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ErsatzEmperor Polemically Sent

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" Y o u ' r e s t a r t i n g t o p i s s m e o f f , b u b . . . "

J A M E S ' L O G A N ' H O W L E T T 1 S T / A P R I L / 1 8 8 4 ( 1 3 3 ) M A L E C H A O T I C G O O D

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

This iteration of Wolverine differs from the character as shown normally in that he was never offered a position on Charles Xavier's team of X-Men, or admitted to the school for gifted kids. His history up until this point is similar to that of his 616 counterpart, with some streamlining.

After being rescued from the wilderness by the Hudsons and rehabilitated, Logan was invited to work for Department H (the top-secret Canadian peace-keeping organisation). He has served off and on with the department for the best part of four years at the point the game begins. At James' request, Logan became the leader of Alpha Flight, a team of Canadian metahumans sanctioned by Dept. H. The group has been active for four months, mostly comprising of training and a few scrapes with low tier criminals. As we meet Logan in the roleplay, he and a few members of Alpha Flight will be in New York acting on an anonymous tip-off, without the Hudsons' knowledge, for a mission that might just get Logan fired.

N O T E S:

JAMES MACDONALD HUDSON - Wolverine's friend and handler at Department H, Hudson spends much of his time chiding his charge for his lack of cooperation and recklessness. Having taken Logan in during his time of need, he feels responsible for his reassimilation into society and his success at Department H. He is one of the chief minds behind Alpha flight, believing there to be a need for Canada to represent themselves on the world stage following the formation of other super groups found stateside. He recommended Logan for leadership of the team. He is married to his colleague Heather Hudson.

HEATHER HUDSON - Heather played a significant role in nursing Logan back to health when her husband James returned home one night with a wild-man. The two share an unspoken attraction for each other, one that could threaten to destroy the two men's friendship were it acted upon. Heather works as a researcher for Department H, occasionally assisting Alpha Flight as Vindicator.

DEPARTMENT H - Headed up by a nameless director, Department H is a clandestine organisation, ran as a branch of the Canadian government. It's charged with superhuman peacekeeping in relation to Canada and their national interests. They are responsible for the formation of Alpha Flight.

ALPHA FLIGHT - Canada's premier superhero team:
Wolverine (Logan)
▹ Vindicator (Heather Hudson)
▹ Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier)
▹ Snowbird (Anne McKenzie-Thompson)
▹ Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen)
▹ Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Afro Samurai
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Afro Samurai Like a Raisin in the Sun

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"I make sure the things that bump in the night don't make it to sunrise."
Eric Brooks Birthdate: Early 20th century ( Nearly 100 ) Male Anti-Hero/Villain

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

To my knowledge--and in my opinion--Blade was always supposed to be Marvel's number one occult hunter extraordinaire; unfortunately for Mr. Brooks, Marvel mishandled the occult and after the Blade trilogy lost its novelty, Marvel's resident vampire hunter was shuffled to the background of the Marvel comics universe. My tentative plan with Absolute version Blade is to push him to the forefront of all things vampire related but to expand his gallery of hunted to more than vampires. I desire to plunge Eric into the supernatural underbelly to deal with all sorts of seedy otherworldly foes: witches, wizards, warlocks, demons, and more. Blade will, of course, also rear himself on the streets of New York to escapade with the Absolute universe's street level heroes from both worlds (hopefully someone makes Constantine as I've always wanted to see the two team up.) Absolute Universe Blade will be coming out of retirement at the start of his first chapter.

N O T E S:

Absolute Universe Blade had been hunting for a few decades before it appeared he had vanquished the Nightwalker population for good and decided it was time to retire. As a new threat emerges, the Daywalker returns to New York to uncover the shroud of his newest enemy. Absolute Universe Blade retains all the same training, powers, skills and combat experience 616 Universe Blade has, including his arsenal of occult-specific weapons and his two Adamantium swords.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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"I am afraid that Kent Nelson's fears are only a nostalgic indulgence. I'm afraid Doc Fate fears nothing at all."

