Map as of 02-16-2018

PoW Russia Map 12-28-2017
PoW Africa Map 12-22-2017
Ethiopian Political Map
US Civil War 2 map 1
African Cultures map
East African Map 12-30-17
Armenian Province Map
Departments of Greece Map
The Condition of the von Lettow-Vorbeck dynasty
Parliament Tool
Houism is a Chinese model of socialism. Nominally referred to as Houism by outsiders for the presence of the current Grand Secretary of the Chinese Politburo Hou Tsai Tang in Chinese politics and political theory. In China, it is referred to as Chinese Socialism or the Analects of New China, encompassing a broad left-wing platform for not just 'rebooting' China and Asia to bring it on level with the modern world, but for achieving a state of socialism as a process and Communism as a end goal. Combining facets of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism to offset the dangers of what is considered the overly conservative neo-Confucian schools emphasized by the Qing and the militantly conservative Kuomintang of the old Republic of China.
The school of thought uniformly embraces notions of broadening the family and speaks more of the family as being less nuclear and broader and more communal, suggesting community-oriented care and nations as a body of families themselves among a community of families, who may or may not be estranged through the process of history. Similarly, it critiques power structure, proposing the responsible distribution of power is at the most democratic.
On a whole the movement is derived more from the Pure Socialist and Scattered anarchist movements of the Chinese left prior to real-life Soviet influence in China. Though while the Soviets are gone, former Bolsheviks from Russia who fled into China or the far-east lended to the early development of Chinese Socialism a loose framework.
Documents with available text
-On The Current State of Revolution and the Bolsheviks. Hou, 1931.
-On Minzu (ethnic minorities). Hou, 1941.
-On Power and Politics Part 1. Full Text. Hou, 1954.
--Part 2: On Republics and the American system.
--Part 3: Class Division.
--Part 4: What Makes the Superior Society?
-On Power and Politics Part 1. Partial Text with commentary by Yaqob. Hou, 1954.
Not Hou
-Letter from the Umoja Hotel. Murungaru, 1960.
Documents without available text
-Houism: A Crash Course. (English language, Not written by Hou)
-Selected Essays of Hou Sai Tang, Translated by Kifle Mesrak. (Amharic language, Articles by Hou, Includes On Power and Politics)
Military Products
-Weapons Manufactures
--New England Weapon Industries (NEWI): American based weapon and airplane developer.
--Colibri Fighter Plane - Smaller than your average fighter, built for dirigible service. Armed with 2x20mm cannons, can reach speeds of 720km/hr.
--Féi é: Massive big-bellied seaplane. Produced by China.
--Fokker As: German made fighter plane.
--KK Zorya Polunoshnaya: Made by Khil-Kobets in Russia. Sleek.
--Mitsubishi-R77: A long-range fighter-bomber plane.
--NEWI Jackrabbit: 2nd US Civil War-era American fighter.
--NEWI Big Stick: 2nd US Civil War-era American bomber.
--Sopwith Goat: Bulky Fighter made in Britain. Has pinched nose that looks like radiator.
--The Angel of Death: Rhodesian-produced bunker buster. Slow, low flier. Uses napalm and rockets.
--Cormoran Class Dirigible - Double gasbag airship aircraft carrier. Capable of speeds up to 120km/hr, has a range of 11,000km and can launch/recover 12 Colibri Fighter planes.
--Otchestvo Transport Helicopters: Made by a Ukraine.
--Heroe-Class Battleship: Spain. 50,000 tonnes, 15inch guns, three currently in service. Flagship is the RSN Don Quixote.
-Side Arms
--Weerlig Pistol: Carried by cops in Salisbury, Rhodesia. Has fifteen round magazine.
-Small Arms
--K4 Carbine: A simple, mass produced, semi-automatic, rifle-stocked carbine with a 30-round magazine and bayonet. The average Armenian foot soldier is armed with the K4. Functionally equivalent to the real-world SKS.
--Scorpion: A makeshift rifle created by Chechens in the field as an alternative to professionally made rifles. Crafted from scrap metal and pipes.
--Stinger: A makeshift antivehicle weapon created by Chechens from scrap metal and pipes.
--Amrots Landship: Originally tanks constructed by the Ottoman Empire during the Great War, these landships were abandoned or stolen, refitted with modern weaponry and armor, and put to use by Armenian military forces.
--Nerthus Kampfpanzer MKII: German. Older model.
