Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tickout
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The moralistic tension was thick enough to be cut with a knife, and deep down Bonny was relieved she could stay silent without any serious negative side effects. The previously discussed road to pacifism was more or less upheld, and the death count was minimal. It was hard to say after what she saw that no one here deserved severe consequences, but her, being on literally her first day on life or death missions, really wasn’t prepared to be involved in dealing out a life or death punishment. She watched from the mental view she was given as Heidi rummaged through the desk, pulling out files and messing with the computer. Getting evidence of what was happening and exposing this person to face the music seemed like a nice plan to her.

Heidi brought up a very valid point that Bonny had neglected to consider the entire time- those kids. They were locked up, tortured, and put through heck and back. Of course they’d lash out at the first granted opportunity. She cringed internally at the realization that the odds of someone not getting killed (on either side) were slim. All she could do was try to make sure the team she came in with wasn’t the ones that got killed in the violence to come. She definitely didn’t like it, but it wasn’t like she could mind control everyone in the building to not fight (as much as she wished she could do so).

Someone (wait, who was that?) opened the closed cement door that once sealed the exit, and bonny mentally prepared herself for what would happen. She'd back everyone up and prevent casualties to the best of her abilities.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana noticed for a while that she could not hear anything in the president's office with her superhuman hearing, then they came back, somehow they disappeared completely. When they did comeback one sound source should no longer be producing any sounds, that of the evil corporate president. They let those naive little children talk them out of their goal, the one they had tried to complete countless times. Now they just gave up, she was absolutely livid, they may be willing to sacrifice mutant kind for whatever idiotic naive reasons the little children came up with but she wasn't willing to put her fate into the hands of anyone but her own. She found a keycard & keys on a guard that was knocked out or whatever. She used the key card to free the imprisoned mutants. The useless ones ran in terror, the ones that stayed she called to her. "I know you want vengeance. What I know of that subhuman scum's plans can only be answered with his blood and head on a pike. You are not strong enough to deal with the others I came with. Come with me, we will get our vengeance on this bastard and all those like him." Some could not see the reason and ran towards the president's office. Attacking anyone in their way. The ones that saw reason Tatiana escorted from the building to a garage where using the keys she found a company van, everyone piled in. It was extremely cramped but they were free. "It will take time but I promise you with the resources I have at my disposal we will terminate all threats to mutantkind. Including the mutants who protect humans who commit violence on mutants. If any of you are capable of masking us from telepathic detection do it we don't want those human sympathizers back there finding us until we are ready to destroy them." The van full of mutants led by Tatiana drove off into the sunset. There was only a few Tatiana would miss but if they stayed with Xavier and his band of pansy ass losers they weren't worth missing, time would tell.

Rose Mary had just got through knocking out a guard when a very pissed of Tatiana stole his keys and keycard. Rose Mary tried to speak to her but Tatiana was to focused on whatever she was planning or flat out ignored her. Then within moments mutant prisoners were attacking everyone in sight. Rose Mary barely had time to react when a large bone spear came at her face. "What the fuck is wrong with you bastards? We are here to save you." The bone spear thrower said something in an angry growl she couldn't understand, he spoke English but trying to understand the words he spoke was like trying to understand a person hysterically crying and speaking at the same time. Rose Mary grabbed the bone spear & used it to defend herself from the mutant who threw it. It was far more durable than regular bone, she liked it but the fact that it was a fellow mutant's bone creeped her out to no end.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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The moment the door was unsealed, Heidi also left, and was faced with three guards. One exoskeleton-enhanced roundhouse kick later, all three were unconscious. She fished around them for a keycard, found one, and started freeing Mutants too, shouting "C'mon! We have to escape! You're free! Let's go!" as she did. One tried to run back to the president's room, with murderous intent, but one Gauntlet blast to the neck later, and Heidi was carrying said mutant over her shoulder, fight off guards and rogue mutants alike. "We don't have time to go back!" she shouted at them. "We have to get out of here now!"

When this didn't work, and she had incapacitated more mutants than she could carry, she changed her shouts to "No point going back there! He's dead already! We need to get out of here!" which had a much higher success rate. Plus with the briefcase full of papers on one hand and a KO'ed mutant held on her shoulder with the other, she could no longer fight herself. Words were her best weapon now. Speaking of weapons, Tatianna couldn't be seen or heard anymore. Had she gone ahead?

As she had predicted, the guards stopped being a hindrance to their escape once enough mutants were freed. Heidi watched the liberated mutants slice and rip guards apart left and right. It was a bloodbath.

