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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: John Green

Age: 16

Physical Description:

Important items:

Coilgun Pistol - A pistol that uses electromagnetic technology to launch metal bullets at a fraction of the speed of light.

Ballistics Vest - An undershirt of soft but tough materials surrounding a core of armored dura-ceramic plates that can withstand a few pistol shots.

Galactic Credits - A few thousand credits in digital form given by the former Rau've warden.

Graphene Skeleton - Technically not a piece of equipment, but still important enough to be noted. John's bones were replaced with Graphene, a material used in carbon-fibre armor, using nanotechnology. This makes him stronger, tougher, and able to inflict injury even when unarmed.

Short Bio: John Green was born to a middle-class family, with a high level of physical and mental intelligence. Excelling at school, it was anticipated he would end up with a University scholarship by the time he reached eleven. Then, the Ascendancy, after ramping up years of Anti-Alien rhetoric, used a series of border incidents with the Rau've and Kaisoken to launch a war of conquest against them, a war that John avidly followed from the news. Every victory - and there were plenty of early victories - excited him, as well as developments in military hardware. The only downside was that he would have to wait a few more years to study at the University of Alpha Centauri. Or at least, that's what he thought.

One day, while travelling to an amusement park, John vanished, being snatched away by unknown abductors. Whisked away to an Ascendancy Black Site, John, then thirteen, was forced to give up what possessions and mementos of his former life were on his person, before being experimented on. His bones were replaced with Graphene, his blood infused with Kaisoken dust, and all sorts of intrusive tests and examinations conducted on him before he was then thrown into 'special forces training'. There, his illusions of the Ascendancy's benevolence now shattered, John was taught how to fight and use weapons, as well as survive harsh environments. He also learned how to tap into the 'Magic' he now had, as well as use a Nemesis Weapon.

When the time came for him to be thrown into the fighting, Green (for that was his callsign then) was thrown into another level of hell, where he had to kill or be killed. And so he had to kill, and get good at it as fast as possible. So life, for him, became a blur of combat actions, depression, occassional friendships, and losses. Then came the Battle of Proxima, where the Ascendancy of Man, reeling from recent defeats, made a final stand. Green was deployed on a boarding action against the enemy flagship, where after inflicting losses against the enemy, he was captured by overwhelming Rau've forces, who injected him with a tranquilizer that cannot be nullified even by Change magic.

When he woke up, he was in a prison camp, with a collar of plant matter and crystal around his neck that prevented him from using magic. The walls were padded, he had no armor or weapons, and no convinient air vents. It was clear; he was a captive. And so he did the only thing he could; cry. Everything was lost; innocence, family, and possibly friends and life. And so he glumly waited for his punishment; it didn't come.

His jailors came to him, gradually allowing him freedom of the prison camp, books to read, puzzles to play with, and the opportunity to talk with his fellow prisoners. And for a time, he was happy. But a question sat at the back of his mind: Why would his own country, his own species, do such things to him? How could they?

And so, when the Rau've made the offer of a new home, John politely rejected it. While his teammates wanted revenge, he wanted closure; he wanted to confront the source of his torments because that was the only way he can be free from it. And that argument was accepted; he and those with him would be allowed to go as they will...

Spell List:

Supernal Vision (High) - John Green can see all Magic, identify what School it is, and the strength of the spell.

Healing Spray (Life) - John can release a blue-green spray of healing algae from his body that knits wounds, replenishes blood, and repairs bones, even ones replaced with graphene as long as they belong to a living person/creature.

Exceptional Skill List:

Exceptional Swordsmanshipx2.

Exceptional Survival.

Exceptional Guns.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Styrgwyr
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Styrgwyr Golden Apple

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Siara Volnert


Physical Description:
Siara has sandy-blonde hair that cascades all the way down to her waist, her wide light brown eyes still project a hint of innocence even after all that has happened. She stands at 5'3" feet and possesses a mass of 60 kilos, all implants and enhancements, excluding her nemesis weapon, counted.

