Name: Aiyanna Price
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality:Impulsive, excitable, and surprisingly cunning, Aiyanna is pretty much a wrecking ball in human form, causing chaos wherever she goes. This tendency isn't so much a wild insanity as it is a very clear focus on what she wants: challenge and adventure, preferably with as few rules and constraints binding her as possible. She seems to have entered the Grail War for the sake of the war itself, as she's eager to pit herself against legendary figures and fellow mages alike.
In person, she's fairly quiet, though noticeably energetic. A bit of an introvert, she isn't usually one to initiate contact with others, though when one does break her shell it's often hard to make her stop talking. Loves music of all genres, prefers rainy days, hates queues, and believes the path to self-fulfillment lies in the overcoming of constant adversity.
Skills:Very athletic- deadlift is about average for a fit girl her age, but she's pretty exceptional when it comes to sprinting and cross-country running, and most humans will find it hard to keep up with her for long. Doesn't have any official training in parkour, but has learned to traverse all kinds of terrain on her own, giving her comparable expertise. It helps that she has unusually fast reflexes, and an excellent sense of balance.
Is also a proficient guitarist, can forge signatures, is a licensed and
very aggressive driver, speaks a bit of Spanish, and is a damn good kisser (or so she claims).
Abilities:Heat sense- She has a spell which lets her sense sources of heat around her. Can work at distances of up to 1km if the source is isolated, but otherwise they tend to blend together. For instance, a crowd of people registers more as a giant blob of heat that a bunch of individual sources, unless she's quite close.
Heat resistance- Can protect herself from being burned. It's more of a resistance than an immunity, and plasma or supernaturally heated weapons can still mess her up pretty bad, but she can straight-up walk through your average fire and come out unscathed.
Detonation- Aiyanna can set off fiery explosions near herself, so long as she has some kind of 'spark' or flame to act as a detonator. At close range, a snap of her fingers or something similarly small will do, get more than a few feet away and she needs something more concrete like a lit match or a running combustion engine. Maximum range is fifty feet, explosion power varies with range and strength of source but caps out at around double a conventional grenade.
Brief Backstory:From a Magus family fallen from grace, generally considered weak and without much power. Grew up in a rather rough neighborhood, barely made it through early schooling after nearly being expelled several times. Upon making it to high school, promptly dropped out and took off across the country, taking odd jobs and narrowly dodging arrest on several occasions. Suspected gang involvement, but nothing confirmed. So far as anyone can tell, as soon as she heard about the Grail War she made a beeline for Redrock, and has been there for several days waiting for it to start.