Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rose Mary received several post cards from that bitch Emma, she didn't read or keep them she threw them directly in the trash. She made her feelings perfectly clear, she felt violated, she felt she couldn't trust her own feelings, all because of her. Not to mention she sided with those idiots, destroying her growing friendship with Tatiana. She refused to socialize with anyone beyond what was absolutely necessary, especially those on X-Pendibles, she was pissed at them as well. Sure people tried to get her to open up but she closed off even more, eventually they gave up. She dropped every class that wasn't required and picked up only those that were combat oriented.

Tatiana was on a conference call, god she hated these things but if she was going to keep control of this clan and it's business she was going to have put up with these things.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CleverFox
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CleverFox CleverFox

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Olinda found that a school for special kids was a bit weird. When she had got on the Blackbird she hadn't known she'd end up at a freaking Mansion. She thought it got bigger walking into the Mansion and Emery thought the same thing coming in holding Olinda's hand. She was finally fully introduced to everyone. Upon given the chance to stay or go she decided to stay with them but Emery left with Emma promising to write when she could. Trying to stay in the room she was given was very hard for her the first month. Olinda couldn't it drove her crazy so she would go outside whenever she didn't have a class, Sleeping, eating or something important happening.

She had been working on her powers. Her golem's and her earth hands being the main targets of her practice. She had damn near knocked herself out if it wasn't for Uno keeping her up. Olinda got it done though. She had showed it to the others using Uno now standing at a whopping 4'6 now. Her birthday rolled around and she never said anything she was to busy carving out her Christmas presents for the team to even really notice. On Christmas she gave everyone a rock carving representing their power in someway. She told them if they didn't like it they could put away or just throw it outside. She was never sure if they did and Olinda secretly hoped they didn't.

Now she is laying face down in her bed sleeping peacefully until someone (or golem) rudely pulled her out of bed. She yelped falling on the floor with a thud."Uno!" She yells pulling off the blanket and glaring at the laughing golem. Uno is in his 3 foot form right now since that how tall he can really make himself without Olinda's help. Olinda mutter curses in Spanish getting untangled from the blankets and standing up. The Golem walks over hugging her saying sorry in his golem language. He grumbled something about her class that made her groan."God do I have too?"

Uno gave her a look that Olinda rolls her eyes too."Your worst than a dad Uno." She says standing up and grabbing her boots. Olinda had been out late into the night last night training. She had been trying to make figures out of stone and trying to learn how to make her stone armor stronger. She was successful in neither and is very tired from that not even bothering to change out of the T-shirt and Shorts that she had on at the moment. Olinda made a mental note to shower later as she entered into class and smiled at the two people already there."Hello, Jefe," She looks at Heidi,"Heidi. Did I walk into the wrong class again?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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Two fingers and a thumb were pointed out, wrist flicked, and Shawn nodded at Olinda. He had done some research into finding out just what she had been calling him all this time, and it turned out that it wasn't nearly as bad as he had thought. 'Boss' was all she had called him. He was sure it was some sort of sarcastic insult, but he supposed that she could still be calling him the boss in some sort of sarcastic manner.

His eyes wandered back to Heidi. They still had a few minutes still class officially started. Kurt would just pop in whenever he saw fit. But looking at Heidi, he had remembered some things. Her birthday was coming up in a few months, he was pretty much set for that. He also needed to take those chocolates out of his closet. It was way too late for any explanation for them, and he was almost completely sure they weren't even good anymore.

Chrys and Rosemary were the other two still left on this team. Bookers wonderteam quickly fell apart during the first mission, and the second one put another rift between people. Rosemary kept herself as far away from everyone as possbile, especially Emma before she left. And Chrys was more or less doing his own thing now, it was really hard to put him in a spot and keep him there.