Important items: What possessions are important to your character?

Integrated Sub-dermal armor and circulation system:
A set of augments and implants both magical and technological that functions to let the subject survive in vaccuum space for a limited amount of time. (5-10 minutes tops) As well as offer minimal protection from low-power firearms and average melee weapons.

Nemesis Weapon: Gungnir Valkyrie
Gungnir Valkyrie is a weapon meant to be grafted directly to the user as a pair of high utility wings that can generate its own thrust. It mainly gives the user the ability to fly in both atmospheric air and void space. Being made from refined electrum, it has the ability to completely surround the user with a magical shield, along with the utility to act as an actual physical shield. Additionally, the magical shield it projects can be transformed into a more offensive shape, like a sort of assault armor-like ram, meant to pierce through lightly armored space vessels.

For convenience, this weapon can retract and fold itself into the user's body at any given moment when it is not in active use.

HS-026 "IMP" (Broken):
The no longer functioning brain-chip that was implanted into her head. She had asked to keep it after the kind Rau've safely extracted it from her brain. She keeps it as a memento of her broken promise, and by extension, the family she had lost. She carries it on her person, sealed inside a small foamed black box container.

Short Bio:
Siara Volnert was the third daughter of a wealthy and influential man who actively opposed the warmongering agenda of the current Ascendancy regime. As many like him, Siara's father met an untimely death in the form of a well-orchestrated tragedy, as did his family. Outraged and feeling extremely vengeful, Siara's mother along with her older siblings cried out for righteous justice and tried to expose the regime's atrocities. Lacking the charisma of the Volnert patriarch, their voices went unheard and unheeded, and were ultimately silenced one by one.

After Siara's family was reduced to just her and her younger brother, the government seized all their wealth and holdings under some sort of fabricated noble pretense to help out the victims of the war, and of course, the war effort itself. As for the last members of the Volnert bloodline. They had been whisked away and were turned into lab rats in all but name.

Siara was a naive child. As the youngest daughter of the family, she was endlessly doted upon. She knew nothing but love and kindness as that was all she was thought and had experienced... until the death of her beloved father, that is. The depression and sadness brought upon by the series of "tragic" events that suddenly plagued her family were completely alien to her. Maria, her elder sister, decided to share to her a piece of wisdom when she started asking questions with complicated answers, instead of giving her a sugar-coated answer meant for children.

Maria thought her of Life and Death, Kindness and cruelty, Good and Evil, and most importantly, the gray morality of people. That Humans and even aliens all hold within them both maliciousness and benevolence. It was a worthwhile philosophy that was deeply ingrained into her psyche. At the end of the lesson, she made a promise to keep steady and "never change", to never succumb to hate, despair and malevolence. And it was because of this promise that she refused to harbor hate towards the Ascendancy... even as they continued to dissect and alter her body to their convenience, even as their immoral experiments killed her last remaining family before her very eyes.

There were several moments in the course of her new life that threatened to make her break that promise, but witnessing timely acts of charity and kindness repeatedly reforged this pact and made it into something nigh unbreakable. Unfortunately, it was this stubborn kindness that led to her being branded a failure and sent to be disposed of when she refused to kill anyone on the battlefield.

One scientist in particular saw an opportunity and rescinded her slate for disposal. The scientist implanted an experimental device to her brain that would give them remote control on her mentality, enabling them to remove inconvenient inhibitions and emotions temporarily, as well as input orders and objectives on the go. The experiment was a resounding success, Siara had become the perfect soldier... without completely dismantling her humanity. But there was one catch. All of the grief, stress and emotions she should've experienced while under the effects of the implant would hit her psyche all at once when the device was eventually switched off. It was only the promise she had so stubbornly kept that prevented her from breaking down into a mindless husk.

