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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: Port of Tortuga -> The Faithful Bride

As Millicent carried on, she saw life in the streets here in two forms. One was a fire juggler entertaining the crowd. A little girl was enthralled with it as the man bounced the fire around. In another alley way, she saw a mugging take place. Worse than that, the man was gutted out and left for dead. The man who committed the crime vanished just as easily as he robbed the poor man. Millicent merely shook her head. Crime was rampant here, being that it was a hot spot for pirates and other kinds like them. If one could not handle themselves here, it would be a short lived life.

Finally, she made it to the Faithful Bride. She dusted herself off before she turned to the Doctor, "I have a room here and we can talk about more, but I should warn you, I've no intention of leaving anytime soon. So if you wish for passage back home you should look elsewhere. Perhaps that Lady Captain we saw at the docks could give you a lift home. I have business here." With that, she entered the Faithful Bride and all its glory.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 2:39 PM Local Time

Harlianne James

Location: Near the Bellona - Port of Tortuga Docks

"I am not going to allow you to travel in her company without me, Miss Blackwood," Jean said sternly, enjoying the idea as much as Harlianne did. Of course, the pair of them had opposite reasons. For Jean, it was out of concern for her employer's safety. And for Harlianne, it was out of concern for her ship's safety. She didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea and attempt to take the Bellona for their own.

"I am afraid it is not up to you," Alice countered, causing a look of surprise on Jean's face. It was unlike her relatively shy employer to act like that, but Alice had already messed with a slaver today. The atmosphere of Tortuga seemed to make the child bolder by the minute.

"I 'ave ter agree wiv the chuffin' ole bat 'ere. It ain't gonna work like that, luv," Harlianne agreed. However, out of the corner of her eye she spotted someone she knew and she grinned. It wasn't Sirena or Anastasia, but it was someone she had sailed with before. The man spotted her almost at the same time, with the pair of them waving to each other quickly. He had sailed under Calico Jack as well for a few years, before jumping ship to attempt to get his own crew. Last Harlianne heard, it never worked out for him. He was wasted as a captain, literally and figurtively.

"Oi, Carter! Right! Got a job for yer!" Harlianne shouted.

Aravis Zacharia

Location: the Faithful Bride - Port of Tortuga

Jon stared at Millicent with complete and utter nervousness, not understanding how she would be so comfortable to remain in Tortuga or what business she had to conduct. Had he been Catholic, he likely would have made the sign of the cross constantly to ward back the evil that filled the port. "Miss Millicent, you cannot possibly mean to stay here?" Jon said desperately, though he had his answer quickly once Millicent entered the Faithful Bride. He did not follow.

Inside the tavern, things are as calm as to be expected. There is a slight trail of blood leading towards the stairs that take you up to the second story, where all of the rooms are. The bartender is busy cleaning up pieces of a smashed mug, as an enthusiastic drunk "accidentally" threw it to the ground as he demanded another. You'll need to speak with one of the staff to get your room key, of course.

Upstairs, Catalina pockets the five shillings before setting to work. Anastasia is lucky. While the process is painful and Catalina dabs away the blood with a cloth, no infection will set in. It's perhaps a miracle in this day and age. "Rum isn't good for bleeding," Virginia observes, continuing to pluck away at her flower. When she finishes plucking all of the petals, she sets it aside and then picks up another flower, continuing her routine.

"Is correct. No rum," Catalina agreed. It clearly wasn't the first time she had to stitch someone up like this. However, by the time she finished she was beaming at her handiwork. "Your leg, that too?" Catalina asked, looking at Anastasia and then at Elissa. Both of them had further injuries.

"We can get the both of you a spot to drink later on," Aravis said, feeling a bit of an impulse come over her. She loved her life here in Tortuga, but hadn't she always dreamed of adventures? Didn't she love stories? Wouldn't it be better to actually live one? "Perhaps once we speak to your Captain about joining her crew," Aravis added. She figured Elissa would be surprised. Aravis had never sailed as a pirate before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Faithful Bride

Anastasia sighed slightly, would have been great to just dull the pain with some drinking she remained as quiet as best as she could as Catalina went ahead and started to clean off the blood from her hand. She started to close her eyes tightly and gripped the side of the table as tightly as she could with her free hand. Anastasia looked over towards Virginia as she spoke, rum was good for dulling the pain she simply just watched the girl pluck the last petal off of the flower she was holding. And started to go and start the same process with the second flower. When Catalina finished up stitching up her hand Anastasia leaned back in the chair letting out a soft sigh as she looked down at her hand.

"T'anks doctor, shud oi actually call yer a doctor or somethin'?" She was impressed by Catalina's handy work, though she wondered how long it would take to get them all out of her hand once it has fully healed. Then Anastasia turned her attention over towards Aravis, the girl seemed to be a very capable and trustworthy person. She and Elissa did help her get out of that bar brawl just a few moments ago, if Elissa was willing to join the crew as well it would be a big plus.