"Training after school?" He looked between his two teammates. "I'll look for Rosemary, and- Wait." He shook his head in realization. "You know what? No training today. Lets get the team together, Rosemary too, and lets head out. We've trained a whole lot since the beginning of the year, I think we deserve a little R&R."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana finished up her conference call, she ordered a bag of O- blood brought to her while she read the news. Once the blood was in her goblet she flipped through the newspaper. She found an interesting article about the Friends of Humanity, they were announcing their Church of Humanity. Tatiana slammed the newspaper down. She summoned everyone of her Dhampirs to the throne room. Once they were gathered below her throne she stood up. "It's time the world, the humans know that we exist. The Friends of Humanity have corrupted a church into their Church of Humanity. We are going to burn that place to the ground and everyone inside will die or be captured, if they live they cannot tell the world about us, the humans cannot find out we are Dhampirs. That means no biting. If you can't guarantee that you won't bite one of the ones that die you can't go. The Church of Humanity is holding a service tonight, when the church is full we will descend upon them like locusts. Every exit must be barricaded before we enter we will then enter through the stained glass windows raining death upon their heads. Now go fill your bellies with blood and get some rest we will meet in the lobby two hours before the church service begins to go over the floor plans of the church." The Dhampirs left to do whatever it was they did in their free time. Tatiana went to one of the low level lawyers she grabbed his tie. "Come I have need of you." She then pointed one of the other lawyers. "Get me the blueprints to the Church of Humanity. Don't care how, I want them in an hour. Give them to security and tell them to send it to the boss, they will know who and where to send them." The helpless lawyer Tatiana was dragging around by the tie was aroused and terrified, mostly terrified. She dragged him into the private elevator only accessible to the Dhampirs and select humans. The elevator dinged alerting everyone inside that it reached it's destination the private suite reserved for the leader of the Mystikos clan. She dragged the helpless lawyer to her bedroom.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

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After the mission, Chrys threw himself into his training. He slowly fell away from the others as he worked on making himself strong enough to do his job. Paradigm Shift died that day on the plane. Chrys took up his father's Alias "Journeyman" and reached out to his Dad's friends. Most were proud of him, encouraging him to stay at the school as it was a good place for him to learn his abilities. He grewmore sure of himself and of his duties as an X-Man

His newfound powers soured, the Danger Room was no longer effective for training him so he often went on missions with minor X-Men, usually as damage control with his ability to put people and objects in stasis fields. In one such event, he proved himself by shifting an exploding bomb into his subspace. He was sick for a full week from the backlash of moving too much energy at once.

By now, six months had passed and Chrys was sitting on top of the mansion roof, working on his studies in astrophysics. He believed that the more he understood about the world, the stronger he'd become. It had already proven itself after he shifted the bomb, when he read up on the laws of Conservation of Mass and Energy. He realized that in his subspace, time is completely nonexistent, which is why, his own time is so dramatically slow. As such, he put too much too fast into this space, and tried to contain it, slowly burning him out. Through trial and error, he managed to find his threshold and was such, was working on pushing that limit. He found that any type of explosion could be shifted, but had to be released fairly quickly, so he focused on area shifts, pulling out the core of the explosion and placing it high into the air.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Heidi was about to correct Shawn's 'morning' as she walked through the door, but decided to let him figure it out, and sure enough, he did. Smiling, Heidi took a seat beside him, though not after nodding at Peter, and waving. "Доброе утро. Как поживаешь?" she spoke cheerfully and confidently, as she often did when speaking in another language.

"It is almost lunch," she replied to Shawn after she was seated. "Want to go and get it together after this class?"

She looked up when Olinda walked in. "I don't think so," she answered. "This is Kurt's class. Have you read the screenplay?" Heidi, of course, had read the screenplay, in order to wind down after finished work for one of her online courses. The school had made an exception in allowing Heidi to take online University and College courses. They simply realised that there was little they could teach her academically. Even this class was just to keep her busy and to utilise her imagination. Besides, she'd feel very alone if she was out of class while the others were in it all the time.

Shawn began to talk about training, but changed his mind and suggested R&R, Heidi nodded and muttered an agreement, but admittedly wasn't very good at relaxing and being a normal member of society. She was comfortable in the mansion because most people had accepted her for who she was, but in the outside would, she reverted to worrying about social interaction to the point where she paralysed herself back to the stage she was at before Booker started to help her.


Tobias grinned at his leader's orders. Time to make somebody pay. The longer he went without hurting humans, the more pent up his resentment of their race. He needed outlets like this every so often to clear his blood. Speaking of blood, he'd better take her advice and feed.


Several hours later, he was walking down a street in the bad part of town, in the richest-looking clothes he owned, cane in hand, and tapping out his presence to those around him, just screaming out 'Hey! I'm vulnerable and richly dressed! Mugging me will likely net you a lot of money very easily!' Of course most people would find doing that to a blind man too repulsive, but Tobias knew that most of them were just waiting for a moment where they wouldn't be seen or judged. His faith in humans to be bigger than that was low, and sure enough, the moment he stepped into a secluded alley, he heard footprints speedily approach him.