It was in the Battle of Proxima, where she was given only one objective, and was told only to eliminate as many targets as she could, was where she had fought and killed the most. So after her implant shorted out after suffering several EMP strikes, Siara simply broke down in the middle of the raging battlefield and wailed to the heavens in complete and abject despair.

It was in that horrid battle, where so many lives were lost, where Siara finally broke her most cherished promise.

The kindness she received from the Rau've had helped her a lot, but the hatred had already taken root. While she would've wanted nothing more than to accept the overwhelmingly kind charity of her former captors, Siara could not stand the thought of the atrocities of the ascendancy continuing behind closed doors. And so, she had to reluctantly decline their offer and join her like-minded fellows in their quest for vengeance with the ultimate goals of keeping everyone alive and putting an end to the atrocities of the Ascendancy Of Man.

Spell List:
  • Blaze Slicer (World): - A spell to project and maintain an intense plasma beam from the wrist in the form of a sword.(basically, a handy-dandy lightsaber spell) She uses this as her main basic offense, dual wielding Blaze Slicers from both hands.
  • Electro-Kinesis (World) - A spell that lets the user generate and manipulate electricity. Siara uses this to fire lightning arcs to strike targets either one-by-one or in a chain with adjusted intensity for every bolt. She used to use this for non-lethal take downs. (Will do so again) Siara also uses this to avoid damage from electrical attacks, as long as she doesn't lose focus or the power of the electrical attack doesn't exceed her ability. (Current Maximum output and capacity is 500 million watts)
  • Weight o Meter (World) - An adept gravity spell that reduces and increases weight of the user, parts of the user or any other valid target within range. Siara mostly uses this for her flying, but also uses it to impair enemies by making them lose their balance or cause damage in structural integrity.
  • Thermal Manipulation (World) - A spell to adjust temperature of a physical target either slowly or rapidly. Siara uses this to weaken certain targets with extreme heat or extreme cold or both. She also uses this to regulate her temperature when travelling in vacuum.

Exceptional Skill List:
Exceptional Acrobatics
Exceptional Swordsmanship
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Aaloka Rudgar

(Likes being called "Allie")


Physical Description:
Aaloka looks much a like the other children changed by the Ascendancy of Man. Altogether normal despite in top physical shape. She stands at roughly 5"3. Her build is toned though not overtly muscular. She has the tan skin telling of her descent, and almond shaped brown eyes. Her hair is black, and cut pixie short. She is lithe with slender hands, large eyes and a large forehead, looking almost doll like. She has a heart shaped face, a small nose and long lashes. The symmetry of her face broken by a large scar down her left eye. A smattering of freckles crosses the bridge of her nose and decorates her cheeks with constellations. The same marks can be found on her shoulders and parts of her lower back. Her nails are trimmed short and two fingers on her right hand are slightly more pale then the others, from when they were replaced. She often gives off a sort of lazy appearance, with a heavy lidded and unflinching stare.

When it comes to fashion she wears simple clothing of habit. Comfortable and serviceable is how she chooses to dress herself, though she does have the desire to branch out and care about her outward appearance. Her favorite color is purple, and will wear that if she can help it. She hasn't collected any accessories except for a simple locket, though she hopes to expand the collection.

Important items:
The aforementioned locket is one of her prize possessions. Twisted in it's own way, she took it from the body of a field medic who seemed to show her some kindness. She didn't have any deep relationship with the woman, but it was enough for her. It is a small bronze locket in the shape of a heart, there is no picture inside yet.

A purple and simple friendship bracelet from another child in the program. They met as prisoners of the Rau've and became fast friends. While Allie decided to join the group in vengeance, her friend Martha went for a life of peace. To remember each other she left Allie this simple band of purple cloth.

Armor worn under clothing for protection, made of flexible fibers of shock absorbent material made to repel large points of impact. Less made for high stress situations and more-so for a nimble fighter.

