27 ⥥
BISEXUAL ⍚ " To die, to sleep - To sleep, perchance to dream. For in this sleep of death what dreams may come..."
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A P P E A R A N C EAt 5'11 Shas'ti is a tall woman with lean and strong athletic build as most warriors and hunters of her time. But her actual physical strength is often times a mystery to most, for they do not know of her mixed heritage. A huge part of her strength, speed, agility and battle prowess is her mother's legacy alive within her.
Shas'ti has a deep, dark brown hair that reaches to the middle of her back. When on the hunt it is always braided and pulled away from her face as to not hinder her. When she is not hunting she will let it loose. The clothes Shas'ti wears are one of comfort and practicality. Shas'ti has the deepest brown eyes that are almost black, her facial features are somewhat sharp and stark, but will soften when she smiles or when she is spinning her tales.
Not belonging to a particular tribe Shas'ti doesn't have and tribal tattoos, but she does have a couple for protection and warding, her father did on her as well as the two ceremonial brands of her trade.
Shas'ti's curse mark is not actually visible to the regular folk. The only ones capable of seeing it are shamans and those with the healing gift. It is located on her forehead in the region between the brows. When she uses her powers it will pulse with deep purple light visible to everyone. The intensity of the light reflects the potency of the abilities she is using. She experiences mild headaches when she uses low tier abilities. The higher the tear the more severe the headaches up to the point she is unable to function from the debilitating pain. When she is at the end of her life force the mark will pulse with a frequency that will literally stall her brain and kill her instantly. [ ⍚ ]
P E R S O N A L I T YShas'ti is a solitary person. Not particularly by choice, but by trade. It was true that magic was abound in their world and superstitions often ruled it. But magical beasts rarely showed their face to humanity, especially those of evil inclination. So Shas'ti spent long periods of time in research and stalking her prey, which did not entail much socializing.
Still Shas'ti was a friendly person. She was also very warm and welcoming, which helped her storytelling abilities. People couldn't help but feel drawn in. In this regard her personality was quite well adapted to wheedling out information from people without them even knowing they were giving it up. They would be ensnared in a pleasant conversation and before they knew it, they would have told Shas'ti about that old crone's tale that nobody was supposed to utter a word out loud.
Though a loner, Shas'ti is a deeply caring person. Having grown up with only her dad and living the life of a nomad without any belonging to clan and kin, she knew all too well the need, desire and yearning to be a part of something bigger. And so she cared strongly about people and the family bonds they created, and she would give her life to protect that from any malignant forces out there.
Shas'ti is very dedicated to her craft. When she is not stalking a prey she is usually training or doing research and studying potential new game or searching for powerful allies.
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B I O G R A P H YShas'ti never knew what gave birth to her. All her dad, Shan'tu, told her was that it was powerful and female. Her dad raised her the best way he could without a mother and with being what he was - a hunter of malevolent and malignant magical creatures. There was little he could do to shield the girl from his occupation and early on Shas'ti was initiated into the fold of magic game hunting. Those hunters were few and far between, since the game they hunted was dangerous beyond belief.
Shan'tu was a good, patient teacher and Shas'ti was an intelligent girl and a very fast learner. by the time she was about twelve she already knew most of the clans' scriptures and had extensive knowledge about each tribe's lore. For those were the most basic skills hunters like herself and her dad required to do their job.
Of course the basic survival skill set was also ingrained in her from a very young age. Hunting for food, foraging, basic healing techniques, vast variety of combat techniques. Shas'ti was well versed in the use of most human weapons and Shan'tu often wondered if her combat prowess was due to her mixed heritage.
Her dad rarely spoke of her mother if ever, but Shas'ti felt that he had loved her and she him. The girl never found out what had happened to her after she gave birth and why she didn't stay with her family. On very rare occasions her dad would get this melancholy look on his face as if he was missing his mate. But Shas'ti's mother never did show up. Not even when Shan'tu was poisoned in a fight with a particularly nasty magical creature and no medicine known to the humans could save him. Shas'ti was eighteen when she had to bury her dad and take over.
