NameBrona Costain
Relationship StatusMarried
JobQueen Regnant of Orewyn
Element/AbilitiesQueen Brona’s control over fire is legendary. From a young age, she showed great prowess in her magical abilities, which only increased after years of study and finding her Destined. Her rage has been known to cause nearby candle flames to burn wildly, even causing nearby objects to explode in flames. However, Brona is a austere woman and is in total control of her powers. It’s been years since anyone has seen her invoke a flame, which is part of the reason her might has sunk into memory and legend.
In-Depth AppearanceWith hollow gray eyes, a pallid complexion and a seemingly perpetual frown, many find the Queen Regent cold and intimidating. For the most part, they’d be absolutely right, and her face reflects her austerity perfectly. But the queen prioritizes her appearance, adamant in her belief that her dress must reflect her quality. She dresses in dark colors - which only accentuate her paleness - usually of purple, magenta, and red. Her dark hair is always pulled back in a stylish hairstyle, always decorated with the finest jewelry.
Likes- Playing her harp.
- Peace and quiet.
- Listening to her son’s music.
- Walking through the Royal Gardens, specially the areas tended by her daughter.
Dislikes- Having her authority questioned in any way.
- Fastidious servants.
- Her daughter’s behavior.
Biggest FearBrona’s biggest fear is war. Since before she could remember, Orewyn and Galinas have been at odds, and the violence that break out as a result from them have affected her deeply. Her father died in a war between the two countries when she was a child. Now, tensions are higher than ever before. Brona dreads the day more blood is spilled, for fear of her own children’s life.
PersonalityQueen Brona is an austere woman with a calm disposition and next to no sense of humor. She’s been likened to a ghost, wandering the halls of the castle silently, observing. When she speaks everyone falls silent, transfixed by her delicate yet haunting voice.
But her heart is far from cold. She loves her family more than anything, and loves the people of Orewyn nearly as much. She prioritizes their well-being above all, which is why she hates war so much. But Queen Brona also knows the importance of responsibility and being strict, even if it might prompt hatred towards her, which is why she’s so strict with her children and adamant on the raising of taxes. Ultimately, it’s for the better.
Brona doesn’t doubt the legend of the Mark. Afterall, she’s married to her Destined. She’s seen the brown spot in her wrist glow and change shape, felt her powers grow alongside his. But lately, her faith in it has been faltering, at least in the ‘soulmate’ aspect of it. How could someone truly love another, if that love’s existence was out of their hands?
BackgroundBrona was born into a life of luxury and rigorous preparation. Though she did appreciate the pamperings of royalty, she was far more interested in the politics of leadership. It is, afterall, what she excelled in. However, her mother drilled the importance of etiquette, disrupting her history studies with politesse lessons. Brona would eventually adopt this mindset, how a proper Queen has to both look and act the part, something she stressed in her raising of Laurelin. She met Jorren in the Festival of Destinies her parents held on her 18th birthday, and she married him, her Destined.
Tensions between Orewyn and Galinas have been high for as long as she could remember, but after decades of peace, however fragile, the idea of war had never occurred to anyone. Nobody was really prepared, but when villages in the Riddenmar area began to fight, discussions between the two countries began. The differences in opinions regarding their borders soon became clear, and the discussions soon turned into arguments. The war broke out 24 years ago, and for the four years it raged, Brona lived in fear and frustration. Things only got worse when in the war’s first year, she gave birth to a stillborn son. The emotional toll it took on her is visible today. Her frown wasn’t always ever-present. But not even the end of the war, the birth of her twins two years after that, nor the birth of her youngest daughter seemed to do anything to lessen the sadness in her soul.
ExtraFC: Eva Green, #eb0028
NameJorren Costain
Relationship StatusMarried
JobKing Consort of Orewyn
Element/AbilitiesJorren is a master in his element, flora. Once he found he was the princess’s Destined, and had access to the formal training available to any member of the royal family, he made it his goal to make the best of his abilities. He quickly caught on to the lessons. He’s never been interested in flowers, so he doesn’t really use his powers for much, other than to mess around in the castle.
