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Map as of 02-16-2018

PoW Russia Map 12-28-2017
PoW Africa Map 12-22-2017
Ethiopian Political Map
US Civil War 2 map 1
African Cultures map
East African Map 12-30-17
Armenian Province Map
Departments of Greece Map

The Condition of the von Lettow-Vorbeck dynasty
Parliament Tool



Houism is a Chinese model of socialism. Nominally referred to as Houism by outsiders for the presence of the current Grand Secretary of the Chinese Politburo Hou Tsai Tang in Chinese politics and political theory. In China, it is referred to as Chinese Socialism or the Analects of New China, encompassing a broad left-wing platform for not just 'rebooting' China and Asia to bring it on level with the modern world, but for achieving a state of socialism as a process and Communism as a end goal. Combining facets of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism to offset the dangers of what is considered the overly conservative neo-Confucian schools emphasized by the Qing and the militantly conservative Kuomintang of the old Republic of China.

The school of thought uniformly embraces notions of broadening the family and speaks more of the family as being less nuclear and broader and more communal, suggesting community-oriented care and nations as a body of families themselves among a community of families, who may or may not be estranged through the process of history. Similarly, it critiques power structure, proposing the responsible distribution of power is at the most democratic.

On a whole the movement is derived more from the Pure Socialist and Scattered anarchist movements of the Chinese left prior to real-life Soviet influence in China. Though while the Soviets are gone, former Bolsheviks from Russia who fled into China or the far-east lended to the early development of Chinese Socialism a loose framework.

Documents with available text
-On The Current State of Revolution and the Bolsheviks. Hou, 1931.
-On Minzu (ethnic minorities). Hou, 1941.
-On Power and Politics Part 1. Full Text. Hou, 1954.
--Part 2: On Republics and the American system.
--Part 3: Class Division.
--Part 4: What Makes the Superior Society?
-On Power and Politics Part 1. Partial Text with commentary by Yaqob. Hou, 1954.
Not Hou
-Letter from the Umoja Hotel. Murungaru, 1960.

Documents without available text
-Houism: A Crash Course. (English language, Not written by Hou)
-Selected Essays of Hou Sai Tang, Translated by Kifle Mesrak. (Amharic language, Articles by Hou, Includes On Power and Politics)


Military Products

-Weapons Manufactures
--New England Weapon Industries (NEWI): American based weapon and airplane developer.

--Colibri Fighter Plane - Smaller than your average fighter, built for dirigible service. Armed with 2x20mm cannons, can reach speeds of 720km/hr.
--Féi é: Massive big-bellied seaplane. Produced by China.
--Fokker As: German made fighter plane.
--KK Zorya Polunoshnaya: Made by Khil-Kobets in Russia. Sleek.
--Mitsubishi-R77: A long-range fighter-bomber plane.
--NEWI Jackrabbit: 2nd US Civil War-era American fighter.
--NEWI Big Stick: 2nd US Civil War-era American bomber.
--Sopwith Goat: Bulky Fighter made in Britain. Has pinched nose that looks like radiator.
--The Angel of Death: Rhodesian-produced bunker buster. Slow, low flier. Uses napalm and rockets.

--Cormoran Class Dirigible - Double gasbag airship aircraft carrier. Capable of speeds up to 120km/hr, has a range of 11,000km and can launch/recover 12 Colibri Fighter planes.

--Otchestvo Transport Helicopters: Made by a Ukraine.

--Heroe-Class Battleship: Spain. 50,000 tonnes, 15inch guns, three currently in service. Flagship is the RSN Don Quixote.

-Side Arms
--Weerlig Pistol: Carried by cops in Salisbury, Rhodesia. Has fifteen round magazine.

-Small Arms
--K4 Carbine: A simple, mass produced, semi-automatic, rifle-stocked carbine with a 30-round magazine and bayonet. The average Armenian foot soldier is armed with the K4. Functionally equivalent to the real-world SKS.
--Scorpion: A makeshift rifle created by Chechens in the field as an alternative to professionally made rifles. Crafted from scrap metal and pipes.
--Stinger: A makeshift antivehicle weapon created by Chechens from scrap metal and pipes.

--Amrots Landship: Originally tanks constructed by the Ottoman Empire during the Great War, these landships were abandoned or stolen, refitted with modern weaponry and armor, and put to use by Armenian military forces.
--Nerthus Kampfpanzer MKII: German. Older model.
--Nerthus Kampfpanzer WKI: German. Newer model.
--Tortuga Tank: Medium tank, flame thrower capable, four crew, 75mm gun, older models have a fixed cannon and no turret.
--Zorro Medium Tank: Mainstay of the Spanish Armored core. Fast, well armed, and heavily armored.

Commercial Products
-Khil-Kobets: Russian firm that designs and produces aircraft.
-Aygestan Brandy - Brandy distiller in the rural Artsakh, Armenia. Producing brandy from grapes grown in Martakert region.
-Château de Poster Fagot: American wine. Served in restaurants in Sun City.
-Rote Hütte: German Beer. Prince Friedrich's favorite.
-Bangko Sentral: Bank of the Philippines.
-The Algerian Silk: Algerian clothing store.
-Negus Coffee: Ethiopian based coffee company owned and operated by Desta Getachew, Sahle's Minister of the Pen.
Department Stores:
-Beaumont's: American-based, worldwide department franchise.
Fast Food
-Luigi's Place: Italian fast food joint based out of Chicago. Albanians using it as laundering front.
Flight School:
-White Flight: Rhodesian firm.
-Collazo-López cartel: Mexican cartel.
Personal Hygiene:
-Pennington and Pippin: American made razors. Based in New England.
-Constantine Petroleum: Algeria's state-owned oil company.
-Dixon Oil: Fueling America since 1894
-Ukragaz: Ukrainian national oil and natural gas company.
Processed Food:
-Vorsprung Zuckerkugeln: German made. Sweet balls of grain.
-Fruta y Comercio de Centroamérica: Central American fruit monopoly. Sells internationally.
Soft Drinks:
-Sun City Sasparilla: Cowboy on label, facing forward, winking one eye while shooting at an Indian sneaking up (USA)
-Cornell Brand: Rhodesian firm. Internationally sold.
-Red Apple: Japanese cigarettes.
-Beanies: A line of cheap plush animals filled with plastic beads. Emir Ramzan is a notable collector.

-Independence class merchant ship - Steel, mid-size transport ships commissioned in Armenia for the purpose of trading across the Black Sea. They take just a year to build from start to finish, but their reliability has been called into question. Armed for defense against pirate elements with a cannon and six heavy machine guns, and crewed by Merchant Mariners. Equivalent to the real-world US Liberty ships of WWII.

-Straßenmeister (Years ?-1945-?): City car. Used as cheap staff car.

-Handwerker Falke: Sports Car.
-Handwerker Familienwagen: Van/Microbus.
-Königswahl Gepard: Sports Car.
-Kuchenfahrt (Years ?-1951-?): Luxury car.

-Alexandros Automotives: Greek National Auto Company. Slogan: "Reliable from Greece to India"

-Atingucu (Years ?-1944-?): Turkish sedan used commonly as a staff car.

-Melsett: Off road car. Large, military tires, painted a deep green, small windshield for the driver
-The Beast: Military off road vehicle. Used by Rhodesian Security Forces.

-Doofarka: Dune buggies produced for Somalian military. Available commercially. Not mass produced in Somalia, but an easy design to copy.

United States
-Buick Bonanza (Years ?-1932-?): Four-Door sedan.
-DeSoto Firefly: A two-seater convertible car.
-Ford Florentine: Car popular with the feds.
-Ford Franklin: Long flashy car with a retractable hard-top
-Packard Stallion: Convertible. Fast car.

Unique Cultural Details
-Huangju: Yellow Wine.
-Kaoliang: Sorghum Wine.

-(see glossary section of Ethiopia character sheet)

-Barong Tagalog: A translucent white formal shirt made up of pineapple fibres.


-LA Dukes: Los Angeles based pro baseball team.
--Billy Carter: Famous black professional baseball player.

Media and Movies
-The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928): Movie about Joan of Arc's trial. Popular with French Nationalists and Leftists.

-Schwingradio Deutschland: German radio station playing swing.

-Peripeteies tou Ioanni kai tou Aristoteli: Adventures of Ioannis and Aristotle. A radio show set in the Byzantine Empire, about two men named Ioannis and Aristotle, who solved mysteries and protected the Byzantines from danger.

United States
-Pinnacle Entertainment: Hollywood Studio dominating American Film and Radio.
--The Shecky Lemon Program (Radio comedy)
--Shall We Dance?: Hollywood Movie. Starring Raymond Hollisteras as nice guy engaged of a shrew of a woman. The shrew demanded that he take dancing lessons before their wedding. Enter Bridgette Davenport as the beautiful dancing instructor. They fall in love. Sold well partially thanks to the real life murder of supporting actress Claire Beauchamp.
--Bums in Baghdad (1959): Jimmy Fastsitter and Bobby Chambers comedy.
--Tramps in Tripoli (1960): Jimmy Fastsitter and Bobby Chambers comedy.
--Private Champ: Loosely about the military service of Champ Dennis. Includes musical numbers with Edward Sisters.

-Damen von Swing: German Swing artist. Songs include "Am die Steilabfall".
-Julien Schmidt: German musician. Songs include "Spinnende Netze".

-Rock and Roll
--Peppermints: Underground band. Members are mixed race brothers Feo and Veo, and woman Mindhy.
--The Wilted Roses: Underground band.
--The Evan catz: Underground band.

United States
-Country Western
--Deuce Hopper and his Oklahoma Orchestra: Country band. Songs include "Shame on you" and a cover of "Cotton Eye Joe"
--Harvey Edwards: Left-Wing Blues musician. Blind. Sings Union hymns.
-Rock and Roll
--Little Sadie Hamilton: New-fangled rocker.
--Petey Peterson: New-fangled rocker.
--Plump Poker: New fangled rocker. Sings "I hear you knocking."
--T-Bone & The Bone Patrol: New-fangled black rock band.
-Swing and Jazz
--Mariano and the Moonlights: Big band band. Songs include alt-universe big band "Runaround Sue"
--Edwards Sisters: Three "sister" singing group. Songs include "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" and "Don't Fence Me In."
--Petey Peterson: Sings "American the Beautiful".

Albanian Language
-Atdha: Nationalist track. Can be found at the link, under the heading "Popular Civil Guard HQ".
-The Right of the Nation-State (Gjergj Kastrioti): Argument for nationalism. Can be found at the second scene here.

Amharic (Ethiopian) Language
-Aymero: Ethiopian National Newspaper

English Language
--The Adventures of Leonid Secshaver. Series written by Reginald Heap. Many books including...
---The Adventures of Leonid Secshaver: A Man of Many Meatings
---The Adventures of Leonid Secshaver: Ten Thousand Ticklish Tallywhackers
--Whisper Magazine: Hollywood celebrity tabloid. Slogan: "From your lips to our pages"
--The Tehrani Courier:The main English-language newspaper in Iran, it caters mostly to expatriates. Government censorship is therefore much lighter than on Farsi papers.
-Political Tracts
--Houism: A Crash Course (Left Wing)
--LAPD: KKKorupt KKKops (Left Wing)
--Who Will Survive in America (Left Wing)

German Language
--The Art of Manipulation

Greek Language
-Eleftheria: Athens newspaper.

Persian Language
--Lower Skies (Farrokh Mirza Ramjan): It's the story of two siblings, Arvind and Miryam, in the early 20th century, whose life is rather unremarkable, coming to terms with the disillusions of growing up in the world.
--The Tortoise (Ahmet Fulnani): Has closing line "Whereupon one cannot properly speak, one must remain silent."

--Trabzon Shipyards - The main center of maritime industry, ship production, and drydock maintenance in Armenia. Located in the western city of Trabzon, close to supply routes.
--Tsaghkadzor Heavy Industry Plant: A tank manufacturing facility tooled for updating Great War equipment for modern use.

--Forbidden City
---Zhongnanhai: The White House of China. Used by the Politburo.
---Xinhuamen gate: Built along the south wall during the Republican era.
--National Congressional Complex
---Congressional hall
--Hou's House

-Addis Ababa
--Entoto Mountains: Range that forms Addis Ababa's northern border. Populated with Eucalyptus trees.
---Gebi Entoto: Abandoned palace of Menelik II.
--Gebi Iyasu: Sahle's pad.
--Vin Rouge: French language and cultural club.
--Ras Hotel: Big fancy hotel.
--Emebet Eleni School for Girls: High school. Self explanatory.
--Negus Mikael Military Academy: Officers training school. Shotel Offices located on campus.
-Danakil Desert
--Lake Afrera: Salt mining lake. Nearby volcano home of Dr Sisi's mad science lab.
--Grand Admiralty

--Dicke Frau: Little out of the way pub. Frequented by Prince Friedrich.
--Einheitswand: Prison for political prisoners.
--Fischadler: Royal German Zeppelin.