"Yer are certainly failte among de cru, she wud certainly failte more weemen. ye sure yer want ter though 'tis pretty fierce Oyt on de open sea." Anastasia said as she looked towards Elissa she was welcome to become part of the crew as well if she wanted to join as well, when Catalina motioned towards their legs Anastasia looked down at her leg. She had actually forgot about it aside from the initial impact of the splinters. "'ill it cost more? oi'm strapped on nicker at de moment."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Outside the Twelve Daggers Tavern – Port of Tortuga
Mood Music: "Ashes" by Arshad

Sirena's head tilted to the side slightly as her eyes narrowed on Mr. Alucard. He seemed awfully intent on disregarding them and fleeing the scene as quickly as possible. What was he hiding in that thick skull of his? She looked down sharply when the little girl began screaming. It took a moment for her to register what the girl was saying and the implications behind it. Apparently Mr. Alucard had seen the girl's mother yesterday, and that very night said woman disappeared. It couldn't be a coincidence. After all, the man has been basically sending people on suicide missions to retrieve the cursed flask. The very flask that had ultimately caused a man to disintegrate into ashes right before her eyes. What if the girl's mother had suffered the same terrible fate?

Her nostrils flared as she looked up at the quickly retreating form of Mr. Alucard. An iciness filled her blue eyes. Did he really think she would let him get away that easily? Did he think that the dead bodies he left in his wake would go unnoticed? That he could simply brush them under the rug and no one would care? Oh, how wrong he was. And Sirena would surely try with all her furious might and devilish wit to get him to see the err of his ways. That or she would give him hell. Most likely the latter.

"Mr. Alucard! You have some explaining to do!!" Sirena yelled at him. Her voice held such intensity and authoritativeness that was truly unbecoming of a woman. But she couldn't care less. She could make a scene for all she cared. Ultimately, this little girl deserved recompense, whatever the cost. She started to stalk towards the man, all the while keeping a firm grip on the little girl's hand, so as not to lose her in the crowds.

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern – Port of Tortuga
Mood Music: "Bad Company" by Five Finger Death Punch

Édouard seemed to be tuning Edgard out at this point, thus leaving him to his own thoughts. Not that he could really complain. He disliked dealing with the man in most instances. He found him childish and weak. And as far as Edgard was concerned, the sooner Édouard was out of the equation the better. He doubted the man would be missed much.

Upon hearing someone address him, he let out an angry growl. "What?!" he spat as he spun around to face the man who dared bother him. However, the words that began to spill from the messenger's mouth, despite his outburst, took him by surprise. He felt himself freeze, his eyes widen, and his nostrils flare slightly. His fiancée? Alisanne?! Unlike the idiots he has been surrounded by, he saw Alisanne as his equal. Equally ruthless and equally terrifying. And so the prospect of seeing her again brought forth different emotions. Excitement? Pleasure? Joy?

Well, whatever emotions a heartless man like him could possibly muster, they did not show outwardly. The most he exhibited was a slight upward twitch at the corner of his lips. He kept any eagerness in check, so as not to lose credibility in the eyes of his men. "Is the woman you speak of Alisanne Riviere?" he asked with an indecipherable edge to his voice. If the messenger dashed his hopes or brought bad news, one thing was certain. Edgard's next source of pleasure would be found from strangling the man. Because nothing brings him more joy than Alisanne and bloodshed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: The Faithful Bride

Elissa was amazed by Aravis' comment. The woman had never really cared much for sailing, that usually was her own life. As far as she knew, her friend was much more content staying on land than traveling the sea. Clearly she didn't know her friend as well as she had thought. Elissa looked at her own leg when Catalina looked at it. She had her own money, so it would probably be better to get her own injury patched up. She turned towards Anastasia and spoke.

"I vouldn't mind choining up vith your crew Anastazia. I'fe peen zinking of heating offer und asking around anyvay. Running into you made mein life eazier," she said to the other woman. Though, her injury probably needed to be looked at, but she didn't think it was horrible enough to warrant her spending a lot for it, but she might need to get fixed up nonetheless. She probably should hand over some shillings and get her leg fixed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: The Faithful Bride

Millicent watched the doctor flee and she couldn't blame him. It amused her how some men were so cowardly and it made her insides tingle to know that she, a mere woman in the eyes of society, could take down most men with little to no effort. Of course, she used any means at her disposal, but all's fair. She adjusted her dress before she stepped inside the Faithful Bride.

She noticed the bartender cleaning up the remains of what she assumed was a drunken brawl of some sort. She was almost sad she missed it, but then again she had her own adventure at the docks. It was hard keeping up the facade of a prostitute during the day, but she figured she would get her enjoyment during the nights. She walked up casually to the counter and waited to get the bartender's attention.

"Good day to you. I believe I have a room here and my things should have arrived? My name is Millicent Clarke." She waited for the response, but she really wanted to settle in before she went over her plans for the time she would spend here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 2:45 PM Local Time

Aravis Zacharia

Location: the Faithful Bride - Port of Tortuga

Catalina shook her head at Anastasia. She had stitched up plenty of people before, but she never had any medical training in the slightest. Her only training was years of mending garments and once her brother realized it wasn't too different from stitching people up, it became another way for them to make a pretty penny or two. As for the additional cost of the stitches for the legs, Catalina shook her head. "Is gift. No fees for legs," Catalina replied, smiling gently at Anastasia. Once she finished up her current row of stitches, she then beckoned for Anastasia to stick her leg out and allow her to get to work there.

"I am certain," Aravis nodded at Anastasia. It was an impulse decision, but it was also one she felt strongly about. "I can handle myself," Aravis then added. It was true, after all. She had spent a good portion of her life living as a thief at one port or another.

