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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Nahelus @DeviantArt

Race: Drow (male)

God: Lloth

Age: 29

  • Major: Scout/Thief
  • Minor: Basically the same, however with friendly-willed people around him he is willing to share his mathematical and analytical intellect for making plans. And he not only loves food, but also can prepare it relatively well.

For the most part Gartoj is a calm man, pushing him to the point of an outrage by the mere usage of words can be considered a small achievement. However this property, benign as it is by itself, comes with the downside of him not being very empathic either. He's a bit like an iceberg: Just sitting there and listening to his surroundings, dropping a few dry and sometimes cold comments here and there. The moment he senses grave mental inferiority or personal desinterest for any reason he doesn't exhibit arrogance, but picks up speed and more or less gently nudges anyone aside who happens to be in his way out. On the other hand however there are areas in which he can break loose very seriously: He loves eating, especially in vast quantities. Also alcohol can be a thing, although he's no match for any real dwarf in that area. These are the moments during which he warms up considerably. He has no problem with stealing and a little bit of betrayal here and there, but killing is something Gartoj's really not fond of. It's an act not seldomly indicative of an insufficient amount of effort having been spent on thinking about alternatives. If he comes to the conclusion that there indeed is no other realistic way around it however his conscience doesn't have much of a problem with it, too.

At first glance Gartoj does not look like a drow. Those people are small, lithe and otherwise rather unconspicuous. He however, due to the condition of giantism, is a wall. Most people have to crane their necks in order to spot the pointy ends of his ears, situated at a height of a tad over eight feet. Moving this enormity, let alone allowing it to climb a rope, naturally comes with great quantities of muscle, even though not excessively visible. His belly region is quite soft due to a few bad habits of him -- he didn't have to bother about maintaining any coordination with the appearance of the vast majority of the drow population anyway. His skin is that of someone who doesn't like the sun and so is his hair, but the most remarkable thing about his rounded face are his eyes: They almost appear as if a fraction of his soul is looking through them.

Spirit animal: A raven.

  • Clothing primarily made out of black dyed wool, thin leather and only very little amounts of metal for reinforcement in certain areas.
  • A large cloak with some parts made out of fur that he can wrap around himself to a more or less complete degree.
  • Two large, human-made swords. Why he has got them ? Well... they looked so nice, so he took them with him. Actual usage is another thing he didn't bother himself with at this point.
  • Supplies for several days: Salt meat, bread, water. Even some wine.
  • Additional waterskins for the special purpose of his magic.
  • Some other, minor utilities like flintstone for igniting a fire or a small knife.

  • Major: Gartoj knows how to gain unauthorized access -- be it by picking the lock, launching a rope up to the roof and climb it or by recognizing an opportunity when it occurs. He can move around with very little noise and visibility, and be it by triggering confusion when the time is right. What he can't do however is all of this while maintaining anything near great speed. There'd just be too much creaking from the wooden floorpanels below...
  • Minor: Sometimes it is necessary to temporarily disable a person who'd otherwise disturb your activity. If Gartoj can knock somebody out from behind, he can also try to strangle and kill that person. His problem is that so far he never felt fit to take such drastic measures, so while he'd definitely have the strength and equipment necessary to do that it is nothing but a theoretical scenario at this point.

Gartoj, much like many of his kind, is a very proficient user of magic. The thing his soul is aligned to is ice and coldness in general, however hand in hand with his lack of any combat training goes the fact that he pratically never uses that with offensive intentions. While he does like covering his swords in a layer of ice for demonstration purposes, one probably won't see him actually trying to use them with that addition. It wouldn't make much sense since he wouldn't have the skill to wield them efficiently. What can happen though is that puddle of water in front of your feet suddenly being converted, causing you to slip in a very nasty manner so you can't pursue that drow in front of you any further. Or he opens that especially heavy door by the brute force of freezing water or the elegance of an artifical key carved out of the solidified element.

