The first Alina knew out of the ordinary was a bizarre fizzing noise. It seemed to be repeating itself, just outside her cell. She crept to the side, looking around curiously outside of the Plexiglass wall. Nothing...seemed seemed constant, the same way it had for the past...what was it, a month? A year? Two? She honestly couldn't tell anymore. But the noise was still there. She looked around several times, still not understanding what was producing it.
After a minute or so of nothing, she mentally chastised herself at the realization of her mistake. Vlákas. You never look up when you should. She did so, and lo and behold, there it was. The ubiquitous security camera that had haunted her for as long as she'd been in the laboratory lolled on its stalk. The buzzing sound appeared to be its motor desperately trying to lift it up from its groundward-facing direction, occasionally spitting out electrical sparks and a puff of blue smoke. Her eyes widened. I can use this! She moved in rapid time to the door, wincing at her sore knees as she stumbled. Kneeling down in front of the portal to the hallway, she shook inquisitively. The incredibly sensitive motion-activated series of deadbolts attached to the other side refused to react.
Grinning wildly, she winced slightly again, this time as she bit down on the inside of her lip, letting a small amount of blood pool up in her mouth. Just a single deadbolt now, huh? Placing her mouth to the end of the door, she spat out the liquid in the form of a hail of needlelike projectiles. She repeated. Spit blood, let it pool, spit blood, let it pool, spit blood, let it pool. Occasionally she paused for a few minutes to let the blood return to her, or to bite her lip again to renew the flow of blood. Nearly an hour later, she spat one final hail of blood needles into the gap and gasped in some combination of astonishment and relief as the door slid open on silent hinges. She could hardly believe that this was happening; she half-believed that she would wake up from some chemical-induced hallucination designed to test how she would react to hope. Because that's actually the kind of thing these people had done to her in the past. She wasn't even sure what absurd chemicals they used to do that, but hell, somehow they always found a way.
Creeping along the hallway and past rows of empty cells, she remained incredibly nervous and tense. Any second. Any second now, someone's going to catch on and come for me. Yet somehow, nobody did for quite a while. Every camera she passed was inactive in the same way for a long time until, well, one wasn't. She'd let herself grow slightly more relaxed, and it was coming back to bite her. It immediately zoomed in on her and a red light blinked. After a few moments of no recognition, it tracked onto her motions with bright red laser. Another few moments, and a small hatch slid open in the front. She hissed and dove back behind the last wall as a series of small hypodermic darts dinged into the stark white wall where she'd been standing.
Well, shit.
She turned, and immediately noticed that there was actually somebody in the cell behind her. She grit her teeth; on one hand, it would probably be easier getting out of here on her own. But on the other hand...she was still a human being, right? Despite the best intentions of the scientists, she'd done her best to hold on to her morals, and they still held strong. After only a moment of hesitation, she dashed to the cell's door. Stealth was out of the window; time to move. She slammed her shoulder into it with a tremendous smash. The lack of deadbolts was still evident here, luckily for her body.
She reached out a hand towards the much younger girl in the cell, a bit of blood drizzling from the corner of her mouth as an alarm began to blare. "Come on, with me! Let's get the hell out of here!"
Somewhere deeper in the facility, a man slumped down at his desk as the security monitors in front of him hissed and flickered. He sat bolt upright as one came back online and immediately showcased an escapee. Subject #224. As the alarms began to blare, he picked up a radio, grinning viciously at the lack of static now.
"Security! Hallway G, floor 4! Escape attempt! Get down there!"
General idea of the jail cells -
The first Alina knew out of the ordinary was a bizarre fizzing noise. It seemed to be repeating itself, just outside her cell. She crept to the side, looking around curiously outside of the Plexiglass wall. Nothing...seemed seemed constant, the same way it had for the past...what was it, a month? A year? Two? She honestly couldn't tell anymore. But the noise was still there. She looked around several times, still not understanding what was producing it.
After a minute or so of nothing, she mentally chastised herself at the realization of her mistake. Vlákas. You never look up when you should. She did so, and lo and behold, there it was. The ubiquitous security camera that had haunted her for as long as she'd been in the laboratory lolled on its stalk. The buzzing sound appeared to be its motor desperately trying to lift it up from its groundward-facing direction, occasionally spitting out electrical sparks and a puff of blue smoke. Her eyes widened. I can use this! She moved in rapid time to the door, wincing at her sore knees as she stumbled. Kneeling down in front of the portal to the hallway, she shook inquisitively. The incredibly sensitive motion-activated series of deadbolts attached to the other side refused to react.
Grinning wildly, she winced slightly again, this time as she bit down on the inside of her lip, letting a small amount of blood pool up in her mouth. Just a single deadbolt now, huh? Placing her mouth to the end of the door, she spat out the liquid in the form of a hail of needlelike projectiles. She repeated. Spit blood, let it pool, spit blood, let it pool, spit blood, let it pool. Occasionally she paused for a few minutes to let the blood return to her, or to bite her lip again to renew the flow of blood. Nearly an hour later, she spat one final hail of blood needles into the gap and gasped in some combination of astonishment and relief as the door slid open on silent hinges. She could hardly believe that this was happening; she half-believed that she would wake up from some chemical-induced hallucination designed to test how she would react to hope. Because that's actually the kind of thing these people had done to her in the past. She wasn't even sure what absurd chemicals they used to do that, but hell, somehow they always found a way.
Creeping along the hallway and past rows of empty cells, she remained incredibly nervous and tense. Any second. Any second now, someone's going to catch on and come for me. Yet somehow, nobody did for quite a while. Every camera she passed was inactive in the same way for a long time until, well, one wasn't. She'd let herself grow slightly more relaxed, and it was coming back to bite her. It immediately zoomed in on her and a red light blinked. After a few moments of no recognition, it tracked onto her motions with bright red laser. Another few moments, and a small hatch slid open in the front. She hissed and dove back behind the last wall as a series of small hypodermic darts dinged into the stark white wall where she'd been standing.
Well, shit.
She turned, and immediately noticed that there was actually somebody in the cell behind her. She grit her teeth; on one hand, it would probably be easier getting out of here on her own. But on the other hand...she was still a human being, right? Despite the best intentions of the scientists, she'd done her best to hold on to her morals, and they still held strong. After only a moment of hesitation, she dashed to the cell's door. Stealth was out of the window; time to move. She slammed her shoulder into it with a tremendous smash. The lack of deadbolts was still evident here, luckily for her body.
She reached out a hand towards the much younger girl in the cell, a bit of blood drizzling from the corner of her mouth as an alarm began to blare. "Come on, with me! Let's get the hell out of here!"
Somewhere deeper in the facility, a man slumped down at his desk as the security monitors in front of him hissed and flickered. He sat bolt upright as one came back online and immediately showcased an escapee. Subject #224. As the alarms began to blare, he picked up a radio, grinning viciously at the lack of static now.
"Security! Hallway G, floor 4! Escape attempt! Get down there!"
General idea of the jail cells -