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

Inspired more so by the Doc Fate of Earth 20 than any of the more mainstream approaches to the Agent Of Order. I'm aspiring to write a more street leveled Doctor Fate, someone who combines Indiana Jones-Esque Adventures with detective work. Mixing the human elements of the adventurer Kent with the larger than life being Nabu. A Fate where Kent is as important as the Doctor is and the constant struggle between Kenneth losing himself in Fate, and how he beliefs the world needs the Sorcerer. Doc Fate will be the result of Kent resisting the grasp of the helmet. Lacking the Amulet Of Anubis and The Cloak Of Destiny he is at far from his full power. He will quest for the artifacts while protecting the world the best he can. What he lacks in magical artifacts he makes up for with enchanted cyberpunk equipment.

Act 1: Quest For The Artifacts Of Order;

An old college, and fellow historian and adventurer, Hector Hall gets in contact with Kent. He's got a line on the location of the Amulet Of Anubis. This takes Kent from his studies in New York to Egypt. Digging through old tombs and fighting mystical foes the Agent Of Order has not fought for centuries.

N O T E S:

I want to tell a story from the mystical perspective of the Absolute Universe and it's near infinite posibility, but I decided against Zatanna because she has been done to death, Doctor Strange never did interest me, and Constantine's a Brit. That leaves me only with Doctor Fate, and Earth-20 version of him's a lot more grounded - it's the version of the character that's the closest to my wheelhouse.

Hector Hall - Fellow Historian and Adventurer.
Nabu - Lord Of Fate
Rama Kushna - Fellow Balancer Of Scales.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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"Hell Yeah."
C H A R L E S " C H U C K " B R O W N 7th / January / 1987 M A L E C H A O T I C N E U T R A L

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

The goal with this character is to write a competent Kite Man, one who balances the nutty motif of his character with real skills and abilities. He's a former Air Force pilot with a background in special forces. He's a flying ace who held many of the records someone like Hal Jordan would have crushed, with an origin in Gotham. Chuck Brown had a wife and son, Chuck Brown Jr. Back home. His tragedy comes from his way home from deployment some years ago to find his wife and son among the dead in the latest battle between The Crown Prince Of Crime and The Dark Knight. Chuck loses his mind and becomes Kite Man, citing something his son said the last day they spent together before he was deployed again.
"Kite Man, Hell Yeah."

Kite man is the product of the madness in Gotham. He's a tragedy, one of the victims who's stories we never truly get to hear. A truly broken man who put his life on the line to protect strangers, yet was completely incapable of protecting what matters the most to him. He's a smalltime criminal at times, and at others he's something of an Anti-Villain. Absolute Kite Man attempts to remedy Kite Man's status as a joke by tapping into what he is, but adding to it. He'll never be the front runner, he won't hold the world hostage, nor will he save the day and get the girl.

He's a man who walks the line between hero and villain, not because his morales are messed up, but because frankly, he's lost his mind.

Chapter 1; Marbles, lost.

Kite man's planning a heist in Gotham. His first big outing as a criminal, his newly pieced together outfit of a ski-mask and a spandex bodysuit, he's going to hold up a jewelry store and how he will handle both the crowd control and the police.

N O T E S:

An excellent pilot, capable of flying just about anything that can take to the skies, and some things that can't. He's no criminal mastermind and he's certainly no master at arms or martial arts. He's no punisher, but a man who's got nothing to lose after being dealt a really bad hand.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


" Captain America is not just for the good days. He can't be. I can't be. If Captain America can't stand for the Dream on the very worst day-- When America is fallen-- Then there is no Captain America. Because our worst day is where we start from. Where we rise from. And if the man in the flag is too special to fall and rise and struggle with the rest... Then God help us all."
S A M W I L S O N S E P T EM B E R 2 3rd 1988 ( 2 9 ) M A L E H E R O

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

My Sam Wilson Captain America was never known as the Falcon. Joining S.H.I.E.L.D after serving in the USAF, utilizing a prototype flight system, he was one of their more publically known agents with many possible names being thrown around by various media outlets. None of them sticking however. With the rise of Hydra and super powered threats S.H.I.E.L.D felt the need to motivate the people, and as such pulled the shield out of storage and rebranded Sam Wilson as Captain America. In this timeline I plan for S.H.I.E.L.D to be a very public international agency, while ARGUS acts behind the scenes making Captain America a very public icon, though there's going to be some tension when he works internationally due to the name, resulting in there being a 'corps' off such meaning I want to incorproate Captain Britain, Red Guardian and all the other offshoots of the original Cap.