If one could only use one word to describe it, a good candidate for this would be 'cunning'. Gartoj is very intelligent and quick to adapt new concepts. It has allowed him to find a -- though not exactly 'honest' -- profession that most people probably wouldn't imagine for him. Along with this goes his magic: Hardly used for open fighting and probably less suited for this than other kinds it still must be considered impressive in its own way. Also one most likely doesn't feel all too comfortable if he suddenly starts wrestling with one from behind.

While Gartoj's condition has not influenced those typical traits of a drow that aren't physical, it certainly has taken away some of the others. He's very, very far away from being lightweight and, unsurprisingly, also pretty much from being fast. Being extremely strong did not lead to him carrying anything more protective than his usual combination of black wool, fur and thin leather. Real, high-quality armor would be unaffordable for him. He has never subjected himself to anything like a 'professional' training in open combat anyway. So... once he's forced into one he does have a problem.


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Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FrankenDaughter
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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cube
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Cube Back at it again

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Duren Ghedic







Spirit Animal



Major: Guardsman
Duren lived the majority of his life serving the dwarven city of Bhornbadir as a guard - standing watch at the city’s gates, patrolling the streets, and breaking up drunken brawls - or, at the very least, dragging away unconscious bodies, post-drunken brawl. He’s known hardly anything but life as a line of defense, until recently, and puts his knowledge of protection at the forefront of his mind during his travels across the world.

Minor: Brewmaster
Despite a life devoted to the protection of Bhornbadir, Duren, like anyone, maintained a hobby in his off-time. Like many dwarves, this hobby just so happened to involve alcohol. Brewing various beers, spirits, and the occasional whiskey or rum, Duren has become something of a professional in the art of brewing, and something of an alcoholic in the art of drinking. Known to be drunk more than he is sober, his state of sobriety is often a clear indicator of his talents as a brewer.


Duren is, and always has been, a relatively jolly man. Never one to be pessimistic, the dwarf prefers to look on the bright side of things, and have a laugh at the turns his life takes. To some, his overly positive outlook on life may be a tad bit immature, but the eternal smile forever plastered on Duren’s face would suggest he cares little about the opinions of others. The same smile may also suggest that Duren is not sober, though it is often hard to tell the difference.

With a downright cheerful attitude and welcoming demeanor, Duren sometimes acted as more of a greeter than a guard when it came to watching the gates of Bhornbadir. A joyful “good morning” or “good afternoon” could be heard nearly every time Duren turned a corner in his hometown, as he greeted nearly everyone he saw, be they friend or stranger. Duren was often told it would one day land him in trouble, though he’s yet to receive a jab in the gut for his greetings in his 47 years of life.

Duren’s positivity may not be entirely natural, however. The old dwarf’s love of alcohol has likely altered his outlook on the world, along with his physical well-being. Riddled with the internal effects of long-term alcoholism, Duren suffers from poor eyesight, and a fair affinity to common illnesses. This may be something a common man would look to remedy, however, Duren’s apparently eternal drunken state has him smiling through the pain, instead.

His charming (by dwarven standards) personality has made him quite the celebrity at local taverns and pubs. Always seen with drink in hand, Duren can, and will, talk the ears off of a fellow tavern-goer, regaling them with tall tales about his great grand-pappy and how he could single-handedly slay 40-foot long dragons. Seemingly no matter how often such stories are told, the cheers from his fellow dwarves reassures Duren that it has yet to get old.

However, despite Duren’s undying love for his home and his fellow dwarves, he feared the life of a true dwarven elder. Those who had lived far longer than he, who survived by nothing other than Abbathor’s will and the aid of younger dwarves, lived and exemplified a future he knew he wanted no part of. To lay dormant, unmoving, yet conscious, and breathing - this was not in Duren’s life plan.

Now, he travels the world as a mercenary, having long abandoned his life as a dwarven guardsmen. Now, he seeks adventure, and stories to rival that of his grand-pappy’s. If death comes at the claws of a dragon, or the club of an ogre, then so be it. He’ll be ready.