In-Depth AppearanceAt six foot, 170 pounds, and sporting a serious face, most people might find Jorren quite intimidating. But his gentle nature destroys the image of a somber, mighty King. He always wears a smile, which only grows wider when he’s with his youngest daughter.
As far as dress goes, King Jorren does a good job at taking care of his appearance. Well, the maids do, anyways. His job mainly entails not messing up their good work. They pick most of his outfits, sticking to green, his favorite color.
Likes- Singing
- Laughing and telling jokes
- The countryside. It reminds him of his youth.
Dislikes- Politics
- Seeing his wife upset
- The twin’s behavior
Biggest FearJorren’s greatest fear is that his family is disappointed in him. He acknowledges that he does not have the mind for politics that his wife has, and that no matter how much he tries he’ll always be an inept ruler, but he’s always been unsure as to how his family sees him. His wife treats him gently enough, but his eldest children dismiss him rather easily. Only his youngest daughter seems to think greatly of him. That’s always been enough for him.
PersonalityBorn a farmer’s boy, Jorren was a man of humble beginnings. As such he was not too bright, but he was extremely loving, giving, and hardworking. His gentle nature more than makes up for his dim wits, winning over his kingdom. They love the King, even if his family doesn’t seem to.
Although during his youth his Mark meant very little to him, he did respect it. He was a very religious fellow, and he knew he was extremely blessed to have it. He just never got to make the most of it. Until he married the princess, that is.
BackgroundJorren was born to Enock and Lilian Merys in a small farm near Eyrie. As a child, Jorren didn’t have a lot of access to any sort of training, so his Mark meant next to nothing to him. At least, it did until Princess Brona turned eighteen and he was carried off into the Royal City to partake in the Festival of Destinies. He was so starstruck by simply being in the Royal City that the last thing on his mind was actually being the princess’ Destined. But he was, and two months after they met they were married and so very happy. The two years before the war were the happiest his wife would ever be.
When the war broke out, Jorren was nearly pushed out of Brona’s life. She was always busy or frantic, and really the only thing he could do for her was be there to comfort her when she needed him. But that was very rarely the case. Jorren mostly wandered around the castle feeling sorry for himself. After they lost their child, she changed forever. Now it was nearly impossible for Jorren to make her smile, and his comforting did even less. When the war ended and the twins were born, his relationship with his wife improved, but only slightly. Brona was still silent and somber as a ghoul, and the twins seemed to almost think of him as a joke. Jorren was alone as ever. Only the arrival of his youngest daughter provided some light in his life, and Auley is by far the person who means most to him in the world.
ExtraFC: Jason Isaacs, #1FAD49- Lukas Costain
- Laurelin Costain
NameAuley Costain
Relationship StatusSingle
JobPrincess of Orewyn
Element/AbilitiesAuley was born with the Fauna element. Despite having the necessary funds and resources to develop her abilities, Auley has never found studying her magic practical. Due to Auley often ignoring her elemental training, she never learned how to fully control her abilities. She is able to sense the emotions of animals and people, but it takes great effort to do so and Auley often becomes physically exhausted after using her magic. Most of Auley’s magic is done unintentionally. Whenever her emotions are amplified, her magic reflects these feelings onto the people or animals around her. For example, when Auley becomes incredibly angered by something, anyone around her becomes upset as well. Auley has only recently discovered her ability to do this and has taken extra interest in her element training in hopes she can learn to control it.
In-Depth AppearanceWith freckles to spare and ordinary dark brown hair covering her oval face, Auley was never one to be described as beautiful. She wasn’t blessed with silver white like her siblings or any attractive features at all, taking more of her father’s rough features. The only thing Auley has found pretty about herself is her baby blue eyes. Being thirteen years old, Auley’s build is small and slight. She comes to a height of 5’0 and weighs around 102 pounds.
Auley’s wardrobe consists of the most elegant and expensive dresses in Orewyn. She takes great care to make sure her attire is appealing and appropriate for one of her title.
Likes- Knowledge
- Being right.
- Spending time with her father, the only person in her family with a sense of humor
Dislikes- The twins
- Disrespect
- Unintelligent people
Biggest FearAuley prides herself on her reputation within the kingdom more than anything else. Being shamed by the public or having her reputation ruined is what Auley fears most.