--Le Petit Paris: French language club.
--Maja e Malit: Dive Bar. Well known hang out for Albanian nationalists and monarchists.
--Souroupo: Night club popular with working class. Was site of suicide bombing in June '60.

--Naka-ku Ward: Central ward. Home of the nightlife.
---The Rose: Nightclub.
-Keijō: Colonial capital of Korea.
--General Government Building: Neo-classical style with large dome that looks more western than other buildings in Keijō.

--Cathedral of the People: Greek style cathedral with left-wing frescoes.

--"Gas Town": Mixed-race working class neighborhood.
--"Little Zimbabwe": Black working class neighborhood.
--Salisbury Airforce Base
--Village Idiot Club: Club between Little Zimbabwe and Gas Town, on 10th Street near 4th Avenue. Four story brick building. Drug den. Plays rock music.

---The Redoubt: A Fortress in Grozny made from a modified kremlin, home of the Emir of Grozny.
---Zaqqum Research Center: Bio-Warfare research lab.

--Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família: Basilica. Commonly called Sagrada Família.
-Dakhla (Spanish Western Sahara): Town with tango clubs and beaches.
--Hospital de San Sebastián el Mártir: Catholic Hospital in center of Madrid.

Swahili People's Republic
-Fort Portal
--Maisha-Marefu Hospital: Anarchist ran hospital.
--Tooro Palace: Old monarchical palace on hill. The palace is abandoned and the hill used for Anarchist meetings.
--Mbaya-Hispania Hospital: Colonial era Flu clinic, turned into insane asylum, then shut down and occupied by Communists.
--Umoja Hotel: Old colonial style hotel used as Communist Headquarters.
--Fort Jesus
--Motel Execution: Motel where prisoners were kept during Mombasa siege. Executions done via hanging from second story.
-Revolution-Town: Walled cluster of white buildings crammed into a square mile on a peninsula near Kampala
--Senate of the People's Will: Compact and bland Romanesque. Has dome and many carvings of laurel sprigs.
--Temple of the People's Will: Built of marble and limestone, looks like miniature parthenon, white-washed with paint.
--Walls: Made of marble, communist leaders painted on them

--Mariyinsky Palace: Residence of Hetman.
--St Sophia's Cathedral: Most important Cathedral in Kiev. Where Coronations are held.
--Verkhovna Rada: Home of Ukrainian Legislature.
--Potemkin Military Base
--"Little Vladimir" Refugee Camp: Russian refugee camp.
--Richelieu steps: Massive outdoor staircase connecting Odessa to ocean.

United States of America
-Washington DC
--Occidental Grill: Nice restaurant, has paintings of the presidents on its walls. Exists in real life.
---Kingman Gardens: Casino on Rte 66.
--Petrified Forest Inn: Near painted desert.
--Sun City (roughly corresponds with Brenda, Arizona IRL)
---Desert Rose Hotel & Casino (Ran by Chicago Mafia)
---King Arthur's Court (Ran by LA Mafia)
---Lucky Gent (Ran by New York Mafia)
--Cloud Nine: Airship casino, carrying capacity of 1000 people, travels a scenic route around California.
--Los Angeles
---Baxter Hotel: Across the street from Convention Complex.
---Beaumont's: Large department store.
---Convention Complex: Across the street from Baxter Hotel.
---Daily Bread: Leftist speak-easy.
---The Voodoo: Black club. Voodoo/Witch Hunter design theme.
---Malibu Beach Clinic: Beachside mansion specializing in under the radar services for celebrities.
--Jordan's Crossing: Boom Town
---Mac's: Bar in a Quonset hut
--Boulder City
---Hoover Dam: (Arizona side includes marker for Battle of Hoover Dam)
---Statue of Nevada Militiaman
---Goodsprings Saloon
--Las Vegas
---Oddie Airport: Small hardly used town airport.
---The Bloody Knoll: Casino in a barn-like building.
---The Sands: Bungalows operated by Nobert Noonan.
--Magnesium: Small town southeast of Las Vegas.
-New Mexico
---Liberty Land: Small Rte 66 theme park. Has vampire Karl Marx coaster and merry go round where horses have President's heads.

--Kaiser' Bierstube: Beerhall serving mostly German imports.
--Royal Douala Academy
--War Museum: National exhibit detailing the West-Afrika Civil War.

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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

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Head of State:
Hou Tsai Tang



This is mostly for my own benefit in this app's case

Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

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2017 Reboot App
2014 RPG PoW Sheet
2012 MCF PoW Sheet
2011 Sporum Sheet

Map of Ethiopian Provinces and Districts
Ethiopian names (see naming conventions below)
Ethiopian Folktales



Imperial Family
-Negus Negast Sahle the First, Emperor of Ethiopia (Born 07/04/1935 24): Description/Introduction
-Le'elt Taytu Yohannes (Born 09/11/1936 23): Ambitious princess. Description/Introduction
-Leul Yaqob Yohannes (Born 02/02/1943 17): Sahle's idealistic young brother. Description/Introduction
-Emebet Hoy Eleni: Mother of Sahle, Taytu, and Yaqob, widow of Yohannes. Description/Introduction
-Ras Wolde Petros Mikael: Son of Iyasu V, Great uncle of Emperor. Description/Introduction
--Woizero Hiruteslale Giyorgis: Wolde Petro's wife. Great Aunt of Emperor. Description/Introduction
--Woizerit Fetlewerk Wolde Petros: Youngest daughter of Wolde Petros. Description/Introduction
-Aron and Muse: Sahle's pet lions. Description/Introduction

-(Negus Mikael of Wollo, born Mohammed Ali): Father of Iyasu V. Lived 1850-1928.
-(Iyasu V): Grandfather of Sahle, Yaqob, and Taytu. Lived 1895-1958.
-(Yohannes Iyasu): Son of Iyasu V and father of Sahle, Yaqob, and Taytu. Lived 1915-1949 (died of influenza)

Imperial Court
-Tsehafi Taezaz (Minister of the Pen): Bitwoded Desta Getachew. Description/Introduction
--Secretary: Zemichael Hagos. Description/Introduction
-Afe Negus (Mouth of the King/Minister of Justice): Telaye Haylu. Description/Introduction
-Meridazmach (Minister of Defense): Zekiros Argaw. Description/Introduction
-Bahr Negus (Sea King/Minister of the Navy: Hamere Noh Dagna. Description/Introduction
-Bejirond (Minister of Finance): Medebew Fek-Yebelu. Description/Introduction
-Minister of Foreign Affairs: Benyam Felege. Description/Introduction
-Minister of Transportation and Public Works: Aleme Menigedi. Description/Introduction
-Minister of Posts, Telegraphs, and Telephones: Lawgaw Seleshi. Description/Introduction
-Blattengeta (Lord of the Pages/Youths): Sisay Makari: Traveling priest (debtera). Minister to the Imperial Family. Description/Introduction

Ambassadors from Ethiopia
-RHODESIA: Abraham Wudneh: Cynical, personally involved with Rhodesian society. Description/Introduction
-CHINA: Akale Tebebe: Flashy dresser. Description/Introduction
-SPAIN: Dejazmach Wendem Cherkos: Old nobleman. Description/Introduction
-UNITED STATES: Gelay Hezekel: Aging man obsessed with his appearance.
--Noh Mareko: Guard employed with embassy in US. Assigned to Taytu. Description/Introduction

Ambassadors to Ethiopia
-ADAL (SOMALIA): Maxamed Nuux: Melodramatic. Description/Introduction
-AMERICA: Jefferson Davis Bacon: More or less just Boss Hogg. Description/Introduction
-GERMANY: Freiherr Wolfgang von Fürstenberg: Extroverted noble. Description/Introduction
-GREECE: Anastasia Demetriades: Stylish and nervous. Description/Introduction
-OTTOMAN EMPIRE: Fuat Pasha: Ottoman Gentleman who looks like Sigmund Freud. Description/Introduction
-PHILIPPINES: Lucrecia Calimlim: Flirty, desperate for agricultural items. Description/Introduction
-RHODESIA: Evie Stevens: Lesbian crocodile hunter. Description/Introduction
-TANGYANYIKA: Rudolph von Lettow-Vorbeck: Grandson of Paul. Tanganyikan playboy, Sahle's friend. Description/Introduction

Shum, Nobles, and Kentiba
-Ras Wolde Petros Mikael: Mesfin of Wollo. Description/Introduction
-Issayas Seme: Mesfin of Begmeder. Description/Introduction
--Ballabat Bekwere: One of Issayas Seme's officials. Description/Introduction
-Ras Giyorgis Temare Mengesha: Tigray Mekonnen. Description/Introduction
-Fantaye Joas: Mesfin of Hararghe. Fat. Dresses Muslim. Description/Introduction
-Sentota: Kentiba of Derba. Description/Introduction
--Gyasi Sentota: Son of Sentota, Kentiba of Derba. Description/Introduction
-Lamrot: Kentiba of Awasa. Description/Introduction

The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
-Abun: Onesiphorus: Old bearded man, conservative and traditional, kindly. Description/Introduction
-Abba Tofik: Priest in the town of Chew Ber in Begmeder province. Description/Introduction

The Army
-Meridazmach Zekiros Argaw. Description/Introduction
-Negus Mikael Military Acadamy
--Chemeda Magana: Young man training as officer. Description/Introduction
-Tekwashi Girima: Deformed Hunchback. Ethiopia's best shooter. Description/Introduction

The Airforce
Gear: Warm clothes. Pistol.
-Hector Santareál: Air force Commander, Cuban. Description/Introduction

The Navy
Gear: Grey uniforms.
-ENS Yohannes IV: Battleship. Sold to Philippines.
-ENS Happiness: Carrier converted into the Emperor's personal party barge.
-Bahr Negus (Sea King/Minister of the Navy: Hamere Noh Dagna. Description/Introduction
-Vice Admiral: Bahere Kristos Hamere Noh. Description/Introduction

The Shotel
Gear: Unmarked Khaki uniforms. German Luger.
-Captain Telehun Gelagel: A director. Short cropped beard. Description/Introduction
-Agent Leyla Masri: Young girl, new agent. Description/Introduction
-Agent Elias Zelalem: Young smirking man. Leyla's partner. Description/Introduction
-Agent Reja: In charge of Shotel shooting range. Description/Introduction
-Agent Mehret: Agent created by Wyrm. Has a good relationship with the Rhodesians. https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4546596

Ethiopian Rebels
-Fitawrari Ergete Galawdeyos: Self-proclaimed George Washington of Ethiopia (not a real Fitawrari). Description/Introduction
--Mahetsent Lekonk: Ergete's second in command. Description/Introduction
--Shaleqa Kaleyesus: Grey man, pointy beard. Minor leader. Description/Introduction
--Amsale: Scout. Description/Introduction

People of Ethiopia
Addis Ababa
-Samuel Selassie: Addis Ababa detective. Description/Introduction
-Shanani Haile: Addis Ababa debutante. Description/Introduction
-Tigist: Roommate of Shanani Haile. Description/Introduction
-Eskedare Nebiyou: Young girl who graduated school with Leyla Masri. Engaged to young officer named Kofi. Description/Introduction
-Konjit Bruk: Young girl who graduated school with Leyla Masri. Description/Introduction
-Kifle Mesrak: Professor who translates Houist works.
-Masri Farid: Leyla's father. Second generation immigrant from Egypt. Description/Introduction
-The Abyssinian Blues Band
--Yared: On krar. Description/Introduction
--Marc: On cornet. Description/Introduction
--Zubar: On drums. Description/Introduction
--Ab: Has a piano. Description/Introduction

-Abba al'Hadad: Fat as fuck. Boss of Ibis company. Description/Introduction

-Dr Babukar Sisi: Mad psychologist and abuser of thesauri. Description/Introduction
-Nebiyou: Farmer and Ass renter from Derba. Description/Introduction
--Gedeyon Nebiyou: Possessed teenager, sent away to be a priest at Debre Markos. Description/Introduction
-Werke: Widow living near Chew Ber. Enjoys the company of Fitawrari Ergete. Description/Introduction
-Ashenafi Werku: The runner. Monk. Olympic athlete. Description/Introduction


Emir of Somalia and Ras of Adal: Hassan al-Himyari. Description/Introduction
-Azima al-Himyari: Hassan's daughter and heir. Description/Introduction

-Dervishes (Special Forces)
--Commander: Rais Said. Description/Introduction
-Commanding Officers
--Axmed Haji Siad: Native Somali. Devil like pointed beard. Short hair. Description/Introduction
--Shakir bin Musa: Arab. Excitable. Description/Introduction