"You'll get an infection like that," Virginia observed, her eyes leaving the petals and staring down Elissa. "If you die, at least your corpse will be put to good use." The pale woman then smiled, as if attempting to be comforting, but it was anything but that. It was unnerving to say the very least.

"Hush, Virginia! You scare them," Catalina chided, about halfway done stitching up Anastasia's leg. Elissa would be next and Catalina didn't expect much in the form of additional payment.

Downstairs, the barkeep nodded at Millicent, pulling out a ledger from underneath the counter. He squinted at it for a while before he found her name. "Si, si! Go upstairs. Last room on the right," the barkeep instructed. Payment had been settled in advanced for a few nights. Any additional nights could be added onto her tab and paid when she was done with her time at the Faithful Bride.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern - Port of Tortuga

Outside of the tavern, Sirena's screaming didn't seem to do anything. Mr. Alucard quickly vanished into the crowd and the little girl had started to cry. To make matters worse, it had been almost two hours since Harlianne sent Anastasia and Sirena out to do some recruiting. They'd be expected to return to the ship by now, hopefully with at least something to show for their efforts. The little girl tugged on Sirena's skirts, her eyes wide with confusion as a blonde woman practically ran through the crowd, barefoot. She was headed in the direction of the marshes and had a certain wildness to her.

Inside the tavern, Édouard was doing what Édouard did best--being useless. He continued to drink whatever was put in front of him, flirting with any women who came by, and being a general terror to the crew. He was, in essence, a spoiled brat and the man knew it. No one could touch him, as long as his parents had anything to say about it. Given the organization they ran as well, hardly anyone would dare to.

The messenger gulped and nodded. "She has gone missing and Miss Margot, she has been killed. People are looking for Miss Alisanne but the worst is to be assumed."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Faithful Bride

Anastasia was surprised that Catalina decided to not charge extra for stitching up her leg, once her hand was finally finished she sighed slightly looking down at the woman's handiwork it wasn't all that bad at all. It wasn't the first time that she would end up getting stitched up by someone. When Catalina motioned for her injured leg Anastasia lifted it up slightly letting out a slight groan as she looked down at it to get a better look at it. Her attention went over towards Aravis and gave her a grateful smile and nod, she knew that the woman would be able to handle herself in a fight, she was in Tortuga after all.

"After dis den we shud proobably noggin on over an' meet up wi' 'arley at de ship." Anastasia said, she had a feeling that Harlianne was getting worried that her two crewmates were most likely dead by now. Her attention went towards the creepy pale girl once more after Elissa said she could probably do it herself. Anastasia then lifted up her other hand the one that was missing her ring finger, that was cut off years ago when she was younger. "Lost me finger years ago, an' naw infecshun came from it." Anastasia stated, but turned to look over at Elissa. "Me da towl me ter never a go down anythin' free, if its free take it. proobably won't come raun again." Once Catalina finished patching up her leg Anastasia stood up slowly resting putting some weight down onto her leg. "Tanks again, any way we cud repay yer?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Outside the Twelve Daggers Tavern – Port of Tortuga

Sirena desperately tried to keep Mr. Alucard in her sights, but the man clearly had no intention of stopping to have a little chat with her. Either he was seriously late for a meeting, or he was hiding something. What other reasons would he have? With the thick crowds and having a little girl in tow working against her, the man managed to slip away. "Dammit," she hissed in frustration. She vowed that one day she would get the answers she so desired from him. She would have him answer for the mess he's made of people's lives. One day.

Her attention went back to the little girl as she began to cry. Sirena was kind of at a loss here. She didn't have it in her to just leave this defenseless girl alone, in Tortuga of all places. Yes, she was a pirate. Yes, she has scammed men for a living. But that did not mean she was heartless. And yet, the life of a pirate was not the life for a child. Granted, Harlianne herself had been raised into the life of piracy and had lived to tell the tale. But this mission was proving to be more dangerous than she had anticipated.

Sirena let out a sigh. She was about to kneel down again to talk to the little girl, but just then the girl pointed out a strange sight. There was a woman wildly running into the marshes barefoot. Sirena's brows furrowed slightly. Maybe the woman was in danger. Or maybe the woman was just deranged. Well, whatever the case, Sirena did not have the desire to go after the woman. It was not lost on her that she needed to get back to the ship. She may not have any new recruits to bring along with her, but at least she had more information that was pertinent to their mission. She looked down at the little girl. She may just have to bring the girl with her, unless of course the girl had other family nearby.

Sirena led the little girl out of the crowds before kneeling down to talk to her. "¿Tienes algún otro familiar que viva cerca?" she asked softly. "Mi nombre es Sirena, por cierto. ¿Cuál es tu nombre?"

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern – Port of Tortuga
Mood Music: "Prey for Me" by Korn

The messenger's demeanor gave it away that Edgard was about to receive anything but good news. It was like a shadow had been cast upon Edgard, as one could see his mood darkening tenfold. A storm was brewing in his deep blue eyes. A storm that promised to bring utter devastation in its wake. His breathing came in and out more sharply, and his jaw was clenched so tightly that it caused veins to bulge from his forehead. Alisanne was the only person he cared for in this life; everyone else, including his own family, could go to hell for all he cared. So, this dreadful news struck a chord with him. Without Alisanne, what did he have? She was the reason he was here after all. Well, if he couldn't have happiness, then no one could. He fell back on one of the only other things that had ever brought him an inkling of pleasure: inflicting pain upon others.

