Six Swords

"I weep, for the evil I have wrought this day may never be undone."
β Bartemus John Nevil, Forger of the Six
One hundred years ago an ambitious king sought to conquer the known world. To that end he imprisoned a renowned alchemist and swordsmith, forcing him to forge six powerful weapons. These blades, known as the Six Demon Swords, were gifted to the kingdom's six most powerful warriors. With the might of the Six the King was able to bring countless neighbouring kingdoms under his rule.
In the years since, countless wars, rebellions and endless strife has wracked the known world, and in this time all Six of the Demon Swords have gone missing. Some were stolen, others simply lost. Without the power of the Six to enforce the King's rule, the land has descended into chaos, noblemen and warlords all over breaking away to form their own little fiefdoms.
In the midst of a countryside in chaos a lone maiden sets out with a single goal in mind: To seek out and recover the blades forged by her grandfather so long ago, and destroy them, erasing her family's mistake. Along the way she finds help. Those willing to help her end the threat of the Demon Swords, for none should have such power, and hopefully restore balance to the world.
Sample Character