Civilian Name: Carmen Hernandez
Magical Girl Name: Earth Princess
Age: 13
Years at HeartShine: 1
Sexuality: Lesbian
Civilian Appearance:

Magical Girl Appearance:

Carries a large, stone-headed hammer
Spiritstone Appearance:

Personality: Loud, brash, and in your face, Carmen tends to have a problem with rubbing people the wrong way, but get past that, and she's a loyal friend. She's also a great athlete, and enjoys going out for evening runs.
Bio: Carmen is from Cancun, Mexico. Her parents ran a small inn to cater to the tourists, nothing too special. Unbeknownst to her, her mother was the famous magical girl La Gata, and she discovered her powers in a panic when an old enemy of her mother's came to their house looking for revenge. Somehow, she caused a flurry of rock shards to impale the criminal, and her mother came clean about her own past, offering to train Carmen until she was old enough to go to HeartShine. She's a freshman now, and looking forward to proving herself, though she also carries the burden of her mother's legacy,
Magical Girl Theme: Earth/rock
Utility Abilities: Vibration Sense- Carmen can sense vibrations through the earth, preventing her from being surprised.
Super Strength: When transformed, Carmen can lift up to 3 tons
Minor Attacks: Golem's Grip- Summons a hand of stone to immobilize a single enemy and deal minor damage
Stone Shot- Fires a rock at an enemy
Stone Shards- Fires a barrage of small, razor-sharp stones at an enemy
Rock Wall- Summons an earth barrier to protect herself and allies
Stone Armor- Creates a layer of stone above Carmen's skin, protecting her but lowering her speed.
Moderate Attacks- Stone Transmutation- Carmen turns her body into living stone, substantially increasing her defense and strength
Seismic Smash- Carmen slams her hammer into the ground to create a targeted earthquake
Golem- Carmen summons a ten-foot golem that mimics her movements
Major Attacks: Boulder Crush- Carmen creates several floating boulders at ever-increasing heights, bounding up them with surprising agility before descending for a gravity-and-super-strength enhanced hammer blow.