"There are risks and costs to a program of action, but they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction."
– John F Kennedy{ N A M E }:
Leorin{ G E N D E R }: Female
{ A G E }: 25
{ A P P E A R A N C E }: 5'8. Amber eyes.

( T R I A D ) : 2nd
( T Y P E within Triad ): Powers
( M A J O R P O W E R ): Weapon Creation - Leorin can create a weapon by shaping existing energy, and wield it with expert proficiency. She can only create one weapon at a time. At present, her armory is limited to a handful of melee weapons - a couple of swords, a staff, and a war hammer. She is working to expand this ability. Her preference is the two-handed claymore. Leorin's weapons are not permanent once they are created, and they rely on her ability to control the energy she has harnessed. Leorin has found that extreme mood swings, such as intense bouts of anger, can decrease their durability. When especially enraged, her weapon can disappear entirely, leaving her defenseless until she calms herself. Leorin is working on controlling her emotions to better harness the energy around her. She recognizes, albeit begrudgingly, that she will never increase her armory or her power until then.
( M I N O R P O W E R ): None as of yet.

* P E R S O N A L I T Y * : Leorin's father once told her that the only rules that truly bind us are the rules we create for ourselves. Since then, she has lived her life by that mantra. She is stubborn, strong willed, and determined to succeed in the areas she deems most important. Protecting the Heavens is at the top of that list, while her schooling is at the bottom. She is moody and quick to anger, but to say she is entirely insufferable would be unfair, as she occasionally does open up to people whom she trusts. Leorin has a strong moral compass, but it is not necessarily dictated by the laws of society, which often gets her into some trouble. She does not make friends easily, but when she does, she sticks. Unfortunately, she can also hold a grudge when she feels she has been wronged, and will cut out the "toxic" entity from her life without a second thought.
* F A M I L Y / R E L A T I O N S H I P S *: Raised by two Powers angels.
* R O O M M A T E *:
(leave empty until assigned)* H I S T O R Y *: Leorin's entire life has been about fighting the demons, and protecting those who need protection. While some might see this as a selfless, righteous act, her parents told her only stories of war and death. If you are not strong enough, they assured her, you will not survive. With this in mind, Leorin trained relentlessly from a young age. Her parents were often away, which worked to nurture her independence and grit. She did not need someone telling her how to prepare, or how to fight, or how to live her life. As such, she has struggled within the confines of the Angel Academy. While never outright malicious, her opinionated and headstrong tendencies have put her in detention more than once. Some educators adore her wit and passion, while others merely see it as a nuisance. Needless to say, Leorin and the headmistress are plenty familiar with each other.

L I K E S:
Meeting New People
Dry Humor
D I S L I K E S:
Unnecessary Rules
To kill demons.