Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

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Angels can only have one major power. Others can be minors but must be related to the major

*Quote here (Optional)*

{ N A M E }: (+ color if want to)
{ G E N D E R }:
{ A G E }:
{ A P P E A R A N C E }:

( T R I A D ) :
( T Y P E within Triad ):
( M A J O R P O W E R ):
( M I N O R P O W E R ): *can be left empty*

* P E R S O N A L I T Y * :
* F A M I L Y / R E L A T I O N S H I P S *:
* R O O M M A T E *: (leave empty until assigned)
* H I S T O R Y *:

L I K E S:

D I S L I K E S:

(What is their ultimate goal in life/school?)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

NPC played only at certain times by GM

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vn2202
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vn2202 I don't want to say anything

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

*Hmmm, I don't want to say anything*

{ N A M E }: Victor
{ G E N D E R }: Male
{ A G E }: 17
{ A P P E A R A N C E }: As my picture

( T R I A D ) : 2nd
( T Y P E within Triad ): POWERS
( M A J O R P O W E R ): Light Shadow-Transform in to a light and become very fast. In this form Victor can't attack anyone but his first attack after using this power will be enhanced
( M I N O R P O W E R ): Light Ball-Throw a ball made from light that move wherever he wants (no more than 15m), he can see everything around the ball. (can;t control more than 2 ball.

* P E R S O N A L I T Y * : Silent, Misterious, Hard-working, Very bad at team-working, Don't show so much emotion
* F A M I L Y / R E L A T I O N S H I P S *: Father, mother and 11 elder brother
* R O O M M A T E *: (leave empty until assigned)
* H I S T O R Y *:
He was born on the Heaven, in a big family, he was the 12th sons of Bert, a Powers , and Lisa, an Angel. He was the weakest son in the family and always be compare with his brother. That why he became silent and want to prove himself to his father. Joining the Angel Academy is his first step to his life goal.

L I K E S:
Fight with stronger angel
Go to see the world
D I S L I K E S:
Non-combat activity

He want to be the most powerful angel, to use his power to save the Heaven
Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The deeper your self love, the greater your protection

{ N A M E }: Cassiel Skylove
{ G E N D E R }: Female
{ A G E }: 17
{ A P P E A R A N C E }: As picture.

( T R I A D ) : 3rd
( T Y P E within Triad ): Angel (guardian angel)
( M A J O R P O W E R ): Able to appear invisible in the human world with a limit of 5 minutes at most. Can also appear invisible in the angel world at 2 minutes at most.
( M I N O R P O W E R ): Able to make wings disappear for a half hour if she so wishes to walk around normally.

* P E R S O N A L I T Y * : Cassiel can be very alluring at times, drawing people in with her gentle words and even softer actions. She is a strong girl who knows what her goals are and work towards them with no regret. When she cares about someone she cares very deeply for them which is what makes her such a good or bad guardian angel (however you look at it)
* F A M I L Y / R E L A T I O N S H I P S *: Her family is very close knit. She has one younger brother (age: 13).
* R O O M M A T E *: (leave empty until assigned)
* H I S T O R Y *:
Cassiel was born to fairly young parents. She's never really had a problem with them and adores her younger brother. However, she knows that with other families one day everyone would be so old that they no longer remember each other. She is determined to not let that happen.

L I K E S:
- Velvet
- Smooth surfaces
- Cleverness
- Gentleness

D I S L I K E S:
- Flirting
- Jealousy

To help her "client" live a happy, healthy life that is filled with success and glory.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slingshot
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Slingshot The Only Good Dalek

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

*The only emotion that should control your actions is love.*

{ N A M E }: Amos
{ G E N D E R }: Male
{ A G E }: 16
{ A P P E A R A N C E }:

( T R I A D ) : 3rd
( T Y P E within Triad ): Angels
( M A J O R P O W E R ): Mood Altering (Able to influence peoples emotions)
( M I N O R P O W E R ): Mood reading (Able to tell how people are feeling)

* P E R S O N A L I T Y * : Amos is a very peaceful and calm person. He rarely gets riled up and it takes quite a lot to bother him. He's always kind to everyone and automatically trust everyone, even when most others wouldn't. He tries his best to understand people, not just knowing how they're feeling, but understanding why they feel the ways they do. He is also very studious and tries not to waste time on frivolous matters. Though he does try to spend time with friends in order to maintain their bond. He also appreciates the value of romance and will often indulge in love-making. However he never gets into serious relationships.
* F A M I L Y / R E L A T I O N S H I P S *: He has a mother and father and three sisters.
* R O O M M A T E *: (leave empty until assigned)
* H I S T O R Y *: Amos grew up in a family that valued connections. His father had a connection with the ocean. His mother had a connection with nature. His sisters had connections with beast of the sea, sky, and land respectively. But Amos was special, since birth he had a connection with people. Whether they were angels or human, he could always understand exactly what they were feeling and could help them with their emotions. This talent has made him a wonderful guardian angel to his assigned human and hopes to lead his human to fulfill his dreams of creating a better world.