Kikomunisti Party Central Committee
-Chairman: James Lutalo: Melodramatic, militaristic, wears a steel breastplate. Description/Introduction
-Secretary: Thomas Jefferson Murungaru: Methodical, ambitious, hot headed. Description/Introduction
-Treasurer: Paulo Madada: Cold, uninvolved, Lepidus-Like. Description/Introduction

Army of the Revolution
-Kiprop: An officer. Description/Introduction
-Grenade-Man: Big strong guy who throws grenades. Description/Introduction

Watu wa Uhuru: "The Free People", Anarchist Party.
-Marcel Hondo-Demissie: Anarchist leader and tactical genius. Description/Introduction
-Grace Odinga: Anarchist leader, Marcel Hondo-Demissie's wife. Description/Introduction
-Achille: Top Force Socialiste. Description/Introduction
-Captain Ami: One of the Force Socialiste captains. Description/Introduction

Freedom Army of God
-Elder Saul Allred: Survivor of the US Civil War in Utah. Turned homicidal preacher. Description/Introduction

Kingdom of Buganda

Foreign Supporters of the Government
-Li Huan: Youthful Chinese Houist, Murungaru's paramore. Description/Introduction
-Franz Agricola: German, former Spartacist, Engineer. Description/Introduction

Foreign Counter-Revolutionaries
-Commander Tom Trevor: English speaker from one of the south african countries, defender of Mombasa. Description/Introduction

-Rudolph von Lettow-Vorbeck: Grandson of Paul von-Lettow-Vorbeck. Tanganyikan playboy, Sahle's friend. Description/Introduction
-(Reginald and Beautrice Heap): Connected Rhodesian couple. Into cuckholdry. Murdered the night of June 5th, 1960, by Rhodesian officer Sarah Reicker.Description/Introduction
-Sarah Reicker: Rhodesian agent attached to the Heaps. Description/Introduction
-Bradford Carnahan: Preppy new england WASP manager of Negus Coffee in America. Description/Introduction
-Livy Carnahan: Bradford's sister whom Sahle has a crush on. Description/Introduction
-Miyagi Yakuga: Manager of Negus Coffee in Japan. Description/Introduction
-Floyd Switzer: Engineer with PTSD. Hired to improve Ethiopia's infrastructure. Description/Introduction
--Betty Lou: Floyd's Dog. American Eskimo-Beagle mix. Description/Introduction
-Ali ibn Talal: Grandson of Hashemite Caliph. Description/Introduction
-Norbert Noonan: AKA Bert. Saved Taytu in Las Vegas. Description/Introduction
-Tom Bedford: Friend of Bert Noonan. Treated Taytu in Goodsprings after Las Vegas. Description/Introduction
-August Ibel: Ostafrikan. Boisterous. Talkative. Part of Highway project. Description/Introduction
-Deng Shun: Nervous Chinese maid in Ethiopia's Beijing embassy. Description/Introduction
-Deng Zhong-shan: Chinese Congressman. Member of Financial faction. Description/Introduction
-Jiang Fu: Elderly Chinese engineer living in Lushun. Talkative. Mm. Description/Introduction
-Sultan Taysir bin Faisal: Sultan of Oman. Drinker. Likes boys. Description/Introduction
-Daniel Gablogian: Armenian coffee rep. Danny Devito. Description/Introduction
-Francisco "Pancho": Caretaker of La Mancha vineyard Taytu stays at. Description/Introduction
-Conde: Deputy in Spanish Cortes. Description/Introduction

-Khalid al-Himyari: Hassan's Grandfather. Description/Introduction
-Negus Mikael of Wollo, born Mohammed Ali: Father of Iyasu V. Lived 1850-1928.
-Iyasu V: Grandfather of Sahle, Yaqob, and Taytu. Lived 1895-1958.
-Yohannes Iyasu: Son of Iyasu V and father of Sahle, Yaqob, and Taytu. Lived 1915-1949 (died of influenza).
-Issak Ibsa: American painter with Ethiopian immigrant parents. Died April of 1960.


-Admiralty Building: Small Italian manse housing Naval offices in Addis Ababa.
-Emebet Eleni School for Girls: Girls secondary school.
-Gebi Entoto: The pre-1886 Palace of Menelik II, located on top of Entoto mountain.
-Gebi Iyasu: Current Imperial residence, Imperial residence since the thirties.
-Jan Meda: Grounds used for sporting events and festivals.
-Menelik Palace, also called Gebi: Palace of Menelik II after 1886, and the early reign of Iyasu V. Located in the middle of Addis Ababa
--Te'eka Negist: Royal Mausoleum where Menelik II, his wife Taytu, and Iyasu V are buried.
--Ba'eta Le Mariam Monastery: Monestary on Gebi grounds.
-Menelik II School: Addis Ababa's first High School, established 1908.
-Negus Mikael Military Academy: Generalized ground for military training. Officers school. Shotel base.
-Ras Hotel: Ritzy hotel in downtown.
-Vin Rouge: French restaurant and culture club.

-Grand Admiralty: Home of the Bahr Negus. C shaped, Italian architecture, perched above Naval yards.

-Lake Afrera: Salt lake in the northern Danakil. Home of Dr Sisi's mad science lab.

"Ethiopians do not use surnames. The same system is used by both Christians and Muslims. An individual's name consists of his proper name followed by his father's name. Individuals are, there-fore, normally referred to by their proper (i.e. first) name. Both the proper name and the father's name may have two components; thus a name may consist of three or four words. In addition secular or religious titles may be added to one or both names. (See glossary for titles). Many Ethiopian names are, in effect, phrases. Wives do not take their husbands' names. Three courtesy titles are used in Ethiopia: Ato (Mr), Woizero (Mrs), and Woizerit (Miss)." (citation: "Layers of Time: A History of Ethiopia" by Paul B. Henze)


Ethiopian Calendar (major holidays in bold).
-January 7th: Genna (Christmas)
-January 19th: Timkat (Epiphany)
-February 2nd: Yaqob's Birthday
-March 2nd: Adwa Day
-Spring: Siklet (Good Friday) and Fasika (Easter).
-July 4th: Sahle's birthday.
-September 11th : Enkutatash: New Year's Day (12th on leap years, including 1960). Also Taytu's Birthday.
-September 27th: Meskel: Finding of the True Cross (biggest holiday)

Precipice Specific Terms or Phrases (AKA shit I made up).
-Shotel: Name for national intelligence of Imperial Ethiopia. Words means Sword.
-Doofarka: Means "Pig" in Somali. Dune buggies used by Somalians.
-Force Socialiste: Marcel's elite squad of Veterans. Dressed like Belgian Force Publique.
-Furusiyya: Technically a real thing, the Arabic equivalant of Chivalry, but in PoW being used in the context of Somalian martial arts and military philosophy.

Ethiopian Royal Titles (ordered by importance)
-Negusa Negast: "King of Kings." Title conferred to an Ethiopian Emperor. Sahle is Negusa Negast.
-Nigiste Negestatt : "Queen of Kings." Female reigning Empress. Zewditu crowned as this during her failed rebellion.
-Negus: King.
-Itege: Queen-Consort or Empress-Consort. Wife of the Negusa Negast or Negus.
-Leul: Prince.
-Le'elt: Princess.
-Emebet Hoy: "Great Royal Lady". Wife of royal princes.
-Lij: "Child". Used as a term for noble boys.
-Emebet: "Royal Lady". Female member of the royal line.

Ethiopian Feudal/Military Titles (ordered by importance)
-Makwanent: Not a title. The Ethiopian word for the nobility as a whole.
-Bitwoded: Court title meaning "Favorite". Used as qualifier for official title like Ras, implying Royal favor.
-Ras: "Head." A position similar to duke. Many Rases throughout history held power almost equal to that of a Negus.
-Meridazmach: "Chief of Staff". A rare title similar to Ras. Originally used to denote the ruler of Shewa.
-Dejazmach: "Commander of the Gate". Comparable to count or earl.
-Fitawrari: "Commander of the Vanguard". Comparable to Baron.
-Kegnazmach: "Leader of the Right." Minor nobility
-Grazmach: "Leader of the Left". Minor Nobility
-Azmach: "Leader of the Rearguard". Minor nobility usually given to trusted advisors or ministers.
-Balambaras: "Commander of the Fortress." Semi-noble title given to people entrusted with important supporting commands.
-Shaleqa: Military rank comparable to major.

Ethiopian Religious Titles (ordered by importance)
-Abun/Abune: Metropolitan of the Ethiopian Church. A title also given to bishops.
-Etchege: Administrative head of the church. Second under the Abun, sort of like Minister of Pen to the Abun.
-Nebura ed: Civil governor of Axum, appointed from the clergy.
-Aleqa: Chief or head. The title given to the dean of a church.
-Gabez: Custodian of a church, charged with caring for the treasures of the church.
-Kahen: Priest
-Abba Mahbar: Head of a monastic community.
-Arde'et: Disciple. Monk.
-Debtera: A non-ordained traveling religious person within the Ethiopian church. Responsible for impromptu acts of worship, the making of herbal remedies, the exorcising of evil spirits, and spell-binding.
-Kiddus: Saint or holy man.
-Abba: Father. Used the same as in the west.

Ethiopian Court Titles and Civil Offices (ordered by importance of place)
-Enderase: Regent or co-ruler.
-Tsehafi Taezaz: "Minister of the Pen". Most powerful post in the court, signs official documents. Similar to Privy Seal.
-Afe Negus: "Mouth of the King". Announces royal decrees. Sort of a Press Secretary.
-Meridazmach: "Chief of Staff". Secretary of War.
-Bejirond: "Treasurer". Secretary of Finance.
-Liquamaquas: Body double for the Negus, used in battle to confuse enemies.
-Aqabe Se'at: "Keeper of time". Official, often a clergyman, responsible for the Emperor's schedule.
-Blattengeta: "Lord of the pages". Administrator of the palace itself. Also given to head advisors.
-Blatta: "Page". Palace servant.
-Mesfin: Governor of a province.
--Tigray Mekonnen: Governor of Tigray.
-Shum: Governor of a sub-province.
--Wagshum: Governor of Wag
--Jantirar: Ancient hereditary rulers of the fortress at Ambassel in the Wollo Province.
-Mislene: Sub-Governor.
-Kentiba: Mayor.
-Nagadras: Senior bureaucrat in charge of markets, customs duties, and tax collection.
-Ballabat: Official in charge of local government offices. Essentially a bureaucratic manager.
-Korro: Bureaucrat.

Legal Terms
Land Tenure
-Gult: An ownership right acquired from the monarch or from provincial rulers who are empowered to make land grants. Gult owners collect tribute from the peasantry and exact labor service as payment in kind from the peasants. Until the government instituted salaries, gult rights were the typical form of compensation for an official.
-Maderia: Land granted mainly to government officials, war veterans, and other patriots in lieu of a pension or salary. Although it is land granted for life, the state possesses a reversionary right over all land grants; this form of tenure comprised about 12% of the country's agricultural land.
-Mengist: Land registered as government property.
-Rist: Hereditary, inalienable, and inviolable form of land tenure. No user of any piece of land can sell his or her share outside the family or mortgage or bequeath his or her share as a gift, as the land belongs not to the individual but to the descent group. Most peasants in the northern highlands hold at least some rist land.
-Samon: Land the government granted to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in perpetuity. Traditionally, the church had claimed about one-third of Ethiopia's land; however, actual ownership probably never reached this figure. Estimates of church holdings range from 10 - 20% of the country's cultivated land. Peasants who work on church land pay tribute to the church (or monastery) rather than to the Emperor.
Division of land (by Importance)
-Taklai Ghizat: Province. Governed by a Mesfin.
-Awraja: Subprovince. (The smallest part of the Provinces and Districts map in the resources at the top of this post). Governed by a Shum.
-Woreda: Administrative level below the sub-province. Typically a town and its surrounding area. Governed by Kentiba.
-Gasha: Feudal division of land, approx 40 to 80 acres.

