Sand slowed as she neared what she thought was the PE classroom. She produced her Scroll in one hand, ensuring that the room number above the door was the same as the one marked in her schedule, and leaned in past the frame. Her peeking revealed the training equipment she had been expecting, along with a few students already inside, but no professor.
She supposed that was good. Must have meant she was not late, and she’d have some time to herself before the class started.
Readjusting the strap on her duffel bag, she strode into the room, beelining towards one of the empty benches. She took her seat there, setting her bag down next to herself. Seeing as she had missed the Grimm Studies class, some of the bulk inside like the extra change of clothes she had packed would likely go unused, but that detail was hardly worth thinking about at that point.
Instead, she glanced at the other students in the room, listening to the few snippets of their conversation that reached her. Seeing them together, she found herself wondering if any of her teammates was enrolled in this class.
She frowned slightly.
Perhaps I should have made more of an effort to learn their schedules. Sharing class could have been a good excuse to learn more about them. Or everyone could focus on their own tasks and not share a word. Hard to say without knowing how the class is taught.
Sand hummed and gave the barbell behind her a searching glance, wondering if she should simply start training on her own while she waited, but quickly discarded the idea. She was not so terribly impatient that she could not wait a few minutes for their professor.
Instead, she leaned forwards, resting her arms against her knees in a relaxed posture while she continued to idly eavesdrop on the other students.