Kindness is like snow - It beautifies everything it covers.{ N A M E }: Ember Davids
{ G E N D E R }: Female
{ A G E }: 17
{ A P P E A R A N C E }: As pictured above

( T R I A D ) : 2nd
( T Y P E within Triad ): Virtues
( M A J O R P O W E R ): Control over snow and frost
( M I N O R P O W E R ): Can freeze small amounts of water

* P E R S O N A L I T Y * : She’s very loyal and a great listener. She’s very honest and doesn’t like to dance around things. She’s a person you want to come to with your problems. She is the type of person to sacrifice her happiness for others. She can be pessimistic and lacks confidence. She’s good at improvising to fix situations. She tends to expect more out of others than they can give. She’s very well-mannered and tends to be a bit reserved.
* F A M I L Y / R E L A T I O N S H I P S *: She grew up with a single mother. As the only child, her and her mother are very close.
* R O O M M A T E *:
(leave empty until assigned)* H I S T O R Y *: Ember’s father left her mom after finding out she was pregnant. Her mom taught her not to trust easily as a result. She tended to be a bit overprotective of Ember because she doesn’t want her to get hurt.

L I K E S:
(Faux) Fur
Reading anything she can get her hands on
Cold nights
Thick blankets
Fire places
Hot tea
D I S L I K E S:
Summer nights
Abusive relationships in books
Cold food

She wants to perform miracles to make any many people happy as possible. She wants to be able to help turn people’s lives around.