--Nerthus Kampfpanzer WKI: German. Newer model.
--Tortuga Tank: Medium tank, flame thrower capable, four crew, 75mm gun, older models have a fixed cannon and no turret.
--Zorro Medium Tank: Mainstay of the Spanish Armored core. Fast, well armed, and heavily armored.
Commercial Products
-Khil-Kobets: Russian firm that designs and produces aircraft.
-Aygestan Brandy - Brandy distiller in the rural Artsakh, Armenia. Producing brandy from grapes grown in Martakert region.
-Château de Poster Fagot: American wine. Served in restaurants in Sun City.
-Rote Hütte: German Beer. Prince Friedrich's favorite.
-Bangko Sentral: Bank of the Philippines.
-The Algerian Silk: Algerian clothing store.
-Negus Coffee: Ethiopian based coffee company owned and operated by Desta Getachew, Sahle's Minister of the Pen.
Department Stores:
-Beaumont's: American-based, worldwide department franchise.
Fast Food
-Luigi's Place: Italian fast food joint based out of Chicago. Albanians using it as laundering front.
Flight School:
-White Flight: Rhodesian firm.
-Collazo-López cartel: Mexican cartel.
Personal Hygiene:
-Pennington and Pippin: American made razors. Based in New England.
-Constantine Petroleum: Algeria's state-owned oil company.
-Dixon Oil: Fueling America since 1894
-Ukragaz: Ukrainian national oil and natural gas company.
Processed Food:
-Vorsprung Zuckerkugeln: German made. Sweet balls of grain.
-Fruta y Comercio de Centroamérica: Central American fruit monopoly. Sells internationally.
Soft Drinks:
-Sun City Sasparilla: Cowboy on label, facing forward, winking one eye while shooting at an Indian sneaking up (USA)
-Cornell Brand: Rhodesian firm. Internationally sold.
-Red Apple: Japanese cigarettes.
-Beanies: A line of cheap plush animals filled with plastic beads. Emir Ramzan is a notable collector.
-Independence class merchant ship - Steel, mid-size transport ships commissioned in Armenia for the purpose of trading across the Black Sea. They take just a year to build from start to finish, but their reliability has been called into question. Armed for defense against pirate elements with a cannon and six heavy machine guns, and crewed by Merchant Mariners. Equivalent to the real-world US Liberty ships of WWII.
-Straßenmeister (Years ?-1945-?): City car. Used as cheap staff car.
-Handwerker Falke: Sports Car.
-Handwerker Familienwagen: Van/Microbus.
-Königswahl Gepard: Sports Car.
-Kuchenfahrt (Years ?-1951-?): Luxury car.
-Alexandros Automotives: Greek National Auto Company. Slogan: "Reliable from Greece to India"
-Atingucu (Years ?-1944-?): Turkish sedan used commonly as a staff car.
-Melsett: Off road car. Large, military tires, painted a deep green, small windshield for the driver
-The Beast: Military off road vehicle. Used by Rhodesian Security Forces.
-Doofarka: Dune buggies produced for Somalian military. Available commercially. Not mass produced in Somalia, but an easy design to copy.
United States
-Buick Bonanza (Years ?-1932-?): Four-Door sedan.
-DeSoto Firefly: A two-seater convertible car.
-Ford Florentine: Car popular with the feds.
-Ford Franklin: Long flashy car with a retractable hard-top
-Packard Stallion: Convertible. Fast car.
Unique Cultural Details
-Huangju: Yellow Wine.
-Kaoliang: Sorghum Wine.
-(see glossary section of Ethiopia character sheet)
-Barong Tagalog: A translucent white formal shirt made up of pineapple fibres.
-LA Dukes: Los Angeles based pro baseball team.
--Billy Carter: Famous black professional baseball player.
Media and Movies
-The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928): Movie about Joan of Arc's trial. Popular with French Nationalists and Leftists.
-Schwingradio Deutschland: German radio station playing swing.
-Peripeteies tou Ioanni kai tou Aristoteli: Adventures of Ioannis and Aristotle. A radio show set in the Byzantine Empire, about two men named Ioannis and Aristotle, who solved mysteries and protected the Byzantines from danger.
United States
-Pinnacle Entertainment: Hollywood Studio dominating American Film and Radio.