I also want to play a story where Sam loses the shield when the original Captain America is found and have fun that way. While he is a skilled combatant, with amazing natural reflexes and skills that few else have in terms of his suit it has a exoskeleton incorporated into the design to increase Sams strength slighly. Nothing too amazing, just enough to give him a slight edge against regular opponents.

A R C S:

Americas Number One Hero: Captain America is Americas number one hero, and has to work with others across the glove to ensure peace and security, against the likes of Hydra who is responsible for the death of the Captain before Sam.

Though what happens when Steve Rogers returns?

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nib
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"Sometimes the lines get blurred. Sometimes the only thing between you and them is the mask and cape."
Dick Grayson 11 November, 1991 ( 26 ) M Hero


With Nightwing, I will keep his back story largely the same. I will just be playing him older. With Dick being older, I would like to explore him beginning to notice himself slowly becoming more like Bruce as time goes on but still retaining his iconic personality; this this effect he may at times distance himself from others much like Bruce does. He will struggle with keeping his own identity as a hero, trying despsrately to get and stay out of the Bat's shadow and be his own Hero. I envision this version of Dick leading his own Justice League-esque team made up of the former Teen Titans who were on the team with him in his youth and working with the Justice League and other heroes during times of crises.

None at this time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Trexasle


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"I’ll Put a shock to your system"
Virgil Ovid Hawkins June 1st, 2001 Male Hero

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:
Previous attempts at Static for me was to modernize him to present day. Which I still want to do; However, I felt while being knowledgeable with first hand experience of the urban jungle that Static took place in, I lost the feel of the character because of my own interpretation of these elements. My goal for now is to while creating a more modern story, make sure I can stick to the mood and flow of both the comic and TV continuities. Without losing anything in between. This will also means a few of his rogues gallery will be very different depending on what media you are used to viewing Static, (As I will admit to actually follow more of the comic book variants of the characters, while adding fillings of TV show stuff here and there.)

N O T E S:
Virgil will essentially be starting as a Year Zero, he will not be a perfect hero with a plan because he’s an idiot teenager with no clue what he WANTS to do in his life. This also means outside of his knowledge of STAR Labs (Where his father works.) He hasn’t much clue or interaction with ANY other hero. I have more than a few things planned with the villains as well in terms of escalating them into more threatening villains that they were in any of their medias but I want to stick to establishing one character before moving onto others.

My Main goal will be interaction with the more technically and scientifically minded individuals of this RP, along with more of the sillier ones. A character like this Static, is with very few influences in life and I believe for a person it's good to have someone positive to look up to. Especially when the world around you is shite. (And seeing that I am basing Dakota City on a combination of Chicago and Detriot...I will it will be appropriate.)

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Member Seen 25 days ago

"I heard a sound of distress. Please state the nature of the emergency."


C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

In this version, Matrix is one of the Worldkillers created by Zor-El, but re-programmed and sent to Earth by Jor-El in order to construct, and then guard, the Fortress of Solitude prior to Krypton's destruction. A protoplasmic matrix, “Mae” is composed of liquefied sunstone and bioneural circuitry. It is both genderless and formless, being a purple-pink gelatin in its natural form. Capable of producing telekinetic fields, Matrix alters its molecular arrangement and shape to create the illusion of humanoid appearance and locomotion. It can also mimic the abilities of flight, super strength, and super stamina. As Matrix has no true eyes or ears, the nature of how Matrix perceives the environment around it is fundamentally different from telescopic or x-ray vision, or super hearing. While lacking heat vision or freeze breath, Matrix has two abilities unique to it: force blasts and the ability to become invisible.

As a non-Kryptonian, Matrix is not affected by red sun radiation. Instead, being composed of sunstone, Matrix derives its power source from any kind of solar or visual radiation. It’s stamina is not as high as Superman or Supergirl’s and it can succumb to fatigue.

The point of the character is to support the Superman cast with a familiar character from the 1990’s that’s updated to compliment Superman and Supergirl, while still allowing another writer to come in and pick up Kon-El/Connor or Jon Kent. It's also intended to serve the Justice League in a similar role as Oracle given the updated computer/digital interface aspect to the character.