Edgard inevitably snapped. And it happened all so fast, like a snake suddenly striking out at its prey. In an instant he lunged forward with a feral growl, and his hands wrapped around the messenger's throat. He drove the man backwards, slamming him into the nearest post. The man clawed desperately at Edgard's hands, trying to fight for breath. Edgard's face was contorted in pure rage, and his bloodthirst was at an alltime high. He could imagine how easy it would be to kill this man with his bare hands. But that would be a weak atonement for what was done to Alisanne. No, someone had to suffer, slowly and painfully. The messenger may still prove useful. While others may doubt that Alisanne was still alive, he knew she wouldn't be that easy to kill. She was too ruthless and cunning. She was still out there, somewhere, fighting for her life.

After a few agonizing moments, he finally removed his hands from the man's throat. The man immediately bent over, coughing and wheezing to regain his breath. Edgard didn't give the man much time to recover before tormenting him a little more. He unsheathed his cutlass in one fluid move and then rested the sharp tip on the man's chest. The frightened messenger really had nowhere to run, as he backed up into the post with wide fear filled eyes. He knew that Edgard would be upset by Alisanne's disappearance, but not like this. "Tell me all that you know, NOW!!!" Edgard shouted. The messenger's mouth opened and closed, seemingly struggling to form words as he was scared to death. He shook from head to toe with fear. Edgard let out an annoyed growl. He slashed his blade across the man's chest, tearing through fabric and cutting the skin. It was not enough to cause a grievous injury, but it certainly served as a painful warning. "SPEAK!!" Edgard yelled.

"M-margot was found dead in her bed. S-she had bruising around her neck, but it was likely poison that had killed her--" the messenger began before being rudely interrupted by Edgard.

"What of Alisanne?!!" he spat.

"A-alisanne's room was immediately checked, seeing as the sisters were close. B-but she wasn't anywhere to be found, and there was evidence of a struggle in her room. Her bed was covered in blood, and there was a crushed bottle of what appeared to be cyanide laying on the ground. I-I was immediately dispatched to inform you of this, but it took around a month of travel time to get to you," the messenger rambled on in an almost pleading like tone.

Edgard felt his blood run cold, and his heart clench in his chest. What was this emotion running through him? Sadness? Concern? Fear? It was all foreign to him. His enraged features wavered some, but other than that it was hard to decipher exactly what was going through his head right now. He was definitely giving mixed signals, as he lowered the cutlass that was at the messenger's chest. "Is that all you know?" Edgard asked through gritted teeth.

"Yes, yes! That is all I know!" the messenger basically cried out.

"Then you are useless to me now," Edgard snarled. Before the messenger could hardly react, Edgard brought his cutlass up, and in one swift move slit the man's throat. The man subsequently crumbled to the ground, hitting the floor with a dull thud. The man bled out onto the floor of the tavern as Edgard looked down at him. There was no sign of remorse in his demeanor. For he was the Baron of Blood and Fire, the Destroyer of the Weak.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: The Faithful Bride

Elissa waited for Anastasia's leg to get patched up before her own. The woman was something else, that was for sure, and she did have some respect for her after that brawl. Aravis had seemed to be bent on heading off to sea, even though she was mainly a thief. Though there wasn't much difference between piracy and basic thievery. She herself had made the transition pretty quickly, so maybe her friend was ready to head off and try something different. That didn't stop it as being a surprise to her though.

"Zank you fery much," she said as she walked over to let the woman patch up her own leg injury. Catalina was nice, unlike Virginia. She was not a nice person, especially considering the fact that she was talking of infection and things like that. The woman didn't seem to know really what she was talking about in her opinion. She was excited though, to have Aravis experience life at sea with her. It was going to be fun, and she couldn't wait for their new adventure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: The Faithful Bride

Millicent nodded her understanding before she made her way upstairs. She wasn't expecting luxury and from what she saw so far, it seemed decent enough. This town would definitely provide its fair share of entertainment. She got to the top of the stairs and made a right. As she neared her room, she heard voices coming from nearby. Her curiosity peaked, she decided to get situated first before snooping around.

She entered her room and scoped her surroundings. She checked for her belongings before she stepped back into the hallway. She crept quietly as she listened for the voices to continue. She stopped outside the door and leaned against the wall and listened. Secrets and whispers were like currency for her. She could detect some local dialect as well as others. It was very interesting, indeed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 2:51 PM Local Time

Aravis Zacharia

Location: the Faithful Bride - Port of Tortuga

Virginia tilted her head with curiosity at Anastasia, ceasing to pluck the petals for a moment. There was a faint smile on her face as she took in Anastasia's missing finger and Catalina practically rolled her eyes at the woman. She had never met someone quite so enchanted with death, but she also called Virginia a friend. The noblewoman was here in the Caribbean searching for her parents, as they had gone missing during an exhibition to the Devil's Triangle. It was intended to be some sort of macabre getaway, from what Virginia had explained.

"Is one thing you could do, yes," Catalina nodded after thinking for a moment, stitching up Elissa's leg quickly. "Will be two shillings for that." Catalina then glanced at Virginia for a moment, before returning her attention to Anastasia and her request. "My friend, her parents are missing. Maybe dead. They went to the Triangle. Didn't come back. You look for them, si?"