The moment he sensed the assailant was about to grab him, he twirled round, smacked the thug so hard over the head with the cane that he must of recieved a concussion from that, and then lunged in for the kill, biting the mugger's neck with on hand over his mouth to muffle the screams, and drained him until his own belly was full. To cover his tracks, and to finish off the wretched thug's meaningless life, he pulled out a knife, and cut a line in his throat connecting the two bite marks. The blade kept going, however, until he had fully cut the mugger's throat. Tobias drooped him and left him to die as he discarded his bloodstained coat and left the alley from the other side, and made his way back to the law firm.

@Burning Kitty
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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“Yeah.” Shawn nodded, his hand grasping a pencil. With little skill, he twirled the pencil between his fingers, not at any smooth or constant pace. “I’ll need the time to figure out how to pull Rosemary along. Social training exercise, sure.” The idea made Shawn smile. He was so smooth.

Shawn was glad to see Heidi improving so much between when the team was formed and now. She had initiated the lunch d-conversation. Conversation. She directly asked him something, and she didn’t seem nervous or worried about it. Maybe it was the environment, where everyone knew and accepted her. Shawn was a little more comfortable in open environments, simply because he wasn’t capable of thinking like Heidi could.

Heidi mentioned the screenplay. Shawn shuffled around for itnin his belongings. He knew he had it somewhere, he knew he read it. There was that guy Hamilton, and he... did some stuff. He was critical in the civil war? Shawn was pretty sure. Once he found his copy of the screenplay, he’d need to look it over again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rose Mary had a free period she went to the pool, sank to the bottom, and adapted her neck to create gills. At the bottom of the pool she just sat there in her one piece not doing anything at all. Some have asked her if she was meditating when she was doing this. She literally did nothing, thought about nothing, if that is meditating then she was meditating, otherwise it is not. After a while her water resistant watch beeped it was time to leave. She swam to the top of the pool, grabbed her bag with her X-Pendibles uniform and went to the bathroom. In the bathroom she removed her one piece and turned herself into fire to dry off. She put the X-Pendibles uniform back on. She went to the gym and began working out. She was joined by one of the mutants they freed from Mexico. He tried to thank her for what she did. She grabbed her bone spear that she had meticously sanded and sharpened each end. She put one point to the boy's neck. "Answer one question. How do you feel about that subhuman scum being allowed to live?" The boy looked confused. "The president of the company we took prisoner and turned over to the police, that subhuman scum." The boy shrugged. "I never saw him the ones I did see were killed. As long as he goes to ja...." She pushed just enough to draw a drop of blood. "Your pathetic like the rest of them. Get out of my sight." The boy ran away. Rose Mary continued as she was before she was interrupted.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CleverFox
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CleverFox CleverFox

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Olinda groans sitting behind Heidi."No, I didn't. I was focused on making the golem's more useful." She says leaning against the seat. She rubs her head."So you think I can scan through it and still get an idea?" She says with a sigh.

She felt a pull on her pant leg and she looked down Uno standing there holding up the paper grumbling something."Oh shut it you pack of rocks." Olinda says looking down at the sassy golem before sighing." Thank you,Uno"

Uno chipped a bit before rolling out of the class room. Leaving Olinda to read about Hamilton,"Oh yeah I fell asleep reading about this guy." She says looking this over and smiled history is her favorite subject next to gym. Not only does it really interest her on reading about the past, though some of it makes her mad, but the little tricks in there too. Hamilton was one of their founding fathers, created the financial system. the Federalist party, and The Coats guard. Not to mention his life story is rather interesting too. Aside for Washington and Teddy Roosevelt; Hamilton will probably be on her top list of favorite people in history."I think I got this guy down give me a test I'll atleast get a 68." She says with a chuckle

@Silver Carrot
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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"I'm not sure," Heidi replied to Olinda. "It's quite dense and we'll probably get asked about themes or juxtaposition or something like that. That said, It's not that hard a musical to gather these things from in a single read through."

Turning to Shawn, she bowed her head in thought. Rose Mary had become reclusive and violent, and a bit of a troublemaker. A far cry from the girl she was before. She needed their help. Heidi nodded. "She does need to come with us, yes." Heidi replied.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Before any more discussion could be made, Kurt Wagner himself popped into the classroom with a bamf! The kind teacher bowed as he stood on the stage, as if a play had just finished behind him.

