Full Name: Dennis Zachary Eden
Nicknames/Aliases: N/A
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Berkano, on the nape of his neck.
Rune Powers:
Nature Speak – By touching a plant with his bare skin, he will instantly be connected to the ‘wood wide web’, if the plant he touches has enough mushroom mycelia in symbiosis. Using this will make him ‘aware’ of everything in his surrounding area, with more limited communication the further the mycelium spreads. However, it has limited capability – it overrides all of his own mind’s functions, meaning that it can be difficult to pull away. He also cannot use his other power during this time.
Phytokinesis – Be it rain or shine, dark or light, Dennis can manipulate nearby vegetation, trees, flowers, and even moss. For the most part, it’s his ability to accelerate a plant’s growth that comes in use. He is also able to command them to grow to enormous proportions (…to an extent) and develop vines, tangling roots, and barbed thorns. He can even persuade them to quickly regenerate, as long as the ‘wound’ has not been burned. Not all scars can heal…
Description: Tending to wear things bought cheap or found in charity shops, Dennis is often considered ‘simple’ in what he wears – consisting of a small range of jumpers, jeans and shirts. It’s more out of necessity than desire… okay, it’s completely necessity. But, he doesn’t mind. It’s for Tom, after all.
Personality: Dennis is a tough nut to crack. It isn’t that he’s antisocial or he doesn’t believe in people… he’s just rather closed off person. It comes mostly from his situation as his brother’s only bodily able relative, and their financial difficulties from the same situation.
He’s also been alone for a very long time, and had to grow up far too fast. Caring for an ailing parent and a younger brother tends to do that to you. So he isn’t going to bloom without a little coaxing.
His determination, strong desire to protect, and his reason for joining the Blessed all stem from Tom. And so does his perseverance, strength, and ruthlessness.
Photosynthescout – Due to his ability to connect to the plants’ network, as long as these things are in the circuit, he can ‘see’ the surrounding area. It can also be used to identify his, or other people’s blind spots. Though, the aforementioned difficulty of disconnecting means that there will be delays in his relaying this information.
Hold Fast Your Determination – As long as he knows he needs to help, and he’s not totally incapacitated, he’ll keep on fighting. While it might be overall harmful to his own body, it may just be the tipping point needed to win.
Adaptable – He might not always appear to be, but he’s a quick learner. He’s had to learn a lot of things over the years, and adding another few things to his arsenal isn’t going to be a problem. So prepping him for combat, isn’t going to be much of a shock.
Cheap Chef – Since he’s spent the last five years caring for his younger brother and mother pretty much by himself, he’s learned to get a little inventive with limited ingredients – and it turns out he can be quite good at it. He prefers to prepare meat and bread and pasta, mostly, since fruit and vegetables started screaming at him when he tries to eat them.
Athletic – While he hasn’t gone out of his way to do running or weights and the like for a while, he’s certainly no couch potato. He won’t fall behind too far.
Arid Areas – if there is little or no life nearby, not even the smallest seedlings, it begins to take a toll on Dennis himself. Quickened exhaustion, increased paranoia and shortened temper – separate him from the plants and he’s useless.
Tethered – Dennis’ dedication relies solely on Tom’s well-being. If Tom – or somebody he believes to be Tom – appears to be in danger, he’s not going to think or hesitate. He’s going to help his little brother, no matter what he has to do.
Unexperienced – While he’s good at training, and perhaps even good at controlling his powers, he has put neither to practice.
Brief History: Dennis Eden, born from Chris and Lily Eden, was relatively happy for most of his childhood. It was the three of them, and then four, Tommy being born when Dennis was nine. They lived in a nice house, with a nice garden, in one of the smaller towns. He went to school there, too. But for him, it was too small a world. He always wanted to see what was beyond that great big wall, and explore, and protect the people he cared for… but that wasn’t going to happen.
It was unexpected. There was an attack in their home area – Dennis and his brother and mother were all out shopping, but their father… he’d been at the neighbours, helping them fix their sink or something. And… well, the officer didn’t go into details. Just that several parts of town had been… destroyed. So, their mother took them from the town, and to the city.
They moved into a small apartment in the city. The rent was cheap, but Lily could only afford it by working multiple jobs. Dennis learned quite quickly that he had to keep quiet about their home situation. So he kept away from others. Didn’t try to make friends. Didn’t interact with them. And he
definitely didn’t talk to the adults. But Tommy did. It took warnings from both his brother and mother to convince him not to talk about their difficulties.
And then… his mother got sick. Dennis was seventeen at the time. At first, doctors didn’t believe him, but her condition would worsen by the day. It took a while before anyone figured out that her condition was an Auto Immune Disease – her own body was attacking her. Eventually, Dennis quit school in favour of working in labour or odd errands to keep them afloat, to pay for bills and medicine, and to make sure Tommy got along in school. It was barely just enough to get them by. And then… the Rune etched itself into his neck.
Dennis didn’t know the nature of this rune. He wouldn’t know just what it could do for a while. But he did know about the Blessed, and what they were trying to do. If this was what he thought it was, then he’d cut them a deal. Proper treatment for his mother, and a much better education for Tommy. That’s all he’ll ask of them.
Other: Dennis has dated both men and women, though he’s never quite put a label on himself.