The War is over, word spread through the heavens, and mortal planes alike as quick as a wildfire in the midst of fall. For a century, civil war ravaged the Gods, Demi-gods, and their creations as the God of War Thatos rebelled against his Father, the Father of All Gods Ephra. But now both are dead, slain in battle their powers too great for one another as they struck each other down. Now the Immortals are in chaos, leaderless in all aspects, the rebels and those that sided with their father now all know that a vacuum of power is at stake, and the one to inherit the throne as the Ruler of the Gods is a very tempting occupation. Many crave power, but who will control it? The War is over, but could another just be starting?
OOC Information
The world of Arikath created by a Pantheon of Gods who live among those Mortals they created. They each rule a different domain, and each live in nations devoted to those domains. This world while ruled by many Gods ultimately had one true King, and the King of the Gods was named Ephra, his domain being that of the Immortal. Any being that lived forever was under his rule. Ephra created a realm known as the heavens. It was here that Ephra ruled the other Gods from, no longer able to interact with the mortals, but rather he created a Utopia filled with Immortals of all sorts. This was all while his children ruled on the ground in the mortal world, toiling under the constant supervision of their father as they cared for the world he had created, caring for the mortals that were their children, that they had to watch slowly wither with age, and die. Over time one god would come to resent Ephra, and what he considered his father’s oppression, War.
War grew tired of living under what he considered his Father’s oppressive rule, and gathered those who felt similar splitting the Pantheon in half, and waging civil war against his father and those that stood with him. For a century civil war waged, Gods killing gods, mortals and demi gods alike dying in the thousands, and hundreds.
In this roleplaying you will be taking on the role of a God or Goddess, picking their domains, and creating their people, cities, and lands living with them, sharing your life with them. You see them on the streets everyday, and they are able to worship you in person. You will rule them benevolently, or ruthlessly. You will be part of the choice for the throne as all the Gods decide on who will become their new King. You can toss your own bid into this, or support or another. Will you fight for rule? Fight for another to rule? Try to solve things peacefully? It’s up to you.
- You can only create one god for now.
- Don’t overpower your creations please.
- This RP isn’t about winning or losing. It’s about the story.
- I’ll provide a list of domains, but if you’d like to suggest one please do.
- Respect, and have fun. That’s what this is about!
- Not really a rule, but I can be found on the Discord chat sometimes to ask questions if you need to ask
- Again have fun.
- Standard Rules apply, no mary sues or gary sues god modding etc
- This is a High Casual, Low Advanced RP, so dedicated roleplayers please
- At the end of each post please put a @mention for each player you are addressing to make things easier to keep up with.
- There is no post limit per say, but if you do take too long I will let you know
- Death of a PC is possible (Demi-gods can take their place in the domain) but only do so if the PC to be killed is consenting OOCly.
Domains are the areas that a Deity holds power over, if a deity does not hold sway over a certain domain they cannot use their influence upon it. Some domains do have more power than others. If a domain is not claimed that god will be considered an NPC playable by myself or my CO-GMs upon request, these Gods do not have plot armor of any sort, but killing them must be reasonable.. We the GMs are playing them after all and will do what we find necessary if we feel like someone is rocking a power play. Some deities domains may not be listed here, minor deities would only have minor domains which are not on this domain list.
Character Creation
Gods will be created through a character sheet format, followed by the creation of their lands, and people/culture. Your people, and culture should be compatible with your domain.
Gods Bane Weapons: Are weapons capable of killing Gods, like other weapons would kill mortals. Any weapons held by a deity is considered a gods bane weapon.
Godly Magic: The power the deities wield is tremendous and capable of killing other deities if they are injured enough.