PersonalityOf the royal children, Auley took the most after her father. Although her sister inherited his abilities, his sense of humor, his temper and his interests all went to Auley. Like King Jorren, Auey is gentle and kind, likes having fun and telling jokes, always with a smile on her face. However, she is more politically minded than her father, and unlike her brother she actually enjoys it. Auley’s hard work combined with her natural wit have made her incredibly intelligent, something she is more than aware of. She’ll never admit it, but Auley has a dark hope that her mother sees her as the most suited for the throne. Auley certainly does. She’s mostly convinced herself this hope is reality, judging by the way her mother feels. She can sense that, after all.
That’s not to say she doesn’t love her siblings. Laurelin and Lukas mean the world to her, but she’s very aware of their flaws. When things don’t go Auley’s way or she’s in a particular mood, she often escapes to the isolation of her bedroom. Anyone tasked with bringing her back to her responsibilities will find themselves for a painful experience. Auley can be extremely difficult to deal with whenever she is upset and tends to take her anger out on anyone around. The only person who can successfully get her out of her chambers without a screaming fit is her father.
As far as the Marked legend goes, Auley can’t wait to meet her Destined. She might be wise beyond her years, but she is still a young girl who dreams of love. She’s often fantasized about her own Festival of Destinies, when she’ll meet a soft-spoken farmer’s son and sweep him away into a luxurious life in the castle.
BackgroundFrom the moment she was born, Auley Costain has been pampered and given everything she’d ever hoped for. However, she never sought nice clothes and jewelry, though she had those to spare. Her favorite part about being a princess is the amount of knowledge at her disposal. She’s made the absolute best of it. While her father hopes she’s simply going through a phase, Auley can’t help but list off everything she knows about a specific topic and particularly enjoys letting people know when they’re wrong. It gets under Laurelin’s skin and it’s only thanks to Lukas that the castle hasn’t exploded from their constant bickering and arguments. No matter how many times people have told Auley that the twins are her siblings, Auley truly can’t see it. The twins behave and act completely opposite of Auley. In her eyes, there’s no one more irresponsible and unprepared to take control of an entire kingdom than that of the crown princess Laurelin. Auley constantly points this out to her sister, only distancing their relationship even further. While Auley is embarrassed by both of her siblings and spends much of her time avoiding them in public, her brother isn’t as bothersome or prickly as his twin sister. He’s almost even bearable whenever he plays his music. The person she truly loves, however, is her father.
The twins have always been a little distant from their father. He was kind and loving, but he was almost the polar opposite of their mother in terms of presence. He never spoke to loud and was never strict, so they always got to step all over him and never give him a second thought. But to Auley, he was the only thought. She loved Jorren with all her heart and spent as much time with him as possible. Although her relationship with her mother is more strained, she does share her sense of responsibility. Auley has made it her life’s mission to make Orewyn one of the most thriving and peaceful kingdoms in the world. From consuming herself deep within her studies to participating in various acts of charity, Auley has shown endless dedication to do what she thinks is best to better the kingdom. While she knows as the youngest, she is least likely to inherit the throne, she still wants to try her best to make a difference. The queen hopes Auley, just like her brother, will become a social figurehead that the people will grow to trust and love, a symbol of innocence and kindness that will remind the citizens that those in charge are merciful, caring leaders. Auley is fully aware of her role within the kingdom and is more than ready to play her part, even if that means letting the kingdom fall into the hands of an annoying and potty-mouthed girl.
ExtraFC: Joey King, #3D6C94

♀ | Dairmud Altercop, Nora Bellwood, Rhea Bennett, Rhoslyn Lovell, Matilda Gray, Jinayah Torraine, Anne Gress, Selice Khouri
♂ | Faolán Black, Edwyn McReid, Duncan MacArthur, Darius Arenar, George Andre Tir, Jamie Ducane, Etienne Smite, Elian Valent
♂ | Faolán Black, Edwyn McReid, Duncan MacArthur, Darius Arenar, George Andre Tir, Jamie Ducane, Etienne Smite, Elian Valent

Emmund Basileigh
Relationship Status
Member of the Galinese Royal Council; Galinese ambassador
Even in his youth, Emmund was an extremely gifted fauna elemental. But if you’d asked him, he would’ve said he was cursed. He was haunted by whispers and feelings, never intelligible, ever disturbing. Once he did learn to control that aspect of his powers, he soon caught on with more advanced techniques, like influencing and even controlling them. He can do so to animals decently enough, but humans are another matter. Trying to make someone move their arm up and down tires him out incredibly.
