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Name: Monika Mozaki (Momo)
Gender: Girl
Age: 16
Height: 6'
Weight: 170lbs


Because of Miona's upbringing and forced training before being set free by CPS she is by nature a very shrewd, cold calculating girl whose talent to turn off her emotional inhibitor at will can make her a dangerous person. Although she wants very badly to escape from her past and become something that prevents others from being ripped away from their childhood like she was, old habits die hard as she is naturally mistrusting of other especially adults. Momo was taught many different fighting styles but her father beat in the lessons of the knight although, the seven virtues of the knight code were never mentioned in any lesson turning the girl into a mixed fighter who isn't afraid or ashamed to low blow. Mona is in complete control of her emotions and doesn’t let them get in the way of her decision making, because of this she has a very hard time showing or even feeling empathy like a regular human being, but she can express it in different ways.


Monika was raised by her single father a well-respected hero in the public eye and much loved by the masses, although this isn’t the side he showed his only child. He was obsessed with the game of cat and mouse he played with the villains, they would cause trouble, he would stop them and, in the process, gain credibility a man with an overly ubermensch personality with the quirk to match it. When his daughter was born, he thought he would have someone to share this ‘high’ with but soon discovered her quirk was nothing like his own and stemmed from her mother’s side of the family more specific her grandmother. Her father couldn’t bear the thought of having someone else in the family that would eventually leave him because of his views on the act of hero’ing so he sought to curve her personality early on and at the same time turn that useless quirk of hers into something that would really get the blood flowing so to speak. Over the never few years villains mysteriously started going missing all around Japan, at first no one cared but when they start disappearing from prison is when the public opinion shifted to a state of emergency.

He had begun abducting these lower ranks to pro level villains and training his daughter Monika to fight them, granted, there was a safety net in the sense he wouldn’t let her get killed but everything else was fair game. Once she had proven herself with one villain he would move her up to another level and so on and so forth. Momo’s days, weeks and years were filled with constant fighting added on to her usual training, she learned to strategize on the spot, pick out and exploit weak points and adapt to the situation as it unraveled; most notably the most import thing she picked up was the ability to turn off her emotions for better clarity, after that it just became reflex with ever the girl got into a fight. Monika didn’t share her father’s love of the chase at all but he succeeded in creating a hunter, it's because of her unstable home life that she doesn’t see a real difference between heroes and villains. Little did her father know that the police had been investigating these disappearances for quite some time and were about to make a breakthrough in the form of a warrant to search the family home.

If it weren’t for the fact Moniki was mid-practice these atrocities would have continued, but thankfully they were stopped while she was still young, at the age of thirteen Moniki was taken away from her father, the captives were free, and her father sent to prison with the very villains he kidnapped. Now all there was left was who was going to take care of the little girl, her mother had passed away some time ago, and her family wanted nothing to do with that man’s child. It was one of the investigators who stepped up and willingly adopted the child into her home, giving the child a chance at the real life and the opportunity to see what being a real hero looks like, this served as her fire that would guide her to the hero academy to become a real hero like her foster mother and saving children just like her even if it meant re-learning everything she was taught in her father’s basement.


Lynch’s quirk is an Emitter, the main focus being where her body takes in water consumed and removes the impurities so that she can use it as a weapon or utility. Her quirk only allows her to use Ultrapure water and can only produce two hundred and fifty gallons in various forms, if she uses that much in one sitting without taking a break to drink fluids she’ll die from dehydration. Because of this fact She has had to learn to do as much as she can while using a little as possible being that she cannot use any other source of water unless it is UPW. Lynch has taught herself how to control UPW in the form of liquid to its utmost degree, because of the law of conservation of mass she can continue to control the state of her UPW without using more however, the water loses purity over time if it becomes too impure she is unable to use it at all. In terms of constructs, she can create just about anything simple such as bats or swords the most complex thing she’s created in terms of tools is a bow and arrow, Lynch can harden/sharpen these tools to match their real-life counterpart but they all share the weaknesses of being a liquid.

The human body is made up of water, so Lynch can control her own blood flow by manipulating the water contained within it giving her the ability to alter her blood pressure to an intense degree triggering a massive amount of adrenaline allowing her to enhance her own strength and speed via increased oxygen and nutrient transferral; if done too much she runs the risk of stopping her heart completely or giving herself a heart attack so this is only using in extream cases and only once a day. Lastly, when humans sweat mostly water is released mixed in with ammonia when she sweats the UPW creates a bubble around the ammonia and floats off her body the ammonia trapped inside undergoes a chain reaction mixing with the salts and sugars of her body and creates a pink sludge, because this contaminates the UPW very quickly she has about ten seconds to use it, once popped the sludge splatters over that area making it extremely slippery where the untrained can easily lose balance.


