Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

For a moment Elliot felt positive that he didn't need to bother getting in any practice with his new equipment, but after Decoy made his suggestions he thought better of it. Gear and gadgets were what he, the five-man team's Sixth Ranger, had up his sleeve. Screwing up a vital deployment in the heat of the moment could very well cost him his life, and being able to adopt only a single pose for the remainder of eternity would not appeal to him at all for at least forty more years. So too was mission control correct about his needs—which was, in a way, disconcerting. Behaving in a way as to make plain one's reactive rejection of one being rejected by others was the natural and logical way of things, so any chance at being obliged -or dare he say it, cared about- could pose a threat to the established order. ”Indeed,” Elliot murmured, looking as erudite as a troubled teen possibly could. ”I have much to gather in preparation for this mission.”

It would appear that a trip back to the Protectorate HQ was in order. In an act of generosity, Elliot elected to not obey his urge to head there immediately while leaving his allies behind, so that they might benefit from proximity to his nebulous coolness. Truth be told, however, he doubted any save Lillian had yet to erect in their minds a defensive barrier to ward off feelings of inferiority, and neither he knew if Lillian might deign to gaze unflinchingly upon his brilliance. Crossing his legs and perching his chin upon the back of his hand, he awaited the super friends' departure.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Genevieve Marceaux - Healer

The bike zoomed past the darkened neighborhood. Genevieve lived near the industrial zone, and she took to the quiet streets around the area to get her from Point A to Point B faster. Less traffic, less people, less chance for trouble. That's always what it boiled down to and it had rarely failed her. Unfortunately, this wasn't one of those moments.

A shot rang through the air, and not a second later, Genevieve lost control of her motorcycle. She was airborne for a good moment before painfully hitting the ground and skidding a foot or two, her jacket absorbing most of what would have been a nasty road rash had she been wearing something a little more revealing. What the fuck?! was her first thought, looking at the bike silently idling not too far from her. She stood up slowly, still shaken, as removed her helmet and took a quick look around. All seemed quiet and peaceful on the surface, although she knew better than that, and she was right. A figure emerged from within the shadows of an alleyway, one dressed in all black and unrecognizable. Genevieve tensed up, her body going into its fight-or-flight response. Not allowing the young woman to get a word out, the figured rushed at her. Genevieve readied her stance before she realized the figure had disappeared just as quickly. She wasn't crazy, and that much was proven when she was knocked off her feet. Of course that dirty trick worked on her. Why wouldn't it?

"You can't go around making a lot of friends without expecting some enemies," the woman finally said, her knee digging into Genevieve's back. Then the pain came unexpectedly, somewhere just below her shoulder blades. She couldn't help but cry out in response and retaliate by turning that pain into pure strength. Genevieve swiftly pushed her attacker off of her and then restrained her, sitting on her to choke her meanwhile using her healing ability.

"Don't underestimate your enemies," Genevieve replied, smiling as the struggling woman beneath her attempted to break free. Genevieve then got up when her back was feeling better, appearing to grow sympathetic, but instead, she delivered a blow to the woman's head with her boot, knocking her unconscious.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Farce - A Car

"OH SHIT THAT WOMAN!" Gaia shouted as she rode shotgun in Judah's car, being caught off guard by the motorcyclist that just knocked out some random woman with her foot. "JUDAH JUDAH HOLD UP I'M GETTING INVOLVED!" Gaia put on her mask as she unbuckled her seatbelt, pulling Carlotta out of her bag and staring down at the woman. Someone was getting involved here, and despite how bad this might turn out, it may just be a good thing in the long run. Maybe not. Probably not. "... I honestly don't even understand Gaia sometimes. She just does what she does, really." "That's why I'm good at what I do. I don't waste time thinking!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Bladedancer and Alice

Everissa shut the door to her somewhat crummy apartment and leaned against it with a sigh of relief. Another work day done. Everyone knew fast food was the shitiest place to work... But it was a place to work and that was all that really mattered. She walked into what amounted to her living room to see Alice sitting at the table staring at a bowl of ramen. Everissa had told the girl she could use any clothes she wanted, which for now meant she was wearing an oversized sweater with the hood pulled up and gray sweats, which must be a little warm.

