This RP is something of an experiment because of the large cast, episodic adventures, and out of this world scenarios. It is EXACTLY what it sounds like. The JLU from the cartoons of days gone by fully realized in role player fashion. I know... I've already got two RPs with Batman [one in the present and one BEYOND] but I needed something with a little more flare. If there's enough interest we'll get this going with eight players and continue forward. You can play as a cannon character, be based on a cannon, or make a complete original within the DC universe. I'm not basing this thing on any one continuity, and much like my other games I'll just take bits from here and there to make the most entertaining RP possible. The only cannons off limits are Superman, Green Lantern, and Batman. If you wanna make your own Wonder Woman or Supergirl have at it. A new Flash? That could be cool too. Use whatever cannon you'd like, it's only unacceptable if I say it's unacceptable. Just don't make any characters tied to huge events in the comics like Blackest Night or Zero Hour and we should be okay.
Starting with eight players, teams of four would each get paired with one of the big guns [Superman, GL, or Batman] for two different missions. RECRUITING WILL STILL CONTINUE. The next four players accepted would take the remaining big gun for another mission. And guess what? RECRUITING WILL STILL CONTINUE. If we go beyond 16 players that'd be awesome. If not? After the first two or three missions the smaller groups would get switched around and any new recruits waiting for their group of four would just get cycled into the larger cast. Like if we had fourteen players and the last two weren't on mission and were waiting for more players, they'd get cycled in after the missions start ending. Another big gun might come into play like Martian Manhunter depending on what sort of characters you guys bring in or create.

I'm willing to let any seasoned players, after you get two missions in the can, to finish building the League with secondary characters until we reach at least twenty-four characters total. After the first four or five missions we'll have a larger adventure that will require all of us on hand. Any and all dropouts will be used as fodder for stories. Dropouts will be anybody who goes quiet in both the OOC and IC for two weeks without warning.
While this RP will be Casual/High Casual, the character sheets will almost look Advanced Level and include an in-character sample post. Players will be given some freedom when choosing story lines and can collaborate on possible enemies to take on with each other. There will be an overarching sub-plot stirring that will come to fruition during the first huge team battle, so some villains early on may be leading towards that.
In the event I can get some Co-GM's they would likely have to submit a sample post as a mentor to be able to take point over a squad. As for actual story details, I wanna see what interest looks like first before getting too deep into it. There will be some form of Superman, Green Lantern, and Batman in cannon. Everything else is up to you guys and gals. I'm half debating making an original New Gods character. Or reimagining some mort like Bluejay.
Character Sheets MUST include:
Personality: [five words best describing your hero]
Archetype: Metahuman, Alien, Alien Tech, Mystic/Supernatural, or Gadgeteer
Powers: [don't get too nuts]
Character Evolution: [How do you want your character to grow within the League? What do you want as far as a personal story? A friendship/rivalry in the JLU? A superhero girlfriend or boyfriend?]
Sample Post: [Two paragraphs minimum with dialogue]
Still with me? Get to work. I think I might go old school and reinvent somebody like Manhunter or the Spectre, but I DO like me some B'Wana Beast. As soon as I get my sheet finished and another 7 players accepted we'll get the OOC and IC going and keep recruiting going forward. Key word is UNLIMITED.