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Zeroth Post
Important Info

  • All players may have up to 3 characters. These characters cannot be affiliated with one another and must be on different teams/independent from each other.
  • Main story teams are updated by me, the GM. Others are updated by co-GMs Eklispe/Old Amsterdam.
  • Main story teams have a limited number of spots available, only 5 each. Side story teams are made in game by players and as such will accept as many as the players themselves will allow.
  • There are no limits to the total number of independent characters allowed, the game is always open for more.
  • If you want to form a side story team, make it happen in character, then PM me so I can update the roster.
  • Main story teams, as the name suggests, drive the main story of the RP. All others are welcome to do what they like in a sandbox manner. Make their own stories, interact with other players, drop into the main story following the main teams, etc.
  • Due to a slowing of progress, this game has a posting requirement. After you have been given an update by your GM, you have 7 days to post. After that time has hit, your character will be on a 5 day "probation" announced in the OOC. After that 5 days lapses, if there is no update or word from you as to why you have not posted, your character is forfeit as an NPC and any team slot you held is opened up to the public.

The discord server can be found here

NPC Interlude Votes
Captain Morales - 3 (Old Amsterdam, Crusader, LemonZest)
Patriarch - 3 (BC, Spiffy, Plat)
Director Roger Kens - 1 (Gardevoiran)

Previous Interlude Chapters:
One: Inkscape
Two: Shatterpoint
Three: Master Baiter/Troll
Four: Purge
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The Pitch

You can read the original work here.

The year is 2005 on Earth Bet. This earth is much like our own. Human civilization rose at the same time. The Babylonians, the Roman Empire, Great Britain, the American Revolution, industrialization, two World Wars, so on and so forth. There is, however, a point of divergence. May twentieth, 1982 is a day that irrevocably transformed the world. A man appeared floating over the ocean. A golden man radiating his golden light like a beacon was found by a group of people on a ship, one of them dying. After a brief, silent interaction with this golden man, the sick aboard the ship were cured, healthy as the day they were born. The golden man turned and left, but his impact on the world was far from over.

The golden man traveled the world for many years, simply watching. Simply observing. Any who caught a glimpse of the golden man could feel only one thing from him: sadness. A deep, disquieting sadness that seemed to define his very existence. In the wake of it all, more like the golden man began to show up. More people with superpowers. These people were once normal, but gained amazing abilities through a process still unknown by the world at large. These people, newly dubbed "parahumans," became the biggest topic of discussion the world over as more and more of them began cropping up. Some began using their powers for selfish gain, while others became heroes like the comic books and stepped up to fight crime. Meanwhile, the golden man was not yet done making his presence known.

For years the golden man zoomed around the world nonstop, helping people. He would save orphans from wars, stop burning fires, cleaned up after disasters, destroyed a nuclear test missile, a gesture the world governments took to mean that the Cold War was over and he would intervene if any country wanted to continue it. Then in 1999, shortly after appearing with a brand new white body suit, something unprecedented occurred. The golden man was caught on camera helping put out the fire of a burning library. In the midst of it a woman spoke to him, asking his name. He moved in closer to her and, for the only time ever on record, spoke. "Scion." Then Scion was gone, off to help with a different disaster elsewhere in the world.

Scion is not the only larger than life figure to appear, however. In the last couple decades many heroes and villains have come and gone, the largest and most well known being the Protectorate. However there exist beings of unimaginable, horrible power: The Endbringers. Nobody knows where they came from, but the Endbringers are believed to be parahumans of unstoppable magnitude. The three are Behemoth, Leviathan, and the Simurgh. Ever since Behemoth made himself known in December of 1992, they have taken turns attacking one at a time approximately once every five months, leaving countless dead in their wake with each encounter. In 1999, Leviathan's attack on Kyushu, Japan, left the country devastated. Japan practically became a third world country overnight, and Japanese immigrants have flooded the States. The Simurgh turned most of the Swiss nation into violent, psychotic murderhounds. Behemoth himself is known as the "hero killer" for his body count alone. When an Endbringer shows up, everyone bands together, hero and villain alike, just to fight them off. Killing them is largely considered an impossibility, and the only individual in the world powerful enough to take them on is Scion himself.

Whether you like it or not, you are a parahuman. You have developed super powers. The world is going to Hell, so now the real question is will you take a stand to stop it? Or will you act in your own interests while you can?

Parahumans at Large

There's a lot that goes into a parahuman. They're certainly not your standard superheroes and villains, that's for sure. This section will detail the essentials you need to know about parahumans, including how they function and how you become one, starting with the biggest: Trigger Events.

