Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by StormyClouds
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StormyClouds TauroGal

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alex Rodriguez

September 5th, 1969.
0810 HRS

Alejandra's brown eyes traveled to the inside of the counselor's office. She noticed the face of one of the underclassmen and raised her brow inquisitively, wondering why would he be helping the lazy and obnoxiously chatty counselor. Nick's voice shook her out of her line of internal questioning and, looking at him, she listened to what he had to say.

The young woman rolled her eyes at the taller one of the two and clicked her tongue. Giving him a nod, she took a step forward and watched him walk inside the office. "I'll bring popcorn." She said, jokingly, before he was too far away. She leaned against the wall and hummed a song to herself while she waited for her turn to enter the office.

0812 HRS

Taking several steps, she found herself in front of the infamous counselor and the guy helping him. She had winked at Nick as they passed by each other before the hazel eyes of the blonde fellow and her own brown orbs meet. Alex was pretty darn sure that her eyes held the ever growing question of why but, the curt voice of the young man she had seen just a several counted times throughout the school's halls was enough to make her keep her tongue in check and actually voice her inquiries. He had asked for her name and she provided it. "Alejandra Rodriguez". She said fluently, her Spanish accent thickening much more rather than it actually was whenever she spoke English.

She was given her papers and that was enough to tear a smile off of her. "Thank you, sweetie." Long locks moved as her head was tilted to the side. "What's your name?" The Mexican senior asked politely, the corner of her lips rounding up into a small grin. Her attention was taken away from the kid and placed upon the counselor. He began asking her in a friendly manner how her summer had been and a lot of annoying pleasantries. She replied curtly to every question he made and when finally, Alejandra had enough, she excused herself from both people filling the room and walked out of it.

0900 HRS

After wandering from her locker to her classroom, heading to the auditorium was nothing more than a terrible, terrible experience, especially when, as a senior, one gets to know the different reasons why the principal would assemble everyone in the auditorium. The main one happened every first few days into the new year of school and it just meant sitting on your ass for two or more hours hearing the words of an old man who looked triumphant over his VP's pathetic existence. Alejandra decided to take a seat by the middle section of seats on the far end of the row, already scheming her escape route for when it was going to be needed.

1040 HRS

Alex didn't know if she should cry, laugh, cringe or barf. That speech had given her physical pain. It was sad, really. That man would most likely become their next chief in command and he was so bad at his job as a VP, she couldn't imagine what shitshow he would make out of the position of principal.

That speech had been so bad that she had to look away, defeated by the sight of a middle aged man being a total waste of space and oxygen and just making such a fact much more clearer for everyone in the room. The way laughter erupted from many made her turn back to the stage and catch, just barely, the moment when Jones actually crashed against the chairs as if they had magically appeared in his way. They had come down to hit the cold, hard floor while he kept staggering towards the side of the stage, out of the sight of the many pair of eyes that were watching him.

1050 HRS

Not being able to stomach much more from the absolute ridiculousness that this assembly became, Rodriguez stood up, calmly walked to the back door. One of her teachers asked what her business was outside of the auditorium when the assembly was still in motion and Alex held back a grin that threaten to spread. God bless this strange gift that she had discovered she had because fooling this one specifically without it would had been tough as balls. Concentrating, she began shifting the teacher's reality slightly, making a trail of blood appear on her thighs. Her face immediately became a mask of distress and absolute horror.

Looking around, Alejandra moved her hands down to try and cover her legs but intentionally failing miserably. "I'm so sorry but I really need to go to the bathroom." As expected, the male hadn't quite caught on and simply shook his head at her, telling her to hold it in. The dark haired senior lowered her eyes to the bloody spot she had been doing an awful job at covering and back up to the man who had followed her big eyes' movements. Realization hit the man's face and, oh my god, she wished she could picture his face at that exact second. Being the graphic depiction of what being mortified would be, he immediately moved aside and hurriedly pushed Alex out of the room.