Heidi couldn't cry yet. The mission wasn't over.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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Chrys blinked when Tatiana stormed off. With the mutant children coming at them Chrys put up a field around himself, redirecting attacks as he moved forward, using his powers to knock people out by running along the walls and ceiling. He found himself moving too far ahead and with a light pull, shifted himself back to the room, slamming up a field to stop things from entering. "I think I can either clear a path or shift us out of here back to the plane. Though if I do the latter I don't think I'll be able to do anything for a while after... I can feel my powers hitting a dampener thanks to the paradoxes. You've done a number to the place, small pockets of the place are... missing."

Using his spatial senses, he could tell that he wasn't going to be able to hold the place stable for too much longer. If they stayed it could collapse, sending out ripples across space-time he was sure only he'd survive, if he was able to survive at all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It was a massacre.

Shawn could hardly bear to look at the sights going on before him, but he knew that this was the only way things could have gone down. These kids, all of them, were experimented on, tortured, and treated like animals. All they knew was hate for their captors, and now they were getting the chance to get revenge.

Mutations flew left and right, blood covered the once pristine halls of the facility. He had to stand up, take control of the situation.

One of the children had tried to make a break for the president's office. Heidi, equipped with her exo-skeleton had knocked the kid right out and hauled him over her shoulder.

"Mr. Smith, I need you to wall off the entrance to the office! We can't let them get in and kill him." They needed to either calm down the once-captive mutants, let them go crazy until they settled themselves down, of neutralize them. Shawn knew he could do it, but he didn't trust himself to make another clean shot like he did to the president. It would be so easy to fry them all, but he needed to use his fists and his words right now, no mutation.

But something caught his eye. Something reflecting high off one of the lights in the ceiling. It was the little girl he had seen earlier who was flipping the coin, now using said coin to shine some light and get someone's attention. How she had even gotten into the ceiling tiles was beyond him, but he wasn't going to start questioning her. She grinned at Shawn and hopped down, seemingly ignoring the carnage doing on around her.

Her skin was as pale as snow, the only think left of her original pigment being a spot surrounding one of her eyes. Her arms were scarred and marked up almost horrifically, but quick movements with her arms seemed to suggest the damage was only cosmetic.

"They're not going to listen to you guys." She shrugged. "We've been waiting too long for this chance."

Shawn grunted. He was trying to help them out, but they didn't seem to care if anyone was on their side or not. At least this girl could recognize that Shawn and the others were friendly. He didn't get the chance to respond. Another young teen, a few years older then Shawn lunged at him with a mighty roar.

Shawn was only barely able to catch him, and held him as far away as he could. "Could you call him off!? Tell him we're getting you all out?" The kid on top of him was speaking in some language he couldn't understand, and refused to let go of Shawn.

The girl sighed. "I don't speak French. Find your own way to get him off."

"Emma?" Shawn still struggled with the kid, looking around for their telepath. "Isn't there some way you can tell them all to calm down?"

"They're not listening, Shawn. Unless I assume direct control, they're not going to stop." Was her telepathic answer to his question.

Another grunt from Shawn. It looked like he needed to join in with the taking out of the guards. With his arms firmly on the kid on top of him, Shawn delivered just enough of a shock to get him to jump off. So much for absolutely no mutations. The kid growled, but ran off to find someone else to attack.

Shawn picked himself back up and ran into the fight. He glanced around to see who was doing what, and how he could help. Tatiana was gone, somewhere, Heidi was carrying her breifcase and another mutant, Bonny was hanging back, and Chrys was trying to work out a plan too.

"We can't do that Chrys." Shawn shook his head to the newly aged teammate. "We need to bring as many of these mutants back as we can. You could shift them, but they'd still be blood thirsty. We just need to keep the casualty count as low as possible.

Shawn made sure to get up close and personal with each of the guards he encountered. He needed to be close enough so a little shock could send them out. It was a slow process, but the only way he figured that the numbers of survival would be highest. He still had to fight some of the mutants too, but after the seeing Shawn and the others focusing on the guards, some of the other mutants began to see them as friendly. The first of which was the spotted girl, then some others, and the number slowly increased.

Unfortunately, Shawn's mission of low casualties was pointless as Laura, Wade, and Cable all worked to kill. He was still fighting for his own ideals.

"Emma, what are they looking like? Are they calm enough yet?"

"Those that are fighting with you. Tatiana has left with some of the mutants, quickly inspiring them to follow her. There's nothing I can do about her from here."

The fight continued, the masses of Mutants slowly but surely started to help fight outwards to safety, but still refused to not kill. Shawn wasn't even sure what to do now. They were still rowdy. The only different now was that they were mostly outside, and mostly covered in blood. It was not a pleasant feeling.