Alice looked up at the sound of footsteps with a trace of alarm before seeing it was just her roommate. She gave a weak attempt at a smile and lifted her hand and showed it to Everissa, or more accurately the fork that was seemingly attached to the palm of her open hand before she let it drop back into the bowl.

Everissa's grin was far more vibrant, "That's great! You're figuring out how your powers work." She took a seat across from Alice, one her feet bouncing up and down. "It took me like a month to figure out what I could do so don't worry about how long it takes, but do you think you're getting a better feeling for it?"

Alice's smile this time was a bit more vibrant, Everissa's energy rubbing off on her. "Y-yeah." She stirred her noodles around a little before nodding, more to herself than the person across from her. "I'll have it all figured out in a week tops and then... I'll find them." Upon the last word the fork in her hand suddenly launched itself into the wooden table, forcibly impaling it as Alice stared at it somewhat violently.

Everissa winced, partly at the damage to the table, and partly at the damage to Alice showing itself. Bits and pieces of her story had come out during the few days she had been at the apartment. Alice had a dangerous focus on getting revenge, both on Lethal Force and on the Community and from what Everissa could tell, they both deserved it. "A-ah, well until then, do you think you could try to avoid causing any damage to our home?"

Alice's face immediately colored and she let out a small noise of distress "Oh, oh no I didn't mean- I'm sorry, please I didn't mean it." She immediately grabbed the fork and removed at fiercely, rubbing the small imprints in the table as though she could simply make them disappear.

Everissa reached over and grabbed Alice's hand, "Please, it's fine, I'm not gonna kick you out over something stupid like that. You can trust me, okay?" She asked, staring the other girl in the eye, brown eyes gazing into yellow.

Alice looked away and pulled back her hand. "Okay." She said quietly. There was a bit of awkward silence and Everissa got up to make herself some food when Alice spoke up again. "Do you think I could get a job with you? I-I don't want to just mooch..."

Everissa nodded, "Of course, I can help you with the application and put in a good word for you. It'll help pay for your costume and help me out with food expenses. Once we get a bit more situated... We can talk more about Cape business, for now just do whatever makes you feel most comfortable." Life between the two of them was working itself into an awkward balance, but a balance none the less.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Alessa Heather: PRT Headquarters

...well, Decoy was right. They had time to kill, for sure. Probably not as much as Alessa would like, but certainly enough to do everything Decoy had suggested - ironing out the kinks in the plan if possible; practicing using the holodisks in a tactical manner, including sliding them around as appropriate; Margrave of course preparing his own equipment as necessary; and examining the details of the warehouse’s layout to figure out, for example, secretive routes into the place that Lily could exploit. And a full squadron of PRT troopers to accompany them to boot… Messiah had never been in charge of actual soldiers before. The thought was enticing, if only because it’d give her the opportunity to fulfil her mission that much more effectively.

‘No questions on my end, Decoy,’ Alessa confirmed, before glancing over at Lillian again. ’I’ll come with you, Lily. We can all talk tactics whilst we train, I think, and- well, I should make sure everybody examines the warehouse’s layout anyway,’ she uttered, raising her voice just enough to grab everyone’s attention, ‘but to be clear, I don’t think anyone would appreciate getting lost in there in a pinch, so please get it memorised, just in case something happens to our electronics. Worst case, we can regroup near the front entrance if we all recall where it is. Okay, guys?’ she concluded, a mild grin spreading on to her face. Oh, was she hyped to get this show on the road.

