“Ladies and gents, the show’s just begun!”
Percival Rowan Pelacour
Percy, Pierrot
Clocking in at an even 6’2”, calling Percival “noticeable” would be a severe understatement. With vibrant blue eyes, a bird’s nest of orange hair, and a grin that could aptly be described as “shit eating”, the young man gives off the impression that he’s planning some sort of mischief even when his mind is far from it. He has a penchant for clothing that’s a bit harder on the eyes, with his favorite outfit consisting of deep blue pants, leather boots, and a canary yellow jacket that he often wears like a cape. After starting the PHOBIA treatments, Percival has adopted a few unsettling aspects to his appearance. A certain hungry look in his eyes, for one. Unnaturally pale skin.
The razor sharp fangs that now line his mouth might also have something to do with the effect, as well.
Coulrophobia, the Fear of Clowns
- Incredibly flexible, to the point of putting most professional acrobats to shame. This goes beyond just plain contortionist skills, however, as he can easily fold himself into spaces where no ordinary human could be expected to fit- these include vents, cups, suitcases, and, of course, tiny cars. Percival also displays a knack for balancing on things.
- Access to a personal hammerspace via his sleeves, pockets, boots, or most anywhere out of sight that he can stick his hand in. This hammerspace grants him, among other things, a comically oversized mallet, pie, a unicycle, and balloons. It's also possible for him to store objects in this space, although, if asked, Percival will admit that he has no idea where the things go, or where they come from in the first place.
- Can weaponize magic tricks.
- Has a mouth filled with sharp, razorlike teeth, and an increased jaw strength. While this allows him to bite and tear into things quite easily, it also leads to Percival biting his own mouth often.
Percival is, put simply, quite the personality. For all of his annoyance with the powerset he developed, the young man certainly acts the part of a clown, joking constantly and keeping up an enthusiastic, over-the-top air almost constantly. His fondness for theatrics and dramatic flair can be...quite grating to some, but in the case that one has a thick enough skin to put up with his joking, Percy can be surprisingly friendly.
Beneath his cheery persona, however, Percival is somewhat bitter about his circumstances, and can quickly sober up when the need comes for it.
Indigo (Twin Sister), Caroline (adopted younger sister), Soren (adopted father), TBA
Percival and Indigo were the result of a pregnancy between two people who were, quite frankly, unprepared to have children. They were given up for adoption soon after birth, and, two years later, were taken in by a gentle bakery owner by the name of Soren Pelacour. Soren, having always wanted children, had been unable to have his own, and was delighted to take in the two in, although the two quickly wound up becoming a handful with their combined rambunctiousness. That didn’t stop Soren from taking yet another child in once the two had turned twelve, and that certainly didn’t stop the family from becoming incredibly close-knit through the years.
By the time Percy had graduated high school, he had set his eyes on becoming a famous actor one day. While a somewhat difficult choice in career to follow, he was nevertheless supported, and was accepted into a small arts oriented university close to home. Before he could make much progress in his studies, however, the family began to fall on hard times. It became more and more difficult for a small bakery to compete with its larger rivals, and the Pelacours were only just able to scrape by with what loyal customers it could find. Eventually, in desperation to support his family, Percival dropped out of college and signed up for the PHOBIA program. While dangerous, it certainly paid well, and getting some neat superpowers out of the deal just seemed like icing on the cake.
Of course, it also hadn’t been the powerset of a clown that Percival had expected to get.
This Ain’t a Scene, It’s an Arms Race
One of the few perks about Percival's new powers is the fact that he no longer has to fear being eaten by sharks. He tastes too funny, after all.

“Dream of a better tomorrow.”
Dawn Evelyn Memoli
Clocking in at roughly 4 foot 9 inches in boots, and without much muscle mass to speak of, Dawn isn’t exactly the most imposing figure around. Her face is soft and open, with ash-grey eyes and light skin. Her hair is black and thick, and Dawn has grown it to her hips- although, as a result, she has developed a habit of styling it in a side plait to keep it out of the way most of the time.
Dawn usually tries to “dress to impress”, donning skirts, tights, cardigans and flats to work and throughout everyday life. Winter sees her swapping to a modest sweater and slacks, and warm seasons have her lose the cardigan entirely. In more casual settings, she’ll don a simple pair of jeans and a shirt, but there’s one constant throughout many of her wardrobe changes- a hat. Regardless of setting, she’ll often be found wearing a hat of some kind, although her apparent favorite is a black sunhat.
Oneirophobia, the Fear of Dreaming
- Can create vivid illusions and hallucinations.
- Has the power to enter the dreams of other people, and alter them if desired. It's also possible for her to drag other sleepers into her own dreamworld, although the effect only lasts for as long as both parties are asleep.
- Can manifest tulpas, or thoughtforms, in the real world to serve as her familiars. While these creatures are bound to Dawn, and are naturally protective of their host, they have a minor level of sentience and often act independently of Dawn's orders. These tulpas tend to vary, but, due to being drawn from her dreams and nightmares, are often recurring.
By nature, Dawn is a gentle soul, soft spoken and polite towards strangers and friends alike. She tends to be quite protective and maternal towards friends of hers, and makes an effort to grant a level of respect to most. However, while friendly and slower to anger than some, she is not necessarily a yes-woman- oftentimes, when made annoyed by someone or a situation, her irritation will manifest itself as a dry sort of humor and a somewhat snarky commentary. This humor tends to be present regardless, however. When genuinely angered, Dawn grows calm to the point of frigidity, becoming vengeful and keeping her grudges close at hand.
While Dawn attempts to stay composed and professional for the most part, she can quickly become flustered if the right buttons are pressed.
Allen (older brother), Darrien (father), Lyla (mother), TBA
Born the second child of an teacher father and a lawyer mother, Dawn’s early life was generally quite pleasant. The family resided in the suburbs, and, while not rich, had enough money to live comfortably. By all accounts, she was a happy child, with little to worry about.
Except for the dreams.
Dawn was plagued by nightmares and sleep paralysis, and there was hardly a night where her rest went undisturbed. It got to the point where she refused to sleep for as long as possible, sobbing when she was sent to bed, and clawing and hitting herself to keep from falling asleep. The condition only worsened after a favored uncle died, a soldier taken by the line of work. She was eventually put into therapy, and, while it helped to alleviate the worst of it, the dreams never truly stopped.
Upon becoming an adult, Dawn made the decision to go into law enforcement, hoping to protect innocent people in the same way as her departed uncle. She had just obtained her Bachelor’s degree when she heard word of the PHOBIA project. While initially hesitant, she eventually signed up for the job, deciding that using her nightmares to achieve her dream of doing good in the world was an opportunity to at least look into.
Through the Valley
Dawn once dreamed that someone was shouting "On your marks...get set..." She woke with a start.