To Elissa and Aravis, the Triangle meant little more than its usual myths and legends of destruction and death. Yet to Anastasia, she would recall that it just so happened to be their heading. Once they got a crew in Tortuga, they were to sail there in search of the flask. Searching for Virginia's parents could be done at the same time as retrieving the flask and collecting the reward from Mr. Alucard.

"What are their names and description?" Aravis asked.

"They are the Lord and Lady Dywell. Mycroft Crypt, my father, is a gaunt and balding man. My mother, Narcissa Crypt, has wild eyes and dark hair. Rest assured, you cannot mistake them. They are as pale as I," Virginia answered, setting the plucked flower down on the bed. "Should you find their corpses, please bring them here. If they are alive, news of their location will suffice."

Aravis nodded, her heart beating a little bit faster at the thought of adventure. She wasn't sure how they would convince Anastasia's captain to sail to the Bermuda Triangle, but rescuing two members of the nobility would surely be profitable. Besides, it would be a chance to sail into strange new waters. Who could possibly pass up such an exciting thing? Millicent, of course, would be able to hear everything said in the room. No one would notice the woman eavesdropping just outside the door just yet.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern - Port of Tortuga

"No. Sólo soy mi madre y yo," the little girl said, sniffling. Her crying seemed to be a bit random, as she had tears streaming down her face one moment and then none at all the next. "Mi nombre es Luisa," the girl then said slowly. She didn't give any sort of last name but it was likely that she didn't really have one. It wasn't too uncommon for former slaves to live in Tortuga, having managed to escape former masters. Of course, the slavers were still a problem but they tended to take men from the ports, not women and children.

Inside the tavern, Édouard was frowning deeply at Edgard. The rest of the crew looked downright terrified, as if they had just pissed themselves after watching that entire debacle. Édouard, however, walked over to Edgard and then stared down at the bloody remains of the messenger. He didn't speak a word of English but he could recognize the names of his sisters. Both Alisanne and Margot had been mentioned specifically.

"Qu'est-ce qui se passe?" Édouard asked. His guard was down, he didn't even have his hand on the hilt of his sword. He was entirely unaware that his sister, Alisanne, had been plotting his death for ages. The real reason that Edgard was in the Caribbean was still a mystery to Édouard. If he knew, perhaps he would not have been so close to Edgard at that moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Faithful Bride

Anastasia stood up to let Elissa take her seat and moved over towards the wall leaning herself up against it, looking over towards Catalina as she answered. Traveling into the Devil's Triangle just so happened to be their destination once they hit the sea with hopefully a fully stocked crew by then. Anastasia contemplated on if she should actually tell the two of them that it was their heading, she knew the stories, myths and legends of traveling into the Devil's Triangle. Biting her lower lip for a moment as she thought about it, she decided to be up front and honest with them, Anastasia already trusted Aravis and Elissa. "Well so'tiz yisser jammy day. dat wud be our 'eadin' once we git a cru." Anastasia said.

Then Aravis asked about their appearance and what they looked like, it would be a pretty hard difficult find their ship could be with Davey Jones by now at this point. "Did they 'appen ter charter a ship by any chance? any other info wud be truly 'elpful." Anastasia asked, she looked at the pale girl so any pale person out there would possibly be the girl's parents. "De devil's triangle is fierce, yer sure yer want in?" Anastasia asked Aravis, this would probably her last chance if she truly did want to join the crew.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Outside the Twelve Daggers Tavern --> The Bellona (Port of Tortuga)

- "Broken Crown" by Mumford & Sons

Sirena gave the little girl a sad smile. To the girl's knowledge, she had no additional family members to speak of, at least not ones who lived close by. Well, Sirena supposed the girl would just have to come along with her. It certainly wasn't the most desirable of circumstances, but it was better than leaving the girl to fend for herself on the violent port of Tortuga. Harlianne was just going to love this. A little five year old girl was definitely not the type of recruit her captain had been wanting. At least Sirena had gleaned valuable information in the past few hours. That was something. Hopefully Anastasia had better luck at finding potential crewmembers. Sirena let out a sigh as she stood back up. "Ven ahora, Luisa. ¿Por qué no te llevo al Bellona? Estarás más seguro que aquí," she stated as she looked down at the little girl whose name was Luisa. She gave her another small smile before leading her to where the Bellona was docked.

It was a relatively short trek through the crowds outside the Twelve Daggers Tavern to where the Bellona was stationed on the docks. Sirena's blue eyed gaze took in the bloody scene that came into view as she neared the ship. Apparently, she had missed some form of action or another, as there were five dead bodies sprawled out on the ground. Four of them appeared to be mere slaves. She supposed it wasn't an entirely out of place sight for Tortuga. Nevertheless, she steered Luisa away from them, heading towards the two women arguing with Harlianne. Her gaze raked them up and down. Noblewomen? That was a far more interesting sight to behold here. She looked at Harlianne and then back at the noblewomen. She arched a pale blonde brow at them as she passed them and walked up onto the deck of the Bellona.

"Excuse the interruption, but I have returned with valuable information--and an orphaned girl," she stated, pausing before adding the last bit. Most would probably find this terribly awkward, but Sirena took it all in stride. Her gaze looked past Harlianne at the man on board. She recognized him as one of her captain's ex-lovers. It was curious that he was here, but she didn't pay him much mind as her attention returned to Harlianne and the noblewomen.

