Evi Olaurae
Race: Drow
God: Beautiful Goddess Lloth
Age: 19
Class:Major: Magician/Trickster
Minor: Assassin
Appearance:Slim-figured, Evi stands at a height of 5 feet and 2 inches, with a bodyweight of about 100 pounds. The bluntly cut silver strands atop her head cascade down to her collarbone, framing a youthful face. In terms of physical appearance, not much separates her from other young female drow. She wears a light-weight hooded cloak, and leather pants well-fitted to her legs.
Personality:One may find it hard to reach anything near an intimate relationship with Evi due to her explosive personality. A young, immature, and selfish drow, Evi struggles with many things, her own emotions being one of them. Despite her efforts to keep a cool head, she's always felt every essence strongly--joy and hate, love and disgust, sadness and hunger, are just a few. Mere obligations such as holding her tongue when speaking to a higher figure, or stepping away from a battle when she knows she's outmatched, are acts she's consistently found herself unable to achieve, while easy for others.
Ymeera, her teacher and closest human friend, would often scold her for her ego, that of which has gotten Evi in more trouble than not. Many of the decisions the young drow makes are inevitably answered based on how she
feels at the time. She's never considered herself to be loyal, and she rarely ever assists another if there isn't certainty of the favor being returned. This, in the past, has left her wide open to those who recognize her vanity and manipulate her to do their bidding. Nevertheless, there are times when Evi's selfishness comes forth to guide her, when she's feeling particularly righteous, humble, or grateful, leading her down the path of greater goodness, but as she's not very considerate even these acts may come as an inconvenience to others.
Her conflicted conscience sways back and forth between being concerned with what is morally righteous, and doing only what is in her own personal favor or self-preservation. Crimes such as murder, torture, and theft are not a concern for Evi as long as it does not involve people she cares about, and those people are few. In fact, the act of taking others' lives is more of a chore, and she'd rather engage herself with practicing spells or conning others out of their money.
Spirit Animal: ViperEquipment:This drow does not carry much equipment, aside from her 6in. dagger, a pouch secured around her waist to keep rations and a tiny spell book, and the sword given to her by a suitor. One of her primary goals is to be as lightweight as possible, even if that means carrying less in the ways of clothing and food than may be necessary.
Skills:- Major: Before meeting Ymeera, Evi taught herself to use small spells, mainly for the purpose of entertaining the younger drow of her family and tricking foolish humans out of their hard-earned silver. Of course, these little tricks don't always work, especially on those more familiar with magic. Still, every now and then Evi's able to show off her ability to make a rabbit disappear, or make a peppermint candy out of old birch, and if nothing else it's an escape from boredom when she's not completing an assassination.
- Minor: Evi's nearly mastered the art of a quick kill. She's skilled in being a sneaky little drow, approaching her targets swiftly but quietly, before ending them with her dagger and making a hastily leave. The dagger has become almost an extension of her own being, and with a quick flick of the wrist she's able to slit a throat or impale an unsuspecting victim from behind.
Magic:Evi loves using what Ymeera calls 'trickster' magic, what some think of as low-level, dirty magic. Certain spells come in handy daily, such as a quick gust of wind seemingly coming from nowhere but knocking a vase over in order to distract her target, or heating up one's seat to a temperature that makes them jump as the drow conceals a mischievous chuckle behind her hand. These small spells do not deplete her soul much, and Evi has yet to see the limit of how much magic she can successfully use.
That limit would be, as if the Goddess Lloth herself had given a nod towards Evi's venomous spirit animal, a deadly miasma. Only once was Evi able to tap into her soul to bring out this much of her magic, and the result was not a kill; the miasma caused the target to hallucinate, but only for a few quick moments.
Strength:Blessed with a tiny frame and short stature, Evi is quite quick on her feet. One of her greatest strengths is her ability to run and dodge attacks with grace. Her body moves instinctively after years of training, to the point of being able to dodge attacks when she has yet to even mentally register a threat. Due to her size, she's accustomed to squeezing into small, lovely dark spaces, beneficial for stealth, and has no issue climbing tall objects. While she has a special place in her heart for the brutish hand-to-hand combat (which was her normal choice of combat as an assassin) she is also a novice at casting spells, learning more and more each day with Ymeera alongside her.
Evi's ego-centric mental state allows her to make decisions quickly and without regret. She tends to be a very courageous drow and almost always goes for the kill, much like her spirit animal.
Weakness:Also due to Evi's ego-centric mental state, she's had trouble in the area of befriending or persuading other beings. It should come as a shock that she has a single loyal companion, as her quick tongue, inconsiderateness, and disloyalty often pushes people away. The drow is not the most intelligent around, and being impulsive usually serves making her matters worse. She's very impressionable and easy to manipulate.