Racial and Ethnic groups (ordered by prominence)
Racial Map
-Habesha: The collective name for the peoples of the Ethiopian highlands. This is the origin of the old term 'Abyssinia'.
--Amhara: An Habesha people, and the dominate racial group politically. The language, Amharic, is named after them. Primarily Christian.
--Tigrayans/Tigrinyas: A Habesha people from the north of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Speak Tigrinya.
--Agaw: Highland people, primarily Christian. Small in numbers now but was significant in the Aksumite period. Were the people that founded the Medieval Zagwe dynasty.
-Oromo/Galla: One of the most numerous races in Ethiopia, roughly one third of Ethiopians. Mostly Muslim, but large contingent of Christians too. Descended from warrior tribes that came from the south in the late middle ages. Prominent in the 19th century, particularly during the Zemene Mesafint, when their cavalry was especially renowned.
-Somali: Dominant in Somalia/Adal, and common in the east of Ethiopia, especially the Ogaden. Mostly Sunni Muslim, some Sufi Muslim. Speak Somali.
-Tigre: Muslim pastoralists living in the northwest of Eritrea. Related to the Sudanese Beja people.
-Falasha: Jewish people, also sometimes called Beta Israel. Primarily live in their own communities in the northern highlands.
-Gurage: Primarily Christian Afro-Asiatic people south of the Awash river. Speak Gurage.
-Silt'e: Muslim Afro-Asiatic population south of Addis Ababa.
-Sidama: The people of the Sidamo region. Largely protestant for some reason.
-Welayta: The culturally and racially distinct people of the Weylata region. Have a thing for red, black, and orange stripes for some reason.
-Afar: Primarily Muslim pastoralists living in the Danakil region. Have a thing for putting butter in their hair and cutting off the dicks of their enemy with a special dick slicing knife called a gile.
-Shanqella: Catch-all term for the dark-skinned tribes living in the west along the frontier with Sudan.
-Saho: A primarily Muslim people living in Eritrea. Related to the Afar.

Ethiopian Phrases
-Abet: A greeting call, used to attract attention, or to acknowledge such a call.
-Ato: Mister.
-Ayzore!: Be strong! Call of encouragement that can be used in battle, travel, or work.
-Isshi: Okay.
-Jan Hoi: Your Majesty.

Afar Terms and Phrases
-Gile: Knife worn by Afar men. Used primarily to slaughter livestock.

1:Sisay Makari and the Mystery of the Bloody Asses.
2:Yaqob Intro: Yaqob and the Rhodesians at Great Zimbabwe.
3:Sahle Intro: Our hero plows the Heaps as he plows the red sea.
4:Hassan Intro: Memories of Segale and training of the Dervishes.
5:The Maltese Sahle (Liebasha Noir).
6:The Sahle Express. Sahle tries LSD for the first time.
7:Siege of Mombasa Part 1.
8:Leyla joins the Shotel.
9:The Minister of the Pen's Birthday, meeting Livy.
10:Taytu Intro: Wine gets in your eyes (if you are the congressman from Illinois.)
11:The Good, The Bad, and Fitawrari Ergete.
12:Siege of Mombasa Part 2.
13:The South Sea Ship Sale outlined by the American ambassador.
14:Siege of Mombasa Part 3: Finale
15:Yaqob goes to China, Sahle and the coffee people travel the War Road.
16:Azima Intro: Everybody was Furusiyya fighting.
17:Dr Sisi Intro, Marcel Hondo-Demissie and his Dynamite Cavalry intro.
18:Rhodesia is voted off the island.
19:Taytu gets her kicks on Route 66.
20:Mr Yaqob goes to China.
21:Coffee tour, Introduction to Bahr Negus, Sahle discovers Rock n' Roll
22:Murder on Embassy Row. Leyla shoots a gun and likes a boy.
23:Floyd's mighty convoy, the highway demo, Sahle returns to Addis.
24:Sahle and friends talk to the Ambassadors after Murder on Embassy Row
25:LETTERBEE COLLAB: Hamere Noh Dagna & the little Filipino that could.
26:Ergete at the Battle of Ma'aleh Levona.
27:Azima visits Mogadishu. ENS Yohannes IV sails away.
28:AARON COLLAB: Yaqob meets Hou.
29:Skirmish on the Nabakazi River between Anarchists and Communists.
30:The Military Post. What to do about Ergete's Shiftas?
31:A day in the life of Sahle. The Vin Rouge.
32:Taytu at the Lucky Gent. A run in with the Highway Rangers.
33:Murungaru writes, touches a nekkid lady, sees a Dr Sisi brain surgery
34:Hassan meets with Caliph's grandson, plots a war.
35:Marcel Hondo-Demissie and the Watu wa Uhuru Commune prepare for war.
36:Leyla at the shooting contest.
37:Ergete at the Battle of the Tekeze River.
38:Sahle's Birthday Party.
39:Taytu in Las Vegas. End of the Route 66 arc.
40:The Freedom Army of God introduction.
41:Yaqob's day out.
42:Sahle wants to get laid, reacts to Taytus wounds, closes the borders.
43:The Runner.
44:Taytu sick in Madrid.
45:Murungaru and company arrive in Revolution-Town.
46:Floyd, Betty Lou, and the Leopard.
47:Sahle's day of meetings.
48:Marcel goes hunting, finds pygmies, thinks about stuff.
49:Yaqob meets the Chinese conservatives. Mm.
50:Azima dolls up and meets the Sultan of Oman.
51:Leyla goes to the club and turns down sex. Next day meets Elias.
52:Sahle is confronted by Hassan supporter. Fucks Livy.
53:Ergete raids a house, is saved by the government.
54:Leyla and Elias on the hunt for the Good Doctor in Djibouti.
55:Yaqob loses his V-card. Could there be arms from China?
56:Taytu is bored in Spain.
57:Sahle and the beginning of the Ethiopian Civil War.
58:Enkutash Offensive: Battle of Marda Pass
59:Sahle learns about Marda. Livy Cries. Sahle will go to war.
60:Ergete makes an unlikely alliance with Issayas, Mesfin of Begmeder
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nation: The Federal Republic of the Philippines

Leader: Priscilla Aglipay-Rizal

Location: IRL Philippines. No Sabah...yet. Spratly Islands are Japanese despite me claiming them.

History: The Philippines was colonized by Spain, whose oppression welded together the disaprate peoples of the Islands into one nation, nay, one civilization. When the Philippines rose up in revolt, America then stepped in to help, then betray the rebels and make common cause with the rich landowners to undermine the revolution and set up a new colony that served its interests. That said, there were constructive elements to the US Occupation, such as in education and health care, as well as infrastructure. And credit where credit is due, the US did try and prepare the Philippines for Independence, acknowledging the skills of some of its people. Nevertheless, the Colonial Government's alliance with the rich landowners, who acquired estates larger than major cities under the American's tutelage, led to an unjust economic arrangement.

And when America went into civil war in the 30s, just after the end of the Great War, the people who were discontented with this state of things began to organize, led by one Gregorio Aglipay*, a former Catholic Priest who broke from the Vatican to establish his own Church, the Iglesia Filipina Independente (this was in the 1910s). Aglipay had Socialist and Communist leanings despite the two ideologies' hostility to religion, but rejected them to form his own ideology of 'Aglipayan Counciliarism', which stated that smallholder farmers and networks of small worker-owned businesses were the best organization of society, but that a strong, federally-organized government with a substantial armed force was needed to ensure the destruction of monopolies and the even distribution of largeese. This central government, however, would be elected bottom-up by the people and locally-organized councils.

Aglipay was also a married man (just like in the IRL Timeline, but earlier) due to his Church rejecting clerical celibacy and moving closer to Episcopalian and 'Old Catholic' theology. He had a wife, and through her, a daugther, Priscilla Aglipay, who in turn married one Manuel Rizal (both Priscilla and Manuel did not exist IRL), son of Paciano Rizal, brother of Jose Rizal, the National Hero of the Philippines. Priscilla was a finely educated woman, and also, to her father's surprise, physically strong and naturally assertive. Thus, she had been taken into his confidence and even taught how to use weapons and ride a horse and drive motorcars in her youth, and her new husband encouraged such things. And later on, she and Manuel joined Gregorio in founding the Second Katipunan, or Pangalawang Kataas-taasan, Kagalang-galangang Katipunan (PKKK).

The Second Katipunan was a revolutionary organization founded upon the rules of Anti-Monopolism, which meant overthrowing the landed estates and over-mighty corporations that were supported by the Americans, just as said support was weakening. This organization, founded on a network of cells with strong rules of secrecy, spread like wildfire as the United States withdrew the last of its troops due to its internal conflict. As the landed classes were divided on whether to declare their own 'Republic', seek Japanese 'tutelage', or do both as a protectorate, the Second Katipunan struck in a coordinated revolt. Workers ceased working, soldiers mutinied, and the peasants declared war on their landlords. The rich and powerful tried to resist using mercenary gangs of private militias, but the civil war, though brief and brutal, was won by the PKKK.

But Gregorio Aglipay and Manuel Rizal were not there to see it, having lost their lives in the conflict. Priscilla Aglipay-Rizal, however, did, having found herself the most powerful woman in the Philippines. But instead of setting herself up as a dictator like she could have done, she instead set up free and fair elections that included her last remaining opponents; this enabled her to legitimately win the title of 'Lady President'. She then began the process of dismantling the landed estates, supporting the smallholders left behind, creating networks of worker-owned businesses, and establishing 'necessary' state-owned enterprises in areas where economies of scale were important, such as arms production, mining, and shipbuilding. Not merely that, but she also began establishing fellow Aglipayan Counciliarism (later renamed into Priscilline Conciliarist) movements in other post-colonial nations.

Other: The Philippine Military is made up of a 'regular army' of 40,000 men and women, and reservists and paramilitaries numbering 200,000 men and women (including independent women's units).

The Navy is composed of various ships 'left behind' by the US Asiatic Fleet during the final stages of the American Withdrawal and the Second Philippine Revolution:

- 4 Destroyers and 1 Destroyer Tender
- 9 Submarines
- 1 Submarine Tender
- 3 Gunboats
- 2 Tankers
- 1 Tugboat
- 6 Torpedo Boats


Places of Interest:

Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas/Central Bank of the Philippines Headquarters - A 1920s' Art Deco building built 20 years after the 1920s as a show of strength by the remaining bourgeois elements in the Philippines. Now, the Central Bank is backing the newly-minted 'May 25th Movement' as a source of opposition to the ruling 'New Philippines Party'...



Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The United States of America

National Anthem

Head of State: Michael Norman



Post Catalogue

9. (A Vilage co-production)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wilted Rose
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Wilted Rose A Dragon with a Rose

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nation: The Danubian Federation / "Donauföderation"
Leader: Kaiser Franz Joseph Otto II
History: Austria-Hungary emerged from the Great War intact, but only in name. The Isonzo River ran red with the blood of untold Austro-Hungarians and Italians. The Hammer of the Brusilov Offensive nearly broke the entire empire. Only German intervention saved the crippled state. Despite success in the Balkans, the success in stalling the Italians, and the armistice with Russia... The K.u.K Armee was almost entirely run by their German neighbor in the North by 1920.

Though the fighting on the fronts had ended, the broken apparatus of the state was now all in the hands of Kaiser Karl I. Through very careful political manuvering and the granting of privledges to Croats, Bohemians, and Gallicians, The Empire was saved from imminnent collapse... for a short period. Reformed into the United States of Greater Austria. A confederated state. However in 1932, the Hungarian diet refused to acknowledge the rule of the Kaiser and the Imperial council. Tensions escalated very rapidly, and in 1934, the nation fell to civil war.

Though a minor conflict compared to the Great War, the age-old tensions had finally bursted through the old cracks and foundations. Through the next year, an uneasy alliance between Bohemians, Austrians, Croats, and Galliacians fought against Romanians, Hungarians, Serbians, and Bosnians in their attempts for full independence/reunifcation with their homelands. Due to constant infighting between the Hungarians and the Romanians, Romania itself eventually intervened in the war.

Securing Transylvania for itself, Romanaia was the first of the last blows that defeated the Hungarian Alliance. The Battle of Banat would be the final battle, with Austro-Bohemians forces defeated the final Bosnian force active in the field. The nation had barely survived, and it was proof the Karl and Archduke Otto that complete federalization was required. Other the course of the next decade, local governments were set up in provinces across the states. Reorganization of the "States" into "Principalities" was first. Each principality holding their own diet, with the combined diets each sending a two members to make up the lower house of the reformed Imperial Council. The Upper House being made of one elected politician, known as a "Prince."

Eventually, Kaiser Karl I died, and was succedeed by Archduke Otto. Crowning Himself as Kaiser Franz Joseph Otto II, he continued the project of his father, trying to unite the power of the Danube under a democratic Constituional Monarchy.

In 1949, the Kaiser proclaimed the United States of Greater Austria officialy defunct. The new Danubian Federation standing in it's place, a new empire where every culture had a voice had finally replaced Austria-Hungary... or so they say.

The Imperial Council is dominanted by Germans, who have outmanuevered their counterparts due to their relative inexpirence in politics. The "Transylvania Question" remains a hot button issue, with many romanians still within the Federation wishing reunification with Romania after they siezed most of Transylvania. Not to mention, the nation's constitution still gives the Kaiser final authority, capable to overuling the Council should he wish...

Recently, many of the Council have been stuck on deciding what to do about the succession crises. Otto has one child, a young daugher of a year old. Yet, succession laws currently prohibit a daughter so young from taking the throne.