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern – Port of Tortuga
Mood Music: "Prey for Me" by Korn

Edgard's body was washed in tension, as he towered over his latest kill, the messenger who had brought him bad news. Fresh crimson red blood dripped from the blade of his cutlass that he held at his side. Any intelligent person would steer clear of him right now, as one couldn't know for sure whether or not he would snap again. But, of course, Édouard was not a smart man. He was far from it actually. The man was naïve and weak, and it would cost him dearly one day. Edgard's gaze slowly and tensely turned towards Édouard. There was a deathly iciness to his blue eyes. He quickly glanced over Édouard's person, noting his relaxed and unsuspecting stance. His bloodthirst wasn't sufficiently quenched, and oh, how easy it would be to dispatch Édouard here and now. His hand clenched and unclenched on the hilt of his unsheathed cutlass as he seriously thought about it.

But as tantalizing as killing Édouard right now was, Edgard wanted the man to suffer before he died. That's what Alisanne would want after all. Alisanne. What if Édouard had something to do with her disappearance? Edgard's nostrils flared at the thought. Well, he supposed he could find out soon enough by watching the man's reactions to the news regarding Margot and Alisanne. If there was any indication of guilt, Édouard was surely a dead man. "Margot est morte, et mon Alisanne a été kidnappée," Edgard stated through gritted teeth. His voice quickly grew into a growl as he watched Édouard closely. "Quand je trouve les hommes qui ont fait cela, je les séparerai, par une pièce sanglante, tout en tirant du souffle. Et je les ferai regarder à mesure que leurs entrailles se déversent dans leur corps, et ils meurent lentement et douloureusement."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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Elissa Isley

Location: The Faithful Bride

Elissa gave the woman the money she asked for. She always carried some money around, usually glad that no one asked where it came from though. "Akain, I zank you," she said with a smile as Catalina stitched up her leg. She watched as Aravis talked to the woman about anything that they could do for them, and was a little surprise when she responded with something.

Going to the Devil's Triangle was almost likely to be a suicide mission, Elissa having heard stories about ships sailing there, and never coming back. It was an adventure, full of excitement, but she still worried about going there. When Anastasia gave Aravis a last chance to bail if she wanted to, it made her happy to know that she was still being given the option for it. Elissa hoped that her friend would still go, even if the journey was dangerous.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: The Faithful Bride

Well well well...

The things one hears when others don't know they are being heard. Whether or not the information was important or not, it did not matter. It was useful, as information usually was. She wondered what ship would be brave (or was it stupid?) enough to make the trip that dangerous for two people of ill importance? It dawned on her that she had her own mission, but perhaps this is what The Monarchs wanted her to do. After all, two members of Nobility were missing. She would have to dig a bit more information out on them if she wanted to go along with this and that meant she needed to talk to their daughter's friend.

How to go about this? They wouldn't necessarily help some random woman that was listening out the door. No, she would need to be sneaky. She made her way into her room but kept the door open just a bit to see the hallway and wait for them to leave. She hadn't expected to be so busy on her first day here, but beggars couldn't be choosers. Apart from her adventure at the docks, she was bored out of her mind. This would be fun.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 2:59 PM Local Time

@Taro -

Whether Isaac has only been in Tortuga for a day or if he has been there for weeks, it certainly isn't the first time he has been at a pirate port. Of course, perhaps it is his first visit under these circumstances. His previous ship had captured a witch, an odd little thing named Septima, after she stowed away. They managed to get the witch to tell them that she had escaped the gallows and that she knew of something that could make them rich beyond their wildest dreams.

But pirates never really do too well with the concept of sharing a plunder like that, despite the Pirate's Code and its ruling on shares. By the time it took their ship to return to Tortuga, the men had split into at least seven different factions, each of them determined to beat the others to the treasure. And just a few moments after docking, it had turned into a bloodbath. The witch had escaped, running barefoot through the docks and into town.

Now, Isaac can chase after Septima if he wishes--but he'll also be in need of a new captain, a crew to join. If he looks around the docks, he'll eventually spot Sirena, standing next to a female pirate, a noblewoman and her minder, and a male pirate. Perhaps she'll know of a crew for Isaac to join?

Harlianne James

Location: Near the Bellona - Port of Tortuga Docks

Carter, Harlianne's former lover, gave a bit of a friendly wave at Sirena. He then took each of the strangers' hands and kissed them delicately, gaining a blush and a giggle from Alice, yet a stern gaze from Jean. The man did a bit of an apologetic bow before turning to face Harlianne, smiling at her with a conniving grin. "Miss me, luv? Finally coming back, are ya now?" Carter teased.

"No. Now button it and listen, right? These two wonderful ladies need an escort ter Édouard Riviere. 'Ave them there and yor'll cop a spot on me crew. Savvy?" Harlianne wagered. Given the small little thing hanging onto Sirena's leg, she figured that she'd likely need to recruit Carter anyways. She'd just need to keep the man away from the rum. He was practically legendary for how much he could consume without kicking the bucket.

"...And what be yor heading, luv?" Carter asked, considering it. There were other ships needing crew in Tortuga. Harlianne wasn't his last option, though he could tell that she clearly needed him. It wasn't easy to captain a ship. Carter had learned that the hard way.