Duren is about average height for the common dwarven male - he stands at around four-and-a-half feet tall, with all the typical dwarven male features. His black hair, which is slowly greying with age, is fashioned to sweep to the left side of his head and back some, staying well out of his wrinkled fac3. His beard, with its matching hues, stays braided on either side. A long scar runs down the center of his left eye as a reminder that although he holds a deep appreciation for his past career and fellow guardsmen, it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.

A heavy smoker to match his drinking habits, Duren’s voice is deep and scratchy, making no effort to mask his years of tobacco and alcohol abuse. Despite this, Duren holds a jaw full of healthy teeth - something he attributes to his homemade brews, no matter how unlikely this statement may be. Nevertheless, his warm smile is only strengthened by his almost unnaturally white teeth.

Duren has a relatively stocky build. Like most dwarves, muscle mass comes quite a bit easier due to their smaller frame, though Duren’s near constant drinking has resulted in something of a pot belly as well, which is often at the butt of many of his self-deprecating jokes.


  • Before leaving Bhornbadir, Duren had a fine set of dwarven plate mail made specifically for his travels - tailored to be sturdy, yet relatively light for plated mail. That in mind, the deep silver armour is still quite hefty, and clinks with every step. It does its job, though, as one would expect from dwarven smiths.
  • A single-handed waraxe. Supposedly belonged to Duren’s grand-pappy.
  • A mighty shield, awarded to him for his service as a guard - large enough to properly shield a dwarf, and about half of a regular-sized human.
  • A pouch of tobacco, with a long pipe to match. Old habits die hard.
  • A multitude of flasks, bottles, and skins - all filled to the brim with various sorts of alcohol. Older habits die harder.
  • Matches. Used to light his pipe, or a homemade molotov - whichever the situation calls for.
  • Various foodstuffs, including some dwarven treats he cooks himself - likely unfavourable to anyone of non-dwarven heritage.
  • Various clothing and portable bedding, for occasions that don’t require skills as a warrior.


Major: Guard’s Duties
Duren is, first and foremost, a guard. He’s well-trained in the art of protection and, despite his poor vision, can still block an arrow, or a blade, like the best of them. Used to being on the front lines, Duren is a fearsome foe for anyone looking to engage him in melee, as his shield becomes not only a part of him, but a part of his allies as well. Dedicated to not only his own survival, but his friends’, Duren’s likely saved more lives than he could count - if he was sober enough to count in the first place.

Minor: Liquid Courage
Duren’s love of intoxication has led to an interesting battlefield tactic, useful when a fight calls for more than a sturdy shield. Duren can down a flask of booze like it was water on a hot summer’s day, and, as a result, can throw himself into something of a drunken stupor on the battlefield. Ditching his knowledge of defense, Duren allows himself to be thrown into a fury of merciless swings of his axe, slashing at anyone in his path. Likewise, if he sees fit, he can ignite a bottle and cloth, lending him the ability to lob a makeshift molotov cocktail at his foes. Last, but certainly not least, his skill as a brewer comes in handy most of all after a long day’s work, where he’s more than happy to drink away the remainder of the night, and likely entice his fellows to join him.


Perhaps unsurprisingly, Duren, like most dwarves, doesn’t know the first thing about magic. How it works, what it can do, or where it even comes from, are all questions that would cause Duren to draw a blank. Dwarven society rarely calls for the use of the arcane arts, and so Duren’s only ever experienced the craft a handful of times in his life. Mixing a lack of knowledge, and lack of experience, Duren hardly trusts magic. The sight of a man holding flame like a ball of snow is nothing short of unnerving to the retired guard, and if he can, he’d much prefer to stay well away from those who dabble in the stuff.


Duren feels at home in two places - the bar, and the battlefield. If one can endure the old dwarf’s constant ravings, tall tales, and drunken blabbering, they’ll find nothing short of a lifelong friend, and one that would die to protect them, no matter the cost. His skills as a defenseman are undeniably his greatest strength, and one who finds themselves toe-to-toe with the dwarf would be lucky to get a hit past his towering shield. Mixed with the skillful swings of his axe, he can be quite the foe in a fight. This, along with his bizarre, yet charming, personality, Duren is a strong ally to have on one’s side when traveling. Lucky for them, traveling is exactly what Duren has set out to do.