--The Shecky Lemon Program (Radio comedy)
--Shall We Dance?: Hollywood Movie. Starring Raymond Hollisteras as nice guy engaged of a shrew of a woman. The shrew demanded that he take dancing lessons before their wedding. Enter Bridgette Davenport as the beautiful dancing instructor. They fall in love. Sold well partially thanks to the real life murder of supporting actress Claire Beauchamp.
--Bums in Baghdad (1959): Jimmy Fastsitter and Bobby Chambers comedy.
--Tramps in Tripoli (1960): Jimmy Fastsitter and Bobby Chambers comedy.
--Private Champ: Loosely about the military service of Champ Dennis. Includes musical numbers with Edward Sisters.
-Damen von Swing: German Swing artist. Songs include "Am die Steilabfall".
-Julien Schmidt: German musician. Songs include "Spinnende Netze".
-Rock and Roll
--Peppermints: Underground band. Members are mixed race brothers Feo and Veo, and woman Mindhy.
--The Wilted Roses: Underground band.
--The Evan catz: Underground band.
United States
-Country Western
--Deuce Hopper and his Oklahoma Orchestra: Country band. Songs include "Shame on you" and a cover of "Cotton Eye Joe"
--Harvey Edwards: Left-Wing Blues musician. Blind. Sings Union hymns.
-Rock and Roll
--Little Sadie Hamilton: New-fangled rocker.
--Petey Peterson: New-fangled rocker.
--Plump Poker: New fangled rocker. Sings "I hear you knocking."
--T-Bone & The Bone Patrol: New-fangled black rock band.
-Swing and Jazz
--Mariano and the Moonlights: Big band band. Songs include alt-universe big band "Runaround Sue"
--Edwards Sisters: Three "sister" singing group. Songs include "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" and "Don't Fence Me In."
--Petey Peterson: Sings "American the Beautiful".
Albanian Language
-Atdha: Nationalist track. Can be found at the link, under the heading "Popular Civil Guard HQ".
-The Right of the Nation-State (Gjergj Kastrioti): Argument for nationalism. Can be found at the second scene here.
Amharic (Ethiopian) Language
-Aymero: Ethiopian National Newspaper
English Language
--The Adventures of Leonid Secshaver. Series written by Reginald Heap. Many books including...
---The Adventures of Leonid Secshaver: A Man of Many Meatings
---The Adventures of Leonid Secshaver: Ten Thousand Ticklish Tallywhackers
--Whisper Magazine: Hollywood celebrity tabloid. Slogan: "From your lips to our pages"
--The Tehrani Courier:The main English-language newspaper in Iran, it caters mostly to expatriates. Government censorship is therefore much lighter than on Farsi papers.
-Political Tracts
--Houism: A Crash Course (Left Wing)
--LAPD: KKKorupt KKKops (Left Wing)
--Who Will Survive in America (Left Wing)
German Language
--The Art of Manipulation
Greek Language
-Eleftheria: Athens newspaper.
Persian Language
--Lower Skies (Farrokh Mirza Ramjan): It's the story of two siblings, Arvind and Miryam, in the early 20th century, whose life is rather unremarkable, coming to terms with the disillusions of growing up in the world.
--The Tortoise (Ahmet Fulnani): Has closing line "Whereupon one cannot properly speak, one must remain silent."
--Trabzon Shipyards - The main center of maritime industry, ship production, and drydock maintenance in Armenia. Located in the western city of Trabzon, close to supply routes.
--Tsaghkadzor Heavy Industry Plant: A tank manufacturing facility tooled for updating Great War equipment for modern use.
--Forbidden City
---Zhongnanhai: The White House of China. Used by the Politburo.
---Xinhuamen gate: Built along the south wall during the Republican era.
--National Congressional Complex
---Congressional hall
--Hou's House
-Addis Ababa
--Entoto Mountains: Range that forms Addis Ababa's northern border. Populated with Eucalyptus trees.
---Gebi Entoto: Abandoned palace of Menelik II.
--Gebi Iyasu: Sahle's pad.
--Vin Rouge: French language and cultural club.
--Ras Hotel: Big fancy hotel.
--Emebet Eleni School for Girls: High school. Self explanatory.
--Negus Mikael Military Academy: Officers training school. Shotel Offices located on campus.
-Danakil Desert
--Lake Afrera: Salt mining lake. Nearby volcano home of Dr Sisi's mad science lab.
--Grand Admiralty
--Dicke Frau: Little out of the way pub. Frequented by Prince Friedrich.