H I S T O R Y:

The history of Krypton is not a peaceful one. The planet that gave rise to General Zod was a world whose hands were stained by blood. Some of it their own, such as when the threat of the Manhunters arose. Some of it the blood of those they wronged, such as the war fought between Krypton and their former colony of Daxamite. Krypton needed weapons for its own defense. And there were those whose genius was frighteningly capable of providing them, not the least of which were the Worldkillers. Biological weapons, the product of experimentation, including on other species.

The protoplasmic matrix was one such weapon, devised by Zor-El as a defensive weapon to safeguard the House of El. When the Science Council later declared the Worldkillers to be illegal and ordered their destruction, Zor-El placed them in hibernation instead. An artificial entity, Matrix was re-programmed to serve as a “chore bot” and handled household tasks related to maintenance and upkeep of the home. It also cared for the infant Kara-El as a robot or android nanny. When Zor and Jor-El’s father, Seyg-El grew infirm with age, Matrix worked alongside a creation of Jor-El, known as Kelex, to see to the patriarchs needs.

After Seyg-El died, the matrix was placed in storage until Jor-El came across it while making preparations for the Kryptonian exodus from Krypton. The matrix was included in the materials that were sent to Earth in order to create a colony in the arctic wastes of the planet. Programmed with the blueprints for the colony habitat, the matrix activated upon arrival on the planet Earth and began construction of what would come to be known as the Fortress of Solitude. Once completed, the matrix remained active to serve as the guardian of the colony, waiting for the Kryptonian people to arrive -- unaware that the battle between Zod and Jor-El had made all of Jor-El’s plans impossible. Instead of a Kryptonian colony, only two rockets made it off Krypton before the end.

When the son of Jor-El and Lara, now believing himself to be Clark Kent, found the Fortress of Solitude, he discovered the matrix there, functioning as both the mainframe and security system for the facility. The matrix, usually referred to as either Matrix or Mae, was able to connect Clark back to his heritage as Kal-El as well as several recorded lessons left for him by Jor-El. Matrix was also able to mimic Superman and Clark Kent’s likeness, enabling him to serve as a body double when required. On several occasions, Matrix substituted for Clark at the Daily Planet during periods where Superman was off planet.

After the discovery of his 11 year old cousin floating in Earth’s orbit, Matrix adapted it’s likeness and role in order to serve as a training program for the young Kryptonian -- allowing her to use her yellow sun enabled powers without fear of harming an actual person in a safe, controlled environment. To facilitate interaction between them, Matrix adopted the likeness of a teenage girl that was modeled in part on actress Hayley Mills from 1961’s The Parent Trap. Personality profile was derived from popular media, most notably The Patty Duke Show. When in public and operating incognito, Matrix formulated the identity or name of “Linda Danvers” for itself.

Matrix retained this female form for several years, using it as a default template for whenever it needed to approximate humanoid form in order to interact with the House of El or the environment. When Kara-El began training the clone of Superman, the form seemed to allow a similar level of rapport building, so it was retained. However, when the young Kryptonian-human hybrid offspring of Kal-El and Lois Lane began to exhibit powers and abilities, Matrix calculated the need for a new template to serve this function. Patterning itself of Jon’s likeness, Matrix possesses brown hair and eyes when in its male form. As with the development of its female persona, Matrix conducted research into young male behavior using the available media as a resource; specifically, Leave It To Beaver.

S U P P O R T I N G C A S T:

Krypto the Superdog
A canine native to the planet Krypton, Krypto is sometimes kept at the Fortress of Solitude for the protection of both people and squirrels everywhere. Matrix takes care of Krypto’s care and feeding within the kennel inside of the Fortress.

While Matrix was envisioned as the guardian of the Fortress, Kelex was meant to be the overseer of the Fortress' medical bay.

Mon-El (Lar Gand)
A Daxamite who briefly served as Earth’s Superboy for a time, Mon-El was placed inside of the Phantom Zone to stop the spread of lead poisoning within his body. Matrix socializes and communicates with him via the Phantom Zone monitors, aiding the man in retaining his sanity.

R O G U E ' S G A L L E R Y:

Five biological weapons remain. Like himself, the creations of Supergirl’s father, Zor-El, during Krypton’s embarrassingly violent past. Unlike himself, an artificial intelligence whose personal code is guided by the dictates of the matrix programmed into his core by Zor-El, these living experiments know only what they were created for: war, famine, pestilence, and death.

The Manhunters
The rogue robotic police force that inadvertently spawned his creation.