There was still more fighting going on inside. Many more mutants were inside, fighting the good fight.

"Heidi!" Shawn called out as he proceeded through another set of doors. "Put that kid and the briefcase on the blackbird. Newgirl, I need you too! Rose Mary, you and Chrys stay out here and help with evacuation and taking care of any guards that slip out here." He looked at the adults. emma needed to stay out, help keep everyone calm. Laura should stick with them as well. She looked like she needed to see all of these mutants freed. He didn't exactly trust Wade, so that just left two people. "Mr. Smith, Cable, I need you guys too! We need to go back in and help free the last of the mutants inside."

Just as he announced his plan, more guards stomped outside. Where were they all coming from? This was an unreasonably large military force for an experimenting compound. There had to be something larger at play here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CleverFox
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CleverFox CleverFox

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Olinda punched a metaled girl in the face she winced watching the girl fly back. She closed the walls around the girl letting her scream at Olinda profanities in a language she couldn't place. She watched the others leave and followed not to far behind knocking out mutants and guards alike. As she ran she was never really touched all she had to do was stomp her foot hard enough and who ever tried to hurt her was sent flying behind her or beside her. All in All she tried not to kill.

Until one kid decided to hop onto her back and throw her into a wall with a loud bang. She drops to the ground groaning looking over and sees a guy with blue veins going through out his body."C'mon little girl. You're acting all tough and shit."

"Look, I am not here to hurt you, Azul." She says getting back up a foot sized boulder forming in her hand.

"I don't give a fu-" He was met with a rock making him yelp then a rock covered foot to his jaw.

"Sh. No cussing while there are kids around,Azul." Olinda says with a giggle before making a run for the others. She helped some mutants trying to just get out by making ways for them to get out of the mess. Knocking a few more guards she finally came to the exit.

She caught up with them at the exit and looks around whistle and looks at the leader? She didn't know but she'll go with it," My name isn't 'New girl' it's Olinda and what do you need me too do, el jefe."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rose Mary used the bone spear to defend herself from mutants and guards alike. She always went for non-lethal attacks. She really didn't want anyone else's death on her conscious especially the crazed mutants that were torture prisoners, but they were making it really hard. If she hadn't turned her skin into metal one dude would have melted her face off with some kind of acid spit. She punched him in the mouth, breaking several teeth. "Serves you right dickface. Now behave or I will break something that can't be easily replaced with dentures." She pointed to his family jewels. He instinctively covered them with his hands. "You will do as I say and you will get your fellow freed prisoners under control or only God will be able to help you." The acid spitting mutant began slapping some sense into his fellow former prisoners.

Rose Mary was going to have to have a long chat with Booker, if this is the kind of shit she was going to have to put up with from other mutants she wanted no part of it. They could all be tortured to death for all she cared. She was keeping the bone spear though. It just needed sanding and polishing to give it the shine like the bone handles of knives.

Tatiana was driving at top speed to get as far away from those morons as possible. They came across a small town. "If any of you speak Spanish I need you as a translator." A person of indeterminate gender clearly older than Tatiana meekly raised their hand. "Come with me then." The two got out. Using the translator Tatiana was able to find a phone, the only phone in this one mule town. She called the law firm her clan started. The senior partners were the only ones in the know about the true leadership and they knew better to defy her. The last senior partner who did she ripped his throat out in front of the rest. He tasted awful.

"I am in Mexico, my time at that school is done. Get us transportation from... I don't know how to pronounce it. Also get me whatever a thousand dollars in Mexican money, promised that to them to use their one and only phone. Also I need somone working on getting identity papers for some mutants that I rescued from a place holding them against their will and torturing them. They actually blinded one of them just to see they could make his enhanced hearing even better. Also get a team of lawyers together, we are buying Alkali-Transigen. Make sure anyone who currently works for them is not let go, I have plans for them. They will fucking pay for what they did. I don't care if they are a janitor. They will all suffer before they die, unless they can be prove themselves useful to me alive. I don't care what it costs just get it done." Tatiana and the translator went back to the van. "There is a plane coming, be here in a few hours. Be prepared to defend yourselves in case my former teammates find us or your former captures find us. Also no one hurts anyone in this village, not us, not your former captures. But don't be rule out using the village as a shield if my former team comes, those panty wastes won't do anything to hurt them." Tatiana was more concerned about the time travelers at this point. How many times have they fought in this village that she doesn't know about. Taking out Heidi was going to be the number one goal, no Heidi no time travel. Then she thought if there was no time travel then she would never have found out about A-T and she wouldn't be able to stop them from committing mutant genocide. Tatiana grunts in frustration, she hates time travel one big circle jerk of fuckery.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Heidi nodded. Once again, she was putting trust in Shawn. She believed in him this time. Besides, once again, there was no happy ending, nor could there have been. Returning to the Blackbird, she set the unconscious mutant down, then stowed the briefcase. She contemplated returning to help, but leaving his mutant here to possibly wake up in the blackbird and cause havoc would be a bad idea. So she sat, and waited.