"Devil's Triangle. Yorn't scared, are yer?" Harlianne teased, chuckling a bit. Carter was quick to protest by Harlianne held up a finger, silencing the man. He then put his hands together, as if in prayer, before bowing a bit and then turning his attention to Alice and Jean. A few minutes passed before the pair of them were swept away and out of sight. Harlianne couldn't help but sigh and rub her head.

"No worries. Just a bunch o' pissy nobles," Harlianne said, glad to be rid of the girls. "So, woss the bloody deal, then, eh? ...And yer can keep 'er, but she's yor responsibility if ya do." It was a lot of work to raise a child and a ship was no place for them, but Harlianne wasn't going to protest that. She herself had been raised by pirates and she hadn't turned out too bad.

Aravis Zacharia

Location: the Faithful Bride - Port of Tortuga

Virginia nodded once. "Yes, they sailed to the Bermuda Triangle. I believe the ship was called the Morning Star," Virginia answered, before standing up from the bed. "I am afraid I must leave, Catalina. It is time for the séance." Catalina, of course, merely nodded as if this was a normal request. Virginia then swept from the room and headed down the hall, stopping at the room right next to Millicent's. The young noblewoman smiled to herself and took a key out, unlocking it, and stepping within. She did not lock the door.

"I am a woman of my word," Aravis replied, a bit chidingly. "I want to sail with you and I know you need the crew."

Catalina had finished up with her work by then, putting the needle and thread away. The skin would be quite tender for a while, but at least the bleeding had ceased. She had been a relatively gentle touch, but that didn't make the process any less painful. A gunshot rang out in the street below, a hardly unusual sound, and a one Jonathan Baynard fell to the ground. He had been killed instantly. Why? It's Tortuga. Must there really be a reason?

"Thank you, Miss Catalina," Aravis then said. "We appreciate your help and your kindness. We will be sure to help your friend if we can."

Édouard Riviere

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern - Port of Tortuga

Édouard's eyes widened. It wasn't so much at the news of what had happened to his sisters, considering the fact that they weren't especially close. His sisters had tormented him for most of his life, only helping to shape him into the person he was today. Yet part of him wished that the situation had been reversed. He preferred Margot to Alisanne, any day. Alisanne had always been the mastermind behind the schemes, the one who played with his mind. No, Édouard's eyes widened from hearing the description given to him by Edgard.

"J'aime bien ça," Édouard said simply, clapping Edgard on the back. Judging by Édouard's reactiona alone, it was anyone's guess as to whether or not Édouard had something to do with what had happened. Perhaps the man had a cold and calculating spot to him after all. Perhaps he just didn't care that much about his sisters. However, it wasn't long until the door to the tavern swung open and a young woman fainted from shock at seeing the bloody scene.

"Miss Blackwood!" Jean called out, barely catching her employer in time. Edgard would recognize that name, as Alisanne would have informed him of her brother's betrothal. If Édouard had been responsible for the kidnapping of Edgard's fiancée, perhaps an eye for an eye would be appropriate. Or perhaps Miss Blackwood herself had arranged for it, learning that Alisanne plotted to kill Édouard and take the power for herself.

Anything was possible.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Faithful Bride

Anastasia gave a slight nod, now that they had a name of the ship that Virginia's parents had chartered out there would be a great help, looking at Aravis as she gave her a smile. "Tanks an' glad yer want ter come me friends." Anastasia said as she listened to the girl Virginia mention about a séance. The girl was certainly off, but she did make a promise and that would be what she was going to do she was grateful for the patch up that Catalina had done for them. "Tanks again, an' maybe once we git back i'll buy yer a roun'. we 'ill root yisser lads auld pair. but naw guarantees dat we 'ill fend anythin' de sea is big oyt dare. But we 'ill chucker our best."

Anastasia had to be honest it was going to be very little chance that they could find anything out there, she then could hear a gunshot going off outside. That was something she always heard in Tortuga, she felt bad for whoever was the poor bastard that was most likely murdered. "Time ter go an' meet wi' de captain." Anastasia said, she had a feeling that Harlianne would probably demand where she had been for the last few hours.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: On board the Bellona (Port of Tortuga)

- "Broken Crown" by Mumford & Sons

Sirena's blue-eyed gaze watched Carter as he stepped away to kiss the strangers' hands. To the ton, such an action was considered a courteous form of greeting, but she found that these days, it often came with a hidden meaning. It has become less about courtesy and more about charming a woman and getting her to let her guard down. She did not fully understand why the action elicited a flustered reaction out of some women, like Alice. Perhaps Sirena had just become desensitized to men's flirtatious attempts and had grown cynical towards their every action. Truth be told, when men tried anything remotely intimate with her, it didn't fluster her; no, it made her skin crawl and put her on the defense.

She was pulled out of her ruminations when Carter spoke up teasingly. His brazen comments elicited a small snort from her. Yeah, she misses you like she misses getting sunburned every time she steps foot outside, she thought with a roll of her eyes. A small smirk pulled at the corner of her fine lips as she looked over at Harlianne, expectantly awaiting her response. Her smirk grew more as her dear friend shut the man down. However, at hearing the reason for the noblewomen being here in Tortuga, her eyes widened and her gaze swung over to them. And why on earth would they wish to go out of their way to speak to Édouard Riviere of all people? The man's sure to screw them over, figuratively or literally, she mentally scoffed, as she looked them over once more. They were surely out of their league, and a part of her actually felt a bit sorry for them because of it. After all, not everyone had the kind of experience that she did in regards to manipulating and deflecting men's advances. With a small sigh, Sirena returned her attention to Harlianne and Carter as they finished up their conversation. And soon enough, Harlianne's ex-lover was off with the noblewomen in tow. Good riddance and good luck. You'll certainly need it.