In-Depth Appearance
As a member of the Royal Court, Emmund takes great care to look his best, although he is careful not to look gaudy. His usual attire consists of a sleek woolen jopula with finely engraved buttons, a thin belt around his waist, pants and boots. He prefers earthen colors, browns and dark green, colors that don’t attract much attention.
- History and politics
- Ale
- Dogs
- Playing his flute
- Being in crowds of people. The more people there are, the harder it is to ignore their thoughts.
- Ghost stories. He’s very easily spooked.
- Being told he’s a bit young for his job
Biggest Fear
Emmund’s worst fear is losing control of his powers again. He remembers what it was like to be flooded by everyone’s minds. It took him years of training to figure out how to block them out, how to filter them and listen to only those that he wanted to hear. If he ever lost the ability to do that, he might go insane. He nearly did, once.
Emmund is a man of little words, extremely observant and analytical. It does him wonders as a member of the Royal Council. He also hates attention, preferring to slink into the background, doing his equivalent of people-watching, which resembles more people-listening. He lets down those barriers he built up long ago, just a little, enough to let a buzz in. He does it more often than he realizes, dozing off into the buzz. Which is why Emmund usually comes off a as a bit of a distracted daydreamer. However, it ends up working to his advantage. Part of why he’s such an adept diplomat is because of his abilities.
As far as the Destined legend goes, he doesn’t much care for it. He’s not Marked himself, and he’s never really interacted with many of who are. The Galinese royal family isn’t ‘blessed’ to be Marked like its Orewegian counterpart is. He’s quite interested in his visit to Orewyn during the Festival of Destinies, wanting to see firsthand Marked interactions.
As far as the Destined legend goes, he doesn’t much care for it. He’s not Marked himself, and he’s never really interacted with many of who are. The Galinese royal family isn’t ‘blessed’ to be Marked like its Orewegian counterpart is. He’s quite interested in his visit to Orewyn during the Festival of Destinies, wanting to see firsthand Marked interactions.
Emmund was born in Corrick to a noble family. His father had been one of the King’s closest friends, and his mother a member of the Royal Council. His was a life of luxury and privilege, yet he didn’t really get to enjoy them. The voices made it impossible to. He’d been hearing them since before he could remember, drilling into his mind, threatening to erase what was in it before. By age seven the voices had become unbearable, and Emmund lived in agony. He was thought mad, scratching at the floor and pleading in tears for everyone to shut up, even when no one was speaking.
His mother eventually went to the temple to find out what was wrong with him. The clergy quickly identified Emmund’s sickness as a result of his unchecked magical powers. A young Emmund was taken to Lady Moirain, a fauna elemental, priestess to the Earth god Ran. She became one of Emmund’s teachers, and magic training was now included in his daily lessons, along with history, political science, and music. He soon became a prodigy and joined the Council as its youngest member in history.
He was recently sent as an ambassador to the Royal City of Orewyn, to lead the current peace talks between the two countries. Despite the previous war between the countries being officially over, tensions are still high, and the borders of the Riddenmar are violent. Emmund hopes to create a more permanent peace. And what’s more permanent than marriage?
His mother eventually went to the temple to find out what was wrong with him. The clergy quickly identified Emmund’s sickness as a result of his unchecked magical powers. A young Emmund was taken to Lady Moirain, a fauna elemental, priestess to the Earth god Ran. She became one of Emmund’s teachers, and magic training was now included in his daily lessons, along with history, political science, and music. He soon became a prodigy and joined the Council as its youngest member in history.
He was recently sent as an ambassador to the Royal City of Orewyn, to lead the current peace talks between the two countries. Despite the previous war between the countries being officially over, tensions are still high, and the borders of the Riddenmar are violent. Emmund hopes to create a more permanent peace. And what’s more permanent than marriage?
FC: Domhnall Gleeson, #809C40