@Burning Kitty

Tobias Wolf left the truck, and pased close to it, to stretch his legs. He'd never been in a space as large as this since he was free. Mexico sure was a lot dryer than Austria...He could feel the dryness in the air. Plus it was so quiet. No screaming, no banging, no scientists or guards pacing the corridors. Just the sounds of cars, and people talking in Spanish in the distance.

Tatianna came back, and started talking about making a possible stand against their former captives. That, Tobias agreed with. What was confusing him was why her former teammates were a threat. They helped rescue them, didn't they? Though from the sounds of it, they wouldn't dare hurt humans is this group used them as shields. Now it was beginning to click. They didn't fear humans. They didn't hate humans. They were trying to find a peaceful solution, and would probably frown on any kind of war. Tobias didn't think that was a bad or wrong philosophy. Hell, maybe it was right. But he venomously refused to share it. He didn't want to be 'right', or 'nice', or 'just'. For what had been done to him, he wanted to be wrong, and nasty, and vengeful. He wanted blood.

He nodded in agreement. This girl was a leader he could gladly follow. But what about the rest of them. The tall, blond boy stepped forward, and looked to the rest of the freed.

"I can't see your facial expressions, so just tell me. Is there anyone among us who has doubts?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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Cable was still carrying Bonny at this point in the mission, and when Shawn had called on him to go back in, he couldn't tell the young man no. He had to be the last one to group of with the splinter team. He fired his laser rifle wildly with one arm, Bonny hoisted over the other, and retreated to the blackbird. He set the girl and his rife down, strapping Bonny into one of the seats before picking his rifle back up.

"Emma." Cable spoke loud enough over the sounds of war. "Bonny is in the jet, make use of her abilities to keep the blackbird secure." There wasn't time for debate. He could see her nod with his single eye, and ran off to rejoin Shawn, Booker, and Olinda.

Once the group was all together, Shawn worked on running back inside. Only now was he introduced to Olinda proper. After seeing her mutation in action, it was almost like even this part was planned out by Cable and the team, if at least somewhat.

"Shawn." He introduced himself back to her. "Geokinetic, huh? Awesome." Running back in through the way they came, Shawn made sure to overload any electronic doors in their way, disabling them from locking down. Anything that couldn't be pried open with some constructs or geokinesis, would surely open up after meeting Cable's rifle.

He didn't need to say it again. Everyone was already on the same page. Shawn listened closely to try and judge where people were. Left or right, further down or back behind them. "Booker, once we secure more mutants, I need you to escort them back to the jet. Olinda, you'll be going with the second group if we have enough, and Cable and I will tale back the rest if there's really that many left inside."

And then the carnage began again. As another door of the once pristine building opened up, the sounds of screaming and violence were as loud as ever. Shawn spearheaded the operation, charging in quickly and doing whatever he could to help neutralize the guards, but he picked Olinda, Cable, and Booker because they were the best three other than Heidi to deal with people physically. Olinda and Booker could restrain people physically, and Cable's rifle and brute strength made it easy for him to take out nearly any target.

"Bonny, dear. I'm going to lay out an image of the field around us, and I need you to quicksand the floor where the guards are." Suddenly, Emma was back in the Blackbird and back in Bonny's mind. Laura was now in charge of managing the team back in the real world. "Once we're able to make sure that the guards can't get to us, we can start moving people into the jet. Maximum occupancy isn't something we can worry about right now. Booker will just have to keep constructs up on the flight back." She smiled to herself, forgetting how easy is was to say her thoughts "vocally" in someone elses mind. It was a tricky thing.

Meanwhile, back to reality, Laura watched as Cable and the others left. With the rabid and furious mutants they had, it was easy to make quick work of the guards, but they just kept on coming. They had never gotten this far, it was something that they couldn't have predicted. But they were still going to fight their way out anyway.

"Chrys!" She yelled to the young man. "Physical attacks only! You cannot get any older." He was getting close to his limit, and uses like putting people in subspace did age him forward quite a bit. She didn't want this kid using all of his power and running out of time before his life even began. Heidi was still tending to that unconscious mutant in the jet. With a grunt, she stabbed another guard in the shoulder and kicked him off of her claws. She couldn't ask Heidi to wake him up, lest he still be violent and have the power to decimate their only way out. Someone had to keep him calm when he woke up.