Nemesis Weapon:
"Nemesis Vampirus"

A scythe made of black alloy and adorned with glowing red etches. Using it's magi-tech forces it can sap away life from a struck enemy if they stay within a certain distance. It is light-weight and wickedly sharp. It's unconventional shape as a weapon makes it more useful for pulling enemies in, and piercing armor then it does cutting. It's secondary ability is return to the wielders hands. It is tied to the user by being infused with their blood, giving it's name "vampirus" along with it's health absorbing ability. This also means the owner is able to tell where it is, with a vague sort of "sixth sense"

Short Bio:
Aaloka was a prodigious student in India, aspiring to one day take over the family clinic. Naturally this did not come to pass. Instead she was taken to "ascend" and "fight the good fight." Before her body was changed she was a very non-confrontational person. She lived with her father and mother as a somewhat lonely only child, and wasn't entirely the most popular among her classmates. She took to the regiment and programs well enough, not initially holding any restraint and being an obedient subject. While she was the questioning type in her mind, she was never rebellious.

The awful tests and protruding nature in which she was treated made her retreat further within herself. Aaloka no longer wanted to become a doctor. In fact she wanted very little at all. Considered as a smashing success she did as was told, and pushed the crystalline elements through her veins to become a better and better soldier. Tasked with becoming a melee specialist she underwent many rigorous field tests and harsh training. Every day was another stress-test. Pushing her body farther and farther so that she could push back against an enemy she held no hate for.

And she did. She fought long and hard when her scars were healed. All the wounds inflicted by the tests were taken away so that she could grant them en masse. She cut swathes through enemy forces for only a short time. Her initial release as a soldier was not long before the battle of Proxima. She fought as she always did then, but pushed too far and was captured swiftly. Her magic, her special weapon and unflinching nature not enough to outdo the Rau've forces. And then she woke up.

Like the other surviving children, she was a prisoner, though treated much better by the enemy then she ever was by her makers. And she could run no longer, the space in her brain she fled to was laid bare. She faced reality and wept, until she could no more. In time she met the others, she befriended them and she came to feel again for the plant-like people who saved her, and who she regretted with every fiber for killing. Which was why she decided to continue the fight. The quiet girl who once excelled at sports and wishes to be a doctor was now a reverent made of a quiet anger. She would avenge the lives she took, and she would fight for those who were hurt like her. After all where else could she go? Peace seemed so far away now.

Spell List:

  • Timespace-Blink: A short range though near instantaneous teleport from one location to another. More so used for overcoming barriers and closing distances then transporting large detachments long distances.

Exceptional Skills list:

  • Exceptional endurance
  • Exceptional Weapon Use X 2
  • Exceptional speed X 2

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Name: Karrsh

Age: 18

Physical Description:

Important Items:
-Cyborg Body: Most of Karrsh's body is now machine. In fact, only his head (save for the eyes), one of his arms, and his vital organs are still organic. His body may as well be that of an armored machine fine tuned to make him a walking weapon. Prosthetics are not unheard of in the Ascendancy of Man, but they are strictly regulated and are required to maintain a certain level of photogenic appearance. Karrsh is perhaps the sole exception to this rule, his body ignoring photogenic customization in favor of complete and total combat optimization. Karrsh is stronger, faster, and more durable than any organic human could hope to be. His optical implants allow for super accurate and precise targeting, able to pin-point structural weaknesses in inorganic objects or even pressure point weaknesses in humanoid targets. Supposedly he once stopped a sniper's bullet from killing him by catching it in his cyborg hand before it could hit his still-organic head. As amazing as that sounds, it came at a very hefty cost. Most obviously, Karrsh's body now being more machine than human. Blending into crowds is simply impossible for him, due to the lack of photogenic customizations. Also, Kaisoken dust appears to have no effect on him whatsoever, so learning magic is simply impossible.

