantasy

Two immortal warriors locked in endless combat are forced to fight together to defeat a greater threat. This could be set in either medieval style times or modern, or for fun we could do both at the same time with flashback interludes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by A Friend

A Friend In Need

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bump idea 3: Souls
Genre: Fantasy

Two fairly normal people find that the afterlife is not as simple as they have been told. Their spirits are trapped in a ghostly fantasy realm and they are told that there is a quest they must finish before they are allowed to see what final destination of all spirits. This idea would allow for us to fight various other spirits we run into who we may be at odds with, since it's incredibly rare that the quest is ever finished and most of the souls remain trapped forever struggling to achieve their heroic destiny.

It says fantasy be could be modern souls trapped in a fantasy world if we like. Or one of us could be a grizzled veteran of the afterlife and the other from modern times. There is a lot of wiggle room here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 1 mo ago

You wanna do the Safety one?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

If you're still looking for people, the WorldSinger idea looks really good. The Enemy and Flowers look good too.
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