--Einheitswand: Prison for political prisoners.
--Fischadler: Royal German Zeppelin.
--Le Petit Paris: French language club.
--Maja e Malit: Dive Bar. Well known hang out for Albanian nationalists and monarchists.
--Souroupo: Night club popular with working class. Was site of suicide bombing in June '60.
--Naka-ku Ward: Central ward. Home of the nightlife.
---The Rose: Nightclub.
-Keijō: Colonial capital of Korea.
--General Government Building: Neo-classical style with large dome that looks more western than other buildings in Keijō.
--Cathedral of the People: Greek style cathedral with left-wing frescoes.
--"Gas Town": Mixed-race working class neighborhood.
--"Little Zimbabwe": Black working class neighborhood.
--Salisbury Airforce Base
--Village Idiot Club: Club between Little Zimbabwe and Gas Town, on 10th Street near 4th Avenue. Four story brick building. Drug den. Plays rock music.
---The Redoubt: A Fortress in Grozny made from a modified kremlin, home of the Emir of Grozny.
---Zaqqum Research Center: Bio-Warfare research lab.
--Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família: Basilica. Commonly called Sagrada Família.
-Dakhla (Spanish Western Sahara): Town with tango clubs and beaches.
--Hospital de San Sebastián el Mártir: Catholic Hospital in center of Madrid.
Swahili People's Republic
-Fort Portal
--Maisha-Marefu Hospital: Anarchist ran hospital.
--Tooro Palace: Old monarchical palace on hill. The palace is abandoned and the hill used for Anarchist meetings.
--Mbaya-Hispania Hospital: Colonial era Flu clinic, turned into insane asylum, then shut down and occupied by Communists.
--Umoja Hotel: Old colonial style hotel used as Communist Headquarters.
--Fort Jesus
--Motel Execution: Motel where prisoners were kept during Mombasa siege. Executions done via hanging from second story.
-Revolution-Town: Walled cluster of white buildings crammed into a square mile on a peninsula near Kampala
--Senate of the People's Will: Compact and bland Romanesque. Has dome and many carvings of laurel sprigs.
--Temple of the People's Will: Built of marble and limestone, looks like miniature parthenon, white-washed with paint.
--Walls: Made of marble, communist leaders painted on them
--Mariyinsky Palace: Residence of Hetman.
--St Sophia's Cathedral: Most important Cathedral in Kiev. Where Coronations are held.
--Verkhovna Rada: Home of Ukrainian Legislature.
--Potemkin Military Base
--"Little Vladimir" Refugee Camp: Russian refugee camp.
--Richelieu steps: Massive outdoor staircase connecting Odessa to ocean.
United States of America
-Washington DC
--Occidental Grill: Nice restaurant, has paintings of the presidents on its walls. Exists in real life.
---Kingman Gardens: Casino on Rte 66.
--Petrified Forest Inn: Near painted desert.
--Sun City (roughly corresponds with Brenda, Arizona IRL)
---Desert Rose Hotel & Casino (Ran by Chicago Mafia)
---King Arthur's Court (Ran by LA Mafia)
---Lucky Gent (Ran by New York Mafia)
--Cloud Nine: Airship casino, carrying capacity of 1000 people, travels a scenic route around California.
--Los Angeles
---Baxter Hotel: Across the street from Convention Complex.
---Beaumont's: Large department store.
---Convention Complex: Across the street from Baxter Hotel.
---Daily Bread: Leftist speak-easy.
---The Voodoo: Black club. Voodoo/Witch Hunter design theme.
---Malibu Beach Clinic: Beachside mansion specializing in under the radar services for celebrities.
--Jordan's Crossing: Boom Town
---Mac's: Bar in a Quonset hut
--Boulder City
---Hoover Dam: (Arizona side includes marker for Battle of Hoover Dam)
---Statue of Nevada Militiaman
---Goodsprings Saloon
--Las Vegas
---Oddie Airport: Small hardly used town airport.
---The Bloody Knoll: Casino in a barn-like building.
---The Sands: Bungalows operated by Nobert Noonan.
--Magnesium: Small town southeast of Las Vegas.
-New Mexico
---Liberty Land: Small Rte 66 theme park. Has vampire Karl Marx coaster and merry go round where horses have President's heads.
--Kaiser' Bierstube: Beerhall serving mostly German imports.
--Royal Douala Academy
--War Museum: National exhibit detailing the West-Afrika Civil War.