Short Bio: Karrsh's actual birthplace and heritage remain unknown. His parents were dead for all he knew, and no other relatives made themselves known, so Karrsh was raised early on in a Catholic orphanage. The nuns running the orphanage were nice enough, kind to the kids but strict when they needed to be. Apparently that wasn't good enough for Karrsh, because he attempted many times to "escape", ie run away. Being so young, he was caught every single time, and repeatedly warned by Sister Regina that this would only lead to him being kidnapped or God-knows-what-else. By around age 15 Karrsh was able to successfully get out of the orphanage... and Sister Regina's warning was almost immediately proven right.

Karrsh was never fully aware of the war that was going on, the orphanage didn't exactly care about news and current events. While on the streets Karrsh found himself caught in an explosive attack. That was all he remembered, some loud noises and a flash of some kind, maybe a bit of intense heat as well but that was it. The next time Karrsh became aware of himself, he was horrified to find himself in a body he hardly recognized. Apparently the explosion wrecked his body, and probably should have killed him too. Someone in the government must have thought this was the perfect excuse to test out some of their newer cybernetic technology. Only a small amount of Karrsh's human body remained intact, the rest had been replaced with this armored body that was apparently the pinnacle of cyborg engineering. Karrsh was dropped into the war almost immediately. No real training, his cyborg body barely required it. Instead the 15 year old was shipped to a base and told to kill as many of "them" before "they" could kill him.

And boy did he kill them. Karrsh didn't even need weapons, the speed, strength, and stamina of his cyborg body was more than enough of a weapon to wipe out countless alien hostiles. And that was the extent of Karrsh's time in the war. No promotions, no leaves, no discharges. Just battle after battle after battle. Occasionally he was made to wage a one-man siege against enemy-bases and was instructed to just kill everyone he came across until the place was empty.

During one of those solo incursions the aliens were ready for him. They hit him with as many EMP weapons as they could, and that was enough to shut down Karrsh completely. Next thing Karrsh knew, he was kept in a maximum security prison camp, his energy cells drained completely save for just enough to keep him conscious so he could be questioned... not that Karrsh could offer any useful information to his captors. Eventually though, he was granted freedoms little by little, and was soon freed entirely. He wasn't alone, either, apparently these Rau've had captured a number of child soldiers and were now offering each of them a chance to return to their previous lives. Well, offering everyone except Karrsh. Because of his cyborg body, Karrsh would likely never get the luxury of going back. So with little other choice in the matter, Karrsh decided to keep fighting... what else could a cyborg like him possibly do with his life after all?

Spell List: N/A
Exceptional Skill List:
-Exceptional Endurance x2
-Exceptional Unarmed x2
-Exceptional Athletics
-Exceptional Precision
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Bree Freedom


[I'll draw a pic later]

Physical Description:
Diminutive, but not short, Bree looks like a hamster. Short, fluffy brown hair and beady black eyes on a heart shaped face. She stands at exactly 5'4 and weighs just over 45 kilograms.

Important items:
Remembrance belt - It's a tad morbid, however she has a belt made up of dog tags - all soldiers she was unable to save over the course of the war. It's her remembrance of them and the tragedies that occurred.

Collapsible tool kit - containing various tools required to perform an emergency operation.

Miniature laboratory kit - a small lab the size of bag where Bree can synthesize medicines or drugs, given that she has the proper ingredients.

Short Bio:
There are many things that could be said about Bree's history - tragic, in it's infancy, etc., - but the fact of the matter is, that Bree can't find herself to agree with much of those statements, for the simple fact that she cannot remember anything about her life before the war.

Bree, before she became Bree, was a nameless, homeless girl, begging on the streets for scraps. Among the myriad of other destitute children, however, she distinguished herself. Unlike the others, despite her lack of formal education, she processed and understood things at a far faster rate than even the most gifted scientists. Her lack of any actual academics prevented her from being taught things most students would know, but the need for survival propagated other, useful talents.

Sickness and disease were a prominent problem among the homeless, and when survival came into question and medicine was what was needed, it was Bree they turned to.

