Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Hikari walked into class, seeing that most of the students where becoming good friends already. Good for them! At least they where getting along? It made her abit happy because having friends was a good thing, so much kindness and sharing and such. Must be nice having someone not to yank on your tail,tease and even hate you. The girl looked blankly at her desk, thinking about what her dear father said."Its ok not to have friends, they are a distraction anyway. " well, he chances of befriending someone was slim..besides, everyone seem to dislike for some odd reason, maybe because she wasn't as strong as alot of people. Maybe her father was right..being around people wasn't a good idea..and maybe she was cursed or something. Hikari sighed, laying her head on her arms, frowning abit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 29 days ago

Akagane took the seat next to hikari remembering talking to her at lunch. "hey again, you ok?" Akagane asked as jax hopped over to her desk. "and did you tell the teacher about those girls?" he added quietly not to embarrass her if she didn't want people to know. Jax cawwed questionably at hikari pecking the desk lightly. "stop that jax you already ate" aka game said picking him up and setting him on his shoulder comfortable.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tag: @Shiyonichi
Location: U.A. High School, Class 1-A
Quirk: Beyond the Barrier (Psionic)

Yusuke smiled, nearly chuckled at Noru's observation. It was true, he did it far too often not to notice; that he often drug people along with him. Whether they wished it or despised it, he never pondered nor focused on such shadows. "Yea, I guess not. Though you could have simply said no." His voice was light with an easy mirth.

Again Yusuke tasted Noru's intentions. It was curiosity but again it lacked any definitive place. Even still, he was hardly sure why he was waiting for her himself; only that he felt she'd provide answers where none existed.

Yusuke eyed the passing huddles of students with a minor interest. In reality he was constantly feeling out the air around him, touching their minds, figuring out their current worries or intentions. He was good at multitasking; his brain was less like a supercomputer and more like a factory filled with individuals. All working on separate but equally important jobs.

After the micro-moment it took for him to observe, dictate, and decide on his own feelings; Yusuke looked towards Noru and said, "A girl. Just want to talk with her before class but I guess she left early. Did you get the chance to do any pranks after class?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OrizaSaucer
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OrizaSaucer -Generic and unoriginal weeb title.-

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Karen rolled her eyes. and entered. She stopped for a moment to watch Edith frantically run around in search of something, though what that something was, Karen had no clue on. Eventually, the girl frantically waved her over, to which Karen just raised an eyebrow at. She sighed, rubber her eyes again, then started making her way towards Edith. She took the corner-most seat, and planted her bag on the table. Another sigh of discontent later, and she had her feet up on the table as well, already uncaring of what Jeromy had talked to her about on the previous day. She didn't bother glancing at anybody, just stared at the ceiling as she leaned back munching on cereal. It was a mystery where the cereal kept on coming from. One second she wasn't holding anything, then the moment someone blinked, she would have the box in her hands. Another mystery to put under Karen's name.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Hikari noticed that Akagane, the boy from yesterday, had came over. A nervous smile came on her face. " W-well..Maybe I umm..kinda forgot to..but I'll most definitely tell him after class today!" Hikari said and frown slightly at his first question. " Umm...I'm alright, well just abit. Just thinking about what my father. That's all..." she started to mess with her fingers some

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Noru Nanbu

"I drugged a bunch of jerkass students at lunch if that's what you wanted to hear. After that I just sort of took a nap in class, then helped out a friend. Then spent the rest of the time in the dorm unpacking."

Noru was going to ask who the girl was until a group of the Yusuke groupies walked by them saying how a person named Diana was, in their words: going to be in so much trouble before realizing that Yusuke was right there causing them to stop and wave to him shouting out in glee, which reminded Noru of a rockstar and and his groupies.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Charles would sigh leaning back in his seat at all the drama that happened in the classroom, before seeing what the teacher writes on the board. He figured this was going to be a boring day for heroic class, he wandered how the other classes are going to be, well that's if they even get them this time this is a school after all. He'd turn to watch the clouds outside while he waited. He thought about taking a nap but then remembered if he tried he'd just go into hibernation mode and sleep through the whole class so he decided not to. He'd simply wait while seeing if he can pick out anything from the clouds.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tag: @Shiyonichi
Location: U.A. High School, Class 1-A
Quirk: Beyond the Barrier (Psionic)

Yusuke subtly stepped up his pace. Letting an uninterested uh-huh escape from him; hearing Noru's words but purposely allowing his mind to wander to the females that typically swooned over him. The tension between them, the underlining agitation and saturated jealously that seemed to activate in his presence.

