Name: Conall LinumbienneAge: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Bio: Born to a small hamlet in the verdant Emerald Isles just off of the northern tip of Vale, Conall was a classically rowdy young lad— always outside, playing, fighting, play-fighting, seemingly doing whatever he could to come home with scrapes and bruises at the end of the day. The son of a mechanic and a seamstress, Conall is the eldest of three, with one little brother, and one even littler sister. As such, he’s very used to being the top dog at home— and as the top dog, he is also determined to be as good an example to those two little brats as he can, and put his talents for fighting and throwing things around to good use. And as a hunter, there is no better use to put those talents, cultivated into skills by long years of training, than the protection of all mankind from the threat of the Grimm. A stalwart and confident young man, Conall is definitely rough around the edges, with blood as heated as his lance leading to frenzies in battle— but is also agreeable, playful, compassionate, and even surprisingly gentle in disposition outside of it. He holds the air of being carefree high enough for all the world to see— but if there’s one thing he will never back down upon, no matter how whimsical he feels, it’s a promise.
Semblance Name: Fragarach LamfadaDescription of Semblance: Conall’s unshakable confidence, honesty, and honor have taken form in
Fragarach Lamfada. In essence, it allows whatever he throws, be it a spear, a rock, or a even another person, to strike true to his aim. The winds themselves will even shift to favor his throws--guiding the missile to whatever point in space he aims. Wherever he intends to throw, the projectile will travel, and whatever he intends to hit, he has a damn good chance of hitting.
Semblance Limitations: The main limitation of
Fragarach Lamfada is Conall’s own eyesight— he must be able to visualize the point he is aiming at, and to a degree, even the path it travels along. If he intends to throw something with the intent to ricochet his projectile off of a surface, each bounce will greatly diminish his semblance’s efficacy, with only one or two rebounds in sequence being any more reliable than a throw made by a normal man. Finally, and most importantly, his Semblance is simply ensuring that his
aim is true— It can be faked out or dodged by those with the speed, agility, and reflexes to dupe him. No easy feat with his genuine skill backing the semblance, but it’s doable.
Weapon: Luin Celtchair- Cróeb Ruad is a crimson, almost blood-colored lance of roughly seven and a half feet long. Slim and lightweight,
Luin is much like it's wielder in that it is of remarkably strong and resilient make, even in spite of its evidently hollow construction. Tipped with a sharp and equally sturdy double-edged blade, Conall makes use of his lance to its fullest-- be it through a whirling dervish of slices with the blade, pinpoint stabs and throws to pierce the hearts of all who stand in his path, or even stern, ringing strikes with the seven-odd feet of shaft that he so masterfully carries.
However, this is not to say
Luin Celtchair is simply a well-made polearm.
The secret behind the almost bell-like sounds of the lance’s strikes lies within its crimson, knotted length. Within the hollow chamber lies a reservoir of Fire dust that, when charged with a spike of Conall’s (and only Conall’s) Aura, causes the blade to erupt into a blaze that quickly consumes the lance as a whole--
Cróeb Derg. Due to the synergy between the Aura of the wielder and the Aura fueling the flames, Conall is unharmed by the blistering new coat of paint upon
Luin--However, the same cannot be said of his foes.
Favored Dust Element: Fire
Other: Favorite food is Ulster Fry, whilst his least favorite food is hot dogs.
Likes Fishing, Diving, and Track and Field.
Dislikes Wolves.
Has bad luck with good women, even despite his handsome face.