Plus, it would be good experience for Heidi to talk someone down while in a very tense war zone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tickout
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It was bad. Everything was bad and awful and going way too fast for her to process, despite the fact that she had mentally prepared for it prior. For a second the world had cut out, leaving her suspended in silence and worry before mental flashes of the combat going on entered her mind. She didn’t know what to do, nor did she have the training to think and act as quickly as the others. She only managed to regain her mental balance when a map of the surroundings were projected in her mind, along with instructions on what to do. Quicksand the floor. Yeah… she could do that. Shouldn’t be hard.

The world laid out in front of her, bonny focused her mind. She could change what she wanted here, and she wanted to make the ground around the guards unstable and quicksand-y so that they couldn’t follow them. She focused on each step the soldiers were taking, imagining their feet sinking into the ground instead of making contact and allowing them to continue walking. Sink… sink…

After a few seconds of focus, Bonny got what she wanted- well, more or less. Instead of stepping onto hard ground to continue the advance, the enemies moving forward began to get caught in ground that was once stable. Legs began to sink down into the ground, similar to quicksand, though the ground where the guards weren’t stepping seemed perfectly fine to walk on. Bonny kept her focus on her task, keeping it so that the people now trapped in the floor wouldn’t have an easy way out.

“... This’ll do?” she asked, once she felt she had a good grip on the situation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Chrys switched between using his spatial distortions to block and his staff to incapacitate anything in his way. He charged up a long the walls, his powers letting him tilt the room around him to his advantage. He was slowly realizing what his father had meant by how he could actually beco!e a monster. Beyond the one kid who blew toxic gas and the other with acid spit, he was in a while other level. Of course, he was older than most of them. He was starting to feel it too, having hard a month or so with his facial hair going from stubble to a rugged half inch beard all over.I

When Laura called out to him, he nodded. "I'll try to keep it dowm. It's not a power easily controlled yet." As he said this a fireball smacked against him, when it cleared he shook his head and coughed, mostly unharmed beyond a scorch mark on his shirt. "I'm betting on having a few decades left after all this is done... I wonder how much Time I do have..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CleverFox
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CleverFox CleverFox

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Olinda nodded to Shawn and ran with him back into the building and secured the other doors that couldn't be opened electronically with stone before sighing. While he was trying to get his bounds Olinda kept the doors up until she heard Shawn talk again. She nodded and let the doors down. Olinda smirks,"Whatever you say, Jefe." She says before gathering ip some earth around her making it swirl."I'll just be knocking some heads." She says throwing some rocks at the guards.

Seeing some guards aiming to shoot at a 2 younger mutant kids. Olinda hands shook as she tried to get a good grasp of where they are on the ground. After getting a proper location she lifted her hands the ground mimicking the motion out of the ground below the men as hands. She made her hands into fists grabbing the men and bring them down to the ground. Making sure the hands will stay she released her own fist she panted feeling tired before yelling pointing to Booker,"Go with him! Hurry!" She says.

She looks at Shawn,"I got Golems that can help us gather more Mutant's faster. I can only do five or six without getting too tired if you want me to use them just let me know,el jefe." She say throwing a rock at a guards head who was sneaking up on her knocking him out. Olinda felt light headed from the rock hands but she had to focus on the mission at hand. She went back to subduing the guards and trying to get the muntants to go to Booker.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rose Mary was grabbed from behind by a guard. She was in no mood to be manhandled by anyone especially a morally bankrupt asshole pretending to be a man. She stepped on his foot which released his grip on her. Using the bone spear she made him look up at her just before she delivered a kick to his balls. When the guard collapsed to the ground she delivered another kick to his face.

Another guard tried tasering her but the projectile attached to some kind of wire just bounced off her metallic skin. She grabbed it and attached to the guards skin. She grabbed the trigger unit and tased him repeatedly.

One guard was about to stab a former mutant prisoner in the back when she stabbed him in the hand with the bone spear. The former mutant prisoner grabbed the knife and proceeded to gut the guard like a prisoner. The guard's intestines were all over the floor.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jefe. What did that even mean? If she was on the fast track to getting into the school, and probably onto the team, Shawn figured he better find out what that meant pretty soon. He wasn't sure if he could trust her to tell him the true meaning of the word, so he'd have to find out on his own when he got back.

"Worry about the guards for now," Shawn looked back and around, seeing what everyone had been doing. Cable was still picking off the guards, one by one, and Booker was picking them up using his constructs. The rowdy little beasts were a little much to handle, but Booker made sure that they couldn't get out of his construct box. Shawn was still going on the offensive, hoping to help Booker collect as many as possible before he'd have to go back.