Map as of 02-16-2018

PoW Russia Map 12-28-2017
PoW Africa Map 12-22-2017
Ethiopian Political Map
US Civil War 2 map 1
African Cultures map
East African Map 12-30-17
Armenian Province Map
Departments of Greece Map
The Condition of the von Lettow-Vorbeck dynasty
Parliament Tool
Houism is a Chinese model of socialism. Nominally referred to as Houism by outsiders for the presence of the current Grand Secretary of the Chinese Politburo Hou Tsai Tang in Chinese politics and political theory. In China, it is referred to as Chinese Socialism or the Analects of New China, encompassing a broad left-wing platform for not just 'rebooting' China and Asia to bring it on level with the modern world, but for achieving a state of socialism as a process and Communism as a end goal. Combining facets of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism to offset the dangers of what is considered the overly conservative neo-Confucian schools emphasized by the Qing and the militantly conservative Kuomintang of the old Republic of China.
The school of thought uniformly embraces notions of broadening the family and speaks more of the family as being less nuclear and broader and more communal, suggesting community-oriented care and nations as a body of families themselves among a community of families, who may or may not be estranged through the process of history. Similarly, it critiques power structure, proposing the responsible distribution of power is at the most democratic.
On a whole the movement is derived more from the Pure Socialist and Scattered anarchist movements of the Chinese left prior to real-life Soviet influence in China. Though while the Soviets are gone, former Bolsheviks from Russia who fled into China or the far-east lended to the early development of Chinese Socialism a loose framework.
Documents with available text
-On The Current State of Revolution and the Bolsheviks. Hou, 1931.
-On Minzu (ethnic minorities). Hou, 1941.
-On Power and Politics Part 1. Full Text. Hou, 1954.
--Part 2: On Republics and the American system.
--Part 3: Class Division.
--Part 4: What Makes the Superior Society?
-On Power and Politics Part 1. Partial Text with commentary by Yaqob. Hou, 1954.
Not Hou
-Letter from the Umoja Hotel. Murungaru, 1960.
Documents without available text
-Houism: A Crash Course. (English language, Not written by Hou)
-Selected Essays of Hou Sai Tang, Translated by Kifle Mesrak. (Amharic language, Articles by Hou, Includes On Power and Politics)
Military Products
-Weapons Manufactures
--New England Weapon Industries (NEWI): American based weapon and airplane developer.
--Colibri Fighter Plane - Smaller than your average fighter, built for dirigible service. Armed with 2x20mm cannons, can reach speeds of 720km/hr.
--Féi é: Massive big-bellied seaplane. Produced by China.
--Fokker As: German made fighter plane.
--KK Zorya Polunoshnaya: Made by Khil-Kobets in Russia. Sleek.
--Mitsubishi-R77: A long-range fighter-bomber plane.
--NEWI Jackrabbit: 2nd US Civil War-era American fighter.
--NEWI Big Stick: 2nd US Civil War-era American bomber.
--Sopwith Goat: Bulky Fighter made in Britain. Has pinched nose that looks like radiator.
--The Angel of Death: Rhodesian-produced bunker buster. Slow, low flier. Uses napalm and rockets.
--Cormoran Class Dirigible - Double gasbag airship aircraft carrier. Capable of speeds up to 120km/hr, has a range of 11,000km and can launch/recover 12 Colibri Fighter planes.
--Otchestvo Transport Helicopters: Made by a Ukraine.
--Heroe-Class Battleship: Spain. 50,000 tonnes, 15inch guns, three currently in service. Flagship is the RSN Don Quixote.
-Side Arms
--Weerlig Pistol: Carried by cops in Salisbury, Rhodesia. Has fifteen round magazine.
-Small Arms
--K4 Carbine: A simple, mass produced, semi-automatic, rifle-stocked carbine with a 30-round magazine and bayonet. The average Armenian foot soldier is armed with the K4. Functionally equivalent to the real-world SKS.
--Scorpion: A makeshift rifle created by Chechens in the field as an alternative to professionally made rifles. Crafted from scrap metal and pipes.
--Stinger: A makeshift antivehicle weapon created by Chechens from scrap metal and pipes.
--Amrots Landship: Originally tanks constructed by the Ottoman Empire during the Great War, these landships were abandoned or stolen, refitted with modern weaponry and armor, and put to use by Armenian military forces.
--Nerthus Kampfpanzer MKII: German. Older model.
