@Taro -
Whether Isaac has only been in Tortuga for a day or if he has been there for weeks, it certainly isn't the first time he has been at a pirate port. Of course, perhaps it is his first visit under these circumstances. His previous ship had captured a witch, an odd little thing named Septima, after she stowed away. They managed to get the witch to tell them that she had escaped the gallows and that she knew of something that could make them rich beyond their wildest dreams.
But pirates never really do too well with the concept of sharing a plunder like that, despite the Pirate's Code and its ruling on shares. By the time it took their ship to return to Tortuga, the men had split into at least seven different factions, each of them determined to beat the others to the treasure. And just a few moments after docking, it had turned into a bloodbath. The witch had escaped, running barefoot through the docks and into town.
Now, Isaac can chase after Septima if he wishes--but he'll also be in need of a new captain, a crew to join. If he looks around the docks, he'll eventually spot Sirena, standing next to a female pirate, a noblewoman and her minder, and a male pirate. Perhaps she'll know of a crew for Isaac to join?
Harlianne James

Location: Near
the Bellona - Port of Tortuga Docks
Carter, Harlianne's former lover, gave a bit of a friendly wave at Sirena. He then took each of the strangers' hands and kissed them delicately, gaining a blush and a giggle from Alice, yet a stern gaze from Jean. The man did a bit of an apologetic bow before turning to face Harlianne, smiling at her with a conniving grin. "Miss me, luv? Finally coming back, are ya now?" Carter teased.
"No. Now button it and listen, right? These two wonderful ladies need an escort ter Édouard Riviere. 'Ave them there and yor'll cop a spot on me crew. Savvy?" Harlianne wagered. Given the small little thing hanging onto Sirena's leg, she figured that she'd likely need to recruit Carter anyways. She'd just need to keep the man away from the rum. He was practically legendary for how much he could consume without kicking the bucket.
"...And what be yor heading, luv?" Carter asked, considering it. There were other ships needing crew in Tortuga. Harlianne wasn't his last option, though he could tell that she clearly needed him. It wasn't easy to captain a ship. Carter had learned that the hard way.
"Devil's Triangle. Yorn't scared, are yer?" Harlianne teased, chuckling a bit. Carter was quick to protest by Harlianne held up a finger, silencing the man. He then put his hands together, as if in prayer, before bowing a bit and then turning his attention to Alice and Jean. A few minutes passed before the pair of them were swept away and out of sight. Harlianne couldn't help but sigh and rub her head.
"No worries. Just a bunch o' pissy nobles," Harlianne said, glad to be rid of the girls.
"So, woss the bloody deal, then, eh? ...And yer can keep 'er, but she's yor responsibility if ya do." It was a lot of work to raise a child and a ship was no place for them, but Harlianne wasn't going to protest that. She herself had been raised by pirates and she hadn't turned out too bad.
Aravis Zacharia

the Faithful Bride - Port of Tortuga
Virginia nodded once. "Yes, they sailed to the Bermuda Triangle. I believe the ship was called the Morning Star," Virginia answered, before standing up from the bed. "I am afraid I must leave, Catalina. It is time for the séance." Catalina, of course, merely nodded as if this was a normal request. Virginia then swept from the room and headed down the hall, stopping at the room right next to Millicent's. The young noblewoman smiled to herself and took a key out, unlocking it, and stepping within. She did not lock the door.
"I am a woman of my word," Aravis replied, a bit chidingly.
"I want to sail with you and I know you need the crew." Catalina had finished up with her work by then, putting the needle and thread away. The skin would be quite tender for a while, but at least the bleeding had ceased. She had been a relatively gentle touch, but that didn't make the process any less painful. A gunshot rang out in the street below, a hardly unusual sound, and a one Jonathan Baynard fell to the ground. He had been killed instantly. Why? It's Tortuga. Must there really be a reason?
"Thank you, Miss Catalina," Aravis then said.
"We appreciate your help and your kindness. We will be sure to help your friend if we can."
Édouard Riviere

Twelve Daggers Tavern - Port of Tortuga
Édouard's eyes widened. It wasn't so much at the news of what had happened to his sisters, considering the fact that they weren't especially close. His sisters had tormented him for most of his life, only helping to shape him into the person he was today. Yet part of him wished that the situation had been reversed. He preferred Margot to Alisanne, any day. Alisanne had always been the mastermind behind the schemes, the one who played with his mind. No, Édouard's eyes widened from hearing the description given to him by Edgard.
"J'aime bien ça," Édouard said simply, clapping Edgard on the back. Judging by Édouard's reactiona alone, it was anyone's guess as to whether or not Édouard had something to do with what had happened. Perhaps the man had a cold and calculating spot to him after all. Perhaps he just didn't care that much about his sisters. However, it wasn't long until the door to the tavern swung open and a young woman fainted from shock at seeing the bloody scene.
"Miss Blackwood!" Jean called out, barely catching her employer in time. Edgard would recognize that name, as Alisanne would have informed him of her brother's betrothal. If Édouard had been responsible for the kidnapping of Edgard's fiancée, perhaps an eye for an eye would be appropriate. Or perhaps Miss Blackwood herself had arranged for it, learning that Alisanne plotted to kill Édouard and take the power for herself.
Anything was possible.