Satisfied, as soon as the doors closed behind her, the immigrant tried to finish, in a way, the shit he had done on the teacher and, after a few beats passed, she decided if it was gone and out of his mind, then good but if it wasn't well, he wasn't going to exactly be seeing her soon. Alex walked towards an exit only some students knew of and neglecting faculty staff. She wondered if she will get to see Nick perfecting his craft.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 36 min ago

The Tarwin Brothers

September 5, 1969

Out of the crowd of well-dressed businessmen stood the two twin brothers, The Tarwin Brothers. The suits had shown up midway through the speech, joining the other affluential men amongst the crowd at the back of the auditorium. If it wasn't evident by their flashy rings, expensive suits, haircut, and shoes - it was now as the crowd turned towards the brothers and greeted them. This crowd always showed up for the first years speech, not many students and staff had a clue who they were or what their stakes were with the school itself.

It didn't take long for Jones to set something off because the businessmen started shouting, while it quieted down over time. They were not happy, the brothers promptly exited the auditorium. It wasn't a good sign.

Nick Kostashe

September 5th, 1969
1100 HRs

Nick didn't show up for the assembly, it was quite obvious what his intent was for that day. It was easy to slip out since he'd been doing it years and this year didn't seem to be different. Fucking with cars came second nature, he was a gearhead a mechanic and engineer by trade. When he walked up to Jone's car he began his work jimming the hood open so he could get to the battery. Maybe it was his butter fingers or his impending rage for the poor VP but he jolted back as his hands sapped what was left of Jones's car battery. Nick's hair stood up as the battery laid dead in his car.

Realizing what happened, Nick began to panic as he slammed the hood shut. Looking around for an escape plan as the hyped up male frantically looked around.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by badguy28
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badguy28 I smash kid rapists like you into jelly.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Chester Jones

September 5th, 1969
1100 HRs

Chester barreled down the halls, knocking over trash cans which were well out of their way. A student who walked into the front door was promptly knocked onto his ass as the raging bull slammed into him with his shoulder. "Move it, nerd!" Shouted the soon-to-be principal as the dorky fucker dropped his textbooks on the ground. Chester descended the stairs two at a time, before scanning the lot frantically. His search was interrupted with a loud hood slam. His bloodshot eyes lurched over to his car, and he removed his sunglasses, meeting eyes with Nick. There was a moment of silence while the two locked eyes, before Chester started charging at the now charged teenager. Despite Nick's best efforts to escape, the drunken Chester's rage fuelled him, and he reached out to catch Nick, only barely grasping the gold chain around his neck. With a terrifying bang, Nick's necklace discharged.

A few moments later, the two were shaken awake by the officers stationed outside the school, both in a bit of a daze. The only clue the cops had was the small puddle of gold on the asphalt.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Juniper
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lisa Bryant

1103 HRS

Lisa's head turned sharply towards the shouting that came from the drunken, enraged Mr. Jones as he blasted out of the school doors, his furious eyes scanning the area. Ignoring her hungry stomach, she observed intently as the ridiculous event unfolded before her. He then locked eyes with Nick who she hadn’t noticed until that moment, slamming a car’s hood loudly. Before she knew it, they were both knocked out on the cement parking lot.
Her mouth wide and her almond eyes unblinking, she abandoned her tray of food on the bench and ran towards the scene. As she arrived, she noticed a few officers just coming over as well.
She glanced over at Jones for a brief moment and shook her head in disgust. A high school teacher had to be insane to go and try attacking a student. But then again, it was Jones. And what was Nick doing messing with Jones’ car?
“Are you alright?” she inquired in a somewhat quiet voice as she looked at Nick, her arms crossed nervously once the officers shook them back to life.
Her mind was whirling with questions trying to discern what she had just witnessed. She had stayed out of the loop for so long she had no idea what was really going on around her.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Liam Stromberg

1100 Hrs.

Liam scanned the parking lot slowly, he wondered how the unstable VP made it past him or out this far even. His answer came in the form of the VP charging across the parking lot, he seemed to be making a bee line towards his car. Unsurprisingly he could see Nick at the other man’s car, he looked nervous. More so than usual, but that could very easily be explained because he got caught doing whatever it was he was doing to Chester’s car.

He was quite content to simply stand there and watch how things turned out. However, Liam could tell by Chester body language that he was upset. To put it lightly. So he did what any sensible student would do in his situation, head over to make sure it didn’t get too ugly. Walking at a quick pace he began to jog towards them after they reached each other and a loud bang was heard.

1104 Hrs.

The boy couldn’t see what had occurred it happened on the other side of the car and by the time he had gotten there the two were being shaken awake by a couple officers. Liam recognized the officers from his long nights working in the hospital but couldn’t recall their names. He met a lot of people from town at the hospital either on personal business or work.