The time was a little sooner than he expected.

"Shawn!" Booker shouted. "I'm going back to the blackbird! There shouldn't be a whole lot more left."

Shawn let out a small huff of air. "Alright, Olina. Do your thing." He guess there wasn't much of a reason to keep her from not picking up other mutants. Whatever she didn't grab, he and Cable would be able to sweep the last of them up so they could get out of there.

A guard rounded the corner and appeared before the group of liberating mutants. Wielding cattle prods, he made to aim at Olinda, hoping to stab or strike her with a hearty volt. Shawn couldn't have asked for more of a gift. His hands show forward, and made the effort to suck up as much energy as he could from the cattle prods. The plasma funneled out like a wisp, entering his finger tips. He didn't drain all of the energy from the little lightning sticks, as he still had more work to do on the other guards, but it was enough to give him a bit of a boost.

It took time, but the waves of guards began to slow down and thin out. Even this surprisingly large force was finite, and apparently paper thin.

Laura didn't stop to look at the gore surrounding her. It wasn't anything that she had seen before. She could take a second to breathe, though. The guards were getting tired of dying, and they seemed to wise up. Deadpool was getting tired too, for a vastly different reason. because the guards were getting smarter, and less of them were appearing, there was less for him to do. While he had gone sword crazy for a while, guns were becoming his best friends again, and he shot them all with various counts, making sure he had enough bullets to share with everyone.

And then booker walked out, carrying a large crate with about six young children and teens inside. Most of them were calm, being housed by a mutant power, but the others still saw another prison. That was the immediate sight, and the unsureness about language made sure that nobody knew exactly what was going on.

Laura lunged towards Booker, slaughtering any and all guards who made an attempt on him and the other mutants. "Defend Booker." Was her simple, yet loud command. "Heidi, I will need you to explain to them what's going on when they are in the plane."

Laura assisted Booker with her claws, ensuring that the escort safely made it to the blackbird without any further harm. Once they were in, Booker set the construct down and made it face away, letting the children fall to the ground.

Booker smiled at Heidi, nodding at her before he turned half way back into the fight. "Take it slow, Heidi. You've got this."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Chrys did his best to keep the path tho the Blackbird free of guards. With them thinning out, he was able tot use his powers as much. Flicking his staff in the air he shifted it to clothesline a guard who lunged at him and knocked him down and out. He could feel his strength ebbing away, something he hadn't really felt in a while. Underneath it all, he felt a slow simmering feeling that he couldn't well identify. But he did his best to push through his limits and help the team.

He was knocked back by a guard who got the jump on him as he was in thought. He felt his body tilt and instead of falling down, he let out a small stasis bubble to catch himself and the guard. Using the field's effects to his advantage, he caught himself and sent the man tumbling. That field however caused him to feel instantly nauseous, as he realized what the simmering was as he threw up on the ground. Unlike normal vomit, it was mostly black and smelled of actual death. He managed to get to the Blackbird and in a seat before he blacked out from sheer exhaustion.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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When the mutant she brought in herself woke up, Heidi was as alarmed as he was, and it was only when she heard him shouting in Finnish that she decided to try talking to him in Russian, and to her relief, he understood and replied in German.

"Please calm down. You're safe."

"HWhere am I?!"

"You're on the Blackbird. It's a plane. It's going to take you away from here."

"Are you Russian?"

"No, I'm Scottish."

The other mutant had calmed down a little by now.

"Your accent is good for a Brit. Is your mutation speaking languages."

"No, but it helps. My mutation is that my brain's a supercomputer."

"That sounds like it comes in handy," he chuckled, before offering her his hand. "My name's Matias. Sorry for attacking you. I just wanted to see that bastard dead."

Heidi smiled and shook his hand, replying "Heidi. I completely understand. I also wanted him dead, from an emotional standpoint. From a logical standpoint, It would be much more productive to ruin him in the long term, rather than make him a martyr."

"You speak sense. Not surprising, given your mutation."

It was at this point when the door to the blackbird opened up and a consruct foll of other mutants were dropped inside. Booker assured her that she had this, but she wasn't so sure. She gave a glance at Matias, and, still speaking in flawless Russian, asked him if he'd back her up if she needed him. He agreed. Chrys also came back, the first one besides her to reach the Blackbird, but before she could ask him for help, he took his seat and passed out.

The mutants were restless, though none of them tried to leave the blackbird. Their desire for revenge was strong, but now that they were out of the facility, that weren't exactly keen on the ideas of going back in. Plus the adrenaline was starting to wear off, and fighting armed guards was looking like a less and less good idea.