Will the new federation survive it's current troubles? Has it only prolonged the lifespan of the dying wish of Austria-Hungary? Potential remains, but much trouble lies ahead for the young nation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 11 days ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Shyri
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Shyri Some nerd

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Nation Name:
The Russian Empire/Russian State/Muscovite Tsardom/Moscow

Aleksandra “Sasha” Wrangel



1. Introduction. The Kaiser visits a dead friend. A Polish gangster get's into trouble.
2. Feliks wakes up in the back of a truck to a familiar face.
3. Prince Friederick's twin sons have a birthday part on a blimp.
4.German West Afrika formally rejoins the Empire.
5. Europe tries to work together. TURKEY LITTERS ON MY COUNTRY.
6. Prince Friederich enjoys a night on the town. Things go South.

1. Moscow Introduction
2. "Russia Will Be Mine"
3. Deserters and the Rise of the Mafia
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Meiyuuhi
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Meiyuuhi Her Divine Grace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nation: Ukrainian State (Ukrayinska Derzhava)

Leader: Hetman Anastasiya Artemivna Solovski

Location (on map): Most of modern-day Ukraine minus the westernmost and easternmost portions and Crimea.


After the assassination of the Tsar of the Russian Empire in 1952, the resulting tremors and quakes exposed the ever-present cracks in Russian society and state. New movements and old alike, Bolshevik and reactionary, republican and nationalist, took the opportunity to rise and compete for control over what became an increasingly fractured empire. This took some great time to build up to outright civil war and conflict, but when it did, the ideology which has proven itself by far the strongest of all human ideas was the first to take advantage of it. This ideology was nationalism. While the other forces certainly were at work in Ukraine, the common bonds of nationalism led to the Ukrainian nobility, bourgeoisie and peasants alike uniting for a brief time to secure their independence from an increasingly fragmented and shattering Russia. With the central government in disarray, the Ukrainian Provisional Assembly formally declared independence on December 14th, 1954, claiming all lands with a majority Ukrainian population. In reality, however, this would prove to not be the case, as further troubles loomed once the question of independence was settled.

On May 1st, 1956, the Ukrainian Bolsheviks staged a massive revolt centered in the major cities of Kiev and Kharkiv. They pronounced the formation of new Soviets, and the entire Provisional Assembly was executed in an effort to instill terror on the other segments of the population. However, the main forces of the army, still in control of the officer corps made up of the traditional nobility, were able to galvanize support in retribution for the Bolsheviks' actions. They surrounded Kiev and after a defiant yet brief defense by the Bolsheviks, Kiev was retaken. The commander of the army, Artem Yurijovych Solovski, seeking to cement the power structure and buoyed by a wave of popular support, was crowned Hetman of Ukraine by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church on June 25th, 1956. However, the Bolsheviks were able to retain their grip on power in northeastern Ukraine, and remain one of the primary antagonistic groups faced by the new Ukrainian monarchy.

Over the next three years, Hetman Artem Yurijovych struggled to lay the new foundations of power, but succeeded in doing so by fostering a close relationship with the ascendant capitalist class in Ukraine as ever greater numbers of former peasants came to the cities as nobles enclosed on communal farms in order to remain prosperous. A strong military-industrial complex was formed, catalyzed by intensive state investment and need for war materiel in ongoing skirmishes with bordering Russian splinter states, the Ukrainian Bolsheviks, and Tatar Crimea in the south. In the just-finished 1960 census, the Ukrainian State had a population of approximately 42 million people, mostly Ukrainians with a minority of Belarusians living in the northernmost, newly conquered regions. His rule was popularized by his highly jingoistic, patriotic speeches and efforts to recover the remaining land that he considered part of the de jure Ukrainian patrimony, and republican sentiment has been quelled by close relationships with the largest industrial magnates and a barebones constitutional framework governed by the legislature, the Verkhovna Rada. The monarchy, however, retains primary control and power to override its decisions.

In April of 1960, however, the 43-year old Hetman Artem suffered a stroke and after a few days of intensive care, died. His only heir, his 20-year-old daughter Anastasiya Artemivna Solovski, is set to assume the throne. The coronation was decided by the Rada to take place on June 25th, 1960. It remains to be seen whether such a young female successor can hold together the new monarchy her father had built, as many doubt a female's martial prowess and ability to hold this coalition together.


Hetman Anastasiya Artemivna Solovski - reigning constitutional monarch, Ukrainian State. Born November 22nd, 1940.

Vadym Stepanovych Antonenko - Prime Minister of the Verkhovna Rada Parliament, leader of the Ukrainian National Democrats. 43 years old.

Zynovij Trokhymovych Denysenko - High Lord of the Verkhovna Rada Senate. Officially not with any Parliamentary party, but de facto controls the Panslavic Unity Party. 67 years old.

Valentyn Vasylovych Vashchenko - The SZR (Foreign Intelligence Service) Minister, in charge of domestic and foreign information gathering and espionage.

General-Polkhovnik Ruslan Mykolovych - One of the two most senior officers in the Ukrainian Royal Army, known for a warlike, reckless temperament.

General-Polkhovnik Valentyn Stefanovych - One of the two most senior officers in the Ukrainian Royal Army, known for a cautious, more diplomatic temperament.

Major Khrystyna Yehorivna Antonenko - special ops commando, Ukrainian Royal Army. Codename Чорна. 31 years old.

Colonel Viktor Ruda - In charge of the Ukrainian Royal Army special forces, the Pryznyach.

Hryhoriy Hrynko - former General Secretary, People's Republic of Ukraine


-Zroya: Late Imperial Russian semi-automatic rifle.
-Otchestvo transport helicopters: A variant of a helicopter formerly produced by the Russian Empire, now produced by Ukraine and used by the Ukrainian Royal Army.


-Verkhovna Rada: The bicameral Ukrainian legislature. The senate is composed of the high nobility, the parliament elected in a traditional democratic fashion. Both must pass a piece of legislation in order for it to go to the Hetman for signing.
-Ukragaz: The Ukrainian state oil and natural gas company, which monopolizes all production in the country.

--Mariyinsky Palace: Residence of the Hetman.
---Throne room
---Hetman's personal room
---War room

--Verkhovna Rada: Home of the Ukrainian State legislature.
---Secretariat of Ministers room
---Senate hall
---Parliament hall

--St. Sophia's Cathedral: Most important cathedral in Kiev, site of the Hetman's coronation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PringleDingle
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kingdom of Italy

Head of State:

Gavino Nisi

Location (on map):


Just before the outbreak of the Great War, Italy joined the Central Powers. This alliance allowed Italy to pursue their expansionist aspirations in the Balkans and Africa during the war, however these dreams would remain just that, dreams as the war would eventually result in little change for anyone, especially Italy. Change in the case of Italy's African colonies were less than beneficial for Italy as a failed attempt to colonize Ethiopia further, resulted in the country's armies fleeing back to Eritrea with their tails tucked between their legs. This was just one example of Italy's hard fought battles during the war in which many Italian men and boys lost their lives to sate their leader's quest for glory and power. The countless bodies that returned from these battlefields were the driving force of anti-war and anti-monarchist propaganda that was spread throughout the nation by the rising radical political party, Partito Communista Italiano (Italian Communist Party). The PCI would become a very big problem for the Italian government in the later stages of the war, eventually forcing the Italian government to peace out of the war early (15th of January 1920), just as Russia had, though with less dire consequences.
The party's revolutionary fervor eventually came to a head in the Revoluzione di dicembre (31st of December, 1921), in which communist revolutionaries revolted against the Italian government, led by Vito Verona, the head of the PCI. The revolution lasted nearly two years, it's killing blow coming in the form of the death of Verona who was killed during a confrontation between PCI forces and the bulk of the Italian Home Army resulting in a crushing victory for the Italian government and the end of the December Revolution.
After the war, and after crushing the short lived December Revolution, the Italian government focused their efforts on putting down any nationalist sentiments that might arise in Libya, their only remaining colony. These efforts would turn out to be for naught, however as in 1933 a large force of Nationalist rebels rose up in the Libyan capital, Tripoli. These rebels would successfully force what little Italian troops remained in the colony to the coast, forcing them, just as their compatriots had in Ethiopia, to flee back to Italy, defeated and demoralized. This loss solidified the end of Italian colonial ambitions in Africa as Italy agreed to cede the territory to the newly formed Libyan government.
This constant stream of defeats would stick with Italy, resulting in many Italians feeling as though the monarchy was weak and unable to keep Italy strong. This feeling has persisted long after the end of the war and the losses of Italy's colonies, resulting in Nationalist sentiment being widespread throughout the nation. This growing nationalist threat, as the government refers to it as, would continue to grow in strength, eventually culminating in the assassination of King Nicola III (November 16th 1936). With his father's death, the newly crowned King Nicola IV, only nineteen when he took the throne, would make it his goal to see that these anti-monarchist and nationalists would pay for their treason. The perpetrators of the assassination, Gioachino Cuoco and Narciso Albini, would be put to death by hanging. Soon after their deaths Nicola IV would write into law that anyone associated with the rising nationalist movement, the Black Hand, would be arrested, put on trial and subsequently sentenced to hanging.
These threats did nothing to deter the members of the Black Hand, however soon after his declaration, an attempt on the King's life would be made. On the December 1st, 1936, King Nicola was in the city of Ancona, christening the newest capital ship in the Italian Navy, the Ancona. Before this the king's advisers had warned him to take the utmost precaution during the event, as Ancona had been a hotbed for nationalist sentiment, nearly as much as Rome had been. Nicola, however, foolishly dismissed this advice, keeping his security for the event low as he believed that not doing so would be an act of cowardice. That afternoon, just as the Ancona would begin sailing away to patrol the Mediterranean, two shots would ring out. Within the crowd of people that gathered to watch the ceremony stood Lorenzo Tripani, an avid member of the Black Hand and a radical nationalist. The two shots he was able to fire before being tackled by a a member of the King's security force, would slam into Nicola's torso, one of them striking his shoulder and the other burying itself in his stomach. The young king would be rushed to the nearest hospital where doctors would begin working on saving the King's life, however they would be unsuccessful in their endeavor as eight hours after the shooing King Nicola Bencivenni IV would perish, leaving no heir and no direct claimant to the throne.
Word would spread of the king's death and soon after the Black Hand would claim responsibility. With the death of the King, the leader of the Black Hand, Gavino Nisi, took this as an opportunity to stage a fullscale rebellion that he and his nationalist companions had been planing for years. The Black Hand took to the streets, claiming that the death of King Nicola marked the death of the monarchy and that if Italy was to be strong in the coming years they would need to focus on Italy, not the monarchs that ruled her.
Unlike the December Revolution, this one was not short lived. The Black Hand's forces march on Rome, burning parliment and the king's palace to the ground and slaughtering anyone with close ties to the late king. When the day was done Rome was in shambles and Italy was left traumitized.
On the 3rd of December 1936, two days after the day that would become known as Gloria al giorno d'Italia (Glory to Italy day), Gavino Nisi was named the head of the new Italian government. He took full command of the nation and immediately began to work to achieve his dream of a Glorious Italy. He began work programs that severely cut unemployment, created new trade with other European nations and began to mend the bonds between Italy and her European neighbors.
Nisi has maintained his control over Italy to the present day, keeping a firm but fair hold over the country. Since taking power, Nisi has helped Italy flourish, it's economy is booming and it's people are happy. However recently worries have begun to grow about Nisi's health and what would happen if he were to die. The country has depended on Nisi for nearly three decades and the thought of losing him, to many Italians, means losing Italy.


Nothing at this time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

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Federation of Central America

Location (on map)
Central America.

While Europe was still fighting each other, Central America was planning reunification of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica. Nicaragua eventually joined the Federation of Central America when it was formed in 1922. Panama later joined and Belize was annexed once the British lost control of the area in 1930. Their infrastructure and industry was in terrible shape compared to North America and the government knew that they needed to fix it. Starting in 1925, the Federation introduced a bill that the former capital cities of Central America were guarantee improves in health, education, and industry. It was signed and enacted in 1928, a few months before the economic depression happened. When it did hit the region, everyone was affected.

The Federation's two biggest exports (bananas and coffee) wasn't enough to deal with the depression head on. People were getting tired of living in poor conditions and being without jobs. And in 1932, things looked bad for the Federation and it was nearly complete collapse from the young nation. However, the election of 1932 told another story for the region. President Héctor Pinto won the majority of the popular and electoral votes in the Election of 1932. President Pinto got people to work by signing a series of public work projects for the country (most of them dealt with the already poor infrastructure).

The projects managed to keep the peace for a while until President Pinto established the Central America Reconstruction Administration (CARA). The CARA was created to establish long term economic stability in Central America since they were considered to be the poorest in the Americas. While civil war was inevitably coming to the United States of America, the Federation of Central America was slowly getting used to the depression in 1937. President Pinto was elected for a second term and began to shift focus to the coffee and banana industry. Before Pinto's second term ended in 1941, he made the factories and farms more efficient in producing Central America's most important exports.