"Good morning, students." He looked at the most promising students of this particular class. Peter, as he normally did, sat near the front. In the past six months, he had been building his body up. With a solid normal body, his transformation was even more powerful than it was before. Of course, the hilariously named X-pendibles were in his class. Chryss was... somewhere. He really should have poofed around and pulled the boy into class, but he was managing to get everything done. Heidi seemed on top of things, as usual, good on her. Olinda was quickly finding her place in the school, another good mark. Then, there was Shawn. He was a good student, but he was slipping. More and more the boy was falling asleep in class, and it was starting to show. His drop from an A student was steady, but Kurt was beginning to get worried.

"How many of you have finished Hamilton? Can any of you tell me why this play above many others has stood firm against time?"

Shawn was drawing a blank. He had found his copy of Hamilton, which he had finished, but his memory on the book was blurry. Sure, that detail was right. He could remember things as he read it, but he knew that he wasn't going to be the one answering this question.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After several hours Tatiana left her room, the helpless lawyer crawled out behind barely able to move. She stopped, he stopped. "Take the rest of the day off. You'll feel better in the morning. There is a taxi waiting for you. Once you get on the elevator security will help you to your taxi. Don't worry about the fare, it's paid already. Thanks for the fun." She went to her office. She locked the door and turned on security mode which made the room sound proof and blocked all windows. She had received the blueprints for the church they were going to attack. She poured over every detail. She took a red pencil and was drawing various symbols on it, each symbol represented a blocked exit or an alternative entrance. She also had archived local traffic news footage of the area it gave her the idea how close and how tall surrounding buildings were. With their increase strength and speed it would be easy to jump from one building to the church and go in through the stained glass windows. She went back to the blueprints she called someone down in the city's public works department. She wanted to confirm that the church was built on an old entrance to the sewer system. The city employee asked for time to confirm and give her a call back. She was now accessing each mutant power in how to best utilize them. Any signs of strength could be attributed to mutant strength not dhampir strength.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CleverFox
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CleverFox CleverFox

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Olinda really didn't like get reading plays. The history is just fine for her but reading the play it self just bores her. For example Hamilton did interest her with his story the play...well did him no justice. Did she read it yes but it was more along the lines of 'in one ear out the other' Kind of deal for her in this case. She kinda wished Uno had stayed because he at least remembers what he reads for a day.

She leans for ward resting her head on her arm looking at the teacher. "Ojalá fuera más fácil de leer. But I read it."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Heidi quickly turned to the front when Kurt teleported in, to make it look like she was paying attention. Though it was impossible for her not to pay attention, she was still focusing on many other things in her mind and this lesson as pretty far down the priority list. Heidi tried and failed to stifle a silent chuckle at Olinda's answer. She wouldn't answer until she was sure nobody else would. For all her improvements, she was still shy when it came to any public show of intelligence in the classroom. The other reason she did not answer is because she had no idea why it stood firm against time. Heidi was not American, and Hamilton was not about her history or culture. She preferred Les Miserables, but this lesson was not about Les Miserables, though thinking about her preferred musical gave her an answer. She cleared her throat.

"Because despite it's time period, it deals with themes, issues and characters that are still relevant and relatable today?"


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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"Exactly!" Kurt shot a finger up in the air with delight. He was glad that it honestly took Heidi a second longer to reply than he had expected. He could still stump even the human supercomputer. "Hamilton is a timeless classic not because of the historical importance of these characters, but because of how grounded and relatable they are to people of any time frame. The problems, both greater and internal, are still problems many people face today, and the reactions and actions of the characters are realistic and close to what you or I would do in such a situation."

Kurt was sure that Hamilton would continue to be popular for years to come.

Hamilton was going to be the second to last big play that his class was going to be tackling. It was currently may, and the school year was starting to wind down. The Xavier Academy doesn't have any official summer break, as they schooled all year round, but the work load was indeed much lighter during the summer season so the students could pursue more personal endeavors.

"During the colonial era, Military leaders and generals were almost always favored when placed next to actual politicians. It was often seen that their tactical minds would prove useful for a growing country. Of course, it isn't the case anymore here in America, but this is not only a pattern that existed one hundred years ago. Many smaller nations still follow this ideology, for better or worse. Who here believes that Military heads should once again have a political seat? Become our president?"