Decades of alcohol and light tobacco abuse have taken a toll on Duren’s health. His eyes suffer from poor vision, and he is prone to common illnesses from a weak immune system. As a result, Duren is restricted to melee combat, and the use of things such as bows or crossbows are almost completely out of the question. His ability as a proper scout is also hindered by his vision, along with his affinity for heavy armours. A thief who clinks with every step is not going to make it far in the business, after all.

While his armour does him wonders in a fighting environment, it is also detrimental to his movement. Scaling tall mountains or traversing through thick snow is a difficult task for one so short and heavy. As such, Duren is much more suited for flat land, where he can put his thick armour to proper use.


Duren was born and raised in the dwarven city of Bhornbadir. A fair city, built and developed by generations of various highland dwarf clans, which sits only a few miles west of famed mountain dwarf territory - the city of Gir Daruhm.

Duren was one of many siblings, having multiple brothers and sisters, both younger and older. Some went on to live lavish lives, some left the city gates to pursue new lives, and some live out their lives in drug dens in the city slums. Duren, however, settled for a comfortable life serving his home as a guard. At the age of 15 he held his first duty at the city gates, and for 30 years he proudly served his home.

Duren is, and always has been, a jolly dwarf. His optimistic outlook on life is almost contagious, and his wheezy laughter embeds itself in the memories of his friends. Almost nightly, the dwarf could be found at the tavern, sharing drinks and stories with his fellow Bhornbadir civilians. His jokes, be they simple or crude, never failed to put a smile on the faces of those who would listen, and the old dwarf’s warm smile almost forced a mirrored grin out of onlookers, whether they understood the joke or not.

However, despite what Duren may lead one to believe, life as a guard was not all it was cracked up to be. Often, he found himself in the midst of a battle, clamouring to protect his friends from loosened bolts or sneaky knives. The noble nature of dwarves did not always ring true, and crime was unfortunately rather common in Bhornbadir - which often resulted in a fatal end of the lives of those who would go against the city’s laws.

Duren’s devotion to his people kept him moving forward. However, a particular love of alcohol is what really kept him going. A sober Duren likely would not have endured 30 years of slaying ne’er-do-wells, and so ale he drank, and spirits he drained, as both a means of suppressing the nasty bits of his career, as well as a means of maintaining his cheerful perspective of life.

As Duren grew older, he began to notice his once jet-black hairs begin to fade. Before long, groups of strands that were once black as night had taken on a grey hue, with some turning as white as the snow that coated the northern mountains.
Age was creeping up on Duren, and fast.

As he observed his fellow dwarves, he began to make note of those that were too old to care for themselves. Senior dwarves who could do nothing but breath and stare, who relied on women to feed them and change their clothing. Was that the life he wanted? Did he want to rely on the compassion of his neighbour to carry out tasks as simple as walking to his front door?

No. He did not.

So, after regaling the tale of his grand-pappy’s dragon slaying for perhaps the thousandth time in his favourite tavern, Duren decided that he had had enough. If death was on his schedule, he would welcome it with open arms, not fight it with every lame breath as a useless bag of bones.
On his thirtieth anniversary as a guard of Bhornbadir, Duren resigned from his position. Weeks later, with his booze, axe, and ceremonial shield in hand, Duren left the city, permanently, for the first time.

Following in his grand-pappy’s footsteps, Duren began to travel, offering his services as a trained guard to traveling merchants and any others who would otherwise perish at the sight of an armed highwayman.

The dwarf made many enemies outside the walls of Bhornbadir, but made twice as many friends. Now, two years later, Duren is certain he can find old friends in nearly every corner of Allaria.

However, lately, his travels have taken him in a direction that not even he could have seen coming. Now a part of the resistance, aiding in the plight against the Apotheosis, Duren is preparing for the next chapter in his life - the protection of one man, Ssazah, on his journey to contact fabled snow elves.