A walking toxic waste vat that endangers the environment, including the arctic.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

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“The trouble with "now" is that no matter how much you wish it would, it doesn't last forever. But then... other than a grudge...what does?”
Phillip Graves 2/2/58 (59) Male Walking the Line

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:
Essentially, I'm doing a version of 100 Bullets. The early structure is, to wit "Graves approaching someone who has been a victim of a terrible wrong. Graves gives them the opportunity to take revenge by providing a handgun, 100 bullets, and documentation about the primary target responsible for their woes. He informs the candidate the bullets are completely untraceable by any law enforcement investigation, and as soon as they are found at any crime scene, investigations will immediately cease." Graves will serve as a catalyst, supporting character, and maybe even an antagonist to characters and stories that are loosely connected.

To quote wiki "Agent Graves was the leader of a group known as The Minutemen, a group of six men (plus one "Agent") who serve as the enforcers and police of a clandestine organization known as The Trust. The Trust was originally formed by the heads of 13 powerful European families who controlled much of the Old World's combined wealth and industry. The Trust made an offer to the kings of Europe by which they would leave the continent and their considerable influence and holdings, in exchange for complete autonomy in the still unclaimed portion of the New World. When England ignored this proposition and colonized the Roanoke Island late in the 16th century, the Minutemen were formed. The original Minutemen, seven vicious killers, eradicated the colony and all of its inhabitants, leaving behind only the cryptic message "Croatoan" as a warning, reclaiming the land for the Trust. Since this time, the Minutemen's charge has been to protect the 13 Houses of the Trust, serving as their force against outside threats and more frequently as police of the internal conflicts between the Trust families themselves. The groups' interactions are often facilitated by a person holding the title "Warlord" for the Trust, who serves as the Houses' liaison to the Minutemen.

Sometime in the early 21st century, the Minutemen were betrayed by the Trust and disbanded after Agent Graves refused a direct order. The Minutemen retaliated with the assassination of one of the heads of the Trust in Atlantic City, and they were then sent into hiding. Most of the Minutemen of that time were 'deactivated' by Graves. These former Minutemen had their memories repressed for their own protection and were returned to 'normal' lives."

Interwoven through Graves and these characters are a story of a secret society that lies at the heart of America. It is crime, it is politics, it is pulp, it is noir, it is espionage and intrigue, it is history, and it is all blended together to make something very much me.

N O T E S:
Cast of Characters:

Graves: Head of the Minutemen
Dashiell Bad Horse (The Indian): Former Minuteman and Graves' protegee.
The Colonel: Current Warlord for the Trust.
Ethan Roark: Head of the Roark Family, voting member of the Trust.
Augustus Medici: Head of the Medici Family, controlling member of the Trust.
Tracy Lawless (The Solider): Former Minuteman turned mob enforcer.
Quarry (The Hunter): Former Minuteman turned hitman.
The Op (The Bastard): Former Minuteman turned private investigator.
Parker (The Thief): Minuteman turned criminal.
William Roque: The Colonel's right hand man.
Forever Carlyle: Member of the Carlyle Family
Berta Tubbs (The Girl): Newest Minuteman initiate
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Divine Darkness
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Spectacular Spider-Girl!

"So I'm saving a grown man from a monster. Not the worst way for a teenage girl to spend her Friday evening."

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

Years ago, the first true love of Peter Parker died after being thrown off the Brooklyn Bridge during a battle between Spider-Man and the original Green Goblin. The daughter of a police captain, Gwen Stacy was a beautiful, outgoing girl whom was beloved by many. She was grieved by all who knew her though none felt her loss more than young Parker. None except for Professor Miles Warren. Warren had an unhealthly obsession with the girl, and blamed Spider-Man for her loss. Warren would become the Jackal battling the Web-Slinger on many occasions. Perhaps the most notable battle was when the Jackal had created the perfect clone of Spider-Man. The original Webhead was victorious yet the Jackal and the clone had managed to escape.

Warren would go underground after last battle. Perhaps during this time he was contacted by Lex Luthor and began working for Cadmus. Never getting over his obsession with young Gwen, Warren created yet another clone, a more perfect clone of the girl. One that would not deteriorate over time, but could potentially live a long and healthy life. One that could defend itself against the super-powered nuisances like Spider-Man. Using stored specimens of Peter Parker's blood the Jackal managed to isolate the properties that turned Puny Parker into Spider-Man which the Jackal then combined with Gwen's a sample of Gwen's DNA. Three months ago, 'Spider-Gwen' emerged from her cellular generation tank.