Trigger Events, sometimes also known as "the worst day of your life," are how you become a parahuman. Well, it's just one way, but we'll cover the other one later (top secret, hush hush). Someone who has the potential to become a parahuman unlocks their powers via some traumatic event. It can be anything, from the death of a family member, getting the ever loving shit kicked out of them, to just one bad day. This will cause them to "trigger" and manifest their powers for the first time. What type of powers they receive is always in relation to the trigger event in some capacity. Their parahuman abilities manifest as a direct result of this event as a way of dealing with it. Unfortunately powers almost never allow you to actually overcome your trigger event. They either come too late, only help you cope with the issue, or "solve" it in a rather ironic and nefarious way. So with that out of the way, it is time to cover the classifications of powers.

Power Classifications fit into 12 different categories, and they can certainly cross over between one another. The classifications, and the kind of trigger events that cause them, are:
  • Mover (Effects that move you. Flight, speed, teleportation, etc.) - Drive to escape, flee, run.
  • Shaker (Wide area effects) - Environmental danger, ambient danger, often nonhuman or only abstractly human.
  • Brute (Enhanced Strength and/or Enhanced Durability) - Experiencing physical harm or pain.
  • Blaster (Pewpew - You have ranged attacks built in, like lasers or fire shots) - Man vs. Man, threat approaches from a distance, or in great number, being surrounded.
  • Breaker (You alter yourself in such a way that rules of physics apply differently. You toggle an "on/off" switch to completely change states, such as becoming living acid.) - Abstract physical danger or harm, difficult to define pain or stress (not mental or physical.) Frequently arises from the hardest triggers to label.
  • Master (Minions, pets, affecting the thoughts and moods of others.) - Isolation, alienation, exile.
  • Tinker (Gadgeteer genius, you can build technology way ahead of our time, like hoverboards and laser guns and power armor. Every tinker has a specialty.) - Issue proves difficult to resolve, unsolvable problem, typically over an extended period of time (weeks or months).
  • Thinker (Perception, knowledge, skills, this includes precognition and remote vision, however true telepathy does not exist in this setting.) - Emotional or mental strain, reaching a crisis point in a short period of time.
  • Striker (Touch effects. If you touch something, something happens to that thing.) - Trigger results from immediate, in-your face threat, usually a singular object or individual (ie. knife, being strangled, mofo up in your grill)
  • Changer/Shifter (Shapeshifting and alteration of the self’s physical form.) - Issue in physical state. Body image, or a crisis of self image vs. society’s expectations.
  • Trump (Powers that affect other powers: add, remove, complicate, compound) - As other triggers, but altered further by involvement with other powers. Rare.
  • Stranger (Powers related to stealth, infiltration and subterfuge.) - Attention of a group/individual threatens emotional/mental security (vs. physical, which would be more blaster). Almost inverse of Master, but not opposite - very possible and common for there to be overlap (often creating a more influential sort of master/stranger cross).

So for example, let's say we have a parahuman that teleports, but it's not just simple teleportation. Every time they teleport, the space around them explodes. We would classify that as a Mover/Shaker, mover because of the teleportation, and shaker because of the wide damage the explosion can cause. There's plenty of combinations you can come up with, get creative! Of course, not every parahuman ends up ok, even when they're a paragon of justice. The very nature of how you become a parahuman can cause psychological damage (which is believed to be the primary reason why more become villains than heroes), but it isn't limited to just that.

Derangements isn't a recognized term in the universe, but it is fairly apt for something that affect a large number of parahumans. Sometimes their mental state isn't damaged just by the trigger event itself. Sometimes the power itself somehow alters how they think in harmful ways. After triggering, some parahumans have been known to become more violent than they ever were before, while others are affected in ways that couldn't possibly be predicted. For example, a parahuman that can manipulate emotions might have had their own emotions torn out in the process, rendering them effectively a sociopath. A parahuman that can empower dogs with greater strength may now herself think in ways similar to a dog, recognizing alphas and packs and intimidate, but have lost the ability to comprehend social cues from normal human behavior. It's a sad state, really. But enough about that, it's time to discuss one of the most well researched yet least understood facets of parahumans.

