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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by QueenNugget

QueenNugget Mother, where am I?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ashley whipped her head around, infuriated that a guy would dare approach her and rudely interrupt her conversation. She balled her fists and lifted her chin, making eye contact.
"How dare you!" Ashley began raising her voice. "I don't know who you think you are, but you'd better back up quick! It's was quite obvious that I was in a conversation, a conversation that didn't include you," She harshly poked him in the chest, her eyes narrowed as she stared him down. "It's quite sad that you didn't realize that," she said, turning back to Lalisa. "And yes, all guys are lesser to us, they're just the dirt we walk on. If you need an example-" Ashley began pointing around the room, at every male person, including the one she was talking to. She also pointed to to guys which one of them had his arm over the other. "See? They pretend to care for each other, only to betray them in the end," she then grabbed the cookie out of Lalisa's hand and threw it across the room. "And no, he doesn't get that cookie," she crossed her arms, still furious.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OliveYou
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Lalisa is... confused. Does Ashley read minds, too? Or maybe she has some sort of future-seeing ability. Or maybe she just... doesn't like guys, for whatever reason. Emotional baggage?

"it sounds like you have bad experiences with males," she observes, watching her cookie disappear into the crowd. "That's two cookies on your tab. I don't have that many, you know. Please refrain from throwing them in fits of anger." Turning to the boy, she gives him a polite smile and bow.

"Honestly, I prefer to judge each person as an individual, and not as a whole. I'm sorry about the cookie, though."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AGenericUser
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Still with a watchful eye locked onto the man and two women, Feine's mind wandered from seeking inspiration from his next piece, albeit temporarily. It was definitely an interesting interaction to Feine, though he couldn't put his finger on why.

However, what sidetracked the young writer was a brief realization, one which had arose out of the depths of Feine's mind all of a sudden. It was something he hadn't realized before. Feine temporarily shifted his glance away from the group of three, and instead looked around the room. People were talking, having fun, and making dumb jokes, while Feine was all alone, as he'd done so in the past - he justified this as willingly, though this wasn't true. What Feine realized, however... was that so far, this assembly of sorts was exactly the same as the ones he'd experienced, back in 'regular' schools.

A wave of disappointment struck Feine. These people had been blessed with all sorts of supernatural powers, yet they rotted away doing the same things they'd always done - gossiped and gabbed about who knows what. The existence of these 'powers' was still rather new to Feine. He didn't consider that to others, they were completely normal... but for himself, they were largely foreign, outside of literature.

"How... disappointing." Feine spoke to himself in a level tone... only to realize he'd spoken what he'd been thinking. A common problem, which led to a few students giving Feine confused looks once more. "Forgiv- no, consider that a look into a brilliant mind, if you can even comprehend it. Otherwise, just go ahead and babble some more as I seek inspiration."

But following the wave of disappointment came forth a surge of relief as another thought made itself clear to Feine. These students likely hadn't utilized their powers here at the Academy, yet. In all regards and purposes, so far the school was completely normal in terms of what anyone had experienced... at least, that was what Feine thought. It wasn't particularly important to him what his fellow students got themselves wrapped up into, unless it provided entertainment and inspiration to the writer, Feine Rhiter. Otherwise? It was null and void to him.

Feine shifted his attention back to the group of three, though. Feine overheard some a loud voice - he presumed it was one of the ladies, but who knew? Feine knew full well that life was a mysterious thing, full of surprises. Was it the blonde lady with the cookie who yelled? No, perhaps it was the man? Or maybe - maybe it was the lady Feine had dubbed a tomboy in his head? As it would turn out, it was the latter.

With eyes like a hawk, Feine watched the group converse, seeking inspiration. Excitement had made itself known in the group of three, for one of the women had raised their voice! While Feine couldn't quite hear what they were saying, it was interesting nonetheless, and opened up several realms of interpretation. Perhaps she was defending the man from the cookie? Or perhaps she wanted it herself? Who knew?