Oh, how his drinking buddies back in Bhornbadir will love this tale.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Logran Eaton Fellenore, son of Eaton and Loraine Fellenore; Saint Slayer; The Wild Man; Reed; The Dark Paladin



He might have been a squire or he might have been just a servant. In his past, he performed the same duties as a steward. He then became a wandering hammerdin.




Logran is six-foot weighing roughly 200 pounds out of armor. Beneath his armor, he wears a tunic worn to a dusty and dirtied gray from age and use. His trousers are a faded-black and pool slightly over a pair of brown rabbit-skin shoes. His hair is raven-black. Its length is down to his shoulders, and he wears it in a loose tail. His eyes are slate-grey, his right eye half-closed due to a scar cutting into his cheek passed his eye in a diagonal slant. He wears a black cloth bandage wrapped about his head over his right eye.

When Logran’s face isn’t behind his facemask or eye bandage, he appears to be younger than his actual age. His boyish appearance makes him appear in his early twenties. With a beard on his face, he appears his age or ten years older. His body is jutting with tanned muscle covered in light scars that contrast his complexion. Wielding Glosgnir has conditioned his body to resemble that of an experienced lifter.

Logran goes by the name Reed. Even though it has been 15 years since he murdered Sir Aragon, he does not believe zealots of the Eizellen Church or even of Michael would ever forget that his murderer is possibly still at large. He keeps his scar and the mystery of whether or not he’s actually missing a right eye a secret from even people he would deem friends. Because of incidents in his past, there are a few things that Logran doesn’t like. Those things being swords and alcohol. He will never partake in alcoholic beverages or wield a sword even if his hammer, Glosgnir, is not present.

Is Logran troubled? It’s hard to say. Logran has admitted and taken responsibility for each of his sins. Having murdered once, the blood can no longer be washed from his hands. He is his own judge. He will execute whoever he deems unworthy of mercy. The paladin is soft-spoken. He rarely raises his voice above a shout and over the years, his life has led to him becoming quieter. He is dutiful—one to not stray from the mission until it is complete. He has worked in a team before but not one anywhere close to a mercenary group. Because of the misfortune that befalls anyone who is around him, he prefers to work alone.

The paladin is a humble man who doesn’t boast his skills or abilities. He doesn’t completely understand most of his abilities, but one has led to him not liking liars. Liars remind him of the blinded fools in Eizellen. While he understands lies being used tactfully, he still just doesn’t like hearing them.

White Stag

Black Mithril Armor The black armor that encases his body resembles heavy armor in appearance. It is as sturdy as steel, and most Dwarves would recognize the craft to be that of their own: Dwarvish. The mithril armor is a light armor that places little burden on the wearer. The armor is a necessity for Logran who wields a great hammer and cannot afford his movements to be hampered by extra weight. The specific armor components: mantle, greaves, torso, chest, dress (groin), boots, mask, and gauntlets.

Black Sun Buckler The buckler is one-foot-and a half in length and width. The buckler is circular with jutting and bladed overlapping layers surrounding it in what appears to be rays. The buckler acts as a small shield and can be used as a lethal throwing disc. If thrown with a reverse spin, the disc can be thrown in a forward direction for a brief moment before the spin would cause it to return. If not thrown, then the buckler can act as a bladed disc for slashing down opponents.

Glosgnir is a great hammer of dwarvish craft designed from a hardwood overlaid with steel. The weapon is as long as Logran is tall. The head is two-feet wide in all directions, and the obvious heaviest part of the weapon. Logran can wield the hammer in close-combat by gripping it closest to its head, and he can wield the weapon in medium-range combat by gripping it near the tail. The blunt weapon is designed to break shields and guards. Like a battering ram, Glosgnir can knock a turtling enemy on his ass if he insists on hiding behind his shield. He can use the hammer to damage the wheels of war machines and pachyderm steeds. If there’s a reinforced door, Glosgnir will bust it open. The worst position an enemy can find himself in is beneath the hammer when it falls.