Heidi cleared her throat, and then spoke, very clearly, "Raise your hand of you can understand English." A few could, so she explained what was happening in English. She then tried the same thing with all the other languages she knew until she had told the situation to every mutant in the plane.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CleverFox
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CleverFox CleverFox

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Olinda nodded focusing on the guards getting mutants near her to safety before going back to busting heads. When Booker called out that he was taking the kids to the black bird it brought her a lot of relief. Good...it was almost over. Then she felt someone drop not to far from her and saw a guard with cattle prods.

"Estúpido hijo de puta." She says to the shocked man before turning towards the battle field. She bends her leg up and stomps on the ground creating cracks. Along the cracks large holes formed and out came her 3 foot rock golems."Get the mutants! Anyone wearing uniforms like this," She points to the man,"Knock them out kill as last resort." She says hearing grunt of acknowledgement half of them rolling into balls the other running forward tripping guards.

Before making sure she has a good hold on her golem's she looks at Shawn,"Thank's for the save there Jefe. I owe you one." She say before running off to get the remaining mutants with her golems. Olinda came to a stop when she heard a cry. A girl maybe 12 sat holding another boy about a year Olinda's Senior holding off guards with what looks like shields. Olinda rushed over knocking some of the men out Uno getting the remaining.

"What do you speak?" Olinda asked looking at the girl.

"English! Please help me! My brother...he-"

"-Is going to be fine." Olinda said running over and checking the boy over,"A gun shot to the shoulder and I think a dislocated shoulder..how did that happen?"

"He was protecting me! When we got out there were others trying to kill us and he was t-t-" The girl started crying.

Uno made grumble making Olinda look at him."Go tell Shawn we have an Injured kid coming alright? Maybe they have supplies or medicine we can give him." She says Uno nodded and rolled away quickly.

Olinda grunts picking up the boy on her back."Whats your power kid?"

"...Don't really know. I can create shields and turn things invisible that's it." The girl says getting up.

"Alright stay by me alright?" Olinda says making her way to the others stomping her foot making a pillar throw a unsuspecting guard fly the other direction just for the pleasure of it."The Names Olinda."

"Emery. Nice to-" She screamed when a golem appeared attacking a guard next to them trying to get another mutant. Olinda looks back checking on Emery before looking at the other mutant."Follow me kids." She said with a smile before moving forward. Emery came closer to Olinda basically hiding behind her leg. As they made their way back, and by the time the girl got back to Shawn she had saved 4 other mutants. Her Golems bringing in 1 each.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After a lengthy process made more difficult by the former prisoners attacking anyone not dressed as a prisoner the X-Pendibles gathered all the former prisoners and took them back to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. The guards were left tied up with rocks, metal, and other things.

Six months have passed since the mission in Mexico. No one has seen Tatiana Mystikos or the mutants that escaped with her since that day. The telepathic mutants at the school have been unable to locate them either, something or someone was shielding them. Some of the mutants rescued from Mexico returned to their 'normal' lives while others chose to remain at the school under the care of Booker Smith. Booker found his schedule quite full these days. Emma Frost stayed around for a while but she eventually left to regather her own students and restart her school.

After the Mexico mission Rose Mary cut off ties to everyone beyond what was absolutely necessary to do her school & X-Pendibles work, she spent her time in her room studying or feeding the squirrels. The clothes that Tatiana bought for her had six months of dust. The closet's door knob had six months of dirt as well.

In New York the law firm of Smith, Foster, & Samson was under new/old management. After the Mexico mission Tatiana returned to her old stomping grounds and took charge. She turned all the mutants that came with her into Dhampirs. The named partners and select few other partners were in the know about the true power behind their law firm. They began an intensive training & tutoring regimen. Tatiana also led a hostile take over of Alkali Corporation. Slowly piece by piece was acquired, but she has been unable to acquire it all, but she wasn't through with them yet.

The former president of Alkali Corporation has been in jail ever since awaiting trail and while countries duked it out over who got to put him on trial first. He is kept in solitary confinement for his own safety after a prisoner attempted to murder him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Heidi Williams had made major strides since that day. Not in communication. Progress on her social side was sure but slow. She still had not the courage to ask Shawn out even though they had become closer, and talked almost every day. No, in her academics, she had passed many, many more classes. In combat, she had trained her body further and had become incredibly adept at using her new, properly built exoskeleton.