She first learned her trade from medicinal pirates - dropouts from medical school or gangsters who were taught the ropes - because of the pressing need to simply have something to eat. With each session working with them, however, Bree's skills eventually eclipsed that of her tutors, and her creations surpassed the effectiveness of what was essentially bootleg medicine - eventually, she had learned how to create, true, actual medicine, albeit different from prescribed formulas from conventional (not to mention legal) pharmaceutical business. Nevertheless, their effectiveness was proven.

One night, she contracted a disease - ironic for a girl that frequently treated them - and found that she didn't even have the strength to cure herself. Racked with coughs and a raging fever, the girl that would become Bree was practically delirious by time she was found by Ascendant agents, who were looking for additional specimens

Then the experiments began. Whatever they did erased all memory of her previous life. She was given the designation BR-33, and she was designed to be the perfect battlefield medic. Unlike previous batches that came before, Bree was the culmination of all the previous experimental efforts, and all the compiled data was used in order to create a complete and perfect field medic that with the potential to turn the tides of war singlehandedly.

Equipped with a neural function that allowed her to stay calm at all times, as well as the ability to properly comfort those in pain, or those in their final moments. BR-33 was further armed with medical knowledge and magic ability far surpassing her former self.

Her talents on the field were put to good use - mission after mission, she revived soldier after soldier, allowing them to fight despite having been wounded fatally just moments before, sometimes twice in the same day. The amount of lives she'd saved are in the tens of thousands, and entire battles were turned around through her continuous efforts alone, by simple virtue of reinforcing numbers that by all rights should have been whittled down already.

But of course, the Aliens caught on. Faced with her overwhelming healing abilities, of course they could not let her go unchecked, and an entire battle was set up with the sole objective of capturing and securing her - a fact that the Ascendant armies were not aware of, consequently leading to her detainment.

The war finished with her in incarceration. When freedom was offered, she declined, though her reasons were somewhat different from her peers. She did not need closure, nor did she care for revenge - the fact of the matter is she did not care about what was done to her. But what she did care about were the others like her, who insisted on continuing the war, but simply on a smaller scale.

And as a medic, it was her duty to make sure that the war was won with as few casualties as possible.

Spell List:
Healing field - A high-type magic that creates a starting from herself and spreading in a radius of 20 meters. The field uses residual mana in the air to accelerate healing, at the cost of the one being healed's energy reserves. Best used during times of rest to heal injuries in the least life threatening and traumatic manner.

Comforting Embrace - a mind-type magic, that, asides from her own, carefully programmed demeanor, Bree can use to calm or comfort others through skin contact, as well as dull sensations of pain.

Operational Freeze - through the use of quantum mechanics, Bree can effectively stop time in an area of 12 inches for a period of 10 minutes. She can maintain several of these pockets at the same time, and does not require active focus to maintain.

Tactical Barrier - A high magic type spell, her Nemesis Weapon asides, Bree can create a barrier around her in a radius of 10. It has enough power to withstand most laser volleys and at its highest output, even stop a railgun discharge. The barrier moves with as she moves, meaning it's portable.

Injected Enforced Regeneration - an emergency procedure where Bree forcibly restarts the body's growing process and then rapidly accelerates it into it's prime condition. A high-powered spell from the change branch of magic that can revive a person from practically death - so long as they have not been dead for more than three hours, and their head is intact.

Exceptional Skill List:
Exceptional Medicine (x1)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 20 days ago

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Senate
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The Senate It's treason, then

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yuno Romu II


Physical Description

Height: 167cm
Weight: 49kg

Important Items
- Wallet with some money in multiple currencies
- Small box of glucose tablets for quick calories on-the-go
- Small notebook and gel pen

Short Bio
Born into the Romu-Dookan Clan, a royal-blooded (read: ceremonial royalty) family slowly entering decline after years of bad business and political decisions, Yuno Romu II was the eldest of three children, and as a result, received the most attention in terms of schooling and health, but also the greatest part of his temperamental father’s wrath. As he grew up constantly subjected to his father’s mood swings, Yuno came to develop an ability to read the emotions of anybody he knew, and as such, could avert most disasters better than his two younger sisters.