Jonatán Franco was when elected the third President of Central America in 1941. President Franco kept on using Pinto's ideas for several months until it was clear that the depression was ending. Then, he shifted his focus on the military. Even known he only served for one term, Franco began to upgrade both the army and navy with better weapons and vehicles of the time. Afterwards, Central America was slowly improving everything from the forties to the fifties.

President Jonatán Maroto, a former lawyer who was elected at the age of sixty-six, died in his sleep on April 20th 1960. As a result, the Vice President was elected President a few days after Maroto's death. Nathanael Blackwell was the first American to be elected as the Vice President and the President of Central America. His family originally came to Central America to escape the civil war in the United States like many other Americans. Maroto knew that he needed the American voters to win the election of 1957, resulting in Nathanael becoming his running mate.

Now many Central Americans are questioning the upcoming Blackwell administration. Will he stick to Maroto's plans or will he set his own up instead?

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Brithwyr
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Brithwyr Primus inter Pares

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: The Shahdom of Persia


Since the ancient times, Persia has been ruled by a single King. Their decisions were absolute, their word law. Since 1502, the Shahdom had been ruled by the Qajar dynasty. However, this was to change at the turn of the century.
Their downfall started when a great famine swept through the nation in 1870, leading to the deaths of some 2,000,000 people. The Shah did nothing, and the people resented this inaction. Many felt as though the Shah had too much power and not enough interest in protecting his citizens. Accusations of corruption and decadence spread through Persia like wildfire, and revolutionaries were demanding action.
The revolution started in 1905 and what followed was a series of victories and failures for both sides. The rebels would force the king to abdicate, only for his son to take up arms and defeat them. A parliament was set up in 1906, but was bombed under the king's orders in 1908. Things were further intensified when in 1908, petrol was discovered in the south west. Foreign eyes looked towards Iran, particularly those of the British and the Russians. The rebels began to crumble, as different sides of communists, nationalists and Mujtahids failed to agree on their ultimate goals, while the Shah found British and Russian aid. The rebellion was finally put down in 1911, with an incredibly limited constitution and a weakened parliament of only 30 members.
The rebels did not go quietly into the night, however. When war broke out in Europe, revolutionaries saw their chance and began the Jungle Movement of Gilan, led by communist Mirza Kuchik Khan, an experienced veteran of the Constitutional Revolt in Gilan. This was not a violent movement at first, but maintained policies of anti-imperialism, nationalism and anti-monarchism. But this changed when the Russians bowed out. When the Czar returned home, he took his armies with him, establishing the British as the major power in the region. Bolshevik communists lost support in Russia and some turned their eyes to the Jungle Movement. Many moved to Persia, hoping to influence the Jungle Movement towards a more Soviet bent - and they succeeded.
The Qajar Shah became desperate. These radical reformers had managed to take control of Gilan, turning it into a soviet, Socialist and independent nation. To make matters worse, the Persian Cossack Brigade, Persia's only standing army for the time, had been led by Russian officers - Russian Officers who went home after the Czar's withdrawal. Rather than promote ethnic Persians, Shah Qajar begged for British aid. The Cossacks were infuriated, but were led by Edmund Ironside, the British General, to a resounding victory over the Communists.
The British were dismayed at the Shah's weakness and over-reliance on their forces. They saw the army was resentful of the weak Shah, and they desired a change. So within a month of their victory over the Communists, General Ironside promoted Reza Khan to Brigadier General and together they marched on Tehran. The Coup was bloodless, since Khan's brigade was the only standing military force in Persia. The Shah became a prisoner in his own palace and the Majilis was dissolved.
For the next four years, Reza Khan led Iran through a military Junta, which he claimed was to stabilise Persia before the re-election of the Majilis. He faced four rebellions during this time, one from Qajar loyalists who attempted to regain the Shah's power, the second from his second in command, Mohammad Taghi Pessian, who demanded an immediate reform to democracy, one from Kurdish Tribesmen who were attempting to use the confusion to gain independence and finally from the communists in Gilan, who had partially recovered from their loss and were attempting to fight again. He successfully defended his regime against all four uprisings, establishing himself as the legitimate ruler of Persia. He forced the Shah to restart the Majilis and expand the number of seats from 30 to 290. When the election was called and the seats filled, the Majilis almost unanimously voted for the immediate abdication of Shah Qajar and made Reza Khan the new Shah. Thus began the era of the Azada Bekheshi dynasty - a name chosen for its connotations of freedom.
Shah Reza Khan Azada Bekheshi's first prime minister was Hamzeh Mansour. It was a match made in heaven.
Together, they establish an authoritarian regime that valued nationalism, militarism, secularism and anti-communism combined with strict censorship and state propaganda. The aggressively atheistic government forced the majority Muslim population to do many things it found contemptible - banning wearing the Hijab, Mosques forced to integrate the sexes and provide seats, abolishing the call to prayer. Shah Reza's regime was marked by a rapid and overwhelming social and technological change. The country was remilitarised, western values were forced upon the people and as a result, the power of clerics rose exponentially as devout Muslims flocked to them. Peaceful protests emerged, calling the king a tyrant and demanding he roll back his reforms, all of which were violently put down.
However, under Reza Shah, the nation also flourished. One of his controversial decrees was that many of the Iranian Minorities, such as Azerbaijanis, Assyrians and Kurds, were declared "Iranian" and therefore were not to be considered minorities. It was a backhanded compliment, simultaneously eliminating the cultural uniqueness of these minorities but at the same time calling them brothers. Khan was able to manipulate the war to his advantage, selling Oil to the Allies and particularly Britain as thanks for their aid overthrowing their incompetent leader, and he used the money from the Oil revenues to develop and industrialise Persia. His aggressive militarisation, nationalism and development saw Persia going through a sudden boom, funded by fuel money. Reza fought to keep a strictly Persian Persia, though he made special dispensations for the UK - they were the only country outside of Greater Iran permitted to set up oil refineries in Persia.
Reza also started a trend of uniting with the Greater Iranian nations, such as Armenia, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. When Azerbaijan declared independence from the Russian Empire, Persia immediately entered a military union with the breakaway state, combining two nations' armies into one. Indeed, Persia has sought to protect all of its Iranian neighbours and to "bring them into the future"
Reza Khan died in 1958 due to heart complications. The old man left his son Mohammad the new Shah. Mohammad thinks different from his Father. For one, he was raised in the hands of his mother and older sister, alongside his female twin. Mohammad's mother was a superstitious woman with an infatuation with the old Persian religion, Zoroastrianism. As a boy, the prince was given all kinds of medallions to protect him from the Evil Eye, a practice that earned him the scorn of the ruling Shia clerics. As he reached young adulthood, his father sent him away to England for an education. The effects were twofold - firstly, young Mohammad graduated from Cambridge with a degree in Economics. Two, for five years he was subjected to British culture, awed and inspired by the nations people, fashions and politics. He took this inspiration home, vowing to put it to good use.
Mohammad's reign so far has attempted to mend some of his father's more zealous decisions. He has loosened the laws on Islamic clothing, making it optional to wear the Hijab. He maintains his father's military and industrial overhauls, and has expanded protection for religious and ethnic minorities

Hidden 7 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED32084


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Free State of Rhodesia


Patrick DELANO
Position: Author of Plan 88
Age: 56
Race: White
Description: White haired, brown eyes, could be considered portly.

Position: President
Age: 43
Race: White
Description: Average build, brown hair, dark eyes

Position: Minister of Foreign Affairs
Age: 52
Race: White
Description: Built like an NFL linebacker, shaved head

Position: Wealthy Land Baron, Owner/CEO of Cornell Tobacco Inc
Age: 45
Race: White
Description: Fit as a farmer, ex-soldier, dark haired and blue eyed.

Position: Head of the Rhodesian Security Bureau
Age: 40
Race: White
Description: Looks like Tintin, career Policeman, ex-pat Canadian

Reginald HEAP (Wife Beautrice Heap) / (Played by Vilage) (DECEASED)
Position: Ambassador to Ethiopia
Age: 55
Race: White
Description: Close to portly, balding head, shares his wife around

Position: Head of the Rhodesian Security Forces
Age: 40
Race: White
Description: Tall and well built, blonde and bearded, career Policeman, ex-pat Canadian

Position: Judicial Justice of the Peace
Age: 52
Race: Coloured
Description: Tall and in good shape, shaved head

Andrew WALLS
Position: Smuggler
Age: 34
Race: Coloured
Description: Rhodesian/American

Position: RSB Agent
Age: 39
Race: Coloured
Description: As beautiful as she is deadly, highly trained in espionage and assassination.

Robert Mugabe
Position: Spy for the Rhodesian Security Forces
Age: 36
Race: Black

Frazer Redekker
Position: Major in the Rhodesian Air Force
Age: 29
Race: White
Description: Lives in Salisbury.

Florence Chideya
Position: Journalist
Age: 26
Race: Black
Description: Lives in Salisbury.

Anna Politkovskaya
Position: Podiatrist at Salisbury General Hospital.
Age: 29
Race: White
Description: Russian, immigrated to Rhodesia, blonde, blue eyed, and heart stoppingly gorgeous.

Alexandre Politkovskaya
Position: Military mechanic
Age: 27
Race: White
Description: Russian, immigrated to Rhodesia, relocated to Mupato, dating Eelena Milshina, swarthy where his sister is beautiful, brother-from-another-father.

Elena Milshina
Position: Nurse
Age: 28
Race: White
Description: Russian, immigrated to Rhodesia, relocated to Mupato, dating Alexandre Politkovskaya, dark haired, shorter, very petite.

Natalya Esterniova
Position: Nurse at Salisbury General Hospital.
Age: 30
Race: White
Description: Russian, immigrated to Rhodesia, blonde with green eyes and legs to match her best friend, Anna.


Salisbury - Capital of Rhodesia
Maputo - Major seaport


Melsetter - Offroad touring car.
The Beast - RSF vehicle with mounted machine gun, designed for offroad work, can carry two extra soldiers. Can be retrofitted with dog handler and two dogs.
Riley Pathfinder - Police patrol vehicle.
Land Rover - Common RSF vehicle, also widely used by the civilian populace.
Rolls Royce Phantom - Luxury car considered rare in Rhodesia.


The de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito - Rhodesian Airforce fighter/bomber
Canadair North Star - Common commercial aircraft
Submarine Spitfire - Fighter interceptor used by the RAF.
The Angel - Low level bomber designed specifically for the Bush War. It has three engines, with a pair of cockpits between them and a tail gunner in the rear. Fitted out to carry bombs, napalm, or rockets.


Fast Destroyer - Mainstay of the Rhodesian Navy and only real "wraship" in the fleet. Highly efficient in the waters along the Rhodesian coastline.


Like many territories of the British Empire, Rhodesia committed man power, money and resources to the war against the Central Powers. Thousands of Rhodesians fought alongside the colonial sons of an Empire and when the peace finally came, unsatisfactory and with a whimper, the people of Rhodesia turned on their British masters with disgust. The Republican factions within the government capitalized on the situation and, with many Monarchists dead or returned to Britain, declared a independence from the old country and made the decision to go it alone in 1931.

Trouble started at once as the local tribes, long cowed by the might of the British Empire, they took a chance at freedom and demanded Rhodesia submit to tribal authority. A small scale but bloody conflict quickly broke out and the tribesman found themselves no match for the returning Rhodesian soldiers, battle hardened by years on the front lines against German, Austrian and Ottoman troops.

In true Anglo fashion the Rhodesian government divided and conquered. Aligning themselves with certain tribes against others until the tribes were so busy fighting each other that they almost forgot the presence of their white overlords. Contrary to many other colonial powers, the Rhodesians quickly began to recognize the fighting quality of the tribesman and by 1943 the first Black Officers had been introduced into the Rhodesian Armed Forces even as fighting intensified across the country.

Nothing unites discontent quite like a common foe and in 1945 the Portuguese, long masters of Mozambique, attempted to back an Eastern tribe in their bid to seize vital diamond fields from the Rhodesians. White and Black alike, the Rhodesians fought to turn back this new colonial menace. United in arms, they drove back the Portuguese Colonial troops, soldiers who had never seen action in the Great War, and actually advanced into Mozambique.

Portugal panicked and quickly sued for a humiliating peace that saw them lose virtually all of south western Mozambique. Rhodesia had its first united victory and its first sea port. Tentative talks began between the factions within Rhodesia that looked promising until a tribal fanatic managed to penetrate security and blow himself and a dozen of the most promising political minds in the country into thousands of little pieces.

By 1950 the country had descended into strife once again. The Free State of Rhodesia was born from the white minority who, terrified of the possibility of a massacre should Blacks gain control, stripped the rights from many. Only those Blacks who served loyally in the military during the Mozambique Campaigns retained their right to vote.