Kheluz Dwarvish for “strong” it is the name of Logran’s horse. Kheluz is a black Diremane stallion standing at 20 hands (82” tall) and weighs 1.3 tons. Logran needed a big and strong horse to not only be able to survive and carry his belongings, but to carry Glosgnir most of all.

Rations Dried meats, pemmican, honey, nuts, salted fish, and tubers.
Triage Kit Bandages, Needle & Thread, and pomade
Utility Knife
Extra Set of Clothes
Saddle, Bit, Reins, Stirrups, Harness
Bed Roll
Rope and Grapple

Major Shieldbreaker
Logran is the guy you want to get in close in order to take out the enemy’s defense. Heavily-armored enemies, war machines, pachyderms, reinforced doors—Logran with Glosgnir will bring it all down. The enemy does not want to be in the shadow of the hammer when it falls. His hammer is like a battering ram, shaking the poise of enemies who hide behind their shields. If the shield isn’t sturdy enough, Glosgnir has been known to break or warp a shield beyond convenience.

Minor Holy Man
Logran is blessed with abilities that help one find his or her way through the darkness. His blessings allow those to punish evil and see when they are blinded by trickery. He can hear lies.

When lost, afraid, or confused, Logran can unconsciously evoke a guide to lead him out of a complicated situation. This ability doesn’t always allow him to find who he is looking for. He can find someone if he is meant to find someone as decided by Michael, but if he doesn’t find the person then the person is either no longer of this life or someone not meant to be found. Logran would be the one to lead a group out of a maze or out of darkness. If separated, he will get a gut feeling to go in the direction of the group he is to reunite with if Michael wills it. The ability is confusing and Logran doesn’t quite understand it himself. He’s just always had it since he was a boy.

Logran can lay his hand on weapons or equipment and imbue them with a holy blessing through prayer. The weapon or tool when blessed takes on the properties of a blessed item capable of inflicting extra damage to evil entities to include the corporeal and incorporeal.

Logran’s devotion to his god has given him an indomitable will. He finds strength through his faith in Michael, and this strength could rival the strength of any godless man. His past is filled with hardship and adversity. He has survived being nearly beaten to death, starvation, and madness. With nothing to live for, Logran has completely surrendered himself to Michael, and in doing so, has acquired some uncanny advantages. His mind is difficult to break, and he is well-accustomed to the harsh wilderness. His constitution is higher than most humans, and his mysterious abilities will often have others coming to him for truth and guidance. Logran can hear lies, the whispers of evil, and he will boldly call a liar out on his or her game when he hears one.

As a fighter, Logran is devastating at close and even medium ranges. His hammer can cripple and throw the balance of his opponents. His hammer can breach most defenses. His blessings can send evil running. The mysterious paladin is a reliable addition to any team.

As far as combat, even when wearing a lighter armor, a swing from his hammer is still slower than the swing of a short sword or dagger. To compensate, he will switch between single-handed to two-handed, and gripping near the head of his hammer for swifter strikes. A hammer is not as easy to manipulate or change trajectory as a lighter weapon and so a swing will happen in the direction it is initially intended. If ever disarmed, if swords are all the paladin has left to wield, he won’t use them. He refuses to use them because they bring about a terrible memory.

Like most fighters, the back is always a vulnerable area for ambushes or backstabs. He cannot see a sniper planning to shoot him down, and therefore, his morality is like anybody elses. His holy abilities are reliant on Michael, and Michael may not make decisions in the group’s favor.

His identity as Logran Fellenore is ever uncovered by an enemy can create trouble for him or any group he is with. Churches of Michael often have drank the Apotheoses’ koolaid and their flocks are just as toxic.

Logran does not like rape, and if he is ever witness to such an act, his friends may see him fly off the deep end. Such horrendous acts fill him with a terrible rage.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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AoStar Ano Buta

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MuadDib
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Couples of notes about my character sheet:

- Didn't know the flexibility of nations/kingdoms/whatever, so I didn't include any names when mentioning people associated with a particular nation

- Although I mention Ulysses as a captain in certain explanations, she's not. If she's mentioned as a captain, it's all hypothetical in order to flesh out her character a bit more.

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