The Manton Effect, named after the famous parahuman researcher William Manton, is a theory that explains some rather odd behavior of powers. You see, the vast majority of parahumans can affect living matter, or inorganic matter, not both. For instance, a Striker may be able to supercharge anything he touches with energy until it explodes, but it could only work on non-living material, while another Striker may be able to heal damaged tissue and mend broken bones, but could never hope to reconstruct a damaged building. Years of study have gone into attempting to understand the Manton Effect, but so far nobody has any solid results. Those few parahumans that can bypass the Manton Effect are feared, and for good reason.

The Cape Community

The Protectorate: The Protectorate is the biggest organization of super heroes in the world, sponsored by the American government. It is thanks to the Protectorate that the world has a defense against the Endbringers, as many of the most powerful parahumans in the world work through them. Most tinkers are also part of the Protectorate, thanks to the government funding (after all, most of the equipment they need can't be found in Radio Shack!). They have multiple teams posted across most major cities in the United States, as well as many of the not so big cities. The Protectorate is headed by the Triumvirate, three of the most powerful capes in the world (Legend, Alexandria, and Eidolon), and they are governed by the PRT.

The Wards: The junior division of the Protectorate, the Wards are where parahumans under the age of 18 train and get experience before becoming of legal age and graduating to the Protectorate proper. They are usually kept out of the most dangerous missions when possible, though many of them are registered to help against Endbringer attacks.

The Parahuman Response Team: The PRT, as it is most often referred to, is the branch of the government which both administrates Protectorate and other parahuman matters, as well as responds to villain threats. The PRT is composed entirely of normal humans with no special powers, armed with the latest in government hardware and whatever Tinker-tech can be mass produced for them (which sadly is not very much). Anywhere there is a Protectorate team stationed there is a PRT HQ headed by a director.

The Birdcage: The Birdcage is a relatively recent creation. It is the maximum security prison exclusively for parahuman offenders. It has one way in, and no way out. Once you're inside, you're inside to stay. The very first inmate was the legendary Glaistig Uaine, otherwise known as the Faerie Queen, and even she has not made it out. Reports the she voluntarily gave up and volunteered to be the first inmate of the Birdcage should be dismissed as unfounded rumor.

Case 53s: Case 53s are an unfortunate lot. They are very rare to come by, but sadly not unheard of. Nobody knows for certain why, but some parahumans are physically mutated by their trigger events, and thus are dubbed the Case 53s. The mutation can be something small and innocuous, such as having a few feathers mixed in your hair, to the extreme and grotesque, such as being made completely of living metal or being a mass of writhing tentacles. It's enough to make them pitiable, but most of them dodge the question about their trigger event, and some are complete amnesiacs, not remembering anything about their lives before becoming a parahuman. Hmm...

Cauldron: Ah, now we've come to a most fascinating topic. Cauldron is a top secret organization, very hush hush. Why? Because they sell superpowers. Yes, you can become a parahuman without the nasty trigger event, so long as you can pay big heaping sums of cash. Well, and you're lucky enough to be approached by them, or already have a way to get in contact. Cauldron's formulas aren't perfect though, as they are the source of all Case 53s. One thing they are though is effective. Nobody who knows about them has been able to blow their whistle yet, and those who try... Well, let's just say there's a good reason that Cauldron's top enforcer is known as "The Bogeyman."

The Endbringers: Nobody knows who or what they are, but these monstrosities have been attacking ever since 1992 with no signs of stopping. They simply appear, taking turns one at a time, and wreck everything. Heroes and villains alike team up just in an effort to drive these creatures off, but even in the best of fights the death toll is 1 in 4. They are unstoppable, unkillable, machines of pure conflict. If they were ever human, they sure as Hell aren't anymore. Even with all that isn't known about them though, there is one undeniable fact: They've been holding back in every single attack.
  • Behemoth - A forty-five foot tall engine of destruction, Behemoth is a dynakinetic. It can manipulate all forms of energy without limitation. It is also not limited by the Manton Effect. Behemoth is the biggest and slowest of the Endbringers, but also the most durable.
  • Leviathan - The second Endbringer is thirty feet tall with a long tail and scaly skin. It also just so happens to be a macro-level hydrokinetic that only a few months ago sunk Newfoundland. Leviathan's arrival is heralded by storms and tsunamis, and once it has shown up in person it will create wave after wave of torrent, each stronger than the last, until it can crush anything it so desires. While submerged, Leviathan moves faster than nearly any speedster recorded.
  • The Simurgh - Appearing as a multi-winged woman of alabaster white skin, fifteen feet tall, the Simurgh is the least physical and durable of the Endbringers, but largely considered the most frightening of all. It is an unbelievably powerful telekinetic to start, and is also capable of using the powers of any Thinker and Tinker type parahumans within its psychic range. That would be frightening enough, if it weren't also capable of seeing and manipulating the future. With the Simurgh, you win the battle, but lose the war. It psychically attacks everyone in the area and behaves in just such a way so as to turn the people around it into ticking time bombs, or Rube Goldberg devices, in order to cause devastation at some point in the future. Could be tomorrow. Could be next year. Could be in ten years. Only the Simurgh knows.