But eventually, the cookie was thrown across the room, all of a sudden... this surprised Feine, who raised an eyebrow and stood up. What an interesting turn of events! Who knew that a cookie would lead to inspiration for Feine! Inspiration could truly come from the most unlikely of places.

Perhaps the tomboy lady was a hero, who saved the man from consuming a dangerous cookie? By tossing it into the crowd, the man was saved... perhaps. Feine straightened out his green scarf as he stood up... then laughed. In seconds, however, he covered his mouth and ceased his laughter.

Feine had a bit of an interest in this group, now... and took a few steps closer to them, only to abruptly stop himself and turn away.

'If I go closer to them, then I run the risk of interfering with the natural order of things. In this case, I would be a variable that may just influence what events they undergo... thus, that could be a downside. Though, these people seem interesting. I have no doubt I stand over them, but even a lion takes interest in mice, do they not? Asking them a few questions may prove beneficial. I need to think this over.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Insert Alias

Insert Alias

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Mikale watched as the now aggressive girl took the cookie from the other girls grasp and launched it, unable to contain himself he burst out in laughter.
"You must be confident in your abilities to make such ridiculous statements, you do have abilities don't you otherwise you wouldn't be here. So show me, hit me with your best shot!" Mikale leaned forward pointing his cheek towards her. He assumed she'd have strong physical abilities but doubted her abilities were fire based, he was willing to make a gamble, to probably make a friend. Despite her radical ideals he admired her confidence.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by QueenNugget

QueenNugget Mother, where am I?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ashley scoffed. "Oh, so now you believe you can order me around? Well, think again because I'm not so easily tricked," she stood her ground, eyeing him. "You must have a lot of confidence in yourself to challenge me, but I'm not listening to you anymore, so goodbye," although staying where she was, refusing to move. She was extremely tempted to accept his offer, but she was smarter than that. She wanted to say, "Nice try, though," but she would never give a compliment to someone like him, or any guy in fact.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Canidae
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Fillan nodded slowly as Kludd spoke, but he wasn't really registering what he was saying. Right now, he was preoccupied with his math problems, especially problem #36. It was a word problem and he was scanning the small paragraph on his sheet for any clues as to what he was supposed to do for this problem. A lightbulb went off in his head and he lifted his pencil when he heard someone shout.
Fillan glanced up from his paper to see a cookie rolling on the floor, where it settled there. One of the girls had a furious expression on her face and she was pointing, he realized, at all the male students at the room, including him and Kludd. Things were looking really tense between the girl and the guy with long hair who had arrived several minutes ago. Afraid that a fight was going to break out, he tugged Kludd's sleeve,
"Do you um, think the headmistress is um, going to do anything about this? I um, hope things don't get out of control here..."

He trailed off as he noticed behind him, a boy with stark white hair and a green scarf was mumbling something. He could only catch a few words of it and it didn't make any sense. Fillan realized he was staring at the guy and quickly looked away, only to hear the boy burst into laughter. What does he find that's so funny? It's probably the scene unfolding right here. That doesn't make any sense though, why would someone laugh about that?

Fillan saw he was standing and it looked like he was going to approach the group when suddenly, he stopped. What made him do that? Is he afraid of them? Has he thought better of approaching that girl?

He turned back to his packet, the word problem still awaiting an answer. With a blank look on his face, he realized that the solution he'd come up with had slipped his mind.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Insert Alias

Insert Alias

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Mikale pulled back, he saw that she really wanted to but restrained herself, "maybe next time then, the names Mikale" he said walking away a little disappointed. Before exiting the auditorium Mikale turned towards a strange kid with white hair and a green scarf whose been staring at him since he entered, "Is there anything I can help you with?" Mikale questioned with a hint of sarcasm, he assumed he was just a strange kid but there was something to him he couldn't place, something interesting.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReveTheDreamer
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Kludd could tell Fillan wasn't really listening to him. Which annoyed him greatly, and he already wasn't in a great mood. But whatever. He just cautiously watched as some people yelled at each other, which was pretty entertaining. The strong looking girl started pointing at people, all the guys in the room specifically. Her finger landed on him and Fillan for a moment as she spoke. Something along the lines of "They pretend to care for each other, only to betray them in the end,"
It took a good amount of willpower to not stand up and yell at her. He wasn't "pretending", he loved Fillan, he was his best friend after all. And he'd never betray him.
Before he could continue thinking about it and make himself any angrier, he noticed a short person with golden blond hair pass behind him, slightly too close for Kludd's liking. He whipped his head around only to see the kid- who at first glance he almost mistook for a girl, with his wallet in hand. Swiftly, Kludd grabbed him by the wrist and snatched back his wallet before tossing the kid to the ground harshly.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He growled, standing up and looking down at him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Heheh, that was easier than I thought. Always fun to swipe from the big gu—