Momo’s body like all humans is composed of mostly of water, but because of her quirk the water, she is composed of is pure water which is normally toxic to humans. She must consume water to replenish her pure water reserves with takes anywhere between five minutes to fifteen minutes, depending on the type of water she drinks. Because the water needs to be sure to use the way her biology works is that it’ll strip the water from any liquid she consumes and use the leftovers for things such a protein and potassium, it will de-carbonate soda and separate the ‘dirty’ water from the rest of the flavorings to put said water in the purification process. Liquid aside, she does need to eat actual food for other vitamins and minerals as on average 80% of the water humans’ intake comes from beverages, and the other 20% comes from food.

Time limits on usability:

Liquid: twenty minutes
Bubble: ten seconds


Shares all the same weaknesses of regular water except electricity
Cannot use regular water
Contaminates such as oil


As mentioned before Monika can turn off her emotion inhibitor.
Momo is proficient in multiple forms of combat being hand to hand and close-ranged weaponry. Because of her proficiency in hand to hand she has adopted a very unorthodox fighting style.

Weapons with the highest proficiency

Great Sword
Short Sword

Hand to hand with the highest proficiency

Boxing (Peek-a-Boo stance / Hitman)


Power- C
Speed- C
Technique - B
Intelligence - C
Cooperativeness - D
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Eggs
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Eggs spooky!

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Haruka Sanegeyama

Appearance: Haruka is physically unimposing. Short, pale, and a little chubby, she's not what most would consider their definition of a hero. There's nothing in the way of notable muscle in her build, but school activities keep her from being completely physically hopeless. Her face is round, and while she's got good features, she tends to always look a little sleep-deprived and doesn't smile a lot. Her lips are naturally downturned and her eyebrows are flat, which go a long way to make her look irritated even when she isn't. The eyes themselves are dark blue, and her hair is a shade of seafoam right between blue and green. It's long and a bit messy naturally, and instead of bothering to properly deal with it, she just ties it back and calls it a day.

Costume: Haruka's costume is technological in nature, constructed from various technologies and the use of her quirk. It's intentionally built to resemble the heroes of tokusatsu TV shows, and thus has simple colors and a smooth exterior finish. A black bodysuit underneath the armor shows through the joints, and on the legs, black thigh plating meets a large belt with a lime green, v-like 'buckle.' From the knee down, a boot-like design in metallic green takes over. Her midsection is covered with darker grey plating that also covers the groin and biceps, and more green frames her sides and chest. The armor here is built up a little, giving the illusion of a more heroic and masculine body build. Green layered shoulder pads attach to the bicep armor, and bright white gauntlets and gloves cover her arms from elbow-down. On her head, she wears a fairly simple rounded helmet with slightly emphasized ear covers, a solid blue visor, and a large lime green crest that's similar in shape to the belt buckle. Similar lime green pieces are on her elbows, shoulder blades, and chest, while her visor and various lights on her midsection, thighs, and biceps are all bright blue.

Hero Name: Cyborg Hero Hypermeka

Name: Haruka Sanegeyama

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 145 lbs.

To put it kindly, Haruka is a shut-in. A handful of anxieties keep her from being especially sociable, but she's come to mostly accept it and go with the flow instead of wasting time angsting over her awkwardness and quiet tendencies. While not unfriendly at all, she just doesn't have a good time approaching strangers or talking at length with anyone less familiar than a very close friend. As such, the number of these friends is few, though she appreciates and loves them for sticking around for long enough to get there. Haruka doesn't really expect folks to give her much in return for her unwilling distance, but once those barriers get worn down, she's sweet as can be, and there's not much she enjoys more than spending her time with people like that. That said, she does still need time to herself quite often.

Due to the free time that comes from commonly being alone, Haruka has come to adore certain media that makes her happy. In particular, the tokusatsu genre in all of its costumes-and-special-effects glory. The action, the stories, the excitement, all of it. To say she's a little obsessed is an understatement, as a peek into her bedroom would prove very quickly. One of her most prized possessions is a 1TB harddrive with every toku show she can think of on it, whether new and expertly choreographed or awkward, clunky, no-budget drivel from the 70s. She considers tokusatsu in all forms to be like a fine art, and sharing it with people is one of the easiest ways to get her to talk, and she tends to get quite excited over certain things in particular.