Raymond Haywood: Trainyard

And that was what the layman called “good timing”. Both guards went down almost simultaneously, and shortly after that, they had both been tied up by Heartless and Thunderbolt, Raymond lowering his weapon and joining them as they did so. Much as he considered his earlier question to be foolish, he had to admit that the shadow-walker was quite skilled indeed, and returned his thumbs-up just before he began scouting atop the roof of the building.

In the meantime, Thunderbird had made sure - not too quietly, it was worth noting - that those guards wouldn’t be getting out of their container any time soon. He offered to toss Sofia up to the roof, only to be granted a counter-offer of having her ride on his back, ignoring whatever he told her to. And that had its merits, certainly… he had been about to point out her mass being an issue, before recalling that Thunderbolt’s abilities made that matter entirely irrelevant. What a coincidence, and what a way to make a fool of himself if he hadn’t remembered the major powers of one of his team members. In that case…

‘Worst case scenario, you can throw her at a crowd, and she can ignore them into the floor or something,’ he joked, morbidly and with very little humour. ‘Otherwise, I suggest you two take the front entrance; Chatterbox and I can enter through the back; and Heartless can sneak in from up top if his scouting goes well.’ Looking to Chatterbox and jerking his head toward the warehouse, he began to trudge to the right of the building and round the back, keeping the morph gun in its FN P90 form for the time being. This was perhaps the most likely case for its use: close-quarters fighting, but of the sort that required rapid firepower, not focused shots from a high-power handcannon. And with his designated partner apparently bearing close-range and mid-range weapons of his own to boot, they’d be quite set up in the likely event that they were attacked within the place.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Evelyn Chambers – Tulpa

Eventually getting over her embarassment fully, she looked to Lillian, smiling again. When Alessa agreed with their younger teammate she nodded her head. Some training with the disks would be good, plus she could test out Ira's new invention too. The thought filled her chest with a warm excitement and she smiled, walking to the door. She glanced back at Decoy's hologram a moment, smiling and said, "Thank you for the briefing sir. We'll prepare as best we can."

With those words she looked over the other wards and then pushed the door open, ready to go warm up for their impending mission.

Oh man was she excited!

Rising only when Headhunter did, Chatterbox made his way forwards at their sharpshooter's side, remaining silent the whole time. There was an air of wariness about him ever since their first mission, at least when discussing serious matters. Being a villain...a criminal, was not something he could so light heartedly joke about, though he could easily pull that persona out whenever they encountered some real resistance. It would serve to fit his alias not to mention facilitate his power. For now however, he just followed, silent. When they reached the backdoor he pulled one of the rods from his belt, holding it in his offhand. He kept his right hand by the handgun at his belt...just in case he needed to pull it quickly.

"Ready when you are," he said, tapping his communicator lightly to notify his adoring fans that they were entering the building.

Inspecting the money, he found nothing amiss, which was a bit odd in its way. Where had this man gotten this kind of money, he wondered. Then again, they didn't really know anything about the fellow. He glanced at G4M3R when he posed his question, as he'd been wondering the same thing. Backing up from Gabriel, he crossed the room and decided to take up a position leaning against the wall.

“Was wondering that too. Though, if we manage to bring the Rockers to justice I don't think it'll much matter as to his reasons. I suppose it's something we ought to do regardless. Getting paid for it is even better.” He shrugged, his supicion far easier to ignore what with it feeling so distant.

The situation was a bit weird, but oh well, it was good pay and they'd be doing something major that they ought to anyways. How could it go wrong?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 16 days ago

Judah Raines/Mantis - Strip Mall

Judah glanced up from the steering wheel and focused in on the activity coming from two individuals not far from their vehicle. There was a struggle as Judah felt the fear, pain and anger experienced by both play by play.

Gaia exclaimed, put on her mask and got out of the car to intervene. Judah quickly pulled his balaclava over his head. Then Mantis jumped out, moving with Farce about ten feet from her left hand and drew his 1911 sidearm. He motioned for her to be cautious.

