Name: Siusan Achillea
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Deer Faunus
Bio: A child of the desert, Siusan was fortunate enough to be born in Vacuo to a Faunus couple hailing from Vale. She faced little discrimination for her race excluding the occasional schoolyard brawls that shaped the somewhat uncouth parts of her present personality. A survivor through and through, not afraid to beat down or get beaten down in the dog-eat-dog society of her Kingdom. Following a brief stint/expulsion from Vacuo’s primary combat school, Siusan transferred to Mistral’s famous Sanctum Academy, barely able to restrain herself from too many fights in order to graduate. From there, Beacon Academy became her next goal.
Semblance Name: Aillén Dé Danaan
Description of Semblance: An almost complete transferral of Aura to one of two functions: Attack or Defence. In Attack Mode Siusan’s strength reaches nearly unstoppable levels, giving her the ability to crush even a Goliath with her bare hands. Her senses are also heightened during this fervor. In Defence Mode her skin becomes impenetrable, her mobility slightly increased.
Semblance Limitations: Both enhancements come at a great cost to Siusan’s body. Attack Mode drains her Aura almost completely. Even a single, solid punch to the Faunus would be enough to hospitalise her in this ‘enhanced’ state. Defense Mode inflicts the opposite, draining her of strength in her arms and dulling her senses. Both functions leave her incredibly fatigued at the end of their ten minute duration.
Weapon: Liath and Bodhmall – Two cudgels that combine into a hefty crossbow. At the ends of these weapons are leaden knobs that allow her to unleash devastating crushings unto her enemies. Siusan favours its dual wielded cudgel form, its weighty blows bringing her great satisfaction. They also make effective walking sticks in her often fatigued state. Due to her confrontational nature, the crossbow form is rarely used.
Favoured Dust Element: Lighting and Fire
Other: Favourite food is clam chowder. Ambidextrous.