In her heroic persona, something she's spent far too long in front of her bedroom mirror practicing, she's much more outgoing and confident. Her costume offers her a sense of anonimity and the ability to be one of the heroes she looks up to, and in it, it's almost like she's a different person. She can be loud, flambouyant, and more than a little bit cheesy in her delivery of lines and conversation. One day, she hopes to have the confidence her costume offers for herself in her day-to-day life, though for now the distinction remains quite obvious.

Background: Raised by a single father and plagued by strong anxiety that struck her in childhood, Haruka has never really been confident in herself. Growing up, she had few friends and not many people to confide in, so she spent much of her time with her dad when he wasn't busy at work. He had a quirk similar to hers, and his ability to control technologies gave him a very successful career as a computer and TV repairman. He didn't think of himself as heroic, given his physical frailty and his self-described lack of bravery. The risks of heroism were too great, so he dedicated himself to being a good father and providing for Haruka instead.

Haruka spent a lot of time getting to learn about her dad's interests, and took to using computers at an early age. She used them to play video games and generally spend time on, though she found herself with a much deeper understanding of the processes of technology than a kid could have gotten by simply screwing around for fun. It became clear that her quirk had begun to manifest, and by age 10, she was taking apart and building exceptionally powerful rigs without so much as a second thought. If parts weren't strong enough, she'd take them apart and put them back together three times as good. It could've been a grand moneymaking skill, but she soon found other interests.

One day, she came home from school to find her dad tuning into a new season of a show that was part of an exceptionally long-running franchise, something that he'd watched when he was a kid himself, Kamen Rider. Haruka immediately fell in love with the series. It reminded her of the heroes at large in the world, but there was something special about it in particular that clicked with her. The flair, the style, something that no hero she knew of exactly matched. Over the next couple of years, Haruka took in more and more of the tokusatsu genre. Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Garo, kaiju films, anything she could get her hands on.

It put ideas into her head. If no hero like the ones in her shows existed yet, maybe she could be that hero? She began dreaming of it, imagining how she could help the heroes in their quest to protect the innocent from evil, and how nobody would even have to know who she was behind the mask. She could be someone else, someone not bogged down by their social anxiety, someone who wasn't afraid to help people. She spoke proudly of her intentions, and spent time in her room practicing her "hero voice," as she called it, while using a Kamen Rider belt toy as a prop.

But she remembered her quirk, and how little use it would give to her in a fight. Even if she had the costume and the flair, what could she do with a power that let her fix computers? At first, she ignored the concern, convinced she could figure out something else. Maybe physical training could be enough? But in the end, she knew that it wouldn't be, and her idealistic dream spiraled away from her. Her excitement died, replaced with a melancholy feeling of uselessness and a broken dream.

Her father stepped in to help her out of the rut she'd fallen into. After running a marathon of Haruka's favorite toku show, he revealed to her something that he had kept secret. He was once part of a heroic duo made of himself and Haruka's mother, where he acted in a sidekick role to help maintain and support her mother's heroics, as her quirk essentially made her into a natural cyborg. Together, they were an effective duo, but Haruka's mother died only a year after she was born in a villain attack. Haruka's father could not perform heroics on his own, and had given up to make sure Haruka had a good life. It was clear to him that with how she felt, he wasn't accomplishing that.

He encouraged Haruka to follow her dreams and become the hero she wanted to be. He told her of how much more she could accomplish with her quirk, and that if she set her mind to it, she could learn how to use it effectively and follow her dream. He offered Haruka her mother's old helmet, though he encouraged her to personalize it and make the legacy her own. Haruka was uplifted out of her despair with this newfound knowledge, but didn't know where to begin.

Her father immediately offered to enroll her into Komei Academy. Haruka was almost overwhelmed by this. Her path became clear, and the way was open to her to become who she had wanted to be and protect those who couldn't protect themselves. She could make a name for herself. She could be the change in the world that she thought it needed.

She could become a hero.

Quirk: Technopath
Haruka is able to control technology with her mind and understand it within moments of examining it, so long as it abides by her general understanding of technology. Things like computers, cellular phones, and machinery are things she knows like the back of her hand. While she could easily utilize her powers to simply control the functions of these kinds of machines, she's taken it a step further and used her quirk to create and control the functions of a set of powered mechanical armor. The armor requires no power source due to the use of her quirk actively manipulating the costume and its functions, and it has the ability to generate and utilize in-built weaponry for combat while also giving her a general boost to strength, agility, and durability. It also adds a robotic filter to her voice and deepens it slightly. Any technology under the influence of Haruka's quirk emits a bright blue glow, such as the lights on her costume.