As they got closer he called out to the red haired woman leveling his weapon at her, "Back away from her!" If the order was obeyed Mantis would then ask, "Care to explain all this?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Genevieve Marceaux - Strip Mall

Genevieve looked behind her, seeing a couple of strangers who, judging by their approach, weren't all that happy with the current scene in front of them. She took note of the handgun aimed at her and casually stood to her feet, her hands up at about shoulder level as she walked away from her unconscious attacker. She couldn't help but grow weary of the newcomers, the thought that they were all working together temporarily forming in her mind.

"If you must know, that woman attacked me. You see my bike over there?" Genevieve motioned toward her motorcycle, "She shot at it and she actually managed to knock me off. Now, whatever her reason was for doing that is still a mystery to me, that's why I was digging through her pockets to see if I could find any information."

Genevieve sighed, putting her hands down before she continued addressing the man. "Are we good now?" she asked, her eyes locked on his handgun before she stared him down.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Farce - Strip Mall


Farce took a second to pause. Gloves? Why did her brother say gloves? "What do you mean by that?" she asked aloud, forgetting that nobody could hear Dunn for a minute.

"Look at her gloves. They're fingerless. That's bare skin."

"Sparce, where are you going with this?"

"DNA. Even if it's a tiny bit of DNA, it's still there. She can be traced back. Make a deal with her, dammit!"

"Ok friend!" Farce spoke in a raised voice, still keeping it passive and calm as she stood halfway between Mantis and Healer. "First off! Super nice bike. Like really, that's a dope ass motorcycle! Second, there's a voice in my brain that's telling me that, because of your gloves, you've left evidence on the crime scene! Now, I dunno about you, but you seem to be in a similar boat like us! I had the Community TRASH my apartment a bit ago!" Farce dropped Carlotta to the ground, the nightstick clinking against the pavement. Her free hand ushered Mantis to do the same. "Maybe we can work out a deal?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by solokolos
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ira Riese:
PHQ - Class is Definitely (not) in Session

@BCTheEntity@Lugubrious@ProPro@yoshua171@Old Amsterdam

Ira listened to the others planning silently and considered what she should do. It would be best to go with Alessa and Lillian, not just because she liked being near Lillian and the others but because if they discussed tactics they would discuss powers and Ira could get a better feel for the two of them. Also she felt that if she couldn't contribute in the same way the others could, then she could make up for it by helping with tactics and memorizing helpful information. Plus she could make sure her device worked properly, after all tinker devices had a bad habit of not working properly if left along for too long. "I'll come along too, I want to see it in action. By the way, I can't nullify the entire facility, though that might do more harm for us than good anyways. I still have my nullification device, the suitcase thingy. We can experiment with that and Mar- I mean Elliot's power to make it less cumbersome" It. She needed to think of a name for her enhancement device, as well as the nullifying-thing; for convenience at the very least.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 16 days ago

Mantis - Strip Mall

Mantis listened to the woman intently verifying her emotions with his ability. He was quite sure she was telling the truth, but felt she wasn't revealing everything about the situation. He thought to himself, "How did she manage to beat her attacker unconscious after getting knocked off her bike? On top of that," he reasoned, "She looks and feels completely fine. No twinges of pain at all."

Before he could mention this, Farce stood in between Mantis' weapon and the woman. He begrudgingly lowered his sidearm away from her. "She'd better have a good reason for this," he thought angrily. She mentioned the woman's sweet bike, which Mantis had to admit was very nice. She commented something about evidence left on the scene. Judah agreed once more nodding, "She's going to have to come clean." Then, she did something that was unthinkable to the masked man. She actually dropped her weapon and motioned Mantis to do the same.

Judah shook his head as he implanted a thought into Farce's mind, "What if she takes us out the same way?" He strafed to the side of the twin so that he had clear sight of the woman. They still didn't know what she was capable of. Mantis kept his weapon down but it was not holstered. He spoke directly too her very bluntly, "How are you uninjured after falling from a moving motorcycle and getting assaulted? I see your jacket is damaged, but you look ready to get back on a drive off. That is very unnatural," he smiled under his mask as he said it. Could she be another vigilante? She was gorgeous and to top it off drove a killer bike. You wouldn't find a profile like that on e-harmony any day of the week. Not that Mantis went on sites like those or anything..