That was the last train of thought running through Raph’s mind before the world around him spun erratically. As his thin body hit the ground, his jacket the only kind of cushion, Raphael realized he had been caught.

How..?! I’ve never been snagged. Holding his throbbing wrist, Raphael raised a defiant and almost aggressive glare to the tall man, golden eyes sharp. He had a free ticket, so to speak, into this school as well as a place to live. Hell if he was losing it to some giant.

With the speed of a true thief, Raph flipped himself onto one foot to push off running, snatching the hood on his jacket and drawing it over his face tight. Unsurprisingly for his small size, Raphael had dodged his way in between surprised students and out of the greeting room, landing himself outside and behind the building. Panting, Raphael slid down against the wall, running a hand through his golden locks. ”... It wasn’t like I was going to keep it. I guess he didn’t know that though.” The fae boy grumbled to himself, shutting his pretty long eyelashes over his eyes. He could sleep here.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AGenericUser
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@Insert Alias

Feine had faced himself away from the group he'd been analyzing. He'd begun to approach them, only to get cold feet. It was not out of shyness - Feine wasn't afraid of the trio, not in the slightest. Besides, what was there to fear about them? The young writer was unsure.

What caused Feine to reconsider his course of action was his pursuit for none other than inspiration. The group of three had come off to Feine as very interesting... Feine believed it could very well form a passable story for his next work. Feine had approached the trio intending to speak to them. What caused him to reconsider was the fact his intrusion could very well lead to a different scenario. Sometimes in writing, it was best to let what inspires you flow free and act on its own.

And unfortunately, Feine had made a mistake. Heading closer to the group proved to be quite an error, as he heard exactly what he dreaded. A voice, quite clearly a man's, spoke out and questioned Feine, asking if there was anything he could help with. Disaster had befallen the young writer! There was no doubt that this was the wild seeming man of the group of three. He seemed to serve as a catalyst to the group of three, in a sense... he'd changed an ordinary conversation between two ladies into something far more interesting. Cookies were thrown and shouts were, well, shouted. And not only that, but Feine had been noticed soon after the group's situation became even more enticing a piece, too - The man of the group seemed to be having an argument with the woman Feine presumed a tomboy... it was interesting, but... now the man seemed to be talking to Feine himself.

'What a blunder... I may as well make the most of this...'

For a brief moment, Feine didn't react to the man's word, still turned around.

Seconds later, however, Feine slowly turned around, his scarf billowing in a breeze which had suddenly appeared. In truth, this was Feine discreetly using weak wind manipulation for dramatic effect, as if he was a fictional character from some show. It was always an enjoyable way of introducing himself, much better than a simple ordinary introduction. Feine also believed it conveyed an aura of superiority, but that was up for interpretation...

Feine glanced at the man who addressed him. It was indeed the man from the group of three he'd been analyzing, but that was no surprise. Very rarely did Feine find his intuition wrong, hence why he considered himself a prodigy, a savant.

"My name is Feine Rhiter, though I'm sure you already know that." Feine introduced himself grandly, his scarf still billowing in the breeze. Briefly, Feine considered bowing to show respect, but ceased that thought quickly. "As a well esteemed figure in the modern day writing world, I seek to find inspiration from real life events. You and your friends struck me as interesting."