Due to fighting with the suit itself rather than physically exerting herself, she can last as long as her quirk is activated, though it also means she doesn't physically improve herself at all in the suit, and she's potentially vulnerable to the quirks of other technology-using people. Additionally, maintaining her quirk under physical distress can be challenging. Even if the suit protects her, she can definitely still feel the pain of impacts. The more worn down she gets, the harder it is to keep her suit going, and if her quirk deactivates while she's inside, she'd be trapped within. Putting the suit on and taking it off actively rebuilds part of the back, and without her quirk's use, getting her out would require destroying it.

Talents: Haruka could be said to be a good actor, considering the personality split between her normal self and her costumed self. In an entertaining twist, she could very well have a promising career as a tokusatsu suit actor if hero business doesn't work out for her. Likewise, she has exceptional knowledge of tokusatsu itself, from various shows to behind-the-scenes trivia and where to get them from. Outside of tokusatsu, due to her quirk, she's very good at building and maintaining computers for her friends, and tends to provide them with quirk-modified pieces to keep them top of the line.

Power- D
Speed - D
Technique - A
Intelligence - B
cooperativnesss -C

With Suit
Power - B
Speed - C
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


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Tomoe 'Kishimoto'

Tell us your name.



5 ft.


Hair Color
Dyed pink

Eye Color
Sea green

Skin Color
Fairly pale


Tomoe is a very sleepy individual; it is her hobby to sleep, even in classes. When she is not asleep though she is quite cheerful and happy-go-lucky despites being somewhat slow on the intake. Despites getting so much sleep every day and night she still always reacts in a drowsy manner.

She is very helpful towards others when she sees them in trouble and likes to treat anyone and everyone as a small cute animal, even if they look like a big muscled brute. Despites helping others she doesn't try to interact with anyone out of her own accord unless there is something that truly interests her about someone specific.

Tomoe doesn't have any self-shame either, food on her face, weird clothes, sexist jokes, it doesn't matter to her. You can say she is a bit of a slob but she does take care of her own hygiene, most of the times at least.

It is rare for her to be angry, terrified or startled but when she does it you can clearly see it on her face. In battle she rarely gets serious either; she enters with a smug look on her face and is happy to have fought the fight leaving with the same smug look on her face.


Tomoe was born in a regular family, she had 3 older brothers a mom and a dad. They were all very tall yet she stayed small due to genes. She likely got them from her aunt who was like a midget too. It bothered her at first but she got used to it. It was usual being bullied by her older brother but she didn't mind since she had gotten the bigger room of the house. Apart from being bullied she didn't have much different hobbies apart from sleeping. She liked reading, games and tea ceremonies but sleeping was spend way more time on.

At her earlier stages of life it wasn't as much as a problem to sleep as it was now, her parents told her to sleep earlier and pay more attention to school but it was impossible for her. She didn't understand how others could keep at it for so long without sleep but apparently it was a normal thing that she didn't have. Teachers would yell at her to sleep more at home and actually make her homework but it didn't work. She got to the point of crying to her parents about it that she tried everything but simply felt too tired to do anything.

Finally at the hospital they reckoned it would have been a sleeping disease that just made her tired all the time, it took a while for them to find results on what was wrong with her body, she had to take multiple tests that weren't all that likeable to get some more info on it. During her stay in the hospital she was tied to a young blonde boy with tattoos named Roy. He was here for something that she understood as overheating. She didn't really understand it at the time but she liked the boy at least. He could make her laugh and get her on the edge of her bed while telling a story. In her life she probably never made such good of a friend like him yet. He was dispatched just like her and just parted ways like nothing happened despites it feeling a bit sad. At the time her hair was still brown.

Ater the many tests they found out it was her quirk manifesting, it didn't show much of a power yet but they were sure it was her quirk making her so sleepy all the time. After the period of staying in the hospital she noticeably saw the forming of her quirks power although it was difficult to maintain, she did manage with her quirk all this time however.

Her life went on with her being asleep most of the day, at school she could sleep in the nurses office whenever she wanted too and she got enough time to complete her homework. She forced herself awake more often to keep up with everything but barely came down from her isolated room only to eat, shower or go to school. She wasn't sad, just lonely.

At later classes in primary school she didn't know anyone from her class, she only follow lessons when she could and stayed at the nurse office more often then class. It left weird rumours about her around the classroom but she didn't particularly care. Her best friend was the nurse in the nurse office who was extremely nice to her and understood her situation. She often got free coffee from the nurse to stay awake for longer. Yes, she was drinking coffee at the age of 8. Medicen tasted pretty bad and dry all the time.