He hid it exceptionally well; his chagrin at the inhumanity of those so infatuated with him. That reminded him of the way he felt about the paparazzi and his parents.

Yusuke stepped inside the main building, peeping the fog-like swarm of gray uniforms. His psonic-skin, prismatic but soft in tone, became visible for a moment before becoming intangible again. He let out a hard-to-describe sigh before turning in the direction of the stairs heading up to class. "I'm nervous about dealing with Karen today."

I never thought I'd here myself say that. Nervous? me? Guess that happens when you're unsure of your place on the totem pole. Outwardly he touched his chest whilst walking. Its beating was low, steady, but very quiet. I've always been at the top. Always so sure of where I belonged and what I wanted. Now I'm here and...

His mind fluttered away from the touchy subject. Not quite capable of handling that and the dozens-or-so other objectives it was scrambling for. Yusuke showed this with a rare action, actually touching his head as if dealing with a headache.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Noru Nanbu

"Hey being nervous isn't really a bad thing. Especially if it's with other people. You shouldn't let her get inside your head so much, that's how they get a hold over you.

Keeping up with Yusuke wasn't that big of an issue, it was trying to ditch the groupies, though the crowd of people and his mastered skill through the crowds that dealt with that issue though it really wasn't his thing to get near the groupies, he preferred a more intimate relationship than a worship based one. Though it would seem that Yusuke had other reasons than just an annoying fan base. Noru noted Yusuke putting his hand on his head and the brief glow that reminded him of super powered anime characters, then asked Yusuke a question.

"Is your Quirk acting up?"

It was a question only Noru could ask after all he spent some time with it and a migraine.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 29 days ago

"Alright, and what about your father?" akagane asked sounding worried. jax jumped of his shoulder and back onto his desk hopping around. he then jumped off the desk and flew to a nearby window and sat in the window sill. jax pecked at the glass seeing other birds flying around outside. Akagane started to get a notebook out of his bag for class as he spoke with hikari.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tag: @Shiyonichi
Location: U.A. High School, Class 1-A
Quirk: Beyond the Barrier (Psionic)

"No, its a personal thing, Yusuke explained before stuffing his hands in his pocket.

He reached the classroom, possibly with Noru in tow. Most of the class was there, sitting in their respective seats. The mumbles in the pristine space was ignored. He had decided. Yusuke looked towards Noru and gave him a stoic goodbye as he headed to his seat in the far back. He sat down, glanced at Diana and Karen, in that fashion, then placed his bag on the side of his desk.

He let out a muted breath before propping his elbow on the desk and laying his chin on his fist. Class had only started and he already appeared disinterested.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Noru Nanbu

Noru followed Yusuke into the classroom. It would appear they were the last ones in, shame since he really wanted to try again with the whole prank teach plan. Noru nodded to Yusuke as they went their separate ways. Noru gave Edith a wave and sat down at his desk. Though he leaned back on his chair waiting for class to start. Though he did pull out his school supplies like a good student. Though he was mostly messing around with his eraser, making disappear and reappear.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"He's so pushy and strict. He expects me to be like him and my brother,but I can't. .I can't help it if I'm not that strong." Hikari sighed and lifted her head,leaning back in her seat. "Thankfully my mom isn't like that at all at least she..umm..support me." It was hard out there for a mouse girl. How was Hikari going to make it through this year?