Then Mantis implanted a thought into the mystery woman,"I'd better come clean. They know I'm uninjured." If it went as planned, she would explain everything shortly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Genevieve Marceaux - Strip Mall

Genevieve's jaw tightened. She had nothing to hide, but she preferred to remain off the spotlight. Advertising her abilities was something she refrained from doing, and for a good reason.

I'd better come clean. They know I'm uninjured.

And just like that, she became easily conflicted. It could have been due to the simple fact that she was outgunned and outnumbered, but the more she thought about it, the easier it was for her to reach a decision, which wasn't like her. She was the pensive type, always carefully considering all her options.

"I used my abilities on her," Genevieve finally blurted out, for some odd reason feeling like a large weight had been taken off her shoulders, "That woman now has whatever injury she inflicted upon me, so she may live, or she may not...it's not really my concern given that she came after me without any good reason. I didn't provoke her nor have I seen her before in my life for that matter. But yes, I did kick her to make sure she didn't come after me, can you really blame me given my position?"

Genevieve shrugged off her jacket and held it out in front of her to gauge the damage before putting it back on. She then approached the masked man, that same small thought from before nagging at her.

"But why are you so concerned about her? Did you have anything to do with this?"

It may have gone undetected to the naked eye, but Genevieve's stance changed just the slightest.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Farce - Strip Mall

Holy shit. She was a nice find. Pretty good looking too, Farce had to admit. She ignored responding to the question Judah asked about what might happen, winging it entirely based off of instinct. It had worked for her all this time, why would it stop now? The biker chick brought up how Judah might've had something to do with this, to which Farce had to interject. "He didn't. He was punching a boxing bag and drinking Snapple earlier." Farce hushed afterwards, watching the situation unfold as she reached down for her nightstick, lifting it up and carefully inspecting the item for any damages.

"Plus, he has a thing for you~," Farce teased. She didn't actually know that for sure, but going off on a fun little joke was good to break the tension. Hell, maybe it would negotiate the situation better. Who knows? All that was certain was that Judah and the woman were a good twelve to eighteen inches away from each other right now.

"Young love, eh Sparce?" "You're really gonna joke about that right now?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 16 days ago

Mantis - Strip Mall

When the woman mentioned using, "..her abilities.." Mantis smirked under his mask. "Now we're talking! Should I pull out the ring now or save it for later?" He joked to himself. His mind was made up. He would try and recruit this woman. That's when she started moving closer to him after mentioning her transfer powers. He noticed her demeanor to have changed from defensive into being slightly aggressive.

Then Farce spoke up trying to lighten the mood as well as provide his alibi. He needed good teammates like her in order to smooth things over. She did a great job when she wasn't getting between his weapons and targets.

Mantis slowly raised the weapon as she approached and calmly stated, "Don't move any further. I'm not responsible for any of this mess. If I was, do you really think I'd be trying to calm you down?" Then he implanted the thought into her, "He could have shot me without another word."

"I and my partner here also use abilities." Mantis began to fill the air with feelings of tranquility and peace. On a tense, violent night like this, it was bizarre to feel like you were taking a nice warm shower.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The hours flew by as the Wards each prepared in their own little way. All roads converged at the same destination, the target of their mission: The old abandoned train yard intel said was supposed to be housing illicit materials for The Community. The teen heroes rode in the back of a PRT transport vehicle driven by a soldier, with two additional passengers. Both, naturally, were PRT agents as well. Lieutenant Reynolds led the squad and had the authority to take over orders should he feel that Messiah's judgment was compromised in any way shape or form. Private Skeetz was the strong silent type. That, or he preferred to focus on the road to the detriment of a normal conversation. Corporal Johnson sat with the lieutenant, checking her gun over one final time before arriving. They were expecting minimal resistance, but that was no reason not to be prepared.