The VP and Nick seemed out of it when he looked over to them, they seemed like they were in shock and Liam was suddenly curious what could have transpired in that instant that resulted in both of these men being nearly unconscious. He could also see a small puddle of what looked like brass or gold, “Was that there before?” he thought to himself as he looked the two over, “You two alright?” he spoke to them from behind one of the officers. “You don’t need me to go get the medical kit from the shop or anything?” instinctually he was worried, and inquiring about their health would normally be the first thing he would ask anyway. While he waited behind the officer his question not addressing anyone in particular and hardly noticed the other girl there as well.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by StormyClouds
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StormyClouds TauroGal

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alex Rodriguez

September 5th, 1969.
1100 HRS

Alejandra was out from the school building, sun kissing her face as her eyes looked around to locate herself and calculate how many steps she had left so she was in the parking lot. Walking towards the impromptu theater that Nick had managed to create out of his absolute hate for the high school's horrid VP, her hazel orbs locked on the young adult who seemed to be looking around for something. This only made the Mexican girl cock a brow, inquisitively, and step further towards the area of interest, stopping just when she had reached the Counselor's car. Her hip met the blue colored vehicle's side as Alex leaned against it, her arms crossed over her breasts, looking on as the scene unfolded..

Noticing Lisa at a nearby bench with a food tray on her lap, looking on, was not out of the ordinary. The girl always seemed to be around hanging from the corners of every scenario. Never really interacting with anything that wasn't of any concern to her or her grades. Somehow, that seemed just right in Alex's mind, even though she wasn't much of following that ideology. The immigrant always deemed information valuable and if meddling with someone or paying close attention to her environments was required, she was up to pay that price.

1103 HRS

Which was why a fucking loud sound was able to tear her eyes off the other girl and plaster her view on the drunk bastard they had to call VP holding onto Nick and, in the next second, they were both tumbling unto the ground. She blinked once, twice and before she knew it she was making her way to them, brows creased in worry.

As soon as she had gotten near them, she noticed the puddle of bright, shimmery yellowish something just hanging out in near the two bodies being shaken by officers. Her brows furrowed further, trying to think of what the fuck that was. Looking up, Alex noticed the same kid that had been helping the Counselor staring down in palpable confusion at the strange puddle, which only reinforced what she had quickly found out about it. It wasn't supposed to be there. Biting the inside of her cheeks, thinking of what she should do, Alex immediately stepped in front of it and positioned her feet "strategically" enough, trying her best to hide it from the police or any other set of curious eyes that happened to glance at it. She should definitely ask Nick if he knew what the fuck that was, after all, she wouldn't want the poor rebel getting in problemas over some lost evidence of his actions towards Chester's car.

"I think that medical kit idea sounds absolutely amazing right now." Alejandra said evenly, looking over both Kostache and Jones's bodies in search of any sign of injuries. Not being able of finding one at first glance gave the senior some relief but she knew perfectly well that it didn't mean they were totally fine and the prospect of having something to deal with any kind of given injury was always nice.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 36 min ago

Nick Kostashe

September 5th, 1969
1102 HRs

Before the blackout, Nick only remembered connecting a punch to that old man's jaw, but something gnarly caused the both of them to hit the floor. Heavy burn marks over his chest and minus one gold chain left Nick pretty pissed, and in pain. If Jackson hadn't radioed for a replacement patrol the two deputies wouldn't have responded so quickly. Deputy Yang and Jaber responded, by putting handcuffs on the two of them and separating them. Yang was a skinny, Asian - stick of a cop but Jaber was one of the biggest cops in town. All white, all American and straight from the suburbs of Dearborn - right outside of Detroit. The town sure had its characters, but these two never fucked around. The sounds of an ambulance siren broke the silence in the distance.

"You have the right to remain silent anything you say..."

The Miranda caution drilled into the twos ears as Nick squirmed with pain, hot gold burned and settled into his chest as he eyed the vice-principal Jones. It was fucked, they were both so fucked. Jones maybe more than Nick, the army needed Nick - and no one needed the old fart. People were coming outside, some familiar faces were popping up. Byrant, Rodgriuez - they were all watching, judging. It sucked but that's how it was, the tightening of handcuffs buzzed into Nick's ear as the cuffs that now laid on this wrists were firm. The two found themselves in a tight mess.