A year or so later a boy came by. Blonde boy with glasses. Normally only hurted people came by or the friends of someone hurt. Tomoe would mostly ignore thrm though yet. This boy wasn't here for anyone, there weren't any hurt people and he wasn't hurt himself either. Tomoe just gave him a confused look and got somewhat curious to what he was doing here. He was clearly here to check out on her. It was a bit unreal that someone would actually visit her. She just stayed quiet and let the boy do the talking by giving an occasional nod to him in reply. She enjoyed it though, had been some time since she actually had fun talking to another kid.

During class they would talk to each other more often but that eventually faded when summer break came. Her quirk had finally manifested obviously showing what her weird body was for. She liked sleeping herself but now it had a proper reason for others to understand why she slept an awfull lot too. She had also died her hair to the color pink over the summer and grew it out a bit more over the coming years liking how it looked that way from some idol she had seen.

After a few more years of school she had discovered her quirk a bit more and noticed how it actually wouldn't fit in any easy job. She knew sleeping wasn't gonna be her job later but something easy going was fine with her yet, her quirk was way to reckless for her to get anything lax. Well maybe becoming a hero and actually using this quirk to something good and usefull would be a fun idea. She reckoned she sould be able to use her quirk a lot if she were a hero and had to sleep a lot to use her quirk. And that was the story on how Tomoe decided to go to the famous hero academia Komei-academy.


"Dream double"

Tomoe’s quirk manifested during middle primary school. Her quirk has to do with her sleepy attitude that is present most of the time. In order to activate her quirk she has to sleep. Once she is asleep she can manifest a clone of herself, but the clone has an own mind and is enormously vicious and unruly unlike her. It looks very sly and has sharp fierce eyes, you can say it is the parts of Tomoe that she doesn't have herself. It talks in a somewhat sexy voice unlike her cute and squeaky voice which can surprise others. It only knows a few words which Tomoe uses a lot herself.

Once Tomoe is asleep it is difficult to wake her up unless she wakes up on her own or her double is defeated. While Tomoe sleep she can still smell, hear and feel everything around her own body. She can wake herself up by using her double to simply wake her.

Tomoe is able to control double for the most part despite it having a mind of its own. Her double is definitely combat orientated, seeing how she is faster and stronger then Tomoe herself.

Coming from the dream world her double is able to transform at Tomoe her will, in minor ways. Although it is still a newfound ability Tomoe’s double is able to form claws for hands and big pointy teeth for mouth up till now.

Only at certain conditions her double comes out, at night she won’t just roam around unless Tomoe gives permission for her to come out.

Power -B
Speed - B
Intelligence - D
Technique - C
Cooperativeness - B (Tomoe) D (clone)

Sleeping, Picking good songs, Drums and singing, Not swimming.


Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Retha Hal
Gender: Girl
Age: 40
Height: 6’ 3”
Weight: 165lbs


Retha is quite possibly the very definition of a ‘tiger mom’ and it comes out even more as a teacher. She is extremely strict and highly demanding pushing her students to the edge of both physical and mental sanity in order to draw out each student’s hidden potential she knows is in them. Retha will swear up and down that each student has a claim to greatness and can be the most important hero in their own way and is capable of saving millions. She has crazy high standards for each student depending on their quirk giving each student the one on one she feels they deserve to become great in their own ways.

Regardless of how she seems outwardly Retha is very protective of her ‘babies’ and won’t hesitate to throw herself in harm’s way to save even one. Her lessons may be hard, but she only wants the best of them and regardless of how rigorous she trains them nothing too serious will ever befall a single student.


Molten Core: Retha’s body is an organic fully functional smelting plant running at an unfathomable temperature much too deadly for any normal human being to survive in. Her stomach acid is actually molten hot magma that is converted into the lava when she throws up; she can also control the amount of heat as well as the product, she releases from her mouth from a combustible black smog to a regular orange flame all the way up to her signature dazzling white fire that burns for more than 1,500 °C. Retha’s sweat is hot enough singe wood, her spit can catch certain objects on fire and her blood is impossible to measure as all wounds are instantly cauterized and pain relief is delivered in the form of searing hot embrace. Her hero suite is used to control the heat to a more stable temperature however, without the suite her body will continue to get hotter infinitely.

Talents: Can control her gag reflex and projectile vomit on command. Physically durable to an absurd level, hand to hand expert though fights like a berserker when angry.

Fun facts: Retha has fourteen brothers and sisters and she herself is apart of a triplet set. If Retha’s core body temperature gets too low she will shut down completely and be unable to move.
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