The struggle for the country remains real as Rhodesia seeks to encourage white immigration, all the while attempting to stem the flow of Black refugees from neighbouring countries whose situation is somehow actually worse than Rhodesia's. Small unit actions by elite Rhodesian Security Forces have become common and most Black families live in perpetual fear of vanishing into the night without a trace.

Not to be outdone, the Peoples Army of Zimbabwe fights for the liberation of the country and has begun a campaign of bombings across the country that indiscriminately target Black and White alike. They are led by a fiery former Pastor who turns to god for guidance and while many Blacks are unhappy with the White leadership they acknowledge that it is better to have the devil they know then one they do not. There is food on the table, the power stays on most days, and taxes are actually fairly distributed amongst both races. Life could be much worse.


Free State of Rhodesia
0. Established November 2017
1. The Ethiopians and Rhodesians meet
2. Henry Cornell Intro, meets with Ethiopian Ambassador
3. Intro for the Rhodesian Security Bureau
4. Intro of Andrew Walls, the drug king pin makes his mark
5. Andrew Walls is raided by the RSB
6. Rhodesians save the Seige of Mombasa
7. Intro for Sara Reicker, sexy RSB agent sent to keep an eye on things in Ethiopia
8. Andrews Walls escapes his pursuers and finds the rebels
9. Rhodesia decides to vacate the Seige of Mombasa
10. Andrew Walls is betrayed by Robert Mugabe
11. Cornell Tobacco Headquarters
12. Cornell Tobacco arrives in the Philippines
13. Cornell Tobacco pins down a massive trade deal
14. Sara Reicker executes her duty to Rhodesia
15. Rhodesian Foreign Office is down a man and Rhodesia's white future is revealed.
16. Golf buddies debate jurisdiction
17. A beautiful Journalist meets a Pilot who loves her work.
18. Russians for free, and Rhodesia is shopping
19. A Journalist defies gravity
20. Communists in Zambia
21. The Angel of Death
22. Salisbury Nightlife
23. Marijuana and Rhodesian Society
24. Rhodesia, a promised land
25. Anna Leaves the Past behind
26. Andrews Past Continues to Haunt Him
The Kingdom of Spain
00. Established February 2018
27. The Most Dangerous Game
28. The RAS Don Quixote makes waves
29. The Inquisition continues to haunt Spain
30. The King likes his games
31. The Return of Sara Reicker
32. Communists in Spain
33. A military build up on the Northern Frontier
34. A King in Portugal? Not if there is a King in Spain
35. Colonel Delgado becomes Grand Viceroy as he leads a Military coup
36. The King has blood on his hands
37. Portugal is given 24 hours to surrender.
38. The King is to marry a woman he has never met.
39. Portugal surrenders, at least on paper
40. Communist BBQ
41. The Isabel Gemio Story - Part I (The Princess and the Viceroy)
42. The Isabel Gemio Story - Part II (A Private Eye in Sao Paolo)
43. The Isabel Gemio Story - Part III (A Secret to Die For) / The King is Rejected
44. Cultural: Surfs up!
45. Cultural: Hopes and Dreams in Ibiza
46. Of Rebels and Assassins - Part I (An Ambush in Porto)
47. Of Rebels and Assassins - Part II (Delgado's Iron Will)
48. The Isabel Gemio Story - Part IV (A Fugitive in Sao Paolo)
49. Of Rebels and Assassins - Part III (We Need a Professional)
50. The Isabel Gemio Story - Part V (The Queens Naughty Secret)
51. Cultural: Backpacking in Spain
52. "Desperta Ferro!" - Part I (The Army of Morocco)
53. "Desperta Ferro!" - Part II (Don Quixote Battlegroup)
54. Of Rebels and Assassins - Part IV (Hiring a Stranger)
55. The Isabel Gemio Story - Part VI (The Hunter arrives)
56. "Desperta Ferro!" - Part III (To Kill the Infidel is Not Murder)
57. "Desperta Ferro!" - Part IV (Gods Breath)
58. Home for a Rest
59. Letter from Francisco
60. A Problem of Loyalty
61. Clearing La Zona Roja
Free State of Rhodesia
63. Be the change you wish to see
64. The state of africa
65. Cornell invests in Mexico / (Plan 88)
66. Offering aid to Ethiopia
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jorcool


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nation: Kazakh Khanate

Location (on map):

The area of the Kazakh Khanate had always been home to many tribes and peoples. After the division of the Mongol empire it was known for a time as the Golden Horde, before it slowly declined and was eventually taken over by the Russian Empire. The Kazakh people however, have always yearned for their independence. Before and during the Great War, there were a lot of uprisings, the most serious being the Central Asian revolt in 1916. When the Russian Empire withdrew in that same year however, they brutally put down the revolt and suppressed further attempts for Kazakh independence.

These independence movements never truly disappeared though. When the great economic depression after the war hit the world, the people of Kazakhstan paid a terrible price for their desire for independence: The Russian empire refused to help the Kazakh people in any way, and many starved to death after a drought was in the area for several years. This angered the Kazakh even more, and even many Russian loyalists and colonists who had been sent by the Russians to settle the steppe supported the call for freedom from the yoke of Russian oppression, as their families had been hit by the drought and the famine that followed as well. After the assassination of the Czar in 1952, all hell broke loose in Central Asia. The people of Kazakhstan finally declared their independence from the Russian Empire, but there were many different factions with a lot of different interests, and those factions eventually started fighting each other. The bloody civil war inside Kazakhstan came to a climax at the battle of the Ertis river, where Kazakh nationalist, allied together with an independence movement that wanted to create a Kazakh Republic, slaughtered a combined communist and Russian force, and later murdered the families of many Russian settlers, claiming that they were ‘not Kazakh enough’. Many atrocities were committed on all sides. Another famous example from the civil war was a battle in the west of Central Asia, where the faction known as the Kazakh People’s Front fought against the People’s Front of Kazakhstan. Eventually, an uneasy truce was made between the warring factions in the form of the Central Asian Federation. The federation consisted of all countries in Central Asia, although the nation with the most influence was Kazakhstan. This did not fare well with the other countries in the federation.

As a result of the unequal balance of power, the federation did not last long. Turkmenistan and Tajikistan declared their independence in 1956, two years after the start of the CAF. A year later, Uzbekistan revolted and the CAF was forced to grant them their independence, because Kazakhstan was too weak from the previous civil war. Some Kyrgyz separatists also tried to become independent, but that revolt did not have enough support and was eventually suppressed by Kazakhstan, which then annexed the territory. The leader of the Kazakhstan was Boratev Sagdiy, who desperately tried to westernize and industrialize the country. The westernization worked, partially, and a new constitution was put into place. The industrialization was a whole different story however. The country still had to deal with the aftermath of the two civil wars it had a few years before, and the country was being rebuilt very slowly.

In 1959, a man named Khazretgali Aniyarov, a general in the remaining army of Kazakhstan, overthrew the current government, and became the new leader of Kazakhstan. He told the Kazakh people that he was the reincarnation of Genghis Khan, and that the Kazakh were the heirs of the Mongol empire. He then started calling himself Alash Khan, Khan of all of the people of Kazakhstan and renamed Kazakhstan into the Kazakh Khanate. Around that time, a large amounts of oil, gas and minerals were discovered in Kazakhstan, such as potassium. All potassium of other countries is inferior. The Khanate is currently in the process of industrialisation, so it can take the best potassium so it may rival the greatness of the ancient mongol empire.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by asuraaa
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asuraaa Vermin Supreme

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Federal People’s Republic of France

National Anthem


Leader: President Jacques Villeneuve

Hidden 7 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by TheEvanCat
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TheEvanCat Your Cool Alcoholic Uncle

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: The Republic of Armenia (Armenian: Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն, Hayastani Hanrapetut'yun)

Head of State: President Hasmik Assanian

Location (in purple):


The Ottoman Empire hoped for an early cessation to hostilities during the Great War. What they received instead was a brutal slog, fought for over a decade. As with most wars, the issue came down to exhaustion. Trench warfare whittled down the materiel of the Ottoman military, killed its most experienced soldiers, and forced domestic production into feeding the war machine. The Ottoman oil fields were slowly stripped from the empire as the British-backed Arabs continued their marches to independence. Resources that the Ottomans depended upon for fighting in the Middle East were no longer flowing into the factories in significant numbers. Millions of casualties reduced a generation of Turkish men to alarmingly low levels. The empire that had been built for hundreds of years was crumbling before the Sultan’s eyes. Exhaustion crept upwards as it became apparent that all the Ottomans could do now was stop their losses before they became too great.

The end of the war came as the Ottomans realized that their integrity was worth more than their empire. Long-held Turkish-ethnic policies guided the decision to pull away from the Middle East and the Caucasus and hold the line in the Anatolian homeland. The Ottoman troops were chased, practically, by the rebels of once-oppressed minorities. The war had only worsened existing ethnic tensions, infuriating minority groups. A large group of these Ottoman subjects were Armenian, and often faced the worst treatment. Labeled saboteurs, separatists, and conspirators, Armenians were many times blamed for problems at home. While the Ottoman government never had the dedicated resources available for a full-scale genocide, incidents of abuse and massacre were not uncommon. The Armenians established multiple militias, called the Fedayeen, for home defense against these abuses. While the morality of Fedayeen actions are debated, they are recognized in Armenian culture as heroes.

The Fedayeen coalesced into an organized revolutionary front after the Independence Council was established in Yerevan. The Independence Council, made up of the leaders of the largest regional Fedayeen groups, drafted their determination for a state of the Armenian people. They established the vision of an ethnic republic, created for the sustainment of Armenians. With that, they elected the leader of the newly-birthed Armenian Separatist Federation: Mikael Serovian. An experienced veteran of the Ottoman military’s ethnically divided Armenian Regiments, Serovian organized the Fedayeen into an ASF central structure and set about the task of clearing Ottoman troops from Armenian lands. From the east to the west, over the course of three years, the Armenian militias engaged in brutal combat with a rapidly-disintegrating Ottoman military. Serovian himself lived to see the end of the war, narrowly escaping death twice as his command camp was hit with artillery.

Part of the 1929 peace treaty included provisions for ethnic territories carved out of the Ottoman Empire. Armenia received its wish, and was granted its lands extending from the eastern Artsakh forests to the western reaches of Erzincan. Several other neighboring populations received ethnic states as well, forming new neighbors for the country. With the immediate victory of independence over, the Armenian Separatist Front was transitioned to the Armed Forces of Armenia and the Fedayeen were reorganized again into a regular military component. The professionalization of the Armenian military was accomplished over the next years with foreign assistance. Civilian ministries were set up for reconstruction, headed by the Provisional Governor: Serovian. Serovian, the ASF commander-turned-civil politician, was responsible for building the government structure until elections were first held in July of 1930. After Serovian’s victory, he became the first President of the Republic of Armenia.

President Serovian, a steely-eyed and dedicated leader who never married, was seen as the father of the republic. He spent two terms, a total of ten years, in office handling reconstruction measures. Foreign relations were expanded with the country’s closest ally: Persia, arguing the case for the reception of billions of dollars of foreign aid in exchange for a state to keep the Ottomans from making a return. Serovian spent the money on roads, railroads, ports, and various other facilities that were lacking from Ottoman occupation. A consistent fixture of Armenia’s statehood has been a to strong military forces despite a small population: a vanguard against reoccupation by a foreign power. Yerevan, over the next few decades, became a bustling city with ever-taller buildings in an effort to show the world Armenia’s success. Propaganda extolled the virtues of the Armenian work effort and a dedication to claw their way back from the being trapped beneath the Ottoman heel. While Serovian’s solid tenure as President provided a base for years to come, he had a fair part to play in wasteful spending and the establishment of Armenia’s foreign debt.

In the twenty years since Serovian stepped down from power in 1940, Armenia grew to become a solid state amidst a region so-often fraught with conflict. The Ottoman Empire began their own campaign of reconstruction after the war, fueling Armenia’s own militarism and nationalism that continues to penetrate its culture. In 1946, the Armenian military was put to the test again as the free state of Azerbaijan began mobilizing against the Artsakh: a dispute over territory and ethnic ownership that had boiled over after years of debate. A year of conflict ensued as the black forests of the Artsakh were turned into warzones against an invading Azeri military. The conflict produced heavy casualties on both sides and was stopped only by the intervention of the Persian imperial forces, who later occupied and annexed Azerbaijan. The war effected some degree of cynicism and concern amongst the general public, who worried that a war with the Ottomans would not go as well. Political factions amongst the Armenian parliament bickered until the next election, where a new President was elected. This President would serve until 1960.