Calling himself a 'well esteemed figure' in the writing world was a grand overstatement, to say the least. Feine pointed to the three people he'd been analyzing. The blonde lady, the woman Feine considered a tomboy, and the 'wild man', who was the person talking to Feine. Along with that, Feine stopped sneakily using his wind magic to blow his scarf around, as to not drain his energy.

"I never thought a cookie would... pique my creative juices, but here we are. Isn't it interesting, how even the most minor things can bring forth inspiration?" Feine inquired, with both a neutral expression and tone. "I'm sure William Shakespeare underwent such hunts for inspiration, too... I guess I'm quite like him. Ah, forgive me... do you know who that is?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReveTheDreamer
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Kludd watched the boy run off, still fuming. He turned to Fillan, trying to momentarily soften his expression from "death glare" to perhaps just "pissed off"
"Stay right here. I'll be back." He told him, before taking off after the thief. He wasn't able to maneuver through the crowds nearly as well, but thankfully most people were smart enough to move out of his way. He got outside and scanned the area, finding the kid leaning against the outside of the building.
He walked over in front of him, crossing his arms and glaring down at the other boy. After some consideration while he'd been walking out here, he decided to at least have a little mercy on the guy.
"Hey," he started simply, trying to get Raph's attention, "Theft isn't a very productive hobby. If you need the money or whatever you can just ask."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The small boy jolted at the voice, leaping to his feet in a catlike manner and nearly attacking. Instead, Raph stiffened his muscles into a defensive stance, eyes wild and on edge similar to a cornered animal.

Raphael let him finish his piece, clenching his teeth with frustration. ”I don’t need money.” He stated bluntly, standing straight as he matched Kludd’s stance. ”I do it for the thrill. Look, just stay out of my business, and I won’t bother you again. I hate when people pretend they give a crap, so don’t.” His words were harshly cold, not matching his pretty golden appearance at all.

The faerie turned away sharply, stuffing his hands into his pockets and beginning to march away once more, grinding his teeth still.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReveTheDreamer
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Kludd huffed angrily as the boy walked off again. "Don't act like i'm the jerk, you're the one who tried to steal from me." He said, just loud enough to be heard but it wasn't like he was yelling. He didn't really want to continue this discussion anyway. He was only going to get more frustrated from here. He could have just beaten the kid into a bloody pulp then and there, but he was feeling nice today. Plus, that would give people a bad impression of him.
He sighed and shook his head, just deciding to head back inside now. Being away from Fillan was giving him anxiety, even though he knew Fillan would stay put as long as he had a sufficient amount of math packets. He turned back and started to make his way through the halls and back to the room where everyone else was.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Canidae
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Fillan didn't even see the kid before Kludd wheeled around and grabbed the perpetrator's wrist and threw him to the ground. He looked at the boy with a combination of pity and caution, but said nothing. The boy glared needles at Kludd before bolting off, racing out of the room. Fillan was going to ask Kludd what happened, he wasn't sure what the boy had tried to pull but it was obvious Kludd wasn't pleased. Before he could ask though, Kludd had told him to stay there and that he was going to back. Where does he think I'm going to go?
Fillan quietly sighed before turning to his packet. He was on the last problem by now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OliveYou
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Lalisa, in the middle of deciding on whether to break up Ashley and Mikale (or not), shifts her focus to the... student who has suddenly appeared, introducing himself so majestically it's hard to miss him.

First of all, his scarf is blowing in a building, which just looks strange, and he's got white hair, which is weirder. Lalisa has never seen anybody like him, but then again, she hasn't seen a lot of people. Furthermore, Lalisa has never heard of a Feine Rhiter, and the way he's talks sounds... condescending. Is he a prince? No, she probably would've heard of a Prince Feine, they get the press daily... He's got a seriously high opinion of himself, that's for sure. And all that talk about 'inspiration'...

Oh, he's a writer. That's alright. Lalisa wonders if he reads, like her. Shakespeare! She likes Shakespeare, so he must not be all bad.

"I've never heard of your books," Lalisa says innocently, eyes wide. "I love Shakespeare, though. My favorite of his is A Midsummer's Night Dream, what's yours?" She pauses. "You... don't look like him, though... I fail to see any resemblance... Oh!"