L I K E S: Meditation, friends, family, books, love-making, and sport.

D I S L I K E S: Conflict, mean people, war, loud noises.

Become a Guardian Angel/Spread as much love and joy across the Earth and Heavens
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 8 days ago

*Close your eyes and sleep.*

{ N A M E }: Meimu
{ T I T L E }: Keeper of Dream
{ G E N D E R }: Male
{ A G E }: 231
{ A P P E A R A N C E }:

Meimu, despite being over two hundred years old, does not age overtime, thanks to the physiology of an archangel. His only form largely resembled the human in which he lived in in his previous life, a teenage boy at about 170 centimeters tall and weigh at 68 kg, with chin-leveled white hair, dark blue eyes and six white wings, a not so common trait among archangels. Due to this, he sometimes is mistaken as a seraph.

( T R I A D ) : 3rd
( T Y P E within Triad ): Archangel
( M A J O R P O W E R ): Dream manipulator (The ability to enter, control and combining people's dream)
( M I N O R P O W E R ): Sedation (The ability to make beings fall asleep. Its effectiveness varies depending on species and their will to resist his power. A surprise sedating attack will increase its success rate)

* P E R S O N A L I T Y * :

Like the name suggests, Meimu is a dreamy person himself. He is always elsewhere, thinking about an imaginary world that he painted by himself to add in more colors to his dream. The reason for this is because he want to get away from the sorrows and despairs that humanity is suffering. He knows well the mentality and nature of human through his abilities to see through people's dream, and thus, he was soon filled with mixed emotions about what they experienced, from pity to sadness. This resulted in his habit, as he wanted to temporarily escape the cruelty of the sorrowful world and be engulfed in his own world. The mental dream in which he created was a combination of all the beauties of nature, with life prospering from its very core, indicating a partly naïve personality, who believes in true happiness, and want to spread that to others. In general, Meimu is a silent and thoughtful man with a kind heart of a true angel.

* F A M I L Y / R E L A T I O N S H I P S *: Not much is known about his family, aside from the fact that he is born an only child in a long hierarchy of archangels

* R O O M M A T E *: (leave empty until assigned)

* H I S T O R Y *:

Meimu had a very dull history, aside from the fact that he is actually a reincarnation of a human teenage boy, which is the reason why his form appeared so young. The boy was a simple man with a heart of gold yet led an ill-fated life who dedicated his short life to the pure intention of using his grits and strength to help others in need. Unfortunately, he was plagued with a strange terminal illness, and was placed in a coma that lasted over two decades, ending with his silent death. Upon realizing this poor soul's fate, the Gods decided to ascend his spirit to immortality and reincarnated him into an archangel, channeling him illusion physiology as a gift for all his years wandering in the dreamland. Only the Gods and the seraphim knew about his reincarnation into celestial beings.

L I K E S:

Happiness, Serenity

D I S L I K E S:

Chaos, Sorrow, Despair

(What is their ultimate goal in life/school?)

To be able to use his ability expertly, so that he can heal the human's mental injuries by utilizing the placebo effects on their dreams, or giving humans a peaceful state of mind if deaths are to come to them.

I will be editing the colors and so later. It is so hard to come up with a power that does not become overpowered or potentially overpowered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sundrop
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Sundrop Phantom Thief

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

*Pride comes before a fall, and this is called justice. But what if such fate befalls the noble,
the humble, those who are rightful rulers? I ask you, is it still justice then?*

{ N A M E }: Merueid
{ G E N D E R }: Female
{ A G E }: 129
{ A P P E A R A N C E }: Aside from the picture's indication, Merueid is 6'1". She also doesn't carry a torch or wreath with her everywhere she goes, in case someone thought that. Though it isn't visible here, Merueid is blind in her left eye, yet it does not alter her physical appearance.

( T R I A D ) : Third
( T Y P E within Triad ): Principalities
( M A J O R P O W E R ): Creation and manipulation of light to conjure things such as shields, wards and illumination.
( M I N O R P O W E R ): n/a

* P E R S O N A L I T Y * : Merueid is strong-willed, determined and very protective. She can be assertive but also judgmental, though it does not hinder her or the power she seems to exert from her language and attitude on a day-to-day basis. She tries fervently not to let anything stop her, nor her pursuit of justice, nobility, fairness and equality within community, province, hierarchy and common group, be it something as miniscule as a stone wall or as major as partial blindness.
* F A M I L Y / R E L A T I O N S H I P S *: Merueid was born solely from her mother with no male involvement. She has two brothers, one of which betrayed his family, and three sisters. Like her, all of Merueid's siblings are blind in their left eye.
* R O O M M A T E *: Cassiel
* H I S T O R Y *: Merueid, born as a Principality, grew among her siblings with a sense of humbleness and a love of others. However, a few decades along her growth, one of her brothers began to disobey, committing crimes and assault, rebelling against his role and the concept of angels entirely, seeking powers greater than that which he was to uphold, and ultimately abandoning his family. From this, Merueid took it upon herself to do what her ancestors supposedly did not, and now seeks to sign up to Angel Academy to further improve her powers and someday become a revered friend and protector of the world.