--Nerthus Kampfpanzer WKI: German. Newer model.
--Tortuga Tank: Medium tank, flame thrower capable, four crew, 75mm gun, older models have a fixed cannon and no turret.
--Zorro Medium Tank: Mainstay of the Spanish Armored core. Fast, well armed, and heavily armored.
Commercial Products
-Khil-Kobets: Russian firm that designs and produces aircraft.
-Aygestan Brandy - Brandy distiller in the rural Artsakh, Armenia. Producing brandy from grapes grown in Martakert region.
-Château de Poster Fagot: American wine. Served in restaurants in Sun City.
-Rote Hütte: German Beer. Prince Friedrich's favorite.
-Bangko Sentral: Bank of the Philippines.
-The Algerian Silk: Algerian clothing store.
-Negus Coffee: Ethiopian based coffee company owned and operated by Desta Getachew, Sahle's Minister of the Pen.
Department Stores:
-Beaumont's: American-based, worldwide department franchise.
Fast Food
-Luigi's Place: Italian fast food joint based out of Chicago. Albanians using it as laundering front.
Flight School:
-White Flight: Rhodesian firm.
-Collazo-López cartel: Mexican cartel.
Personal Hygiene:
-Pennington and Pippin: American made razors. Based in New England.
-Constantine Petroleum: Algeria's state-owned oil company.
-Dixon Oil: Fueling America since 1894
-Ukragaz: Ukrainian national oil and natural gas company.
Processed Food:
-Vorsprung Zuckerkugeln: German made. Sweet balls of grain.
-Fruta y Comercio de Centroamérica: Central American fruit monopoly. Sells internationally.
Soft Drinks:
-Sun City Sasparilla: Cowboy on label, facing forward, winking one eye while shooting at an Indian sneaking up (USA)
-Cornell Brand: Rhodesian firm. Internationally sold.
-Red Apple: Japanese cigarettes.
-Beanies: A line of cheap plush animals filled with plastic beads. Emir Ramzan is a notable collector.
-Independence class merchant ship - Steel, mid-size transport ships commissioned in Armenia for the purpose of trading across the Black Sea. They take just a year to build from start to finish, but their reliability has been called into question. Armed for defense against pirate elements with a cannon and six heavy machine guns, and crewed by Merchant Mariners. Equivalent to the real-world US Liberty ships of WWII.
-Straßenmeister (Years ?-1945-?): City car. Used as cheap staff car.
-Handwerker Falke: Sports Car.
-Handwerker Familienwagen: Van/Microbus.
-Königswahl Gepard: Sports Car.
-Kuchenfahrt (Years ?-1951-?): Luxury car.
-Alexandros Automotives: Greek National Auto Company. Slogan: "Reliable from Greece to India"
-Atingucu (Years ?-1944-?): Turkish sedan used commonly as a staff car.
-Melsett: Off road car. Large, military tires, painted a deep green, small windshield for the driver
-The Beast: Military off road vehicle. Used by Rhodesian Security Forces.
-Doofarka: Dune buggies produced for Somalian military. Available commercially. Not mass produced in Somalia, but an easy design to copy.
United States
-Buick Bonanza (Years ?-1932-?): Four-Door sedan.
-DeSoto Firefly: A two-seater convertible car.
-Ford Florentine: Car popular with the feds.
-Ford Franklin: Long flashy car with a retractable hard-top
-Packard Stallion: Convertible. Fast car.
Unique Cultural Details
-Huangju: Yellow Wine.
-Kaoliang: Sorghum Wine.
-(see glossary section of Ethiopia character sheet)
-Barong Tagalog: A translucent white formal shirt made up of pineapple fibres.
-LA Dukes: Los Angeles based pro baseball team.
--Billy Carter: Famous black professional baseball player.
Media and Movies
-The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928): Movie about Joan of Arc's trial. Popular with French Nationalists and Leftists.
-Schwingradio Deutschland: German radio station playing swing.
-Peripeteies tou Ioanni kai tou Aristoteli: Adventures of Ioannis and Aristotle. A radio show set in the Byzantine Empire, about two men named Ioannis and Aristotle, who solved mysteries and protected the Byzantines from danger.
United States
-Pinnacle Entertainment: Hollywood Studio dominating American Film and Radio.