Not long after a tale spread among the populace in all directions about a valiant hunter who protected the clans from the most fierce and dangerous of beasts. For among the skills Shas'ti had picked up from her dad was that of storytelling. It was the method the man had used when his daughter was little to impart important knowledge onto his little girl.Memories Retained: Ignore for now 𝔐y ℑmmortal 𝔖𝔬𝔲𝔩
PANSEXUAL ⍚ DARK GOD<I am a passenger. I am moving through your dreams. I am riding in your dreams.>
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GO D L Y A P P E A R A N C ETe'Muti is rarely seen in full corporeal form. As the goddess of sleep, the Lady of the Dream Realm and the Gatekeeper of Akasha she is most often than not perceived as a sort of astral body with the figure of a cloaked woman with a hood and bound eyes. Instead, her third eye glows with a beautiful deep purple light and allows the Goddess to see all, perceive all, know all.
To her starkissed Te'Muti would appear as a woman with strong features, high cheekbones, straight nose and full red lips. Her eyes would be the color of the pulsing light of her third eye.
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K N O W N F O R [۞] Being the Gatekeeper to the repository of all knowledge;
[۞] Ruling over the Dream Plane and manipulating it as she sees fit;
[۞] Being capable to bring about the most peaceful and soothing of dreams as well as punish with the most horrid and paralyzing nightmares;
[۞] One of the more knowledgeable among the Gods;
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F O R M A T I V E M O M E N T S I N H I S T O R YTe'Muti was a being of the higher planes of existence. Like her, many, but not all of the gods and goddesses of humans, are denizens of the higher planes of existence. Te'Muti was powerful and intelligent like all inhabitants of the higher planes.
When humans came into being she enjoyed observing them. How they stumbled about, growing and learning. Making love and making war. And she was not the only one. During her observations she came to know another higher being known as Opochtli of the serpent dragons. They became fast friends and Opochtli shared with Te'Muti his intention of obtaining a physical body to join the humans in mortal coil. Te'Muti was fascinated with the idea. She admired her friend for his conviction but was not ready to follow him into flesh.
She promised to watch over him from the higher planes and keep in touch if at all possible after his descent into the mortal coil. It was not easy and required incredible amounts of energy on both sides, but they managed to see each other every now and then. They continued sharing information and impressions and during one of their talks Opochtli proposed that Te'Muti take govern over humans' sleep, the dream realm and the gates to Akasha as they were beginning to develop the subconscious abilities to visit those realms while in lucid state and to take advantage of the knowledge and information stored there.
And so it was that Te'Muti became the Goddess of sleep, Lady of the Dream Realm, Gatekeeper of Akasha. She was a benevolent and just goddess. But very early on she gleamed the potential for discord between the gods as some were more prone to negative emotions. So Te'Muti was cautions not to appear as if supporting exclusively one or the other. She kept well in the middle as much as possible.
It was when she met her Starkissed, that she realized what would be the apple of contention between the more benevolent of deities and those who harbored darker emotions. So in order to foil any future plans of those Dark Gods she went undercover of sorts. To be able to better control the situation and figure out any future actions on her part. But her first act would have to be a most vile one. In order to protect her Starkissed and prevent them from being used against Te'Muti in the event she was found and captured, she would have to hurt them beyond imagining so that they would willingly abandon her.
And so she stepped into her new role as a Dark Goddess. She played her part well enough and as the Gatekeeper of Akasha - the repository of all knowledge, Te'Muti was able to gleam the plan of the Dark Gods to curse all the starkissed. She was a step away from stopping them when they enacted their curse.
Te'Muti, as one of the starkissed, was immediately affected by it. Knowing what it entailed and the curse's effects she desperately tried to retain even the tiniest bit of memory within her, but as she was pulled slowly but surely into mortal coil, all that she knew, all that she remembered, began fading away. The last memory she was robbed of was that of her starkissed's face, stricken by Te'Muti's horrid words used to drive them away. It would forever haunt her in each new incarnation as a half forgotten dream, unable to ever come into full focus.
