
Name: Genevieve Marceaux
Alias: Healer
Age: 25
Alignment: Mostly hero, although she's shifted to and from neutral as needed for her own gains, and there's some possibility of her unearthing a villainous role.
Loyalty: Independent
Appearance: Genevieve is a young woman of average stature, standing at about 5'5. Weighing approximately 125 lbs, Genevieve has fair skin, fiery-red hair, and turquoise eyes. A field of freckles adorn her cheeks as well as the bridge of her nose, and she's almost never seen without some shade of red on her lips and likewise, black eyeliner and mascara. When it comes to everyday fashion, Genevieve dresses for the occasion, therefore she doesn't follow any one specific trend and she doesn't believe in labels. Whenever she's out preventing mayhem (or sometimes being the cause of it), Genevieve is seen sporting this biker chick
look, albeit substituting for a more comfortable pair of boots. Additionally, Genevieve wears a black wig to hide her appearance, the straight hair falling down to her mid back. To finish off the look, she also wears black aviators with reflective lenses and will very rarely take them off.
History: Genevieve is French-Canadian, born in Quebec but being dragged along to the states at the tender age of 4 after her father accepted a promotion in Colorado. She's an only child, which meant that growing up, she was somewhat spoiled in the process, although when she messed up, either in school or at home, she had no way to wane off the attention of whatever wrongdoing was plaguing her at the moment.
High school was relatively easy for Genevieve. She was very much into the natural sciences and despite having a very soft side for animals, she wasn't entirely sure of what field to get into, although much too often her family and friends pushed her to become a veterinarian. But Genevieve didn't pursue such option. Instead, and, much to her parents' surprise, Genevieve became extremely interested in Geography almost overnight, and eventually, she applied to an out-of-state college and got in, telling her parents that same day that she'd also won a scholarship and wouldn't rely on their money to get her through school. Genevieve double-majored in Geography and Meteorology, and eventually, she landed a job with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration stationed as an Atmospheric Researcher right in her home state.
Unbeknownst to Genevieve, her father, Claude, had made a few enemies due to his position as an attorney. The crooks were seeking payback after one of their associates was put away in prison for a few decades. After doing their research and finding out that Claude had only one child--a young woman nonetheless--they decided to make Genevieve their target instead of Claude. It would hurt him a lot more, and they could use her for leverage if needed be. Genevieve, being unaware of all of this, was walking towards her vehicle after spending a few hours in a bar/restaurant for her friend's birthday. It was dark, she was alone, and one of the men was waiting in the alley for her to walk by. In only a matter of seconds, a gloved hand covered Genevieve's mouth as she was dragged off the sidewalk and pushed against the wall. She couldn't see the individual in front of her because their face was covered by a mask.
"You Genevieve?" he finally asked, keeping the young woman pinned to the side of the building. When Genevieve silently nodded, the man took a hand note and slipped it in her back pocket. It was then she took the opportunity to knee him in the groin, seeing it as her only chance to escape. This move, however, turned out to be a huge mistake the moment the man's demeanor changed. Even though he'd doubled over in pain and Genevieve broke free of his grip, the man didn't let her get far before he tackled her to drag her back to the same spot.
"Big fucking mistake, sweetheart."
Genevieve's heart was racing, and unfortunately, it had every reason to do so. A silent gasp escaped her lips when she felt an intense, sharp pain in her side. She didn't have to look down to know she'd been stabbed, and it's almost as if the ground and everything else around her disappeared and left her and the stranger alone. As her body started to collapse, the man kept her propped up. She didn't recall much of what he was saying except that he mentioned her father, Claude, and something else about getting revenge. Nearly reaching the point of unconsciousness, the man was gone in an instant while Genevieve finally fell to the ground, her clothes covered in her own blood. She had enough strength to dig into her purse and fetch the small bottle of painkillers as she'd much rather alleviate the pain before dying than pass on in utter misery. Genevieve downed a few pills, she doesn't exactly remember how many, before her world faded to black.
Genevieve became conscious once more as the sound of various machine tones steadily grew louder. She opened her eyes and slowly realized she was in a hospital room. A few moments later, her doctor came in for a routine check but was pleasantly surprised when she found Genevieve to be awake. And it was then that everything changed, when the doctor explained to Genevieve the incident with the paramedics. She'd grabbed one by the arm and pulled him close to her, begging him to give her something to alleviate the pain, but the longer she held on, the less pain she felt. It was intoxicating to have such relief, meanwhile the young paramedic was screaming in pain. It wasn't until his partner pushed her down and strapped her up with more restraints that the pain returned. More screaming, this time coming from her, and both paramedics worked together to increase her dosage until she eventually became unconscious again. Genevieve didn't really recall any of that, but upon her discharge from the hospital, she finally got acquainted with her abilities after finding out her parents were murdered.
Motivations: It is her turn to get revenge now, and she will stop at nothing until she comes across the men responsible for the murder of her parents.
Sexuality: Bi-curious
Likes: - Animals
- Science
- Reading
- Running
- Cooking
- Her job
Dislikes: - Smokers
- Cheese
- Hot weather
- Bugs
- Bad drivers
Derangement: Because of her ability and the effect it has on her, Genevieve can't stand the sight of blood or open wounds. While most of the time she doesn't have a physical reaction when witnessing such grotesque displays in front of her, she'd much rather avoid it altogether, leading her to sometimes run away from the scene.
Skills: Genevieve has somewhat of above-average intelligence. That's not to say she was a natural-born Einstein, but she did actually try to learn as much as she could in school and didn't put it off like a lot of kids her age did. She also has great computer skills, and can do some basic infiltration depending on the software and whether she has any familiarity with it. Lastly, Genevieve is a great runner, and that includes both long-distance and sprinting.
Classification: Striker
Details: Genevieve has the ability transfer any sort of injury from one person to the next. In order to achieve this, she must simultaneously maintain physical contact with both the donor and the recipient. She's viewed as a vessel by some, and that's a good description of her parahuman abilities. If she wishes, Genevieve can transfer only a portion of the injury onto the donor, and that way, both parties are neither completely healed nor stuck with all the pain. If for some reason there isn't anyone around to accept the injury as their own, then she can hang on to that negative energy for a few hours. Additionally, if she herself is hurt, she can choose someone, even against their will, to bear the burden for her. The injury transfer will only take a few moments, given both parties are conscious. Otherwise it will take a bit longer, but it usually doesn't exceed beyond a minute. This ability of Genevieve works only on physical injuries, therefore if someone is sick with the flu, she wouldn't be able to help them.
Limitations: Unfortunately, Genevieve isn't able to hold on to another person's injuries beyond a few hours. As more and more time passes, the symptoms will slowly show up on her own body until it has completely taken on its full physical force.
Equipment: She doesn't carry any one specific item every time she's out.