"We'll go over the layout one more time, Wards," the lieutenant spoke up, standing in the back of the vehicle to point at a map printed out to the side of the van. "The building itself is quite expansive, but that's because the majority of it was meant for storage. Here in the back you'll see where the train tracks ride alongside the building, where cargo would have been dropped off. This is an entrance to the larger warehouse portion of the station, and is most likely to house the Community's illegal goods. Further, it's the largest entrance we can move toward. On the opposite end of the building we have the main entrance, a simple double door up half a flight of stairs. Inside this main entrance is the station's main lobby, where people would be waiting for trains to arrive and depart. Notice that the tracks also go right by this portion of the building. The tracks used to go through it, but that area was walled off over time as a hazard zone. These are the only two entrances from ground level, however the building specs Decoy was able to pull up show a system of skylights on the rooftop above both the lobby and the warehouse sections. We're expecting minimal resistance thanks to the big rally the Community is attending tonight. The mission should be a simple one. Neutralize any hostiles, secure the area, then we call in a CSI team to investigate and categorize the illegal merchandise. This will be Messiah's first mission as your team leader. Remember to respect your chain of command, and my men are at your command as well. Should I find your judgments to be unsatisfactory, then I will take command and their will be no arguments. We should be arriving in about two minutes, Wards. If there are any last minute questions, time to ask them now."

The Jacks - Community Drop Off: A Stealthy Approach

@yoshua171@BCTheEntity@Eklispe@floodtalon@Old Amsterdam

Heartless's idea to scout from above certainly wasn't made in poor judgment. The shadow man was able to slink around the large rooftop structure and look from skylight to skylight to get a good idea of the building's interior. Behind the front door was an old dilapidated lobby room, with chairs and cushions long since rotten and eaten by insects. A broken grandfather clock sat against the wall to the left of the front doors, hands perpetually frozen on 3:23. A small ticket taker's office was cordoned off on the wall opposite the front doors, a few cash registers visible on the countertops, with a single old timey door to allow entry into the small section. To the left of that was a sheet metal door, the kind that rise and lower from the ceiling, currently locked in a down position. A single guard was leaning against the wall next to that door, a shotgun resting by his side while he picked his nose, oblivious to the dangers going on. Shouldn't he have heard the single gunshot Headhunter had fired off? Ah, there they were. Headphones.

The skylights behind this lobby room showed Heartless a great deal more interesting things. The rest of the building, about 4 times the size of the lobby, was all storage and warehouse. The back end had two great big loading doors connected directly to the train track. The whole place was filled with shipping cargo containers, crates, wood boxes, and other cases for transportation. Two catwalk railings hung from high above the floor overlooking the storage unit, with one set of stairs leading up to them from opposite ends of the warehouse. Two guards armed with fully automatic rifles paced along these catwalks, clearly far more competent than musics mcnosepicker. This was everything Heartless could make out. Unfortunately the skylights didn't give him a perfect view of the whole building, there was a ton of blind spots, but he could see most everything. Was it time to relay the info and let the gang inside?

The Minutemen and Swarm - We'll Take the Job!

"They say you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth," G4M3R began, musing to himself. "But they also say that if something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Alright Mr. Gabriel, we'll accept your donation and place you at the top of our sponsors list, but this is still really fishy. Don't think we won't be investigating you. In the meantime, Kyoshi, go ahead and take the team to protect that young woman's family, will you? Once that's all said and done we'll discuss our plan for taking down the Rockers."

It seemed that the Minutemen's leader would accept Gabriel's money and request, for the time being, but he was just as wary as his team. Before he might have been blinded by the money, but their influence ensured he grew as a person. Wasn't that nice?