Despite the largely ceremonial nature of the clan's status, the Romu-Dookan maintained a private force of mercenaries and black-market men organised into a pseudo-military of sorts, a force they were able to maintain for the greater part of their history thanks to several strategic bribes.

As such, Yuno was schooled, for the most part, not in subjects like mathematics and the humanities, but rather in such matters as political theory and military strategy. From as early as the tender age of 7, Yuno received training as a member of the Romu-Dookan’s private military, and was schooled on all matters pertaining to such a vocation, from the use of firearms to the donning of a ceremonial uniform. At the age of 11, on his father’s recommendation, Yuno was commissioned as a full officer, much to the chagrin of many older and more experienced personnel, who were also vying for a commission (and the pay raise it would bring). Understanding the consequences of alienating such powerful individuals, Yuno put on an air of humility before these people; to a certain extent, this humility was real.

Though the Romu-Dookan’s wealth was already siphoning away decades before he was born, cataclysm finally struck when war broke out between Humanity and a race of aliens known as the Rau’ve. In a swift move, the Ascendancy of Man rose as a new forerunner in the human agenda, secretly recruiting a multitude of human children for their military experiments, a fate from which Yuno was not spared; the Romu-Dookan’s private military was forcefully dissolved, and Yuno Romu was taken into custody by the Ascendancy. His remaining family was stripped of their styles and sent into exile, never to be heard from again.

Aware that he was of aristocratic blood, and cognisant of his “military” background, the Ascendancy was quick to take advantage of this; rather than train him as a frontline fighter, Yuno was made to be the “brains” of the human force. Tortured for months to break down his mind, the 13-year-old was then subjected to a series of excruciating experiments on his brain. His golden hair turned white almost overnight, and more noticeably for him, Yuno soon came to realise that his eyesight had actually improved, but to the point that even focusing normally on an object would force him to see it like a microscope saw its subject; in impossible, painfully high detail.

Yuno was, thus, put to work analysing images of enemy formations. His boss, a morbidly obese 52-year-old colonel named Krull Wronodd, took a liking to the boy, and ordered that he be trained to be his own bodyguard, learning other combat skills (physical and magic alike) in order to do so. Wronodd also attempted to take advantage of Yuno sexually, but thankfully for the boy, the colonel was stopped by his own superiors.

The tide soon turned against the Ascendancy, as the foe vanquished the fleets of humanity decisively at the Battle of Proxima. Wronodd and his immediate circle took their own lives, leaving Yuno the only one alive in the bridge of his ship as the aliens stormed the vessel.

Taken captive by the Rau’ve, Yuno expected to be killed, and braced himself for the worst. Much to his surprise, however, the aliens actually treated him well while in custody, refraining from torturing him the way the humans had. It was in the detention of the Rau’ve that Yuno came to learn of the existence of numerous other children like him, children who had been far less fortunate than he had. It was in the detention of the Rau’ve that Yuno came to hate the bureaucracy of humans that had ruined him and the other children he saw around.

As such, when the time came, Yuno flatly rejected the offer of a new, comfortable life. That would have to wait till another time.

Spell List
Timespace (Eagle Vision): While not technically a teleportation ability, Yuno possesses abnormally powerful eyesight. He can see objects in impossible detail, as well as distances ordinarily invisible to the naked eye. This comes at a cost; he is in a state of constant discomfort, and often experiences intense and debilitating headaches.

Mind Magic (Future Reading): Through the torture inflicted by Colonel Wronodd, Yuno is able to read the immediate intentions of almost any individual, seeing what they intend to do in the immediate future. This does not grant him mind manipulation abilities, and he cannot read long-term strategies.

Exceptional Skill List
Exceptional Unarmed x2
Exceptional Endurance
Exceptional Diplomacy
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