L I K E S: Justice, kindness, equality, the company of other angels, protecting those who can't protect themselves, those who are courageous or peaceful, and animals

D I S L I K E S: Her brother. He's a butt. Cowardice, obstacles, bullies, rebellion, disobedience

Merueid seeks to uphold justice on people like her brother, to ensure peace to any and all pre-determined hierarchies, to encourage peace, respect, equality, and trust, and to become the best guardian to others that she can be, as well as to the world in full.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seravee
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Seravee Like Lightning in a Bottle

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"There are risks and costs to a program of action, but they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction."
– John F Kennedy

{ N A M E }: Leorin
{ G E N D E R }: Female
{ A G E }: 25
{ A P P E A R A N C E }: 5'8. Amber eyes.

( T R I A D ) : 2nd
( T Y P E within Triad ): Powers
( M A J O R P O W E R ): Weapon Creation - Leorin can create a weapon by shaping existing energy, and wield it with expert proficiency. She can only create one weapon at a time. At present, her armory is limited to a handful of melee weapons - a couple of swords, a staff, and a war hammer. She is working to expand this ability. Her preference is the two-handed claymore. Leorin's weapons are not permanent once they are created, and they rely on her ability to control the energy she has harnessed. Leorin has found that extreme mood swings, such as intense bouts of anger, can decrease their durability. When especially enraged, her weapon can disappear entirely, leaving her defenseless until she calms herself. Leorin is working on controlling her emotions to better harness the energy around her. She recognizes, albeit begrudgingly, that she will never increase her armory or her power until then.
( M I N O R P O W E R ): None as of yet.

* P E R S O N A L I T Y * : Leorin's father once told her that the only rules that truly bind us are the rules we create for ourselves. Since then, she has lived her life by that mantra. She is stubborn, strong willed, and determined to succeed in the areas she deems most important. Protecting the Heavens is at the top of that list, while her schooling is at the bottom. She is moody and quick to anger, but to say she is entirely insufferable would be unfair, as she occasionally does open up to people whom she trusts. Leorin has a strong moral compass, but it is not necessarily dictated by the laws of society, which often gets her into some trouble. She does not make friends easily, but when she does, she sticks. Unfortunately, she can also hold a grudge when she feels she has been wronged, and will cut out the "toxic" entity from her life without a second thought.
* F A M I L Y / R E L A T I O N S H I P S *: Raised by two Powers angels.
* R O O M M A T E *: (leave empty until assigned)
* H I S T O R Y *: Leorin's entire life has been about fighting the demons, and protecting those who need protection. While some might see this as a selfless, righteous act, her parents told her only stories of war and death. If you are not strong enough, they assured her, you will not survive. With this in mind, Leorin trained relentlessly from a young age. Her parents were often away, which worked to nurture her independence and grit. She did not need someone telling her how to prepare, or how to fight, or how to live her life. As such, she has struggled within the confines of the Angel Academy. While never outright malicious, her opinionated and headstrong tendencies have put her in detention more than once. Some educators adore her wit and passion, while others merely see it as a nuisance. Needless to say, Leorin and the headmistress are plenty familiar with each other.

L I K E S:
Meeting New People
Dry Humor

D I S L I K E S:
Unnecessary Rules

To kill demons.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by candlelitcraft
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candlelitcraft aven lynn

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kindness is like snow - It beautifies everything it covers.

{ N A M E }: Ember Davids
{ G E N D E R }: Female
{ A G E }: 17
{ A P P E A R A N C E }: As pictured above

( T R I A D ) : 2nd
( T Y P E within Triad ): Virtues
( M A J O R P O W E R ): Control over snow and frost, though she has a very hard time doing it in hot weather
( M I N O R P O W E R ): Can freeze small amounts of water

* P E R S O N A L I T Y * : She’s very loyal and a great listener. She’s very honest and doesn’t like to dance around things. She’s a person you want to come to with your problems. She is the type of person to sacrifice her happiness for others. She can be pessimistic and lacks confidence. She’s good at improvising to fix situations. She tends to expect more out of others than they can give. She’s very well-mannered and tends to be a bit reserved.
* F A M I L Y / R E L A T I O N S H I P S *: She grew up with a single mother. As the only child, her and her mother are very close.
* R O O M M A T E *: (leave empty until assigned)
* H I S T O R Y *: Ember’s father left her mom after finding out she was pregnant. Her mom taught her not to trust easily as a result. She tended to be a bit overprotective of Ember because she doesn’t want her to get hurt.

L I K E S:
(Faux) Fur
Reading anything she can get her hands on
Cold nights
Thick blankets
Fire places
Hot tea

D I S L I K E S:
Summer nights
Abusive relationships in books
Cold food

She wants to perform miracles to make any many people happy as possible. She wants to be able to help turn people’s lives around.

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