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Koharu watched her two new friends enter the room, her smile looked to big for her face, Yay I made friends! Koharu would quickly follow Edith into the classroom giggling to herself quietly. This lunch time she might have someone to talk to! She took her seat next to Edith and was bobbing up and down in her chair, she was so full of energy she could hardly contain it. She squinted at the board as she tried to read what it said, she had trouble making it out properly, but she eventually got it. Then she started bobbing faster, were they about to get costumes!?

Jerome Winchester

Jerome watched as the last of the kids entered the room, they were all on time surprisingly. At least now he had something to be mildly happy about. He stepped to the side of the board so all the students could see what he'd written. "Good morning class. Let me say that it pleases me that everyone was able to make it on time today..." Jerome then gestured to the board with one hand "Now as you can all see on the board today we'll be discussing your 'heroic image'. A few people disagree with me on my views, they do not think someones heroic image can be simplified into these two categories. They say that it's the soul that makes your heroic image. Either way you look at it if you want to make it anywhere as a hero you need these things." Jerome then pointed to the subheading "personality", and then back at appearance. "These two things help mould the public's view on you. Your deeds are the other factor, but those come much later... For now I'll help you with what I can." Jerome quickly wrote the word "Costumes" under the appearance sub heading. "Costumes, they are you business suits. Much like a police officer or a fireman your costume will be how the public will recognise you when you are on duty. It will show them that help has arrived and that they are safe."

Jerome took a breath and his mandibles chattered briefly. "Your costume should embody your personality and your abbilities. It would make no sense for me to wear colours like red or blue, or to have patterns like flames or lightning bolts. I do not shoot flames or electrocute my foes. As a hero it must be obvious what you can do so that the public can react accordingly... All that being said, now is when you'll be putting in your requests for your first costume." Jerome grabbed some blank pieces of paper and started handing them out to every student. When he got to Karen he would just drop the paper onto the floor because there was no room on her desk. "All you need to do is write down or even draw what you want your hero costume to be like, nobody knows you more than you do. After you're finished come and hand your requests up to me and I'll make sure they get to the costume makers. Be sure to include a description of your quirk so that they can add required features accordingly." Jerome then went back to standing behind his podium. "You may begin."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 2 days ago


Dan took the blank paper and instead of writing a detailed description, he just listed the more important qualities.

-Teleportation quirk: Blink
-preferably with several pockets/compartments
-rounded visor on helmet.
-relatively tight fitting

Beside his small list, he drew an admittedly crude chibi drawing of the costume he had in mind as well as his clothing sizes. He wasn't much of an artist, but he didn't want to be so vague that he ended up with some poorly put together hand-me-down of a costume. If it was too baggy it would interfere with his quirk, too tight and it would be uncomfortable.

He walked up to the desk and handed the drawing to Jerome. Satisfied with his work, he returned to his desk and tried to steal a peek at a few of the others' costumes. It was clear that at least a few of the other students had much more artistic talent than he did.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Raven nodded as Jerome scolded her and Diana, she could really care less. She would back up a classmate again in a heartbeat. After he finished she zoned out, ignoring as other people walked in. Right now her mind was focused on replaying the events of yesterday. What was with that odd boy... also how was she gonna deal with the spirits during class time... both things she had no idea of how to even start, but she'd have to figure something out eventually.

The winged-girl was brought from her thoughts, her red eyes focusing on her teacher as he began to talk. She listened as he explained what he thought were the main two parts to having a 'heroic image'. The first part was personality, that was definitely something Raven would probably never get down. She was quiet, cold, and just didn't enjoy talking to people which was why she really never had any friends apart from some of the spirits. But spirits came and went. The costume part for her was easy, if she even began summoning her soul sword, armor and what could be called a 'costume' appeared over her clothing. The blonde was set... so when the teacher handed out the sheets to fill out with what they wanted for their costumes Raven simply wrote 'Not needed' and set her pencil down, taking the paper up to Jerome. Raven the went and sat back down waiting for everyone else to finish.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Noru Nanbu

Noru looked at the board, the trickster nearly screamed out in excitement. Well then it was time to start planning out his outfit. So first things first he needed to list out his request for the outfit and that was pretty easy. It needed to survive anything and easily readjustable due to the fact that his powers constantly changes. He also wanted a utility belt type object, oh and some sort of ranged weapon. As for the entire motif, well of course it would be based off a magician, no questions there. Though he also put down a request for some sort of heads up display that brought up a database of Quirks though he doubted he'd be given such a thing.