Armenia’s second crisis came in the wake of the 1952 assassination of Russia’s tsar. The Russian state, earlier too busy to deal with Armenia, fell apart and collapsed into dozens of small states. These states, particularly in the Caucasus, were often failing to provide basic security or services to their people. Criminals, militias, drug traffickers, and pirates all based out of the former Russian states. These posed a significant border threat to Armenia: militias would attack the border, pirates would attack shipping, and methamphetamine was poised to eclipse hashish as the top-selling drug in the country. Russian refugees streamed across the border, crowding into towns and ghettos and forming Russian communities in cities. The President, a hardliner by the name of Joseph Vadratian, had become popular after the Artsakh War. He declared that Russian refugees must earn their place, and instituted policies that encouraged the employment of Russian workers in jobs like construction, mining, agriculture, factories, and other laborious occupations. These workers were paid very little and often mistreated, causing resentment amongst the Russian communities and a divide between them and the Armenians. Criminals, most infamously in Sevan, exploited that, and the Russian Mafia became a powerful figure in Armenian crime.

The Armenia of 1960 is resurgent, proud, and building what seems to be a prosperous future. Forty years of independence has treated the Armenian people better than they could have imagined. A new generation knows only the Armenian state, and the tales of Ottoman occupation are quickly becoming bedtime stories. However, external conflict with the Ottomans or Armenia’s failing neighbors looms over the relatively young state. A demographic crisis with attached crime and societal issues is just beginning, just as the hardliners find their way out of office and the political scene of Armenia is due for a shakeup. It is May, and an election is approaching next month between an increasingly unpopular Vadratian and his more liberal opponent: Hasmik Assanian. Armenia, the leader of the post-Ottoman resurgence, faces tough times ahead.

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Nation Name:
Russian Empire

Leader: Alexandre V



The Russian Empire entered the Great War with great enthusiasm, but left battered and without much to show for the countless Russian casualties along the eastern front and the Caucasus. With the defense of Orthodox Christianity as its rallying cry, the Empire was successful in its initial assaults against the German and Austrian armies, but by 1915 the imperial forces had suffered tremendously and momentum had begun to grind to a halt as troop morale plummeted. At home, the cost of the war drove the citizenry closer to the edge and opposition to the war, and the imperial government as a whole, began to rise. By late 1916, the Russian Army had begun its unprecedented withdrawal amid fears of a Bolshevik revolution.

Though Russia never truly surrendered, its withdrawal allowed Germany to press onward and take territories along the Baltic and in Poland. The Russian Army entrenched itself along the western boundaries of the Empire and entered what was essentially a ceasefire while the troubles at home were resolved. For the next several years, Russian, German and Austrian soldiers stared each other down the barrel of their rifles. With a significant portion of the Tsar's army dedicated to crushing the socialist and republican rebellions, it was clear that Russia would not be able to muster forces for another assault against Germany, and by the end of 1917, the Germans had shifted their attention westward. All was quiet on the eastern front.

In Petrograd, the Bolshevik revolution had failed to seize control of the imperial stronghold. With the bulk of the imperial forces under his command, Nicholas II was successful in combating and ultimately crushing the socialists there before leading his armies eastward and to the south, where elements of the imperial army found themselves trapped between the Red tide and the Caucasus mountains. The Great War had shaken people's faith in their Emperor, but leading his forces from the front - just as he had done against the Germans - , led to a change in public perception. The Tsar had begun to unintentionally heal his broken prestige through his famously hands-on style of rule, and the Imperial government was quick to lead the efforts in portraying the Emperor as the god-ordained savior of Russia.

When Nicholas II and his army arrived at the foot of the Caucasus mountains, the Bolshevik forces laying siege to the battered Russian defenders there were crushed and dispersed. This victory cemented the Tsar's place in the hearts and minds of those who had yet to choose a side. The masses, which had not long before that blamed the Emperor for the failures of the Great War, began to place the blame on the socialists instead. Public perception shifted to the belief that, had it not been for the socialist revolution, Russia would have been victorious in their fight against the Central Powers. The last of the socialists hold-outs were defeated by 1920, and and by 1921 Nicholas II had secured his place as the absolute monarch of Russia.

In 1921, the heir to the Russian throne, Alexei, succumbed to his life-long hemophilia. The title of Tsesarevich fell to the Tsar's infant son Alexandre.

The years that followed were marked by the relentless persecution of socialists throughout the Empire. For years, people believed to have been involved in the revolution were imprisoned, executed or exiled. Socialist sentiments were viciously suppressed, and political opponents of the Tsar fell under the constant watch of imperial authorities, who itched for the opportunity to act against them. In the midst of all this, Nicholas II began the process of placing full control of the Empire firmly in the hands of the Emperor once again. Elements of the 1905 October Manifesto eroded over the years, and Russia shifted back towards an absolute monarchy.

By 1935, Nicholas II had managed to pull Russia from the brink, but at the cost of civil liberties in what had become an almost completely autocratic Empire, kept together by a liberal use of force against any dissent. Finland found itself on the receiving end of some of the worst abuses after its attempt at independence in 1918, which sparked a war that lasted several years and almost ended in a Russian defeat. In 1936, the Tsar, eager to reclaim lost territories, entered into an alliance with the German Empire, which resulted in the dual-invasion and partition of the Baltic states after several years of independence from Germany.

Nicholas II's reign finally came to an end in 1946 when he died of natural causes and his son, Alexandre, ascended to the throne at the age of thirty-six. The new Tsar followed the example set by his father. Aided by an imperial court that had for years served Nicholas II loyally - and almost fanatically -, the young Emperor was encouraged to rule with a heavy hand. Years of harsh rule had left many hoping for a gentler leader, but instead they got more of the same.

When attempts were made by the opposition to organize and rumors of a looming communist uprising began to circulate, Alexandre IV immediately authorized the arrests of countless possible conspirators. In truth, there was no communist uprising planned and the morale of would-be revolutionaries had been destroyed after decades of relentless persecution by the previous monarch. No one was planning to rebel, that was, until the Tsar's forces inevitably crossed the line, opening fire on peaceful protesters in St. Petersburg. This massacre gave the revolutionaries the just cause they needed to mobilize and raise arms against a young and inexperienced Tsar. Soon violent protests were breaking out all over the Empire.

Alexandre IV responded the way his father had before: with overwhelming force. The rioters were quickly rounded up and arrested, and inevitably blood was spilled and martyrs were made. In less than a year, Alexandre had made enemies of a battered and exhausted populace longing for something different: the Tsar had fallen for the trap. Guided by his advisors, Alexandre pressed on against the invisible, and sometimes nonexistent threat of socialist saboteurs. The Tsar had countless people arrested, and some executed. He did as his father had before, but not as efficiently, and every mistake he made was exploited by his enemies.

When ethnic minorities in the Caucasus attempted a rebellion in late 1947, Alexandre responded with absolute brutality. When the same was attempted in the east, he marched there and did the same. Determined to keep the Empire from falling apart, the Emperor spent the latter part of his reign ruthlessly crushing rebellions in the far corners of the realm. Unbeknownst to him, these rebellions were instigated and sometimes organized by communists, and were not meant to succeed. Instead, they were meant to put the Tsar's brutality in full display, for the world to see. In 1951, it was Finland the Tsar brutalized. A year later, the Tsar was dead, along with his spouse, his heir, and his youngest daughter. The suspects were two Finnish farmers.

The result was chaos. In the immediate aftermath of the Tsar's death, it was believed he had been killed alongside his entire family. Almost immediately after that, the country began its rapid fall into anarchy. The leaderless imperial forces mobilized to keep the peace, but found themselves spread thin and under constant attack. It was not long before new states began to take form and the Imperial forces in the west were cut off from the rest. Eventually, the loyalists retreated to St. Petersburg and the surrounding areas, where they formed a defensive line and consolidated their power in the capital. For a period of three weeks, the Imperial government in Russia was effectively a military government, headed by the generals, with its territories under martial law. A day into the third week, the Imperial Army brought forward Russia's new Tsar.

Of the four children, two had survived. One of them was the oldest daughter, Catherine. The other was the youngest son, Alexandre. Both of them had suffered injuries in the attack that killed their father, and had been presumed dead by many outside of the Imperial Army's top brass. Having suffered serious injuries, neither was in shape to appear publicly, and for a time their survival was not guaranteed. As such, the sudden appearance of a royal heir sparked rumors of foul play by the generals, who had a lot to gain, and keep, from ensuring the survival of the Imperial government. The surviving son was crowned Alexandre V and presented to the world as the new Tsar of Russia, though he had not yet recovered.

In recent years, what is left of the Russian Empire has fought tirelessly to reclaim its territories and hold the line. The new Tsar, Alexandre V, is a nineteen-year-old with a kind heart and an ambitious mind. Though he shares the name of the previous Tsar, it is already clear that he does not share the same temperament, or capability for such cruelty. what the heck does the future holds i dnnno
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The Empire of Japan

(All claims on map plus off-screen Spratly islands)

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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The Ottoman Empire

The Ottomans entered the Great War on the 29th of October, 1914, with a surprise attack on Russian Crimea. They entered on the side of the Central Powers but saw action largely in the Caucasus and within their own borders. However, with the exit of the Russian Empire in 1916, the Ottomans gained dominance in the Black Sea and largely concentrated their armies to crushing revolts and holding the Eastern Front. Backed by the British, the Arabs in the Ottomans Levant territories began a huge revolt. Despite the Ottoman's best attempts at crushing the ever present Arab insurgency, it only became larger and more powerful. The Ottoman's possessions were abandoned in all but name by 1920 as the army fell back to Anatolia to defend the homeland.

As the war dragged on and the Ottomans became increasingly dependent on the Central Power's help in crushing nationalist insurgencies in their Arab provinces. When a white peace was declared and Europe began the long road of reconstruction, unrest continued in the Ottoman provinces but once again, the Sick Man of Europe was left isolated. The Central Powers, all facing their own internal issues, could no longer subsidise the dying Islamic empire and by 1929, Ottoman forces had largely fallen back to Anatolia. The abandonment of provinces held for centuries left many Turks bitter and unrest began in the urban centres of Turkey. The declaration of a Turkish Republic in Constantinople by disillusioned army officers caused the Sultan, Mehmed VI, to flee the capital. As the revolution began to lose steam in late 1932, a large force of Ottomans loyal to the Sultan crushed it and it's leaders, including a man we would today call Ataturk.

The population at large disliked Mehmed VI's government for his perceived abandonment of the Empire and the military declared a Interregnum period of 5 years, during which a new constitution and Sultan were to be chosen. The Military Junta largely concentrated on a reconstruction of the Empire's remnants and it came to a surprise in 1937 when a relatively unknown member of the House of Osman was crowned as Osman IV. Under the Third Constitution, the Sultan was delegated as a figurehead to the so-called Second Empire and wide-sweeping liberal reforms swept over Turkey. Basing the Second Empire on the United Kingdom as a symbol of stability, Islamic law was abandoned completely in favour of a secular Empire, although the Sultan was still recognised as the Caliph of Islam. The remaining minorities in the Empire were all enfranchised and the head of the military even issued an apology to the families of Pontic Greeks and Armenians who's families had been effected by "brutal military conditions during a time of extreme political stress".

Liberal reforms, as promising as they seemed, did not last long. While a majority of the empires subjects were placated with notions of freedom of speech and religion, in practice very little changed. The Gizli, a secret police established in the 30's by the military junta, remain at large and people have been known to disappear or discouraged from expressing certain opinions in the name of national security. Romantic notions of re-conquering the lost territories are ever-present in the Ottoman Empire and since the early 50's, the Ottomans have begun sowing the seeds of pro-Turkish revolt in Cyprus, Tataria and parts of the Caucasus.

In the early 40's, the Ottoman government began a programme of settling Turkish-speaking peoples into Ottoman Kurdistan (an autonomous region in South-Eastern Anatolia) in order to encourage economic development there. This created tensions among the Kurds who saw it as a form of assimilation. Large tracts of traditionally Kurdish land were bought cheaply from local tribes and given to loyal Ottoman citizens, usually richer men from a military background. An political party, known as the Kurdish National Movement, and its paramilitary wing, the Kurdish National Force, have grown quickly in recent years due to the Ottoman's heavy handed response in dealing with dissent. Despite being an illegal organisation, the KNF has become bolder and attracted many young, educated Kurds. The Ottoman intelligence organisations have become increasingly concerned by the radicalism expressed by these organisations.

It is now 1960 and in his yearly address to the public, Osman IV announced that the days of a dying Empire were over. The 1960's were to be "the Ottoman decade", a quote that worried many in the lost territories and beyond. 30 years of peace have allowed the state to grow and consolidate. Some are already bidding farewell to the liberal decades and are preparing for a decade of upheaval and change. The Sick Man of Europe, while battered black and blue, has once again began a march in the name of Islam.

The Ottoman Empire consists of just the European side of Constantinople and Anatolia, including the autonomous region of Kurdistan and excluding the parts of Greater Armenia found in today's Turkey. (look at 0th post)

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