"I've got some more bugs to work out of some of these things. Keep me informed of whatever happens, k? And Mr. Gabriel, unless you have anything else to discuss, I think we're all set here."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Heartless slinked from skylight to skylight, carefully noting every detail he could about the inside of the building. A grin was on his face as he watched the guy with the shotgun, headphones on as he obliviously picked his nose. Front entrance can be cleared easily as long as they were quiet about it, don't want to alert the people actually paying attention inside. With his mental map made, he quickly made his way back to everyone else. Only to find that Chatterbox and Headhunter were already gone, making their way around back for some classic flanking. Heartless activated his communicator and quickly relayed the details to everyone. "I'm gonna take out the dude in the lobby and then Thunderbolt and Sophia can go in from there, anyone have anything to add?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Genevieve Marceaux - Strip Mall

"Sorry, I'm just alone, and if things were to go south again I'd clearly be at a disadvantage."

Genevieve eased up, the tension in her body suddenly melting away. The man mentioned having abilities—as well as his partner—although given his reliance on his weapon, it was safe to assume he didn't exactly fire laser beams from his hands. Genevieve wasn't defensive anymore, but she did remain curious, and that feeling didn't go away.

"So tell me, masked stranger, what is your name and what deal do you have for me?" Genevieve smiled, her eyes filled with excitement at the possibilities that could be available to her.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jason watched the two head to the back entrance as they all listened to Heartless relaying what he could see from above. Tapping his comm, Jason spoke up quietly. "If we could take out or distract the guards up high, this shouldn't be much trouble. We'll follow on your word, Heartless. So long as I can get headphones without being seen, I can do it quietly."

Moving closer to the door, Jason gave an over the shoulder smile to Sophia. "You able to hold on if I have to use my hands?"

Rend - Mission Time!


Rend stood up slowly as the meeting came to an end. Looking at Kyoshi he waved towards the door. "Right behind you," he said softly.

It felt good to stretch his legs, and it'd feel even better to see some action.

Lillian was a bundle of energy bouncing slightly in her seat as they traveled. She listened to the nice soldier man talk, but made a face at the mention of Messiah losing control of he saw fit.

Looking around, she bit her lip. Raising a hand she asked, "Is there a way for me to get to, like, the roof? I didn't see anything specified in the sche- errr.... Schematics? Or air vents? Or should I just work from further away for the recon?"

She glanced at everyone with a smile as she fiddled with her seatbelt.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Farce - Strip Mall


That was a nice joke, Judah. "I wouldn't really call mine an 'ability', more or less it's a curse," Farce commented before walking over to the other two and joining the conversation. "This guy wants to recruit you to fight crime with us. If you heard about that thing in the news recently about a Community operation being busted by like... four people, I think, that was us." Farce was being real. She didn't reveal anything about WHO they were, just what they did. Maybe to get this girl more set on being recruited.

"Our third and last member is around here somewhere. I told him to get coffee or something." Farce had the sudden realization at that moment. "Do you think he got coffee for everyone or just himself?"

"I'm on it!" Kyoshi grabbed her actual costume and everything she needed as she prepared for the mission. Was it going to be fun? Likely not, but it gave her practice with her powers. Maybe it'd help her think of a better cape alias than Kyoshi, too. G4M3R talked about copyright issues and how her cape name could get the team in some trouble, so maybe it was better for her to change Kyoshi into something else. Unfortunately, her only ideas were still akin to the Earth Kingdom, so that might need to be thought on a bit more.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Sofia Stien - Train yard

Sofia wrapped her legs around Jason's rather muscular torso, just above his hips and looped her arms under his shoulders; then double checked to make sure her glasses were firmly held in place by her Croakies. She was as secure as possible while also not restricting Jason's mobility too much. "Allll set." Sofia said excitedly. Which was somewhat strange for her, considering that she tended to be slightly not bored at best when not on a mission. Although Sofia hadn't put the thought into words, it felt like she was hugging her brother again. It was a nice feeling.
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