Three days ago, Gwen ran away (escaped!) from her home with Warren just outside of Metropolis. Afterwards, she is drawn to New York City. Gwen soon discovered many things have changed since she has been gone. Much has changed yet there is at least one thing familiar: Spider-Man. She followed Spider-Man that day. She followed the Webhead and eventually found where he lived... with his pregnant fiancé...

Originally I wanted to do Ultimate Spider Woman, but decided against that in case someone came along and wanted to play the original Jessica Drew. So instead, I've decided to combine elements of: Earth-1610 Jessica Drew, Earth-65 Gwen Stacy, with a lil' 1610 Gwen and 616 Gwen. Gone is the multi-dimensional hopping heroine. Instead we have a clone of a teenage girl with her former boyfriend's powers trying to find her place in the world.

N O T E S:

The way I'm envisioning things, Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy started dating while in high school through their first year in college. The original Gwen may have had a gifted intellect and possibly gave young Peter a run for his money when it came to science. Just because she was good at it doesn't mean science was her passion. (I kinda like the idea of Gwen being a musician.) Gwen was eighteen when she died all those years ago.

My Spider-Gwen will have pretty much all the memories of the original Gwen up to the point she was kidnapped and killed. She has all the abilities of Earth-65 Gwen including web shooters.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nib
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Gambit/The Cajun

"Step right up, then -- follow the spinning staff -- take your best shot -- if you dare!"
Remy Etienne LeBeau 3 January, 1984 ( 33 ) M Walking the Line


My iteration of Gambit has not been an X-Men yet, but he may possibly join their ranks later on. Everything prior to him joining the X-Men backstory wise is the same. Aftet being kicked out of the Thieves’ Guild and banished from New Orleans, he instead struck out on his own and kept up the life of a thief, mostly choosing playing high stakes games in the criminal underworld. He has earned the nickname The Cajun on the underground and is known for his luck at games as well as his skills as a thief. Occasionally criminals will hire Gambit for a job they need done; usually a job that suits his particular set of skills he honed in New Orleans. He acts as a sort of Robin Hood, however, and has begun donating part of his winnings from games and scores from jobs to those in need. Eventually he will meet and join up with @Vulkan's Red Hood and be part of his Outlaw team of vigilantes.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Red Hood

"Maybe i shouldn't kill the most dangerous criminals in the world. Maybe i should just dump them in the world's most insecure asylum."
Jason Peter Todd ♦ 1993 (24) ♦Male♦ Anti-Hero/Anti-Villain

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

The Red Hood in this RP has a few differences from his comic portrayal. As usual, he was the second Robin until he was murdered by the Joker. He then came back to life and became the vigilante, Red Hood.

In this RP, he has been the Red Hood for approximately 20 months. He often takes a more tactical approach to his work and is less impulsive than his comics counterpart, although tactics will go out of the window if he faces Batman or the Joker. He is also more willing to work with others, albeit grudgingly. as long as they don't interfere with his "work". As you might expect, hes a rude, confrontational jerk at the best of times, making the aforementioned "working with others" incredibly difficult for said "others". Although it is incredibly difficult to have anything more than disdain for another person, he can care for them deep down to some extent. Most of his dislike for people comes from growing up on the streets, as well as the feeling that Batman simply used him as a replacement for Dick Grayson, then conveniently got a new robin in the form of Tim Drake, once Jason was murdered by the Joker. At least, that's his excuse. Although he often kills criminals straight out, he does enjoy the fight that happens beforehand, allowing him to prove his superiority before he kills them.

N O T E S:

Jason has nothing but disdain for just about any member of the bat family, with the exception of Cassandra Cain, who he respects for her fighting skills, if not her choice in mentors.
He also usually carries a .50 cal sniper rifle, which is the only weapon he can rely on to properly put down a metahuman.


"Hunting a Hunter Who is Also Hunting You"- Recently, information has come to Jason's ears, regarding the location of the super villain mercenary Deathstroke. Jason, ever the eager one, sees it as an opportunity to take a major super villain off the board, as well as a way to one up that stuck-up prick Nightwing.
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