"If they have to deal with Édouard Riviere, it's no wonder they're pissed," Sirena replied to Harlianne, with a devilish smirk coming to her features. "Fortunately, I feel that I have gotten whatever useful information I can out of the French man child. Here's to hoping that the next time I have to deal with him, it is with a cutlass in my hand." She glanced down at the little girl Luisa, who was clinging to her leg, when Harlianne mentioned her. She was honestly a bit surprised that Harlianne seemed okay with having a child on board, particularly considering the woman wasn't too fond of small children. "Children aren't exactly my forte. I just couldn't leave her all by herself, where some deranged man could get his filthy hands on her. It would be in her best interest to find someone who can properly take care of her and keep her safe. But I doubt Tortuga has many people appropriate for the job. Dealing with a child was definitely not what I had anticipated in doing today," she added. "Mind you, I nearly scored you an entire crew, before Édouard's quartermaster Lord Arsehole had to come along and ruin my hard work. But I still managed to get valuable information before that."

Sirena then went on to tell her captain about her findings, including every last detail in chronological order. She described in detail about the man with the bandaged covered eyes she encountered, the man who turned out to be Elias Smith, the former quartermaster of Captain Avery Swale. She, of course, added the bit about how Édouard nearly foiled her plans. She explained the Elias's odd mannerisms and how he was able to light fires by simply looking at the intended target. She described how all it took was one sip from the cursed flask to seal his fate and the fate of his captain. "Then his skin started to ripple and he literally disintegrated into ash right before my eyes. I could barely believe what I was seeing." She then went on to explain how the only truly useful information Édouard gave her was about the significance of a certain scroll, which unknown to him she had stolen from him on a separate occasion. She finally stated how Mr. Alucard was clearly keeping things from those he commissioned to retrieve the flask, how she had seen him on the docks, and how he tied in with the disappearance of Luisa's mother. "I do not trust Mr. Alucard the slightest bit. We must tread carefully, and I think the scroll may be our key to success."

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern – Port of Tortuga
Mood Music: "Prey for Me" by Korn

Edgard's eyes narrowed and his head tilted slightly to the side as he tried to decipher Édouard's reaction. A part from a widening of the eyes, the man surprisingly gave little way. And then Édouard clapped him on the back and said he really liked that. It was most likely in reference to Edgard's gruesome description of what he was going to do to the people responsible. But still, he liked it?! What the hell?! Where was the shock? The despair? The fear? Edgard was left with more questions than he had started with and that of course pissed him off. His nostrils flared and his hand clenched tighter around the hilt of his unsheathed cutlass as he gave a deathly glare at Édouard. He was itching to just kill the man now. It didn't matter if he had anything to do with Margot's death and Alisanne's disappearance. The man was going to die by Edgard's hands either way. Realistically speaking though, a tavern full of people was not the ideal place to kill Édouard. There were too many witnesses. He couldn't explain away that.

The question that remained was that if Édouard didn't have anything to do with what happened to his sisters, then who did? It would have to be someone who had much to gain from removing two potential successors of La Fraternité du Sang off the board. Edgard let out a low growl of frustration. He then roughly wiped the blood off the blade of his cutlass onto the body before him. He sheathed his cutlass just as two women walked into the tavern, the younger of which promptly fainted. He rolled his eyes but otherwise didn't give a damn. That was until he heard a familiar name: Blackwood. His head whipped back to look at, or rather to glare at, the women. Édouard's fiancée was here?! A wave of disdain and jealousy hit him. Édouard's fiancée was alive and well and yet he doubted the man even cared. Edgard would give anything to see Alisanne again. He promptly stalked over to the women--to greet them? Who knew.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Taro
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Taro Toxic Root

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Isaac Armistad

Location: Port Of Tortuga

As the men began to stab one another, Isaac recognized the fight wouldn't be over until all but the last few men on board were dead. He'd managed to avoid being caught in the majority of the battles raging around him, though he was blocked by a few from escaping sooner. As he began to weave his way through the knives, bodies, and thrown objects and made his way off the ship. He ran as fast as he could away from there hoping those who fought would forget his face. He spotted the witch as she ran down the dock, and as his gaze reached her, also spotted Sirena. Of course she had to be here, today of all days. He had a very important decision to make here. He wanted that treasure, but he had no way of getting it without a ship. Of all people to have to ask for help in this journey why in the bloody hell did it have to be her? He tried to keep an eye on the direction the witch was heading as he walked towards them.

"Excuse me, I hate to interrupt but I have come across a bit of a problem. My name is Isaac Armistad. I recognized my old acquaintance Sirena here. How have you been? It has been far too long." Isaac paused for a response before continuing. "I hate to ask you for a favor as we have only just reconnected, but my captain and crew have all gone absolutely bonkers. You wouldn't happen to know of any crews currently in need, would you?" He waited for a response with slight anxiety. There were many things in his life Isaac was not proud of. He had done his best to avoid them, but here was one staring him in the face. There were too many things she could say that he wouldn't know how to respond too. He had to tread carefully here and that was never really his strong suit. He smiled at the others hoping to avoid her gaze as he waited for a response.
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