Now he had spent quite a long time thinking of a hero costume for himself, it had always been a childhood dream that got stronger since then. Now originally he wanted a cape, because it was a common superhero thing, but his father had pointed out that a cape was rather impractical and would minimize arm movements, so he came up with a compromise. Noru would draw a long coat for his costume to look like he came from the Matrix with a bit of The Godfather to look more sharply dressed than edgy. He then put down slightly baggy pants and a vest under the coat, though he put down a pattern reminiscent of Deku's sliver age costume and the limited addition hoodie based on it, other then that he just put boots and a pair of gloves. Noru pushed the drawing back to get a better look at it. Without factoring in his drawing skill he had to say it looks pretty good, though it was missing something. The curly haired teen scratched the back of his and looked at the other papers with students ideas and sat at his desk thinking about it some more. He knew he had something he wanted to put onto then he remembered something. He quickly scribbled down a bird like mask. Though that was more of an homage to an old book he read about the last hero in a world of villains, but it was something he rather enjoyed though it made him rather sad that it was a cult classic and few ever read it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Charles would sigh at this he wasn't sure what to put on the paper because he wasn't sure what he wanted or needed. He would think of his own quirk, clothes was pretty much useless to him since they are just an inconvenience which is why he tends to eat them and just use his quirk to mimic his clothes. He just started to write down about his quirk, that his quirk makes him a small slime, clothes pretty much just an annoyance, can freely change his body and so on. So something simple like a full face mask that can take a beating would probably be best since it's the only thing that wouldn't inconvenience him and he could wear it while in slime form. A couple of them would be best in-case anything happens to one of them so he could quickly replace them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheMushroomLord
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TheMushroomLord I am me... I hope.

Member Seen 2 days ago

Edith happily sits at her desk. Hearing Jerome speak Edith looks to the board, trying to absorb the words coming from her teachers mouth. Something about personalities and costumes? Come to think of it, something was mentioned about needing a costume, Edith had just kinda forgotten about it.

Edith racks her brains for information on costumes. Heroes wear them and so do villains, her parents had costumes. After thinking for a minute Edith remembers a conversation on the matter she'd had with her farther had told her a long time ago.

'A costume should be intimidating and imposing, fear is as much a weapon as any quirk. That said, it doesn't need to be elaborate or all over the place, then you'll just end up looking like a dickhead.'

Her father costume had been a two piece suit with a few creative and rather sharp looking flourishes. Thinking on it Edith decides that a suit would be too uncomfortable, but that her uniform is comfortable enough. Drawing a picture of her uniform albeit plainer Edith goes back to thinking about her fathers advice.

'The most important thing in a costume, even more than intimidation, is function. Take the spikes hidden in my suit for example, a hero pricks themselves on the wrong part of my suit and the next thing they know their on the floor with their blood boiling inside them. I can tell you that ones saved me more than a few times.'

Edith wouldn't really be able to benefit from spikes in the same way her father did, her powers needed more than a prick to be effective, sitting their for a while Edith remembers the tanks her mother used to have within her costume for storing water she could manipulate in a fight. After wrighting down 'water bottles in suit for blood', Edith takes a look at her handy work. The lines are all janky and the entire work is barely above stick figure level, but the concept is translated okay enough.

After that Edith hurriedly writes down a brief and rather poorly worded description of her quirk, before running up and holding it out to the teacher proudly.

"Did it!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 29 days ago

"Well at least she did. And maybe in time your dad will to." akagane said smiling as he turned to the teacher to listen.

'W-wait what am i supposed to do? i can just make Armour around me." akagane thought to him self as he began to eternally panic. Slowly he raised his hand to get Jeromes attention. jax flew back onto akaganes desk. slowly the bird walked around ontop of it before settling down and going to sleep.
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