*Pride comes before a fall, and this is called justice. But what if such fate befalls the noble,
the humble, those who are rightful rulers? I ask you, is it still justice then?*{ N A M E }: Merueid
{ G E N D E R }: Female
{ A G E }: 129
{ A P P E A R A N C E }: Aside from the picture's indication, Merueid is 6'1". She also doesn't carry a torch or wreath with her everywhere she goes, in case someone thought that. Though it isn't visible here, Merueid is blind in her left eye, yet it does not alter her physical appearance.

( T R I A D ) : Third
( T Y P E within Triad ): Principalities
( M A J O R P O W E R ): Creation and manipulation of light to conjure things such as shields, wards and illumination.
( M I N O R P O W E R ): n/a

* P E R S O N A L I T Y * : Merueid is strong-willed, determined and very protective. She can be assertive but also judgmental, though it does not hinder her or the power she seems to exert from her language and attitude on a day-to-day basis. She tries fervently not to let anything stop her, nor her pursuit of justice, nobility, fairness and equality within community, province, hierarchy and common group, be it something as miniscule as a stone wall or as major as partial blindness.
* F A M I L Y / R E L A T I O N S H I P S *: Merueid was born solely from her mother with no male involvement. She has two brothers, one of which betrayed his family, and three sisters. Like her, all of Merueid's siblings are blind in their left eye.
* R O O M M A T E *:
Cassiel* H I S T O R Y *: Merueid, born as a Principality, grew among her siblings with a sense of humbleness and a love of others. However, a few decades along her growth, one of her brothers began to disobey, committing crimes and assault, rebelling against his role and the concept of angels entirely, seeking powers greater than that which he was to uphold, and ultimately abandoning his family. From this, Merueid took it upon herself to do what her ancestors supposedly did not, and now seeks to sign up to Angel Academy to further improve her powers and someday become a revered friend and protector of the world.

L I K E S: Justice, kindness, equality, the company of other angels, protecting those who can't protect themselves, those who are courageous or peaceful, and animals
D I S L I K E S: Her brother. He's a butt. Cowardice, obstacles, bullies, rebellion, disobedience
Merueid seeks to uphold justice on people like her brother, to ensure peace to any and all pre-determined hierarchies, to encourage peace, respect, equality, and trust, and to become the best guardian to others that she can be, as well as to the world in full.