--The Shecky Lemon Program (Radio comedy)
--Shall We Dance?: Hollywood Movie. Starring Raymond Hollisteras as nice guy engaged of a shrew of a woman. The shrew demanded that he take dancing lessons before their wedding. Enter Bridgette Davenport as the beautiful dancing instructor. They fall in love. Sold well partially thanks to the real life murder of supporting actress Claire Beauchamp.
--Bums in Baghdad (1959): Jimmy Fastsitter and Bobby Chambers comedy.
--Tramps in Tripoli (1960): Jimmy Fastsitter and Bobby Chambers comedy.
--Private Champ: Loosely about the military service of Champ Dennis. Includes musical numbers with Edward Sisters.
-Damen von Swing: German Swing artist. Songs include "Am die Steilabfall".
-Julien Schmidt: German musician. Songs include "Spinnende Netze".
-Rock and Roll
--Peppermints: Underground band. Members are mixed race brothers Feo and Veo, and woman Mindhy.
--The Wilted Roses: Underground band.
--The Evan catz: Underground band.
United States
-Country Western
--Deuce Hopper and his Oklahoma Orchestra: Country band. Songs include "Shame on you" and a cover of "Cotton Eye Joe"
--Harvey Edwards: Left-Wing Blues musician. Blind. Sings Union hymns.
-Rock and Roll
--Little Sadie Hamilton: New-fangled rocker.
--Petey Peterson: New-fangled rocker.
--Plump Poker: New fangled rocker. Sings "I hear you knocking."
--T-Bone & The Bone Patrol: New-fangled black rock band.
-Swing and Jazz
--Mariano and the Moonlights: Big band band. Songs include alt-universe big band "Runaround Sue"
--Edwards Sisters: Three "sister" singing group. Songs include "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" and "Don't Fence Me In."
--Petey Peterson: Sings "American the Beautiful".
Albanian Language
-Atdha: Nationalist track. Can be found at the link, under the heading "Popular Civil Guard HQ".
-The Right of the Nation-State (Gjergj Kastrioti): Argument for nationalism. Can be found at the second scene here.
Amharic (Ethiopian) Language
-Aymero: Ethiopian National Newspaper
English Language
--The Adventures of Leonid Secshaver. Series written by Reginald Heap. Many books including...
---The Adventures of Leonid Secshaver: A Man of Many Meatings
---The Adventures of Leonid Secshaver: Ten Thousand Ticklish Tallywhackers
--Whisper Magazine: Hollywood celebrity tabloid. Slogan: "From your lips to our pages"
--The Tehrani Courier:The main English-language newspaper in Iran, it caters mostly to expatriates. Government censorship is therefore much lighter than on Farsi papers.
-Political Tracts
--Houism: A Crash Course (Left Wing)
--LAPD: KKKorupt KKKops (Left Wing)
--Who Will Survive in America (Left Wing)
German Language
--The Art of Manipulation
Greek Language
-Eleftheria: Athens newspaper.
Persian Language
--Lower Skies (Farrokh Mirza Ramjan): It's the story of two siblings, Arvind and Miryam, in the early 20th century, whose life is rather unremarkable, coming to terms with the disillusions of growing up in the world.
--The Tortoise (Ahmet Fulnani): Has closing line "Whereupon one cannot properly speak, one must remain silent."
--Trabzon Shipyards - The main center of maritime industry, ship production, and drydock maintenance in Armenia. Located in the western city of Trabzon, close to supply routes.
--Tsaghkadzor Heavy Industry Plant: A tank manufacturing facility tooled for updating Great War equipment for modern use.
--Forbidden City
---Zhongnanhai: The White House of China. Used by the Politburo.
---Xinhuamen gate: Built along the south wall during the Republican era.
--National Congressional Complex
---Congressional hall
--Hou's House
-Addis Ababa
--Entoto Mountains: Range that forms Addis Ababa's northern border. Populated with Eucalyptus trees.
---Gebi Entoto: Abandoned palace of Menelik II.
--Gebi Iyasu: Sahle's pad.
--Vin Rouge: French language and cultural club.
--Ras Hotel: Big fancy hotel.
--Emebet Eleni School for Girls: High school. Self explanatory.
--Negus Mikael Military Academy: Officers training school. Shotel Offices located on campus.
-Danakil Desert
--Lake Afrera: Salt mining lake. Nearby volcano home of Dr Sisi's mad science lab.
--Grand Admiralty
--Dicke Frau: Little out of the way pub. Frequented by Prince Friedrich.