She as glad to see the back of the president of the Alkali Corporation. She has been one of the parties responsible for his arrest, using the files she took from his office. In the process, she had made a few friends in high places, that she'd be very glad to keep when sh graduated. Heidi was determined to see her vision through now more than ever; a world where mutants can be, if not accepted in the near future, at least safe and educated, with laws protecting them. She would set mutantkind on a path that will one day end in true equality. The first step when she graduated here was to help pass the Mutant Registration laws. Then, she'd take what she'd learned here by watching the goings on, and make a million Xavier's Schools, all over the world.

As she headed down to class in her black vest, showing off her toned arms, she was feeling a lot more confident than just over six years ago. She wondered who she'd meet today.

Tobias Wolf was helped across the street by a kind gentleman. He thanked the stranger, while nursing a strong desire to lash out at the good Samaritan. "This doesn't make up for anything, Non-Mutant!" he wanted to scream, but deep down knew that the man in question was blameless, and a genuinely good person. That just made his anger worse. All the pain the man's kind had done to Tobias' kind, and thinking these thoughts made him the bad guy. Where was the justice in that?

He entered the law firm that served as their base, white cane clattering on the ground. He didn't really need it. He only used it because people don't expect a man who walks around confidently and assuredly to not know the colors of things, or not know objects that are contained in a box of clear glass. He was actually blind. That was the one thing about him that he didn't need to hide. It was also the only thing he wanted to hide.

Entering the staff only door, Tobias discarded his cane in the umbrella rack. The tall, handsome blond Austrian boy then went around, chatting to his fellow clan members in heavily accented English. He was happy amongst those of either of his own kind, be it dhamphirs or mutants. If they were also both, then all the better.

@Burning Kitty
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Month was May. May 21st, to be exact.

Six months since the time travelers came in and took a group of unlucky mutants into a mutant experimentation facility in Mexico. a whopping 216 deaths made the Transigen Massacre one of the largest in recent history. Many considered it a travesty against mutantkind after Heidi Williams stepped forth with the evidence that made Transigen's intentions clear. People attempted to defend the company, but their time protecting the humans was short. Alkali, the parent company to Transigen, was forced out of the shadows to clean everything up. It wasn't enough. Other projects were made known to the public, like one in Canada, and another in Japan. The Alkali Company traded hands several times in a short amount of time, ending up in someone's hands somewhere. A big company wasn't normally pushed and pulled around by dummy names like small businesses were, but that was obviously the case to keep someone off of the tracks.

Emma Frost, devastated after being unable to find her mutant family, left the Mansion to rebuild her own facility. She still kept in contact with Booker and the rest of the team, but she had to constantly remind herself that her place was not with them, it was with her fallen Warlocks. Some of the liberated mutants left with Emma, liking her style of teaching over Charles'. She still sent postcards to Rosemary, feeling that she was the one whom she had connected with the most during her time at the school.

As the team progressed, Booker took a backseat as the mentor, and stuck around as a handler. They were still kids, and they needed to focus on their studies. He could pick out their missions to suggest to Shawn, who would then talk them over with the team.

Shawn was getting better at being a leader. After a little breakdown after the Transigen mission, he started working harder than ever before. Not only to be a good X-man, but a good leader. Instead of his black and neon costume, he opted for something closer to the classic yellow and blue spandex, of course tailored to his abilities. He blamed himself and his inability to take a stand for Tatiana leaving, and tensions had never been higher after Emma left as well. He almost wanted to say that Emma wanted Rosemary to come along with her, but Emma didn't verbally say anything.

That winter, just before holiday break, the mansion had hosted a christmas dance party. Shawn may have been working to be a good leader, but he was lacking in many other places. In his nightstand still rested an envelope and a wrapped gift. Both objects were for a single person, but Shawn didn't have the courage to deliver them, especially since his name was on them.

It was now the new millennia, and Shawn was now 17. A bolt of lightning sprang from one outstretched finger to the next. He didn't feel older. One year older and he was still as tired during school hours as ever. He only hoped that Kurt-er, Mister Wagner, wasn't going to drone on today. He really didn't feel like getting stuck to the rafters, or teleported to alaska, or stuck with bees in his nose or something wild like that. He just wanted a quiet day to focus and relax, and hopefully he'd get it.

He always looked to the door when someone new came through. Heidi was no exception. Shawn's mouth gaped open a little as she came through, but he quickly collected himself. He flashed her a smile, holding up his copy of Mary P. Hamlin and George Arliss' very own Hamilton. Mister Wagner did actually make them study plays and theater performances as a part of the class, after all.

"Morning." Shawn yawned, his warm smile quickly stretching out into a tired one as his sure and confident facade fell. If anything could come about his friendship with his teammates, it was that he didn't feel the need to he at 100% when it wasn't mission time. He didn't have anything to prove in the off hours, and Shawn was fine with that.

"Oh, wait. It's almost lunch."
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