She offers him a cookie. "You were talking about how interesting my cookies were, so would you like to try one?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A light smirk played on the soft lips, golden eyes flicking back with an amused and condescending sharpness. ”Like I really care if you think I’m a jerk.” I act like this on purpose, you big oaf. Raphael twitched at his own thoughts, annoying himself with them. How childish. He pushed people away as usual, his tactic was effective, but it still seemed so juvenile. @ReveTheDreamer

Before he could trouble himself any longer, Raph darted off as far away from the building and Kludd as he could get. He preferred to be alone, anyway. Now, hopefully, his reputation of possessing a bad attitude will spread like wildfire and leave him joyfully alone, in silence.

Raphael slowed down as a large tree came into focus, stopping completely at the base. He hummed to himself with interest, taking a hold of a divet in the trunk to pull himself up, scaling the tree until he reached the shaded canopy of leaves above. Raph cozied himself up in the nook of knotted branches and peacefully felt his eyes grow heavy. Sleep took over, leaving the fae boy appearing like an angelic doll under the shaking sunlight which filtered through the openings in the emerald leaves. He seemed so much happier, so much more innocent when he slept.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReveTheDreamer
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Kludd re-entered the room and practically threw himself down in the seat next to Fillan again. He hastily shoved his wallet down into the bottom of his bag in case that kid wanted to try and steal it again. He didn't trust him, but he sure hoped he was smart enough to leave him and Fillan alone from now on. He groaned dramatically before slamming his forehead onto the table and just stayed there a moment before looking over at Fillan.
"Did you happen to see any of that? Before I stormed off." He asked, half hoping he did so he wouldn't have to explain. Either way, he just wanted to go to bed at this point. He was done with today, and this whole school already.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Canidae
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Fillan finished his math packet and leaned back in his seat, going over all the events that had occurred today. He could easily say this was one of the busiest days he'd had in a very long time. Instead of pulling out another packet from his bag, he gazed out a window absentmindedly. How long has it been since Kludd left? Maybe I should've followed him out. Who was that kid anyways? Is he a student here at this school? What did he do anyways?

Turning his head, Fillan could see that students were gradually starting to crowd around the boy with the green scarf. He could overhear some of what he was saying, and the blonde haired girl was offering him some cookies as well. Fillan was torn between going over and interacting with the mingling students or hanging back like he had been doing for the past hour or so. It looks like such a large crowd though, I should probably wait...Then he noticed a girl still sitting at the table, the same girl with brown hair who had been pointing at him and Kludd earlier. Maybe I should go over and introduce myself to her. She looks pretty lonely. Maybe she needs-

Heavy footsteps and ragged breathing interrupted Fillan's thoughts. Staggering back to his seat, Kludd crumpled at the table and looked worn out. I really hope something bad didn't just happen.

"Are you um, alright? I didn't see what went on but it um, doesn't look like it um, went over well..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by pandapolio
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Atlan had been running his perception of time at double speed. That was until one group of people caught his attention. He noticed the group of people when he saw a cookie slide across the floor. He considered chasing after it, but then thought that would probably draw attention to him. He watched the group intently, incredibly entertained by the girl who seemed to be yelling at the guy talking to her and the other girl. He became sad when the guy walked away but once again became interested when a new person joined the conversation. This new person was so flamboyant it was almost funny. Scratch that it was funny, it was taking all he had to not laugh. He actually thought he might enjoy this school.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReveTheDreamer
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"I'm fine I guess. That jerk kid just tried to snatch my wallet- for no good reason either! He just does it for fun!" Kludd growled and held his face in his hands, shaking his head in exasperation "Then, he acts like i'm awful, but he's the one stealing, why am I the bad guy all the time?" He tried to keep his voice down enough that he wasn't yelling loud enough for the entire room to hear. He realized he was probably letting this get to him too much, but he already had been in a poor mood. Going to a new school out in the middle of nowhere was not his idea of a good time, especially not when it was full of crazy people. He wasn't even about to try to pay attention to the rest of the room until he'd calmed down again.
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