--Einheitswand: Prison for political prisoners.
--Fischadler: Royal German Zeppelin.
--Le Petit Paris: French language club.
--Maja e Malit: Dive Bar. Well known hang out for Albanian nationalists and monarchists.
--Souroupo: Night club popular with working class. Was site of suicide bombing in June '60.
--Naka-ku Ward: Central ward. Home of the nightlife.
---The Rose: Nightclub.
-Keijō: Colonial capital of Korea.
--General Government Building: Neo-classical style with large dome that looks more western than other buildings in Keijō.
--Cathedral of the People: Greek style cathedral with left-wing frescoes.
--"Gas Town": Mixed-race working class neighborhood.
--"Little Zimbabwe": Black working class neighborhood.
--Salisbury Airforce Base
--Village Idiot Club: Club between Little Zimbabwe and Gas Town, on 10th Street near 4th Avenue. Four story brick building. Drug den. Plays rock music.
---The Redoubt: A Fortress in Grozny made from a modified kremlin, home of the Emir of Grozny.
---Zaqqum Research Center: Bio-Warfare research lab.
--Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família: Basilica. Commonly called Sagrada Família.
-Dakhla (Spanish Western Sahara): Town with tango clubs and beaches.
--Hospital de San Sebastián el Mártir: Catholic Hospital in center of Madrid.
Swahili People's Republic
-Fort Portal
--Maisha-Marefu Hospital: Anarchist ran hospital.
--Tooro Palace: Old monarchical palace on hill. The palace is abandoned and the hill used for Anarchist meetings.
--Mbaya-Hispania Hospital: Colonial era Flu clinic, turned into insane asylum, then shut down and occupied by Communists.
--Umoja Hotel: Old colonial style hotel used as Communist Headquarters.
--Fort Jesus
--Motel Execution: Motel where prisoners were kept during Mombasa siege. Executions done via hanging from second story.
-Revolution-Town: Walled cluster of white buildings crammed into a square mile on a peninsula near Kampala
--Senate of the People's Will: Compact and bland Romanesque. Has dome and many carvings of laurel sprigs.
--Temple of the People's Will: Built of marble and limestone, looks like miniature parthenon, white-washed with paint.
--Walls: Made of marble, communist leaders painted on them
--Mariyinsky Palace: Residence of Hetman.
--St Sophia's Cathedral: Most important Cathedral in Kiev. Where Coronations are held.
--Verkhovna Rada: Home of Ukrainian Legislature.
--Potemkin Military Base
--"Little Vladimir" Refugee Camp: Russian refugee camp.
--Richelieu steps: Massive outdoor staircase connecting Odessa to ocean.
United States of America
-Washington DC
--Occidental Grill: Nice restaurant, has paintings of the presidents on its walls. Exists in real life.
---Kingman Gardens: Casino on Rte 66.
--Petrified Forest Inn: Near painted desert.
--Sun City (roughly corresponds with Brenda, Arizona IRL)
---Desert Rose Hotel & Casino (Ran by Chicago Mafia)
---King Arthur's Court (Ran by LA Mafia)
---Lucky Gent (Ran by New York Mafia)
--Cloud Nine: Airship casino, carrying capacity of 1000 people, travels a scenic route around California.
--Los Angeles
---Baxter Hotel: Across the street from Convention Complex.
---Beaumont's: Large department store.
---Convention Complex: Across the street from Baxter Hotel.
---Daily Bread: Leftist speak-easy.
---The Voodoo: Black club. Voodoo/Witch Hunter design theme.
---Malibu Beach Clinic: Beachside mansion specializing in under the radar services for celebrities.
--Jordan's Crossing: Boom Town
---Mac's: Bar in a Quonset hut
--Boulder City
---Hoover Dam: (Arizona side includes marker for Battle of Hoover Dam)
---Statue of Nevada Militiaman
---Goodsprings Saloon
--Las Vegas
---Oddie Airport: Small hardly used town airport.
---The Bloody Knoll: Casino in a barn-like building.
---The Sands: Bungalows operated by Nobert Noonan.
--Magnesium: Small town southeast of Las Vegas.
-New Mexico
---Liberty Land: Small Rte 66 theme park. Has vampire Karl Marx coaster and merry go round where horses have President's heads.
--Kaiser' Bierstube: Beerhall serving mostly German imports.
--Royal Douala Academy
--War Museum: National exhibit detailing the West-Afrika Civil War.