I finally did a thing.

Mara Samaria
19 (May 15th, 1916)
Gallian, born in Randgriz
Mara has light brown hair and deep blue eyes. She is of a healthy build, as she has lived a fairly privileged life, but not one to the point of being spoilt. As she has been preparing for a career in soldiering for some time, she has well developed muscles and a toned body. Her personage and clothing are always exceedingly neat and tidy, as it is a point of pride for her to keep herself looking as prim and proper as possible.
167cm (5’6)
As a soldier, Mara is somebody with something to prove. She is not merely a dutiful soldier but an eager one that will volunteer for frontline duty at the drop of a hat. Her great drive is to rise in rank, although it is not out of lust for gold, fame or adulation that she fights, but to restore some honour to her family name. One day she hopes to not only be an officer, but perhaps one of the greatest officers in the Gallian Army. For now though, she simply intends to let her deeds speak for themselves and do right by her unit.
Outside of military matters, Mara is a decidedly calmer and relaxed person. With her drive to rise out of her mind, she will trend towards calmly listening to those around her rather than taking the lead in a conversation. She is a good listener, although her lack of experience with common problems tends to make her poor at offering effective advice. In stark contrast to her battlefield persona, she is someone that hates to create conflict in person, and will go to lengths to avoid offending people. The only thing she will not stand for is someone insulting her family, as that is a sore point in her history.
Shock Trooper
Kieran Samaria was a high ranking military officer when Mara was born. He was not only partially famous in his field but also something of a wealthy socialite in Randgriz. Mara grew up wanting for nothing, and it was always assumed of her that she would go on to be a great officer just like her father. This all changed when Kieran was suddenly caught up in a corruption scandal that resulted in him being dismissed from service and becoming a pariah both in Randgriz and much of Gallia at large. Given that they were no longer welcome in good company, the family moved to a small hamlet known as Belisa far from any major cities. At this point, Mara was only 10 years old.
While the move was certainly a downgrade from their life in Randgriz, the family wasn’t out of money yet, so life was not yet the worst for them. Mara could only watch as her father sank into a deeper and deeper depression, as he seemed to lament the life he left behind. Mara wanted nothing more than to claim a position as one of the country’s top officers herself, believing that it might assuage her father’s misery to see his child rise. At this point, her family name was still politically and socially tainted, so no respectable military school would even think of taking her in. With few options, Mara made up her mind to serve in the Belisa town watch and attempt to make a name for herself through good service alone.
Although Mara was always a dedicated soldier, even in Belisa, so far from Randgriz, a few among the watch judged her for her family name. Mara was never able to secure any advancement during her time with them. When the war began, Mara was almost eager to prove herself on the field of battle. It was not to be her opportunity for glory, as the meagre town watches were quickly beaten down by the invading Imperial army, and Mara was lucky to avoid being killed in the opening moments. As both she and her family fled for safer ground, Gallia began to conscript its people into the militia. Mara volunteered herself to the concscriptors long before they even thought of coming for her. At this point, nobody was about to turn her away on account of her parentage. Now, as a member of Squad 11 of the militia, Mara hopes that she will have her great opportunity to bring her family out of the mud.
-Kieran Samaria: Mara’s father, a disgraced military officer who used to be partially famous for his work. He now wallows in his misery, and is too old and inebriated to be useful for military service. Mara personally believes he is not actually guilty of the crime he was accused of.
-Julia Samaria: Mara’s mother, who is responsible for keeping their family from disintegrating entirely during the early years following Kieran’s scandal. One look at the couple now will tell you they’re only together for their children for now.
-Cameron Samaria: Mara’s older brother. Unlike Mara, he had no interest in associating with anything military after their father’s scandal, and just wanted to settle down into a life of simple work. He has now been conscripted against his will, and serves in another squad in the militia.
Not yet.
Character Theme

Mara Samaria
19 (May 15th, 1916)
Gallian, born in Randgriz
Mara has light brown hair and deep blue eyes. She is of a healthy build, as she has lived a fairly privileged life, but not one to the point of being spoilt. As she has been preparing for a career in soldiering for some time, she has well developed muscles and a toned body. Her personage and clothing are always exceedingly neat and tidy, as it is a point of pride for her to keep herself looking as prim and proper as possible.
167cm (5’6)
As a soldier, Mara is somebody with something to prove. She is not merely a dutiful soldier but an eager one that will volunteer for frontline duty at the drop of a hat. Her great drive is to rise in rank, although it is not out of lust for gold, fame or adulation that she fights, but to restore some honour to her family name. One day she hopes to not only be an officer, but perhaps one of the greatest officers in the Gallian Army. For now though, she simply intends to let her deeds speak for themselves and do right by her unit.
Outside of military matters, Mara is a decidedly calmer and relaxed person. With her drive to rise out of her mind, she will trend towards calmly listening to those around her rather than taking the lead in a conversation. She is a good listener, although her lack of experience with common problems tends to make her poor at offering effective advice. In stark contrast to her battlefield persona, she is someone that hates to create conflict in person, and will go to lengths to avoid offending people. The only thing she will not stand for is someone insulting her family, as that is a sore point in her history.
Shock Trooper
Kieran Samaria was a high ranking military officer when Mara was born. He was not only partially famous in his field but also something of a wealthy socialite in Randgriz. Mara grew up wanting for nothing, and it was always assumed of her that she would go on to be a great officer just like her father. This all changed when Kieran was suddenly caught up in a corruption scandal that resulted in him being dismissed from service and becoming a pariah both in Randgriz and much of Gallia at large. Given that they were no longer welcome in good company, the family moved to a small hamlet known as Belisa far from any major cities. At this point, Mara was only 10 years old.
While the move was certainly a downgrade from their life in Randgriz, the family wasn’t out of money yet, so life was not yet the worst for them. Mara could only watch as her father sank into a deeper and deeper depression, as he seemed to lament the life he left behind. Mara wanted nothing more than to claim a position as one of the country’s top officers herself, believing that it might assuage her father’s misery to see his child rise. At this point, her family name was still politically and socially tainted, so no respectable military school would even think of taking her in. With few options, Mara made up her mind to serve in the Belisa town watch and attempt to make a name for herself through good service alone.
Although Mara was always a dedicated soldier, even in Belisa, so far from Randgriz, a few among the watch judged her for her family name. Mara was never able to secure any advancement during her time with them. When the war began, Mara was almost eager to prove herself on the field of battle. It was not to be her opportunity for glory, as the meagre town watches were quickly beaten down by the invading Imperial army, and Mara was lucky to avoid being killed in the opening moments. As both she and her family fled for safer ground, Gallia began to conscript its people into the militia. Mara volunteered herself to the concscriptors long before they even thought of coming for her. At this point, nobody was about to turn her away on account of her parentage. Now, as a member of Squad 11 of the militia, Mara hopes that she will have her great opportunity to bring her family out of the mud.
-Kieran Samaria: Mara’s father, a disgraced military officer who used to be partially famous for his work. He now wallows in his misery, and is too old and inebriated to be useful for military service. Mara personally believes he is not actually guilty of the crime he was accused of.
-Julia Samaria: Mara’s mother, who is responsible for keeping their family from disintegrating entirely during the early years following Kieran’s scandal. One look at the couple now will tell you they’re only together for their children for now.
-Cameron Samaria: Mara’s older brother. Unlike Mara, he had no interest in associating with anything military after their father’s scandal, and just wanted to settle down into a life of simple work. He has now been conscripted against his will, and serves in another squad in the militia.
Not yet.
Character Theme