A few hands were raised at this question. Peter and Shawn were not apart of that group. Kurt nodded to himself and leaned down to peer at his students. His jet black hair fell over his face, but his almost demonic grin was still present on his face. "Those of you who did not agree. Why do you feel this way?"

Shawn's hand shot forward instead of straight up, perhaps an attempt to differ himself from those that had their hands raised. "I'm kind of fifty-fifty on the situation." He admitted to the class. "I don't really like politicians, being all shady, but having a world where all the world leaders being generals would turn the world into a big contest to see who can make everyone fear them more. A general is a general because they know how to use military power and people in the right way to get the right outcome. Their whole job is to win battles using the right tools. Democracy is all about voting, but when your man in charge is trained for war, war is all he's ever going to be focused on."

Out and about, Booker was once again looking around the grounds for Rosemary. She was missing another session, and Booker wanted to start putting his foot down about it. The mission six months ago with Emma really shook Rosemary in a lot of negative ways. Rosemary almost seemed to trust Emma, but when word got out about what she could really do, telepathy and all, it was Rosemary's reaction to all of this that cemented Emma's decision to leave the mansion and focus on locating the Warlocks on her own.

Emma could still call in that favor to rescue the group when she found them, bu so far she has been rather silent.

"Rosemary?" He called out as he walked through the halls. "Rosemary, we're intruding time, here. I know you don't want to talk your heart out to me, or anyone, but this was the Professor's one request when you came here, at least honor that." In truth, he had no idea where she was He was just speaking to the walls. She could be anywhere. She could be in canada by now for all he knew.

If she were to have left, though, Booker wondered what Charles would do. Would he have The X-Pendibles go and chase her down? Would he simply let her leave? Would he even go down and hop minds to find her and convince her to return? Sometimes Booker couldn't read the professor and how he could react to things, and that made the man worry a good deal.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rose Mary was leaving the gym when her watch beeped telling her that she was ten minutes late for therapy. She went to Booker’s office but he wasn’t there. “Where the fuck are you?” She grabbed a pen and scribbled a note about showing up but he wasn’t there. The note was written with her non-writing hand, one would have to have some kind of superpower to read her chicken scratch. She left the office.

Tatiana got a call back from the city employee with the confirmation. Incorporating that into her plans she planned for an assult that would take advantage of every entry way that would also secure the exits for the humans.

She called all of her clan to the conference room. A projector displayed the church blueprints. She pointed out every entrance they would take advantage of. “A team will jump from the neighboring buildings. Another team will secure all ground floor exits to prevent those bigots from escaping. The final team will enter through sewer system. The church should be empty right now, the sever team will need to break through most of the way, you can’t damage the flooring as they might call off the church service. Everyone will be participating but I am taking volunteers for the sewer team. Each team will be evenly split. I’ll be leading the team securing the exits. The service begins at 7:30, the church bells go off at 8:00 that is when everyone will attack. The bells will make it harder for them to hear us enter especially the sewer and air teams. I know I said it before, I’m gonna say it now, and I’m gonna say it before we leave. Do not bite them. I can’t stress that enough. Just as importantly do no let a single one of those bigots escape. When all of them are dead make sure to get out of there and back here pronto. I will have one last piece of business announcing the return of our clan to the vampire community, normals and mutants won’t understand it but any vampie who sees it will know. If you are volunteering for the sewer team go wait by my office, I will meet you there after I assign others to the other two teams.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CleverFox
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CleverFox CleverFox

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Olinda groans as another large golem fell into pieces in front of her. She sighs heavily hand kicks that ground causing it to shake a bit. She groans this time slapping her forehead forgetting that her fully stomping can cause her golems to come up.

"Esto está empezando a hacerme enojar," She grumbles in spanish before taking a deep breath and rose her foot," Come on Hijo de puta. One more time!" She says stomping the ground once again. Olinda backs away and focuses on the ground around her and the golem she was making. The sound of cracking rocks coming from in front of her and it was hurting her head. Well more along the lines of her power was being pulled a bit to the extreme.

Hearing a firm grunt she opens her eyes and gasps staggering back a bit. Uno was just standing in front of her standing a good story high. Olinda ,despite feeling dizzy like she spun in circles for three straight hours, laughed and walked forward putting her hand on the golems leg."Nice!" She says before a big migraine came through her head making her scream staggering and Uno fall into pieces again. Now she was crying."DAMN IT!" She yells punching a tree groaning at its pain. She just leans against it and sits on the ground sighing." I at least got it to stay a little longer.." She muttered.

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