Physically, she's not considerably strong, nor can she take many hits. It's no surprise to her when a spell fails to cast correctly, and it's even less of a surprise to her when she's found she's outmatched in skill. Sword fighting is a large point of weakness for her, for while she does carry an eccentric blade, she's more accustomed to a small dagger, and the larger blade slows her down. Heavy armor slows her down too a much greater extent, so she chooses not to wear armor, leaving herself exposed to what could be a fatal attack.
History:Port Jinn —
Evi was born in a small shack on the very outskirts of the city, among her large and backwards family of drow. Brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, all seemed to be somewhat successfully living under one tiny roof, with very limited resources. While she was too young to be embarrassed by the eccentricities of her family relative to the other drow (the fact that most of her family was uneducated, unemployed, and a bit brutish), the constant watchful eyes and competitive atmosphere between herself and her siblings and cousins effectively sealed her as a child who often lashed out, kept secrets, and had trouble expressing her feelings.
Despite all this, Evi's father cherished her. He did not have much in the way of accomplishments, and most of what he did have he gambled away, but he saw in Evi what he never saw in himself. Everything that he had left to give, he gave to her, including the young human female, Ymeera, as a teacher. At that age, Ymeera taught Evi anything Evi had a hankering to know, whether it involved magic, math, science, or geography, and her favorite: tales of the ruthless goddess. Evi was far from a good pupil, but Ymeera grew fond of the female drow.
Ymeera would lend an ear to Evi after schoolwork had been completed, and the two would stay up long nights discussing whatever Evi wished to discuss. Evi would tell Ymeera tales of the mischief she'd gotten herself into that day, how that wizard had the downright funniest look on his face she'd ever seen and how she'd try a new spell on him the next day simply because he deserved it, how much she wished to cross the sea and visit all of the islands of Allaria, especially up north because she'd heard of monstrous Dragonoids, and oh how she wished to explore the entire world.
Almost everyday the drow would bring up this wish, but Ymeera would discourage her and change the subject. In her heart, she wanted to help Evi, but she knew that it was not right to do so. If Evi's family discovered she'd taken their daughter on a dangerous journey with only the clothes on their backs, to fend for themselves? She was sure she'd have her head situated on a wall within that shack. That family was nearly as merciless the goddess herself.
Much to Ymeera's astonishment, Evi took it upon herself to leave. Accompanied by Sorna, a handsome male drow whom had informed Evi that the Apotheosis would be taking over Port Jinn, he owned a ship, and it would be best to leave immediately, Evi's only thoughts were that she would finally get a taste of the freedom she'd been dreaming of.
This time much to Evi's astonishment, the male drow and his shipmates were revealed to be a band of pirates on sea and bandits on land, vigilantes calling themselves Port Jinn Protectors, acting in favor of the Apotheosis. Wherever there seemed to be resistance rising, they changed their course towards that direction. Most of the actions of the group were silent and behind scenes, and they were lead by the mysterious and intelligent witch Poembi. Some of the uprisers Port Jinn Protectors targeted 'disappeared', and a lot of that work was done by Evi herself.
Poembi coerced Evi into becoming an assassin for her, as that was the only use the witch could find for the drow based on the little skill Evi possessed. While Evi did not necessarily enjoy the work of sneaking into windows and holding a pillow against a sleeping face, Poembi very easily won her over by ensuring her that if she would stay with the band she'd be able to travel all of Allaria, and ultimately, the entire world.
On a semiannual stop to replenish resources and consult with persons Evi did not know the significance of, the Protectors returned to the warzone Port Jinn, and Evi accomplished sneaking off of the ship for the first time. Despite the danger, she yearned to reunite with her lifelong teacher and only friend. Now dorned in the black clothes Poembi had gifted her, and carrying the sword the Sorna had gifted her, she stood on the steps of what used to be Ymeera's academy and waited to see if she would pass by. Conveniently, it was not a long wait, but the human girl did not recognize the drow at all, and walked passed Evi before Evi grabbed her, startling her. Evi removed her hood, revealing to her friend it was only her. Ymeera had many questions, and Evi had many of her own,but there was no time for answers.
Sorna and his bandit brothers had discovered them.
When the two were escorted back to the ship, Poembi had the decision to either kill them both, or have them work for her. While she was exceedingly disheartened by Evi's disloyalty, her assassin was too highly skilled now to be put to waste, and the human girl seemed to be very knowledgeable about a wide variety of topics. After much consideration, the witch allowed them to stay with the band, which meant keeping their lives.
She announced that the next destination would be north, and Evi made a plan to find freedom once more.