The ambulance came and Nick was loaded up first, the cops might drive Jones to the ER if he needed the aid for his jaw. It was unlikely but yet to be unseen. The teen didn't say anything to the VP, but he knew other people would talk, they would give him the thrashing Nick was reserving his energy for. This only escalated the already delicate situation, but what could he do?

Complaining was never his thing anyway.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Juniper
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lisa Byrant

September 5th, 1969

Once the cops began handcuffing Nick and Jones, Lisa discreetly slipped away, not really knowing what else to do. Though not before she noticed that Alex also joined in earlier. She wondered what Alex must have thought of the whole ordeal since she and Nick appeared to be friends. She had caught a glimpse of her hiding the gold chain as well. Kind of wanting to ask her about the whole thing, she knew it was none of her business so she decided not to utter anything but instead, she left silently, back to her mac 'n cheese. She finished her food which now had grown cold and headed off to finish the rest of the school day.

The following hours as she was in class, her mind was occasionally flitting back to what had occurred during lunch. She hoped everything would resolve itself but then at the same time she knew that that wasn’t very likely. Both Nick and Jones were impulsive, stubborn individuals so she assumed things would most likely get worse before it gets better. Everyone was talking about what had happened and those who never talked to her were now, without warning pressing her with annoying, prying questions. Not one to desire attention for herself, she gave only one-worded responses and quickly grew irritated of all of it and was alleviated once the bell rang. Pushing her way through the crowd, she promptly made her way to her truck. Once inside, she leaned back and rested her head on the seat and drew in a deep breath.

“Phew, thank God it’s Friday,” she said to herself before sliding her the key into the ignition and the truck roaring to life.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by StormyClouds
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StormyClouds TauroGal

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alex Rodriguez

September 5th, 1969.
1104 HRS

Her sharp eyes had met with Lisa's when she had looked over and caught sight of the strange liquid on the floor. After watching the other girl leave with not much to say, Alex's mind began going through several things she could do. She tried thinking but there was a voice that whispered in the back of her head, not really giving her a chance of rummaging through the options sprawled out in her brain as a single thought kept being pushed to the front of her mind. The answer appeared to be pretty clear to her subconscious, at least. It kept repeating in a rush Usa tu poder raro, pendeja.

Hands rapidly holding the pale student and the stupid old man made Alex react. It was her cue, apparently. She concentrated for a moment, visualizing the spot on the floor where the bright substance was chilling and then making it disappear in her mind. She looked over at the two cops and whoever was near enough to catch a glimpse of it and question it or even go as far as touching it without really giving Alejandra a moment to analyze it and pushed that same image unto their minds. She had never tried her power on so many people but she had to make do because they were handcuffing her client and just que mierda creen que hacen.

Stepping forward, hoping her plan was actually working, the immigrant called the cop, who was grabbing Nick, out. "Hey, why are you handcuffing him?" The latin senior questioned, brows raised and a fierce gaze that was locked on the cop's back matching her not welcoming body language and expression. Alejandra looked over at Nick and noticed the dermis on his chest irritated- red contrasting against his paleness. Her brows raised further while her mouth moved on its own, a que mierda? being clearly mouthed. Her eyes widened when two and two were started to be put together because doesn't Nick usually have a gold, shiny chain around his neck?
What. The. Fuck. Was. Going. On. Here.

Blinking and shaking her head a bit, deciding she was going to leave that subject for later discussion, she tapped the cop's shoulder, having noticed the fucking guy hadn't even turned to acknowledge her. "I asked you a question.", Alejandra said with her jaw tightened a bit. "Why are you handcuffing him?" She said once more, not leaving the cop's side as he walked toward the ambulance. "I understand you handcuffing Jones, but I don't quite understand the logic behind handcuffing a student who was almost assaulted by the school's VP". At that, the Hispanic young woman turned to said VP and just looked disgusted at the sight of him.

Watching how Kostache was thrown into the ambulance, she frowned and walking towards him, pushing a nurse away, she motioned to his damaged white skin on his exposed chest. "What happened to your chest, Nick?" She inquired, softly and low. A headache was starting to make her skull throb and her legs felt a tad weak. She took hold of the edge of where the smoker was sitting, looking down for a moment to regain her bearings, waiting for the other to answer her question.
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