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S K I L L S E TThree General skills to start and up to two combat abilities. Due to the setting you may also have 1 Survival ability.- Lore Shas'ti's knowledge of the lore of the clans and the vagrant peoples is second to almost no one.
- Magic animal handling Shas'ti has been taught the craft of taming the magical beasts to serve her during her hunts of the more dangerous magical creatures.
- Storyteller Shas'ti is an accomplished storyteller. She can spin a tale so engulfing and enchanting that people will get sucked in without realizing it and will forget their worries and their inhibitions when they listen to the whimsical stories of Shas'ti the Beast Whisperer.
- Dragon knowledge(this skill would depend on my RRA roll, if I don't roll a dragon NPC friend I'll have to change it) Shas'ti has received extended schooling and information from {name of the dragon NPC}. These knowledge helps her survive in almost any situation.
- Stealth During her years of training with her father Shas'ti has acquired the speed and agility of the quietest of predators. Few are the beasts that can sense her coming, before she deals the final blow.
- Half-breed Even though she doesn't know much about her birth mother, whatever she was, she left Shas'ti with a legacy that would enable her to best man and beast alike. Far stronger, faster and agile than all the women and most men as well, Shas'ti is a fierce and terrible opponent.
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A B I L I T I E SThese will unlock as we continue.Life Force:
0/0 (ignore for now)Hypnokinesis: Weakest AbilityShas'ti can manipulate all aspects of sleep in herself and in others.Sleep! With a touch Shas'ti can induce sleep into anyone and anything. The bigger the target, the harder it is to put it to sleep.
Circadian Control Through this ability Shas'ti can manipulate the mind in believing its sleep/wakefulness cycles are out of order. This causes mild nausea, vertigo and disorientation.
Dream Imprisonment Shas'ti can fling someone in immediate dream state, locking them within a nightmare or a pleasant dream. The effect lasts up to 30 minutes and can have mild beneficial or detrimental effects depending on the dream the target was locked into.
Dreamscaping: Moderate Ability Shas'ti can create, shape, enter and manipulate the dreams of others, including nightmares and daydreams. She can induce REM sleep and promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams. In some cases she can inflict wounds on a sleeping victim or healed damage (mental or physical).Dream Attack Shas'ti can attack a sleeping being within their dream and inflict actual physical damage. She doesn't need to be in the vicinity of her target. She can find anyone within the dreamscape. If the dreamer wounds her back, she will receive damage in the real world as well.
Dream Materialization Shas'ti can materialize constructs out of her own or other peoples' dreams. She can then use those constructs to aid her in any way she wishes. The constructs last for no more than an hour and if she materializes more than one that time is split between each construct.
The Bliss Or Horror Of Dreams Shas'ti can induce targets to feel extreme pleasure or discomfort. She can award horrors beyond imagining, effectively incapacitating her target with fear induced paralysis. Or she can grant happiness and pleasure that increase awareness and perception.
Akashic Plane Manipulation: Strongest Ability The power to manipulate the dreamscape and the Akashic plane of knowledge.Oneiric Teleportation Through this ability Shas'ti can teleport to any place where someone or something is sleeping. She can do this once every five days. Ability Imprinting Shas'ti can access the knowledge of the Akashic plane to imprint herself with any Tier 1 abilities of the other gods or general human abilities she deems worthy of imprinting. The imprint lasts for /help
/ Panmnesia This ability allows Shas'ti to scour the Akashic plane and locate a memory relevant to the Dark Gods' plot with 66% percent chance of success. It also enhances her memory and gives her up to 75% chance of retaining said memory after reincarnation. Shas'ti cannot use this ability if she has less than half of her life force. She also needs to be in deep sleep to be able to search the Akashic plane thoroughly. [ ⍚ ]
I N V E N T O R YA travel satchel; Clothes; Short sword; Spear; Bow and quiver; basic medicinal kit; Lore diary[ ⍚ ]
O T H E RColour Code: 1E90FF.[ ⍚ ]
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