Local Knowledge

Since you will be playing a resident of the Denver cape community, it's best to give the information that anybody in the area should be aware of. The following is a list of the major players, hero, villain, and otherwise, that you should know.

Being Parahuman

When you use the character sheet below, there are three character slots you can go for: Ward, villain in a local gang, or an independent cape (hero or villain). The story will primarily be driven around the Wards and the local gang, of which there are only 5 slots each, so I strongly encourage you to go for one of those roles before going for an independent. As the GM, I will control all of the important NPCs (such as those listed above) but you may feel free to create your own support community around your cape (family, friends, etc.) as well as portray your own minor skirmishes. If you are an independent then you will have more room to expand how you like, which includes popping in and out of the main story at your leisure, but that also means that you will not have a good deal of my focus. It is a trade off. Sorry about that. So without further ado, I give you your character sheet.

Please visit the CS 0th for Team Rosters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

goody, think I'll wait a bit and see what other people do for characters cause I'm lazy so I can fill in.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Alright, and I have also setup a Skype group chat for anybody interested in joining. My skype name is Professional.Protagonist, send me your contact details with a request to be added to the group chat and I'll do ya.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Time to create the saddest superhero ever! Also I'm here, by the way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Alright, and I have also setup a Skype group chat for anybody interested in joining. My skype name is Professional.Protagonist, send me your contact details with a request to be added to the group chat and I'll do ya.

Fried request sent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Okay, should be good? Might add another piece of equipment if that's cool.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ah frack, I totally forgot a section for normal, nonpower abilities! Stupid stupid stupid! Ok, mobile right now, but I'll stick an "abilities" section in there when I have the chance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Okay, minus the "abilities" section, I'm done. Mind lookin' him over, @ProPro
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

2:00 am is the best time to go editing your thread coding, right? Right. So as it stands, the CS should be in its final form now. Huzzah.

@Kafka Komedy I'm really liking the concept for Martyr, he's really neat. Apart from adding the new "skills" section he's all set, though I do have one nitpick. I did request that the appearance section also go into detail on your superhero costume. Anyway, once skills are in I'll look again, but he's on the fast track to approval.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@ProPro I'll go ahead and fix that right now. Probably shouldn't considering it's 4 AM over here, but fuck it it's Saturday.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@ProPro Alright, he should be good but I might want to add maybe another weapon or something? I dunno I'll let the others roll in before I throw my hat in about if he's under or overpowered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Kafka Komedy Looks good looks good. You can toss him in the CS section as the first officially approved character.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 6 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I'd like to reserve a ward spot, seeing as they are limited. I'm working on my character, but I do have work for at leas the next two days (if not four) so I'm unlikely to be able to get a whole ton of work on it. If that's not possible I suppose I'll deal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

This here character sheet isn't complete yet. I might want to discuss it a bit more in a bit; for now, though, I'll wait until @ProPro has added in the section for normal abilities before finishing it off, since those could well integrate into other portions of her character.

I added the section for normal abilities at 2 am, dude.

2:00 am is the best time to go editing your thread coding, right? Right. So as it stands, the CS should be in its final form now. Huzzah.

I'd like to reserve a ward spot, seeing as they are limited. I'm working on my character, but I do have work for at leas the next two days (if not four) so I'm unlikely to be able to get a whole ton of work on it. If that's not possible I suppose I'll deal.

I don't work on reservations. I provide positions based om merit most of the time, though considering we've got 5 slots for Wards and 5 for the Local Villain Gang, I'm more open to first come first serve.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Here's something to look at.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Alright, after working with you extensively on skype, we've got this @j8cob. Our first villain is officially approved! Move Sonika on over to the CS section.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 6 days ago

I finally finished Messiah off. You are now capable of reviewing her in her entirety, @ProPro.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

<Snipped quote by BCTheEntity>

I finally finished Messiah off. You are now capable of reviewing her in her entirety, @ProPro.

Messiah is goo to go. Slap her on the CS tab and we can look forward to the next couple sheets. I'm hoping to get this thing started by the end of the week.
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