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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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I didn't stutter. Just because you have a mental problem and fixate on literally one word taken out of context (despite having the context in front of you) doesn't mean you're right. lol
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Last one Frokane, this dude called me a nigger, and everyone should see that.

There is a difference between 'nigger' and 'nigga.'
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Smash
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<Snipped quote by Smash>
There is a difference between 'nigger' and 'nigga.'

The other one is bannable, and no there isn't, that's a shitty Chris Rock joke, not reality.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

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Jesus Christ Tony the Tiger, "Thrashings?" You realize I'm not actually being physically harmed by loosely skimming your posts?

Also I'm not really interested in un-moderated debate, if you're incapable of debating properly, we should probably just drop it.

I also think we should stop because I'm getting under your skin, your spell check is slipping.

If we held a vote, I believe with fair confidence most would agree the rebuttals you received for anything you said or had to say greatly exceeded the responses you put out in content and pace. Not just by me but the audience and other members as a whole. This is not some proclamation of how we are "winning" or you "losing", rather that you made a fool of yourself and people leapt at it for right or wrong.

If you are not interested in an un-moderated debate, why do you keep inviting and inciting them here and on the Discord? Is that truly our problem or your own? Why should we all need to conform to your standard when you come into our topic? We owe you nothing other than common courtesy and the Guild's rules as written.

As for you getting "under my skin" consider it more that I wanted to make an example out of you. Because of your attacks on people rather than their opinions and your "style" of "debate" consisting of belittling everyone who thinks different from you and fleeing opposition rather than fight for a point, I do not like you, and I feel no shame in saying that, but that isn't what governs my decisions.

I care more about accuracy and history, as well as their preservation, than little else in this topic of what a Nazi is or is not.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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I don't know how the "weeb" part isn't the greater insult to him, for him supposedly not being racist. You'd think someone comfortable with their race wouldn't care. Perhaps Smash is the true white supremacist and feels insulted that I used a "black word".
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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<Snipped quote by POOHEAD189>

The other one is bannable, and no there isn't, that's a shitty Chris Rock joke, not reality.

Believe me, I thought the same as you a few years ago.

But as I have been surrounded by people using the word 'nigga' liberally, I'll go ahead and say that the way society uses the words (and society is indeed how words are formed and judged)... Nigger is a derogatory term for a black person, whereas Nigga means...well anyone, really. The next few phrases can refer to some white guy. Ahem.

"That guy's a punk ass nigga, this nigga over here, that white ass nigga." Or "He the type of nigga to do 'blank'."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Penny
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Good to see you are still ever so content to chime in with "humor" than have an actual discussion, @Penny.

Thank you it is nice to be appreciated!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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all that shit

Goku's a punk-ass nigga.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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I suppose the standard is "by any means necessary" to get back at those you do not like now, @Odin. A hurricane at this point is just another tool, as are those tweets celebrating it "hurting white people". I am unsure how we found ourselves here to this, but in large I would have to agree society has become insane to an extent.

it's just really funny to me because the people that are gonna be hit the hardest are the people with little money in the bank, no socio-economic status and no safety net to fall back on

something tells me that's not gonna be white people
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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''Fight against bolshevism!''

''Fight against bolshevism for your honour and conscience!''

''Fight against bolshev-'' you get the point. These are all Dutch.

In Norway something similar, 'guard the front with the east' aka fight the USSR because they're bolsheviks. (Apologies if the translation is half assed, I used my limited knowledge that I have only because I speak a Germanic language like them).

''Fucking bolsheviks!''

Even the nazi's understood that people hate communists more than jews I think.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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<Snipped quote by Smash>

The "deplorables" also call themselves Deplorables, a term invented and executed by the Left wing but adopted by the Right. The "Alt-Right" label is also a product of the Left wing. The conventional "Right" or Conservative story would not work, because you would alienate and mechanize more people against your message by branding half the country the "bad guys" - as we saw with the "basket of deplorables" turning a huge number of people away, the now infamous "Silent Majority". Calling them the "alternative right" was something they then embraced because they wanted to distance themselves from those they saw as failing, even now you can see people sling the "RINO" or "Republican in Name Only" acronym. You can further witness this with groups such as the Alt-Knights who are not only a parody of the phrase, given they were born form the internet, but an actual Right faction.

The real Alt-Right are not right wing at all; Nazism certainly is not a politically right ideology given its deeply socialist roots and fascism as a concept is on the authoritarian side of the Authoritarianism vs Liberty axis, having nothing to do with Conservatism. The same can be said for the Ku Klux Klan which had David Duke and Robert Byrd to name a few, both of whom are notable Democrats and have a strong Left wing history.

Also, throwing the term of "crypto-fasc" around is not going to get you far. Can you define this word or its use?

This isn't wholly true. AltRight means "Alternative right" which can, though it won't always, mean anything deviating from neo-con/libertarian/quasi-ancaps. Monarchists, are technically an altright, as are neo-reactionaries. However it optimally refers to the Richard Spencer crowd. My point is no value should be put into these vague terms.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Last one Frokane, this dude called me a nigger, and everyone should see that.

I do think that word is thrown around too liberally, especially when the only defence is that it's 'ironic' or whatever, but in this case the word wasn't used in my thread so its not really any of my business, and by posting the screenshot you are making it my business and bringing discord drama in here which I told EVERYONE not too.

But aside from that you're being a damn hypocrite, you cant call Harbringer names, and then purposely use anti-disabled language against mdk and then complain about bigotry, I'm fairly certain you're an alt anyway. This debating style is way too similar to Tulpa or Ace of Hearts (minus the swearing) to be a coincidence.

If you carry on like this I'm reporting you.

Man, y'all should've seen the cancer he was trying to spew about white supremacists on the Discord. I had a good time but I don't think he did.

@j8cob If you haven't got any politics to debate, then don't post here, this isn't a Discord spillover thread.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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oops double posted
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@The Harbinger of Ferocity Apologies and props to you and @mdk for putting up with this without shitstorming right back, no one should have to put up with this language.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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@Andreyich never mind the fact that 'the alt right alt right' was started more or less as a memey joke.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Don't make him waggle his finger.

Penny you are going to lose credibility as a 'liberal' when you are playing pillowhands with Smash just because he appears to be left wing.

If you are against the bigotry of the Alt-Right (which you should be) you shouldn't be softly supporting someone making disabled jokes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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@Andreyich never mind the fact that 'the alt right alt right' was started more or less as a memey joke.

As much as I love memes and trolling I know nothing of this.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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<Snipped quote by j8cob>

@j8cob If you haven't got any politics to debate, then don't post here, this isn't a Discord spillover thread.

Half the thread isn't politics. Debate me, racist.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@j8cob Debate you on what? What is your argument?

And if you're not going to talk politics then don't talk random discord drama, that's how the thread gets locked, and considering the amount of people who cant help but post here, I would assume that would be a bad thing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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@Dynamo Frokane That half the thread isn't politics.
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