Due to its inactivity, [_Project:PHOBIA_] will now come to a close.
Thank you participants for supporting this story, we hope to see you again soon.
Thank you participants for supporting this story, we hope to see you again soon.

It's the year 2067. The future that has been predicted for many years has finally arrived little by little. From the flying cars, to holographic comunicators, to even cures for cancer and such. The new world was alive and prosper. But as it grew, so did the threat of hell-raising villany. Thats right, a war had formed from the parts of humanity that were sinister and corrupt with jealousy. The leaders of each side of earth are trying to come to a peace treaty, but that wish seemed imposible. Hope had hanged in the balence, and the apocalypse was fortold to be near.
One scientist, Jane Williams, brought together the world's best in the scientific career track as they started a secret expiriment that not only allows people to gain powerful ablilities, but to overcome their fears aswell. She called it ,

Hello! Scarlet/Majora/Spook/ Whatever here! Ive been thinking of making this into my own little side story, but for now as a casual sci-fi RP.
If the intro didnt seem enough of an explanation, i'll gist it for ya.
If the intro didnt seem enough of an explanation, i'll gist it for ya.
So in the future, a world wide war had broken out that seemed never-ending. The leaders of each side are failing to work out the problems, so a scientist has banded up others to start an expiriment. There, they take whatever sample of a phobia source and combine it with a test subject's DNA. When sucessful, the subject would gain the abilities from the phobia. For example, an arachnophobe would get the ablilites from a spider/tarantula (basically, they become spiderman). As the game goes along, the subject will be assigned to go on missions, protecting whatever is left of their civilization, and the story will go more in depth.
Once they got chosen, there was be no going back...now they have a life-risking adventure to live through.
In between missions, the subjects could hang out in the underground laboratory, chat and catch up with friends, or even just simply go out for a walk. It's all up to you, dear player.
"A wall divides the remnants of society from the ruined world that war has destroyed."

"A lively place to live in. On off days, your characters can visit here to shop, catch a movie, eat at a food joint, normal stuff. Its closest near the wall, and that makes crime appear once in a while."

"A quiet neighborhood that most live in first before heading to the city. Some of the characters will/would live in the suburbs before moving away, being chosen for the expirement."

"The main hive for Dr. Williams' project. The characters that are chosen have to live down there, but they get their own rooms, along with the other scientists. They can explore around the lab, but sometime get lost doing so. Scouts above the ground search for any threats and report them back via Mission Control."

'A room provided for one of the test subjects.'

'One of the computers Mission Control uses.'

"An apocalyptic world that was destroyed and keeps getting destroyed by war. For those that have gone through, or need to find shelter, they need to survive out for as long as they can before arriving back at the city. In rare ocassions, your characters will be assigned a misson over the wall, but it will be dangerous."

- The guild rules apply to the RP aswell.
- No arguing in the OOC. if theres a problem then inform me.
- Dont harass your fellow players.
- Collabing is suggested for character interaction and/or events. Use either MeetingWords or Piratepad.
- If you need help with anything or have a problem then PM me.
- Yes, romance is allowed, but smut has to fade to black. (The GM 'erself does fancy light-hearted romance..)
- Any form of godmodding is NOT and NEVER tolerated by the GM. If you get kicked out of this RP for this, then dont whine about it like a spoiled brat.
- Got that? Then add some ironic pun to your powers in the end of your CS.